Ag Information Wins Awards A&M Gets $5,500 In Grants THE Thursday, July 25, 1968 BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 3 Two blue and four red ribbons have been won by the Texas A&M Agricultural Information Department in the 1968 American Association of Agricultural Col lege Editors Communications Con test. The honors came during the AAACE’s 52nd annual meeting just ended in Knoxville, Tenn. Hal R. Taylor, editor and head of the A&M Agricultural Infor mation Department, said the blue ribbons were won in classes for popular Extension Service or ex periment station bulletin or cir cular, and technical research bull etin or circular. Red ribbons were awarded in classes for information training letter, weekly press service, daily press service, and periodicals. Taylor said a blue ribbon means an excellent rating, while a red is considered good. He said entries totaled 408 from college and university agri cultural information departments throughout the nation. The people of the Netherlands are raising the largest and most complex system of flood-control dams and sluices in their history. Atlantic Richfield Foundation has awarded Texas A&M Univer sity five grants totaling $5,500 for support of programs in engi neering, geosciences and business administration. F. W. Turner of Houston, manager of Atlantic Richfield’s Southeast Texas-Offshore Dis trict, presented the awards dur ing informal ceremonies in the office of A&M President Earl Rudder. “We feel we have a great debt to institutions of higher learn ing,” noted the oil company representative, “because in their hands rest the future of the na tion.” Turner said Texas A&M is one of 80 institutions across the na tion receiving financial support from the Atlantic Richfield Foun dation this year. He explained $2,000 of the A&M award is eai’marked for continu ation of the Atlantic Richfield honors scholarship program in the Petroleum Engineering Depart ment. The Electrical Engineering, Me chanical Engineering and Geo physics Departments are each allotted $1,000 grants and the College of Business Administra tion, $500. University officials pointed out Atlantic Richfield has provided financial support to A&M for sev eral years. Belies Attend SMU Workshop GAL EXCELS SEATTLE, Wash. (AP)—The fair set is moving into another formerly male - dominated field. The top scholar in the well-known College of Fisheries at the Uni versity of Washington is a pretty 19-year-old co-ed, Mimi Schmidth of Seattle. The A&M Consolidated High School drill team, the Bengal Belles, will attend Pep Squad and Drill Team School at Southern Methodist University campus in Dallas July 28-August 2. The week’s activities will in clude learning five routines, per fecting dancing and marching techniques, and attending classes on poise and projection. Friday, along with other drill teams, the Belles will be judged on performance of a high kick routine. The girls return to Col lege Station late Friday. The 16 Belles attending the school will be the captain, Doro thy McMurry; lieutenants, Kristen Gardner and June Sanders, and Annie Niles, Sue Tauzel, Judy Brown, Carolyn Hugo, Penny Ryan, Carol Nowak, Becky Up- ham, Liz Cannon, Shelley Reid, Gail Cooley, Teresa Murphy, Bar bara Crow and Deborah Schlaudt. The girls will be accompanied by their sponsor. ION KING SIZE COKES PLUS DEPOSIT 6-BTL. CTNS. BINGO WINNERS EVERY DAY Copyright 1967 B. J. Wagner, P.O. Box 5006, San Diego, California It's Free! No Purchase Needed! THIS WEEKS WINNERS Luther S. Bird $100.00—Bryan Mrs. Richard Selsky $100.00—Bryan John M. Carpenter $25.00—College Station J. M. Sullivan $5.00—College Station Donna Brazles $.500—College Station Irene Warning $5.00—College Station J. H. Welch $5.00—Bryan Elsie Lynch $1.00—College Station John M. Logan $1.00—Bryan Mary Lynn Edwards $1.00—College Station Ty Halloran $1.00—College Station Van H. Barnes $1.00—College Station Margaret Hofer $1.00—College Station goJELESS 5TEAL 0*% 02CILIM& STEM , MAMH/nTTAH- WmS fop foVHV . y&S) CFKSH.TEHPEB) >Tna T-eaJE - M.fl* ^.TeAK-C^TFArrtlpj; , xmtik mm% LOIM tip *99 KmW ‘619 nv& pea^ 1 «.T9 Supertaste Thin Sliced ■■ BACON 59 * FREEZER SPECIAL FW-haif I HiNpawra i rwouaw. f| 65f I t£/W£ WITH PiCtOL-Y WI0&LY5 HEALTHfWUZl" TABLETS f ?: tyf ©ueEM (JZt&.Me) TOOTHPASTE % HAIFIONKT »<- -'SuafltU ffesH PKWce' £bUHD PAILT at Your 6fAPEFPUiT w ^.»{/1 £AUF'.SDNI45T v/ALEHClA C1WK5E£ Lg’ZOf OTA10UPE5&16 f 1frAS,L£*l.Mep.0P£6Hrt , Of c*uf czuo AC. CELERY &LVE5 porpiE5w2>ss40/ $3we>SAucf 8gs88f M'Hl/TE AMiD fl r AC LEM0NAPE MfttORME '/£ #AU '£TW'0J^ R I Patio fkpzeH lc -,„ Ai% 'A' lees "0^ w FAClAUTiiiue (l^AQf WC ^»vE’ POD&LE 3TAMES- every tdespay with cpr PURCHASE 3C7UTM fiK&TAW&ti ££Pvic0£ Located AT COi.\£