The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 25, 1968, Image 1
—*...—■" Che Battalion VOLUME 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1968 Number 593 ■■Hi m wm «mm % •• * T 1m fuM^^Wsk * «dJP JI P. | ife g.' - ^ _ - - ■ ' ii. ■*"« • - =frrSi-:_ „ jS 7 -S, v ^ * :, < N,s; ;■■ f :yf; >3:: • .I>umu iu>."i>aii IWI.IWI' niimw** 1 WHERE THERE’S SMOKE . . . And where there’s fire there are firemen to fight it. These participants in the 39th an nual Texas Firemen’s Training School put out a routine fire on an oil truck as part of their training in the three-week school here. Journalism Workshop Set To Open For HS Students Firemen Invade A&M For ~~_. v _ ^ .-,5V-'- ; ; | Students, Faculty j 1 Given Yet Awards 1 Dorms Receive Six New Names Texas A&M has renamed six of its dormitories as a salute to former students who have won the Medal of Honor during World War II. A&M President Earl Rudder said the action was taken in response to a student request that all dormitories be named rather than numbered. While most of the residence halls already had names, Rudder noted, some of the newer ones were merely identified by num bers, as were some which did have names. The use of names is part of a civilian student-backed program to strengthen the university’s res idence hall programs. Only one of the former stu dents for which a dormitory will be named is still alive. He is Dr. Eli L. Whiteley, associate professor in A&M’s Soil and Crop Science Department and a 1942 graduate. William G. Harrell, a 1943 graduate from Mercedes, sur vived the war but died in 1963. The other four Medal of Hon ors winners were killed in action. They were Lloyd H. Hughes, a 1943 graduate from Corpus Chris- ti; George D. Keathley, 1937, Olney; Turney W. Leonard, 1942, Dallas, and Thomas W. Fowler, 1943, Wichita Falls. Each of the dormitories will now be called halls, preceded by individual’s last name. Rudder said three of the re named dormitories are located in the Corps of Cadets area and the other three in the civilian stu dent area. Anderson Named To Tax Committee Mayor D. A. “Andy” Anderson of College Station has been ap pointed to the Texas Municipal League’s Legislative Committee on Revenue and Taxation for the 1968-69 period. Appointment of Anderson was made by Mayor Judson Williams of El Paso, League President. The committee to which Mayor Anderson was appointed is con cerned with revenue and taxa tion of Texas municipalities as affected by deliberations of state legislators. Bryan Building & Loan Association, Your Sav ings Center, since 1919. B B & L. —Adv. Texas A&M’s 10th annual High School Publications Workshop is scheduled to open Sunday. Jack D. Boggan, assistant pro fessor of journalism at A&M and workshop coordinator, said this year’s session is expected to at tract 200 students from through out the state. Students will have a choice of participating in one of three di visions: newspaper, yearbook or photography. Boggan said each division will include a combination of lectures and practical application. Social highlight of the week- long program will be a Wednesday night dance at which a “Miss Workshopper” will be selected. The workshop will conclude with an awards program Friday morn ing. Instructional staff for the news paper division includes C. J. Lea- bo, head of Texas A&M’s Journa lism Department; George Pear son, St. Cloud (Minn.) State Col lege Journalism Department; Don Presley, B o u d e Storey Junior High, Dallas; Mrs. Evelyn Dun- savage, A&M Consolidated High; Miss Sharon Cox, Robert E. Lee High, San Antonio, and Miss Jane Pretzer of A&M’s Agricultural Information Department. A. A. Melton, assistant profes sor at the Livestock and Forage Rsearch Center near McGregor, has been named manager of the Texas A&M Plantation, effective August 10. Dr. H. O. Kunkel, dean of the College of Agriculture and acting director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, said Melton will serve also as an assistant professor in the Animal Science Department. Kunkel said Melton succeeds J. E. (Jocko) Roberts who has resigned after nearly 31 years of service to the university to accept a position with the First National Bank of Bryan. Melton will manage 3,200 acres and supervise activities of 12 full time employees, the dean said. The farm is devoted mostly to large scale demonstrations of beef cat tle and cotton and grain sorghum production. Small plot crop ex periments are on 200 to 300 acres. The animal scientist’s primary research efforts at the McGregor station dealt with the physiology of reproduction in beef cattle, such as low fertility problems in some cattle breeds and causes of calving difficulty in 2-year-old heifers. Melton was born in 1920 at Spur and graduated from Emory High School. He is the son of Mrs. O. A. Melton of Emory. He received his BS degree in animal husbandry from New Mex ico State University in 1948 and the MS degree in the same field Comprising the yearbook staff are Mrs. Kathleen Leabo, former yearbook judging supervisor for the Associated Collegiate Press and National Scholastic Press As sociation, University of Minnes ota; Mrs. Mary Frances Freeman, South Park High, Beaumont; Mrs. Elaine Pritchett, Memorial High, Houston; and D-Eon Priest, Lynn Wildman, Woolard Clark, Pete Peters and Max Webb, all of Taylor Publishing Co., Hous ton. Boggan will be assisted in the photography division by Marvin Ellis of Robert E. Lee High in Tyler and Mrs. Penny Kunsmann, also of the A&M Journalism De partment. at Texas A&M in 1950. After about six months duty at the Far West Texas Research Station near El Paso, he worked for the Farm ers Home Administration from 1950-54. The animal husbandman was appointed associate county agri cultural agent in Navarro County in 1954 and then joined the staff of the substation at Balmorhea in 1955. He was in charge of the station for most of his nine years there. When the Balmorhea station was discontinued in 1964, he was transferred to the McGregor station. Melton and his wife, Elouise, have three daughters and two sons ranging in age from 6 to 25 years. Kunkel said Roberts, a member of the A&M class of 1933, taught vocational agricultural for four years before he was appointed in 1938 to manage the university farm in Brazos County. In 1940, the Brazos River Re search Laboratory was established in Burleson County, and super vision of the facility was added to Roberts’ responsibilities. His supervisory activities were ex panded in the mid 1950’s to in clude the entire A&M Plantation as well as servicing the upland farms in Brazos County adjacent to the campus. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M. —Adv. Top students and faculty mem bers received awards here Friday night during the annual College of Veterinary Medicine Honors Convocation. The $300 Borden Award went to James W. Willis of Bossier City, La., in recognition of the second-year student with the highest scholastic record in the professional curriculum of veteri nary medicine. Eddie C. Clayton Jr. of Odessa won the $400 Pfizer Award pro vided by Charles Pfizer and Com pany. The award goes to the second-year student on the basis of scholarship and leadership. Roland Lenarduzzi of Houston, Joseph Joyce of Laredo and John T. Young of Denver, Colo., were named Award of Merit winners on the basis of faculty and stud ent opinion and scholastic achieve ment. The $100 American Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary Award went to Douglas M. Mat thews of Waco. The honor goes to the graduating student who makes special contributions to advance the prestige of the Col lege of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M. Robert Allen Fiske of El Paso was selected for the Microbiology Award for displaying outstanding ability in his veterinary micro biology courses. For proficiency in diagnostic radiology, Leonard W. Venhaus of Happy won the Radiology Award. Two $100 Upjohn Awards were made, one to David C. McGraw of Pineville, La., and the other to Franklin Brock Hopkins, Jr., of Winnsboro. McGraw showed out standing proficiency in the small animal clinic, and Hopkins was recognized for his performance in the large animal clinic. A Texas A&M faculty commit tee has set September 23 as the date to hear dismissal charges against Dr. Leon W. Gibbs. Dr. Dale Leipper, chairman of a faculty committee elected to review the charges, said the hear ing will be held on campus. Leipper pointed out his com mittee will limit attendance at the dismissal proceedings to the professor in question and the representative of the university, counsel for each party, two rep resentatives for each side, plus an observer from the American Association of University Profes- And for top proficiency in both the small and large animal clinics, Hopkins received the $50 Bexar County VMA Auxiliary Award. The Dallas County VMA Aux iliary Award of $50 was presented to Kenneth E. Glaze of Longview as the student in the second-year class with the best scholastic im provement isnce entering the pro fessional curriculum. Midlothian’s Jarrel Brent Perry was named winner of the Student AVMA Auxiliary Award of $75 prsented by the Student Wives Auxiliary. The honor goes to a married student on the basis of scholarship and leadership. A graduate student, Syed Ali Naqi of India, was presented the John Paul Delaplane Award in recognition of his aptitude, in terest, contributions and potential research ability in poultry or ani mal diseases. Naqi is in the Vet erinary Microbiology Department. The $300 Ross P. Marstellar Award went to Andrew Todd Oliver of San Saba for proficiency in the large animal clinic by a second-year student. The award is a memorial to the late Dr. R. P. Marstellar, second dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. John Wesley Huff, associ ate professor in the Veterinary Microbiology Department, re ceived the $200 Norden Teacher Award for outstanding teaching as judged by his students. Norden Laboratories, Inc., is the award donor. Dr. J. W. Dollahite of the Veterinary Pathology Department and Dr. Charles L. Boyd of the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Department were each presented $100 Texas Veterinary Medical Association Awards for their ac tivities in teaching and research. sors. Gibbs, professor of veterinary anatomy, was charged April 18 with nine counts of misconduct. The committee will review the university charges and return - explicit findings on each before making recommendation on whether Gibbs should be dis missed. Leipper also announced he will step down from the committee chairmanship August 13 when he departs for a new academic as signment at California. Vice Chairman A. R. Burgess will pre side at the hearing. Meet There’s a hot time on the cam pus this week as the Texas Fire men’s Training School meets for its 39th annual session. Registration, including stu dents, staff, instructors and manufacturer’s representatives, totaled around 1,731 noted Chief Henry D. Smith pf A&M’s Engi neering Extension Service, school director. Smith said the figure includes more than 1,100 students, making this school the largest ever. All participants assembled at 7:30 a.m. Monday in Kyle Field for welcoming remarks and a re view of the week’s activities. ACTIVITIES held this week, Smith explained, are devoted to training municipal firemen, with 469 cities represented. About 320 of these cities will be eligible for reduced fire insur ance as a result of having their firemen attend the school, the chief continued. “This school,” Smith observed, “could result in a savings of more than $350,000 in fire insur ance costs to the respective cities which are eligible for reduced rates.” He said eligible cities receive a three percent reduction for en rollment by one fireman, four percent for a fireman and fire marshal and five percent for three men. COURSES taught this week in clude basic and advanced fire- f i g h t i n g development, pump operations, Armed Services fire protection .and specialized fire protection. The fire-fighting courses are (See FIREMEN, Page 8) Degree Candidates Must File Friday Friday is the deadline for mak ing degree applications for the second term of the summer ses sion, announced Registrar H. L. Heaton. The graduation candidate should report to the Fiscal Of fice and pay the graduation fee which includes the Graduate Rec ord Examination and diploma costs. Graduate students pay the diploma fee only, said the A&M registrar. The student should then re port to the Registrar’s Office and fill out the degree applica tion form. After completing the application form, the person ap plying should register for the GRE at the Counseling and Test ing Center; the fee must be paid before attempting to take the GRE, Heaton said. Graduate students must apply for degrees in both the Gradu ate Dean’s Office and the Regis trar’s Office. Undergraduate stu dents apply only in the Regis trar’s Office, he said. Gimbal mountings for two cameras and three strobe lights are checked by Texas A&M University personnel on a deep-diving photography rig they designed. The device will be suspended beneath the research ship Alaminos in 12,000 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico for making pictures of sea-bottom life and features. A&M graduate student Robert Carney of Memphis, Tenn., and electronics technician Alfred Gutierrez Jr. adjust a camera. Research scientist Alan Fredericks and Dr. Willis E. Pequegnat align a strobe light that will illuminate the gulf floor for a fraction of a second. DANCE AND EATS TONIGHT This photo was taken at the most recent dance in the Memorial Student Center ballroom showing couples practicing for the big one tonight. A massive barbeque and dance fea turing the “Chrome Elephant” is on tap for everyone at Hensel Park. The feed starts at 8 p.m. and dancing follows until midnight. Tickets are $1.50 for males and $1 for fe males, John Bendele, recreation committee chairman, says. A. A. Melton Named Plantation Head Date Set For Gibbs Hearing