• • -i - - T! v’v; v’;- '' y. ■ Page (j College Station, Texas play DECK 0 MONEY Thursday, July 18, 19<58 THE BATTALION WIN S 1.000 Sea Treasure Butterfly Breaded Tenderay takes the guesswork out of buying beef! ... Kol Kan Baef Chunks Dog Food 6Tr°' J 1 00 Gold Pino Chunks or Sliced Pineapple 5 'tiV; $ 1 00 Toastem' —All Flavors! Sc Off ' Pkg. 1 42 C Friskies —All Flavors! -'t*'- 10 c Pop-Ups Ft Cat Food i Evap. Milk Beef Stew U. S. Choice Tenderay Beef Rib Eye or Corned Beef Tender Flavorful tyeat — Delicious Hot or Cold! Libby Libby 35 c 63 c 65 c Corned Beef Towie Manzilla Stuffed Olives 6 b° x 39 c Nabisco Premium Y. L , b 29 c Sirloin Strip Steak ^ S 1 98 U. S. Choice Tenderay Beef Shoulder Cut Swiss Steak - 69 c U. S. Choice Tenderay Beef Bonelesi Beef Brisket u. 89 c Wishbone Boneless Turkey Roast 3 Serve 'N Save Wieners Country Club A Kwick Krisp Sliced Fancy Bacon ik l 9 b : 75 c Skinless A Dovoinod Calves Liver u, 59 c Small Moaty Spareribs lb 69 c Quarter Pork Loin Sliced into Pork Chops u, 79 c Serve 'N Save All Meat Bologna 59 c Neuhoff Whole Hog Sausage ; k lb 69 c J 1 35 Neuhoff Sizzle Sticks VV 8 * 59 c Winking Chef Beef Steaks r k L g b 89 c Sea Treasure Krispies Fish Stix 3r\y;. , 1 00 . m — U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Boston Rolls ! lf at b The one fine beef you never have to trim again at Hamel Boneless U.S. Cheico Tenderay Beef Confer Cuts Clover Valley Strawberry Serve 'n Save Sliced 9 -Lb. A. Jar Betty Crocker Chocolate Spice Cake Mix They bake up moist and rich and flavorful in just minutes! ALL KROGER TENDERAY BEEF and the plants where it is pocked are US. GOVT. INSPECTED to make sure they comply with U. S. Dept of Agriculture etendardt for cleanliness of peck ing plants and wholesome nets and edibility of meat ALL KROGER TENDERAY BEEF jptS USDA CHOICE GRADE ircyncpTYlf-youraeeurenca that the beef has bea 1 amined by U. S. Gwt. eiperts and hee pi loMjnrasppjJ their rigid sUndarda for beef quality. Yoitdoroy fakes the guesswork [ out of buying beef Beef Roast U.S. Choice Chuck Steak U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Bonelett Family Steak U.S. Choice Tenderay H Rib Eye Steak U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef U.S. Choice Tenderay Beef Bonelett V*>. 55 c 59' 89' s^e Kroger 19-Oz. Pkg. K/' CHOCOLATE SPICE gC-.A CAKE MIX SJt&H NEW! Betty Crocker Chocolate Walnut Frosting Mix 13-0z. OQc Size Um W Coffee SPECIAL CLEARANCE UP TO 25% OFF OUR REGULAR LOW PRICE ON ALL LAWN FURNITURE, GARDEN HOSE & SPRINKLERS, MOST BARBECUE GRILLS \ SALE! ^ ^ Misses', Women's, Pine floral •jf . cotton print , Plums 12 in Pak Kroger Non Fat Minute Maid Orange Juice I2-Oz. Can Dry Milk Scat Cat Food Chicken Parts 3 4 £« 1 4V Ripe Juicy Nectarines 8-69 ( .. Vine Ripe Tomatoes 12 in Pak Nutritious Delicious 4 46-Ox. Can i-C Drinks n%e Jamaica Pajamas Orange, Grape, Punch, Pineapple-Orange •• m m m m < 3 y For lounging, loafing or steeping. Tou'U *■ be amazed at the value and versatility this garment. Compare at $1.99 Buy Now! \0 MW Compare at $1.^ $100 I The Set H Sizoa 31 Tender Golden Corn 10 in Pak fitlx 69° 79 Green Giant Frozen Broccoli Spears Pkg. 39 C Garden Pride or Western Wonder Frozen Strawberries Juicy Sweet Honeydews Kroger Instant Potatoes 2 ~L Golden Ripe Yams u Jumbo Crisp Celery 2 Romaine, Lea#, Boston Lettuce Juicy Sunkist Lemons 10 ^ 39 c Tangy Tart Florida Limes 8 b': 9 29 c Ripe Jumbo Cantaloupe 3 i.. $ 1 00 Juicy-Sweet Watermelon io