The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 18, 1968, Image 2
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, July 18, 1968 John Me Carroll | ‘Hell you what Pd do” % The screaming-, milling masses (actually three people) have asked repeatedly what the title of this column denotes. Not that they have scoured the forests for pine knots so that they may light torches and climb the stairs to the Batt office, but it came to my attention anyway. For as long as I can remember, people have always had a better idea for everything I’ve ever attempted. Not that a little criticism can't go a long way . . . for the most part the suggestions offered are from those who never seem to have time to do the job themselves. Next to some of the unprintable words, the most oft’ heard phrase at a job-site is “tell you what I’d do.” The sad thing about the whole situation is that the people who re peat this never know that they are doing it. I’ve built fences, houses, bookcases and model airplanes. Painted pictures, walls, chairs and tables. No matter what I attempt, there is always that “tell you what I’d do” person lurking nearby—ready to offer assistance in the form of suggestions. Since I’ve heard it for so many years and have never had a real answer to give them except for some of those unprintable words, this column is dedicated to all those shade-tree mechanics and Monday-morning quarterbacks with great respect. ★ ★ ★ “The Phantom Creeps”, regularly showing at the Grove on Saturday nights, is a serial which is bound to be pretty good. Although I personally have never seen the serial, it seems to be hooked up ingeniously with other features at the outdoor theater to add extra drawing power. An example of some movies it has been shown with are: “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn”—“The Phantom Creeps”. “A Ravishing Idiot”—“The Phantom Creeps”. “Walk on the Wild Side”—“The Phantom Creeps”. “Major Dundee”—“The Phantom Creeps”. Some of the upcoming movies featured with the serial take some of the thrill out of the title-game. But here they are: “The Night Walker”—“The Phantom Creeps”. “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea”—“The Phantom Creeps”. I never did pay much attention in English class when we carved niches in the wall of grammar for each of the words in the vocabulary, so I never have been able to put words in their proper perspective. What I would like to know now is how to distinguish between “Creeps” noun and “Creeps” verb. Some of the punch might be taken out of the title if I ever went to see it and found out it was just one phantom which creeps rather than the multitude of creeps which are phantoms that I visualize. CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle fj' ^ y \r At The Grove] Tonight—“Lonely Are the Brave” starring Kirk Douglas and Gena Rowlands. Friday—“The Left Handed Gun” starring Paul Newman. Saturday—“Voyage to the Bot tom of the Sea” starring Wal ter Pidgeon. Also Chapter 7 of the serial, “The Phantom Creeps.” Sunday — “Cape Fear” starring Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum. Monday — “Flesh and Fantasy” starring Barbara Stanwyck and Charles Boyer. Tuesday — “Anthony and Cleo- , patra”—a 1914 silent movie. Wednesday—“Good Neighbor Sam” starring Jack Lemon. Read Battalion Classifieds "i L, ARROW SHIRTS ’ P¥ at Stnrnro 1 ^ ^ mrn»uirar m *• N»*T1! maim • iii rit ■umii • imi\ »v i>\w rraoi GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sells! rom Pontiac - Buick 2799 Taiaa Ava. 26th & Pirltir 322-1116 8 22-1307 BUSIEK AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 “I’m nervous as a cat! I haven’t been this far from th’ dorm all summer without an umbrella!” JOYCE’S SALE ALL DEPTS. SPRING SUMMER 50 Days On Lay-Away Sale Items JOYCES 608 Texas Ave. Bryan CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK College Station, Texas At the close of Business June 29, 1968: Sports Car Club Sets First Meet The A&M Sports Car Club is holding its first meeting of the second summer session tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the YMCA. All members and interested in dividuals are invited to attend the meeting. The club will dis cuss the “Airport Autocross,” a rally to be held at the old Bryan Air Field, President Alan Weck- erling said. GETS THEM IN THE SWIM DENVER (A 5 ) _ Harry Uku lele, who is retiring at 67 this year as a Denver YMCA official, estimates he has taught 30,000 Denverites how to swim. He is a Honolulu native. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU ST. THOMAS’ CHAPEL 906 Jersey St. South Side of Campus Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. — 9:15 a.m. The Rev. W. R. Oxley (49) The Rev. M. W. Selliger (62) Mary Jane Kocurek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kocurek of Caldwell, grad uated from the Caldwell High School before enrolling at Mc Kenzie - Baldwin Business Col lege for the Sec retarial and IBM Key Punch courses. She re ceived her diplo ma for success fully completing both courses. She is now em ployed as bookkeeper and stenog- raper for the Iva Starnes Adv. Agency and Men’s Wear. Bryan. Marilyn Grizzaffi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Grizzaffi, enrolled in Mc Kenzie - Baldwin Business Col lege for the Sec retarial and IBM Key Punch courses after receiving her diploma from Stephen F. Aus tin High School. She accepted a position as an IBM Key Punch operator in the Agri. Econ. & Soc. Dept, at A&M University. Trinity Gardens Duplex Apartments • Two Bedroom, 1% Bath • Expert Yard Maintenance • Formal Living and Dining Rooms • All Electric Built-in G. E. Kitchens • Custom Drapes and Carpets • Carrier Central Heating and Air Conditioning • Large Privately Fenced Backyards • Wash er-Dryer Connection in Garage • One Block from New Elemen tary School • Attached Garage • Children and Pets Welcome. for information call: 846-3988 Trinity Place — Lawyer Street College Station Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. RESOURCES: Cash $1,6 1 9,304.13 U. S. Government Bonds 2,085,363.53 Municipal Bonds 528,607.20 Other Stocks & Bonds 400,000.00 Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 15,600.00 Loans 4,535,592.93 Banking House 213,402.16 Furniture & Fixtures 36,167.61 Other Assets 4,903.06 TOTAL RESOURCES $9,438,940.62 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock $ 260,000.00 Surplus 260,000.00 Undivided Profits 193,281.37 Deposits 8,668,831.98 Reserves 49,057.14 Other Liabilities 7,770.13 TOTAL LIABILITIES $9,438,940.62 YOUR FULL SERVICE BANK “On the side of TEXAS A&M” $rec/*Ls cot: TH-F-tl -SAT JVL>t 11-/4-20 THE NORTH TEXAS FARRIERS SCHOOL can be of tremendous value to Veterinary students or to any horseman who wishes to follow the Farrier trade either full time or part time. Competent farriers make from $15,000 to $25,000 per year. You DO HAVE TIME to attend this unique school and prepare yourself for an interesting and rewarding occupation because ours is the only school in the world that can produce a competent farrier in just two weeks of intense work for about half the cost at most Farrier Schools. By offering experienced instruction and the most ad vanced teaching techniques, we have produced successful farriers from 41 states and three foreign countries. This special summer course, mainly for A&M stndents will be offered from August 12-25. Those interested write direct or contact Veterinary student Dwight L. Gailey, 106 Kyle Street College Station. NORTH TEXAS FARRIERS SCHOOL Box 666, Mineral Wells, Texas Billiards Cue Sticks Pin Ball Magazines Party Records Decals Pocket Books Bumper Stickers Comic Signs Other Games Open 7 Days A Week Aggie Den (Next To Loupot's) MARYLAND CLUB COFFEE POUND CAN Limit I With $5.00 Purchase or More REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 100 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of 3 Pkgs. Land O’ Frost Sliced 1 Meats Coupon Expires July 20, 1968 BANANAS 9RM3? THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student ivriters only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community neivspaper. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Arts: F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. • J - -d Hal Taylor. Col- Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Th. republ i otherv origin ic Associated Press is entitled excl ication of all new dispatches ci ise credited in the paper and local news blished herein. Rights of republication put matter herein Second-Cli >rei als. ass postage p are also reserved. •aid titled exclusively to the Use for redited to it or not of spontaneous of ail other at College Station, Texas. vT ill t,«r, ^ i < e of Veterinary Medicine; an. lege of Agriculture. Titus, Colleg. gri< or Bu News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 217, ilding. For advertising or delivery call 846-6415. 846-6618 Services Mail The Battalion, published in Col lei Sunday, and Mon lege day student newspaper at Texas A&M is Station, Texas daily in subscriptions are 43.50 pel $6.50 per full and holid during : s, September ring summer school. pt Saturday, mber through ear; $6.50 per fu ales tax. Advertisin; Texas 7784 on. 3. per semester; $6 per school subscriptions subject to 2% erasing rate furnished on request. Address; Room 217, Services Building, Colic year. All rate furnij ress ege. Station, MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association EDITOR JOHN McCARROLL Reporters Mike Williamson, Hank Mills CREAMY WHITE SHORTENING 3-LB. CAN Limit 1 <s»uod C.T-/J REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of Pepsodent Tooth Brush Coupon Expires July 20, 1968 SssaaeeacwyffiwwpianiwtBeotBi REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of 8-Oz. Jar Lipton’s Instant Tea Coupon Expires July 20, 1968 BAKERITE MELLOP/NE PUN CAM i-AVSK Cake mix fAAA LE& PROXeH t P CHOCOLATE CAKE Quality MEATS REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS- 100 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of $10.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) • One Per Family Coupon Expires July 20, 1968 SAMUEL’S—SUGAR CURED, SMOKED Picnics U.S.D.A.—Choice SLICED Lb. 39* Fresh Lean Whole Lb. 33 C ROUND STEAK Lb 99c GROUND BEEF Lb 53c ffitcc/k/iiie tikes.