The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 06, 1968, Image 5
'e nejj l tables ! school waitet, s head nitaries : Corps Presi. J olit •l&rship dump Teachers Face ‘MechnicaV Kids Elementary school teachers will find a different style of classroom this summer at Texas A&M. Participants in a teaching oroblems laboratory will solve situations in a simulated class room that will furnish every- ;hing from eraser-throwing third graders to children with pronun ciation difficulties. The Education Department’s one-semester-hour graduate cred- t course will be offered 4 to 5 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays snd Fridays during A&M’s first summer session, June 3 to July 12. “This unique program employs the use of simulation materials and will give elementary school teachers and associated person nel a chance to practice decision making in a life-like but fictitious classroom situation,” explained Dr. Paul Hensarling, department head. Enrollment at June 3 regis tration will be limited to 25, an nounced Dr. Glenn R. Johnson, assistant professor and course in structor. DELMONTE GARDEN SHOW STXtt/PMjW... ^ pimne PieetYv/ieert-Ys- Film strips, sound color movies and role-play cards of a Science Research Associates simulation package on elementary teaching will place summer students back behind the desk. “As ‘teacher’ in the simulated classroom, the student will iden tify critical teaching problems, select courses of action and ex plain the rationale of decisions made,” Johnson explained course procedure. Problems of teaching methodology, pupil behavior and evaluation, routines and human relations will be covered. In th i fictional school, partici pants will be given background information on the district, school, staff and general school building features. A faculty handbook, curricu lum and audiovisual catalog, rec ords of 31 fictitious pupils, pro gress reports and sociograms will supply the background and basis for decision-making. The new course is open to ele mentary teachers, administrators and regular A&M summer stu dents. The simulation technique was treated experimentally with A&M student teachers in regular semester seminars. THE BATTALION Thursday, June 6, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 5 Timm Named National Committee Chairman Dr. Tyrus R. Timm, head of the Texas A&M Agricultural Eco nomics and Sociology Depart ment, has been named chairman of a national group to select the nation’s outstanding undergradu ate professor in agricultural eco nomics. He was named head of the na tional committee by Dr. C. E. Bishop, vice president of Public Service Programs for the Con solidated Universities, University of North Carolina. Bishop is also president of the American Agri cultural Economics Association. The Agricultural Economics As sociation is the professional so ciety of agricultural economists in the United States and largely throughout the world. Timm said he believes he was selected because the Texas A&M University Department of Agri cultural Economics and Sociology places great emphasis upon the teaching function, including ap propriate counseling of students. “I am very proud that three professors in the department have won coveted university teaching awards. Two of the professors in the department—Dr. Alvin Woot en and Dr. Robert Skrabanek— have been named outstanding teachers at Texas A&M in the annual awards made by the For mer Students Association,” Timm said. Dr. J. C. Grady, who recently joined the department, was named the outstanding professor in the College of Agriculture while at the University of Mis souri. fexas! ating ;shop re to id to COCKTAIL CoCM-O'THt Stoke'-Y l/PWV\L/TN \ C PEA? HALVED TOMATO lem- iora-1 God- Kel- Ity sdell ogel and gi- DeUvWTE ''MIX ^ MATCH! Trtfc# TfcCtS Oooo UUrle 0-7'1 88 SPINACH peM* - Pinto ftUSH £12£AT Hc>£.TH£fZT0 g£AN£ • • • • Maryland ^Vlub "'YOU CAN DtffcND ON FiZfcSH, TOP-C^Z#^ /AlW/v# YoUP- Pi&6lY Wiooi-Y $\OV&[ v Heart Texas Grade ‘A’ (IVi FRTfRS . CUT-UP«'SPUT.... .■* s&t uo GlWTflZ...... *39f BFEAET GiWrEF-....*(30r 6WWP CHUCK 50t 0FOiW 40? cxm> JlBOiH * 70? 65? . :t 45? frWCo l\M$ • ••••• fvlgUHcpF \1o^ CLOROX BLEACH , / 2 GAL. JUG ONLY With Purchase of Any 4 Light Bulbs iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii^ ^ (Ri (i ij {j sIav iricsjWiTMW WITH Cf flOg Olt+Qll AT 0IZTAN ?\bG\X o ob i) sc (nrsiTYifYico'upbw i ' THIS COUPON WORTH pp Free Vs/lTH CP Mot 'Cfiri i PI5COUNT PPlCE^ OtJ HfRTH* BEAUTY AiC8” CHUNKS T\0&T$ 5llAMP00.«s.;f s a 86? flNEAPPlf 5HAVE Cfm JjhsS&t pifVOKPUu P166CY WieetY ftePPUCE buy?' TOMATOES 6AUR7FNIA VINE U0- ig Stole ely Cut eFEEN V/E ©IVE cou&ue STAMPS TUESDAY vNlTH POWiMB op ZtlfP ofLWite South m^^t pAPpzfrd $ uxateo /at TEYA^ AVErlUEt^MAPY 3 WN $ Cpmz&Z 5tation ( Texa^ Jl/. h aUAHTlTY PEEVED • ■. '-v.v.v vavivIv^Xv-v .:•>*>