The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 23, 1968, Image 1

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975 Will Receive Degrees At Commencement Saturday
Che Battalion
Number 585
‘New Face’ Seen
For Poli-Science
man but whose face bears none
Dr. William C. Gibbons, an of the “Congressional creases” of
energetic political scientist with a Dirksen or even a Kennedy, was
14 years experience in govern- director of the Agency for Inter
ment, Washington style, has been
laboring two months to create a
“new face” for his department
here—even though it does not yet
officially exist.
Gibbons was named department
head in April but the Political
Science Department will not be
completely divorced from the His
tory and Government Department
until Sept. 1.
According to Gibbons, the five-
month time lag will enable him to
continue with the task of depart
mental organization he began in
“Face-lifting will begin with
the rewriting of the existing po
litical science course,” the dark
haired native of Harrisonburg,
Va., said.
change the curriculum altogether
and replace some of the old, out
dated courses with newer, more
vibrant ones.
“But, because of the univer
sity’s requirements for course
changes, it will likely be the
spring semester of next year be
fore any changes are approved,”
Gibbons explained.
“New faces” in Gibbon’s ex
panded nine-man staff will be
four assistant professors with
doctoral degrees.
“It took me four months, a na
tionwide search and interviews
with 75 to 100 candidates to se
lect the four, but, for the im
provement of the department, it
was effort well spent,” Gibbons
GIBBONS SAID he has also
plans to provide more individual
instruction and guidance for the
100 political science majors by
assigning them in groups of 10
or 11 to each faculty member on
his staff.
To provide students a mixture
of practical experience with aca
demic course work, Gibbons is
initiating a summer internship
“No plans are definite, yet,” he
explained, “but I would like even
tually to see A&M students com
pete with other universities for
the top summer jobs in Congress
and the state legislatures.”
GIBBONS, whose manner re
minds one of a polished states-
national Development’s (AID)
Congressional Liaison Staff in
Washington, D.C., before joining
the A&M faculty.
Gibbons scratched a graying
temple with a well-manicured fin
gernail and recalled a turning
point in his life which occurred
soon after he graduated with a
B.A. in political science from Ran-
dolph-Macon College.
“I was ready to study law with
the idea of going back home to
Harrisonburg to set up my prac
tice when I was named a Fellow
for the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace in 1949,” he
AFTER DOING some graduate
work at Columbia University,
Gibbons went on to earn his M.A.
and Ph.D. degrees with emphasis
on international politics from
“You know, these fellowships
are really great things for chang
ing your life,” he said. “In 1954,
I was considering going into
teaching when I was awarded a
Congressional fellowship by the
American Political Science Asso
In Washington, Gibbons spent
the next eight years as a legisla
tive assistant, researching and
drafting bills, preparing speeches,
and becoming “an expert on ev
erything about anything.”
resentative Sidney Yates (D-Ill.),
Senator Wayne Morse (D.-Ore.)
and later with then Majority
Leader Lyndon B. Johnson and
Senator Mike Mansfield.
“LBJ was probably the greatest
majority leader Congress has ever
had. I was very impressed by his
ability to get legislation passed,”
Gibbons recalled.
Dr. Gibbons said he welcomed
the chance to come to A&M to
organize a new department.
“More and more, it is at the
university level where the an
swers to national problems are
being sought,” he said. “Educa
tion is where things are happen
Gibbons is finishing a book,
tentatively entitled “Vietnam and
the Control of American Power,”
to be published at the end of the
Apathy Reigns Again
In Senate Elections
Foley To Command ’68-’69 RV’s
Robert Foley was elected com
mander of the Ross Volunteer
Company for 1968-69 Thursday by
members of the present company.
Foley is first sergeant of
Squadron 10 and will serve as its
commanding officer next year. He
is a resident of Premont and
majors in preparatory law.
Executive officer of the honor
company that serves as the gover
nor’s body guard at inaugurations
will be Frank Davis. Davis, a
government major from Levit-
town, Pa., is sergeant major of
the Second Wing and will com
mand that unit next year.
Garland Clark, sergeant major
of the Second Brigade and next
year’s deputy Corps Commander,
will be first-sergeant of the RV’s.
Clark is from Glenelg, Maryland,
and majors in architectural con
A New Braunfels resident ma
joring in accounting will com
mand the First Platoon. Bill
Heitkamp, who is the first ser
geant of Company G-2, will com
mand the Fourth Battalion.
Commander of the Second Pla
toon will be Fred Blumberg,
Corps personnel sergeant. Blum
berg, a recreation and parks
major from Seguin, will command
the First Brigade next year.
Bob Nida, a San Antonio me
chanical engineering major, will
command the Third Platoon. Nida
will command Company F-l.
Administration officer for the
RV’s will be John Sutherland.
Sutherland, sergeant major of the
First Wing and next year’s com
mander of Squadron 1, majors in
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.
marketing and is from Mathis.
Pat Rhodes, an architectural
construction major, will be the
RV operations officer. A Victoria
resident, Rhodes is first sergeant
of Squadron 4 and will command
the First Wing.
Events the RVs will attend next
year will be the annual trip to
New Orleans for Mardi Gras,
the governor’s inaug-uration,
Mother’s Day Review and to form
a welcoming party for visiting
Student apathy seemed to be
the only clear-cut winner in the
two-day elections for class repre
sentatives to the Student Senate
from the colleges of Geosciences,
Liberal Arts, Agriculture, Engine
ering and Sciences.
“The voter turnout for both
elections was just terrible,” Jerry
Geistweidt, vice chairman of the
Election Commission lamented.
Thirteen positions were decided
Tuesday, two others in the run
off elections Wednesday.
Leading vote-getter was Randy
Durham of Hampton, N. H., who
garnered 55 of 126 ballots cast
to win the sophomore representa
tive post for the College of En
STEVE MEAUX of Humble,
with 45 votes defeated Dick West
brook and Doyle Sanders, who
tied with 23, for senior represen
tative from engineering.
Robert Stanzel of Schulenburg
edged Raleigh Lane, 12 votes to
11, to take the engineering’s jun
ior Senate representative post.
In the College of Agriculture
elections, Glenn Keim of Spear
man defeated Tom Smith, 17 to 6,
for senior representative and Col
lier Watson of Coleman, with 12
votes, edged Roger Blackwelder
with 11 for junior representative.
Marcus Hill of Yantis nailed
down the sophomore representa
tive post by defeating Robei-t
Szaro, 27 to 18.
LIBERAL ARTS senior repre
sentative is Glenn Davis of Alex
andria, Va., who received four
more votes than Wayne Prescott
and Jim Willbanks, who tied with
James Stephenson of Houston
defeated Robert Peek, 8 to 5, for
junior representative to the Sen
ate. Sophomore representative is
Larry Carreker of Houston, who
polled 15 votes to Jon Simm’s 4.
Only 20 total votes were cast
in the College of Geosciences rep
resentatives elections. Norman
Jenkins of Austin with 9 votes,
defeated Robert Smith with 6
to take the post of senior repre
A1 Reinert of Fairfax, Va., ran
unopposed for junior representa
tive. Thomas Fitzhugh of Waco
defeated Jeffery Weber 3 to 1
for the office of sophomore rep
for the College of Sciences was
Paschal Redding of Monroe, La.,
who defeated. Mary Custer, the
only coed candidate in the elec
tions, 12 to 4.
Fred Magee of Garland won
the post of junior representative
by defeating Donald Birkelbach,
8 to 4.
Sophomore representative is
Charles Hoffman, who outpolled
Bill Shephard, 27 to 20.
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“The Ghost Coach,” a group of A&M students formerly known as “The Natural Gas Com
pany,” will be featured at Saturday night’s Boot Dance in the MSC Ballroom. Clockwise
from lower left, they are Bill Lucas, Keith Mullins, Greg Vaughan, Craig Kennedy and
Ken Haggart.
Ticket Sales Near Finish
For Boot Dance Saturday
Tomorrow will be the last day
to buy advance tickets for Satur
day’s Boot Dance, Bruce Baxter,
’69 social secretary said.
Applicants Sought
For Housemaster
The number of housemaster po
sitions has been expanded for
next fall, according to Bennie A.
Zinn, associate dean of students.
“All students who are interest
ed in employment as housemas
ters for fall are urged to contact
one of the civilian student coun
selors at once,” Zinn said.
“The position offers an oppor
tunity to earn a part of the school
expense, get experience in some
administrative details, experience
in working with people and con
tribute to the total welfare of
A&M,” he added.
The counselors may be contact
ed at their offices: W. G. Brea-
zeale—Puryear 1-H; Alton Linne
—Lounge A-l (south end of Dor
mitory 14); Gene Oates—Lounge
B (west end of Dormitory 21);
and Howard Perry—Lounge C
(between Dormitory 22 and Wal
ton Hall).
“Ticket sales have been going
well,” Baxter reported. He said
that the $3-per-couple tickets may
also be bought at the door.
The dance is to begin at 8 p.m.
in the ballroom of the Memorial
Student Center.
“If weather permits, we will
open the doors out onto the patio
and be able to dance out there,”
Baxter commented.
Music for the dance will be
furnished by “The Ghost Coach,”
a local group made up of Keith
Mullins, Ken Haggart, Bill Lucas,
Greg Vaughan and Craig Ken
“I have heard them play,” com
mented Class President Early
Davis, “and I thought they were
really good.”
Davis said the group, formerly
known as the “Natural Gas Com
pany,” has been gaining in popu
larity throughout the area.
“If things continue along their
present lines, this will be one of
the best Boot Dances ever,” Davis
noted. “We are expecting at least
250 couples and hopefully more.”
Davis stressed that the atmos
phere for the dance will be com
pletely informal.
“Uniform will be Class B, long
or short sleeve, boots and ascots,”
Davis continued. “Dates are to
come either casual or semi-for
Davis recommended to help
keep the informal air that Aggies
not buy corsages for their dates.
The ticket price will cover re
freshments at the dance.
The Aggieland Studio will be
taking color pictures at the dance,
Davis said. The photos will cost
$3.50 for two 5x7 and four wallet
size pictures.
Hydrants Get ’71 Signature
Students begin hitting the books in the basement of Cush
ing Library as final exams approach. This semester, for
the first time, the exams begin on Friday of Dead Week.
(Photo by Mike Wright)
Matocha Services
Memorial services for Donald
J. Matocha, who was killed in
Vietnam, will be conducted Sat
urday at 2 p.m. in Smithville.
Matocha, a member of the Class
of 1967, was in the Marine Corps.
The services will be at the St.
Paul Catholic Church and will
have a special part for any stu
dents of Texas A&M. Matocha
was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Matocha of Smithville.
The cavalry mounted horse Sat
urday night and increased, the
chances of Aggieland burning to
the ground.
Brandishing their colors freely,
some cavalry oriented members
of the class of ’71 left all campus
fire hydrants a glowing yellow,
trimed in infantry blue.
The problem is that while all
fire hydrants may look alike, they
are not alike.
According to E. F. Sevison,
campus fire marshall, the fire
department is engaged in paint
ing fire hydrants in a color code
which classifies the hydrants ac
cording to water flow. Cadet blue
and gold does not fall within the
color code.
“We had painted about 10 hy
drants before Saturday,” Sevison
said. “Now we will have to go
back and determine water flow
and repaint those hydrants.”
The fire department is remov
ing all old paint from the hy
drants and painting the barrels
aluminum. The caps are painted
green, yellow or red.
A green cap means the hydrant
has a water flow of more than
1,000 gallons per minute. Yellow
caps have a flow of less than
500 gallons per minute.
“If we had a big fire and all
the hydrants were the same color,
it would certainly hamper fire
fighting efforts,” Sevison said.
“We don’t know who painted the
hydrants but we hope they will
realize we are painting them for
a purpose.”
There was no comment from the
unmounted horse soldiers.
Large Crowd
Expected For
9 p.m. Exercises
Approximately 975 Texas A&M
students will receive degrees Sat
urday morning during spring
commencement exercises, H. L.
Heaton, director of admissions
and registrar, announced Wed
The exercises will begin at 9
a.m. in G. Rollie White Coliseum.
H. B. Zachry will be com
mencement speaker. Zachry is a
1922 graduate and a former pres
ident of the board of A&M. He
is founder and present board
chairman of the H. B. Zachry
Construction Co.
About 195 Cadet Corps seniors
will receive further honors dur
ing commissioning exercises Sat
urday afternoon. The armed serv
ices will grant second lieutenant
commissions to 117 Army, 72 Air
Force, and four Marine Corps
FOURTEEN OF the cadets will
receive regular service commis
sions while the rest will receive
reserve commissions. Twelve of
the Regular Army offices will go
on active duty at the time they
receive their commission.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Har
old K. Johnson will be the prin
cipal speaker and will award the
gold bars to the new officers.
Graduating seniors and oth
ers who will not be attending
Texas A&M in September can
have the 1968 Aggieland mailed
to them by paying a mailing
fee at the Student Publications
office on the second floor of the
Services Building.
Gen. Johnson will then be re
viewing officer as the Corps of
Cadets pass in Final Review, the
last formation of the year.
Also in the reviewing party
will be A&M President Earl
Rudder; Col. J. H. McCoy, Corps
commandant; and Col. Vernon L.
Head, professor of aerospace
THERE WILL be a 30-minute
break after the review and the
Corps will then form to sing
“The Spirit of Aggieland” and
“Auld Lang Syne.” Graduating
seniors will then march across
the field and form along the line
of march.
The new Cadet Colonel, Hector
Gutierrez will then command the
Corps to pass again in review
and each squadron and company
will “present arms” to the grad
uating seniors.
Commissioning exercises are
scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m.
with Final Review getting under
way at 3:30 p.m.
The day’s activities will be con
cluded as the new seniors in the
Cadet Corps celebrate at the
Boot Dance beginning at 8 p.m.
Civilians To Need
Car Titles For
Fall Registration
Civilian dormitory students will
be required to show ownership
and state registration papers to
register automobiles for campus
parking here next fall.
“This procedure is necessary to
allocate parking for upperclass
men and graduate students,” ex
plained Campus Security Chief
Ed Powell.
He said civilian juniors, seniors
and graduate students residing in
dormitories should be prepared to
show their certificate of title and
registration papers to secure
parking permits in the dormitory
The south end of parking lot
49, which parallels State Highway
2154, will be designated for fresh
men and sophomore parking,
Powell added.
“Sophomore and freshmen cars
are being registered in upper
classmen’s names, parked in up-
perclass areas and denying legal
upperclassmen their parking
space,” he said.
CS Election Set
For Council Post
College Station Mayor D. A.
Anderson said Monday an elec
tion for city councilman will be
held Saturday to fill the one-
year unexpired term of Antone
Rosprim, who resigned.
Anderson said he is con
cerned over the possible lack
of voter turnout. He urged
everyone to vote in expressing
his concern over possible voter
apathy in College Station.
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