The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1968, Image 1

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    VOLUME 61
Che Battalion
Friday & Saturday—Cloudy to partly
cloudy, winds, Southerly 10-20 m.p.h.
Chance for few rainshowers late Sat
urday. High 86, low 72.
Kyle Field 2:00 p. m. Slightly cloudy.
j;:; 84°. Winds, Southerly 10-20 m.p.h.
Number 584
Proposed By Cooper
3 Dormitories
To Participate
In Pilot Project
Speaking before about 200 stu
dents, Director of Civilian Student
Activities Ed Cooper outlined
what could be a first important
step in the establishment of posi
tive programs for civilian stu
dents on the Texas A&M campus.
Cooper told the Great Issues
Audience about his recent trip to
five land grant colleges outside
Texas. He said the trips, personal
interviews with students here,
visits in the resident halls, and a
three-day conference with stu
dents and faculty members at
Buchanan Dam were used in the
formulation of a pilot residence
hall program for three civilian
dormitories next year.
The dormitories involved in the
pilot project are Dormitory 18,
Walton and Leggett Halls.
“The problems in student life
at Texas A&M do not approach
the magnitude of those found on
many American campuses today.
This study indicates, however,
that both students and staff are
deeply concerned with those prob
lems which do exist, and those
which may arise as a conse
HE POINTED out major prob
lems on the A&M campus that
now exist within the civilian stu
dent body of Texas A&M.
“A minority of students—but
one which seems to be increasing
each year—is having an undesir
able influence on the student body
by exhibiting self-centered atti
tudes, lack of respect for prop
erty, lack of interest in self gov
ernment, and little appreciation
for traits of citizenship.”
Cooper recommended that steps
be taken, through the pilot pro
grams next year, which have been
approved by the Executive Com
mittee and President Rudder.
“In this project, we hope to in
still the concept of a total resi
dence hall program among all
members of the academic com
munity,” Cooper said. “To do this,
we will strengthen the profes
sional staff to assist in the
organization and supervision of
the expanded residence hall pro
COOPER’S plan calls for one
residence hall program advisor,
equivalent of the present
housemaster. To assist the ad
visor, and to provide more oppor
tunities for him to advise and
counsel students instead of taking
all his time checking students in
and out of rooms, turning work
orders in, and other menial tasks,
assistant hall advisors will be
The ratio between housemaster
and students is now about 1 to
185. The ratio hoped for in the
new program, Cooper said, is 1 to
50 students.
Another essential area Cooper
expects to improve is student
“WE HAVE suggested that the
current dormitory councils of all
the civilian dormitories (including
those not in the pilot project) be
gin immediately to revise hall
constitutions to include expanded
councils, well-defined activity pro
grams, and a system to handle
residence hall funds.”
“In addition, each hall council
should consider the creation of a
judicial body or judicial commit
tee. It would be composed entirely
of students of that hall, and would
not include paid staff members as
voting participants,” he sug
“They would act only as ad
visors to the committees.”
“This judiciary body would
serve to maintain a proper study
environment and to deal fairly
but firmly wtih residents who
show disrespect for residence hall
property and fellow students.”
COOPER said that each hall
could utilize some kind of system
for identifying and stimulating
prospective candidates for elec-
(See Civilians, Page 2)
Ed Cooper, left, director of civilian student activities, looks over his notes shortly before
his Great Issues address Thursday with Garry Mauro, who will be a civilian yell leader
next year. Cooper proposed a residence hall program to unite civilian students here.
(Photo by Mike Wright)
‘International Li ring 9 Group
Formed By Experimenters
A club to promote A&M stu
dent interest in foreign travel
through participation in the Ex
periment in International Living
was organized by eight charter
members Thursday night.
Senior Pat Rehmet, an Experi
menter in Poland two years ago,
said the EIL Supper Club, com
posed of past Experimenters,
would meet once a month to share
travel experiences and explain
the Experiment program to pros
pective participants.
“We hope eventually to build
the A&M club to a level of par
ticipation enjoyed by similar clubs
in Eastern schools which send
50 Experimenters a year,” Reh
met said.
OF THE eight members pres
ent, only Rehmet and Wayne
Prescott, junior economics major
who experimented in Sweden last
summer, had had overseas experi
ence with the EIL.
The six
other students will
in the Experiment
Faculty Committee Announces
25 Spring Award Scholarships
Spring award scholarship win
ners have been announced, by the
Faculty Scholarship Committee.
Recipients will receive the vari
ous business and individually
sponsored awards toward study
expenses of the 1968-69 school
Students who applied for schol
arship assistance this year were
more highly qualified academical
ly than ever, noted Dr. Richard H.
Davis Jr. of the College of Vet
erinary Medicine, veteran com
mittee member.
Recipients of $750 Alcoa schol
arships include Bobby J. Ulich,
junior electrical engineering ma
jor of Lubbock who has a 3.08
grade point ratio; Charles W.
Gilleland, junior, electrical en
gineering, Meridian, 3.03 GPR;
Robert E. Bishop, junior mechani
cal engineering, Mt. Selman, 2.84,
and John C. Abshier, junior, aero
space engineering, Port Arthur,
KENT M: MIZE of Huntsville
sophomore in physics, 2.90, $400
Aggie Supply Co. scholarship;
James F. Blanke of San An
tonio, junior, chemistry, 2.93, $300
Aggie Supply Co. scholarship;
Roderick D. Stonedale of Hous
ton, senior, physics, 2.74, $300
Aggie Supply Co. scholarship ;
Lawrence Pavlicek of West,
junior, electrical engineering, 2.79,
$750 Douglas Aircraft scholar
Daniel W. and Donald G. Valen
tine of San Antonio, seniors, mar
keting 3.0 and 2.89, respectively,
$250 J. E. Duff awards;
RAUL CANTU of McAllen,
junior, accounting, 2.63, $200, Jes
se Jones military award;
Bruce L. Freeman of Bay City,
sophomore, physics, 3.20, and
Michael R. Hardin of Fort Stock-
ton, sophomore, history, 3.00,
$300 Mary Johnston scholarships;
Charles J. Koerth Sr. scholar
ships of $300 to Nancy O’Malley
of Houston, first year vet medi
cine, 2.87; George C. Moses of
Rockdale, first year vet medicine,
2.49; Jose A. Spencer of Presidio,
sophomore, biochemistry, 2.87;
Roland F. Lenarduzzi of Houston,
third year vet medicine, 2.81, and
Jess O. Adkins of G'iddings, sen
ior, entomology, 2.63.
Mosher Memorial scholarships
of $300 to Gary Kyrish of San
Antonio, sophomore, architectural
construction, 2.57, and Gary West-
erfield of Crawford, sophomore,
civil engineering, 2.14.
Schlumberger scholarship of
$400 to Jerry G. Davis of San
Antonio, senior, electrical engine
ering, 2.89.
Vulcan scholarships to Benny L.
Carnes of San Benito, senior, civil
engineering, 2.2; Daniel C. Kunkel
of Burton, junior, architecture,
2.76; Roger R. Gomez of Hollo
man AFB, N. M., junior, civil
engineering, 2.48, and William G.
Hodge of Ennis, senior, architec
ture, 2.88.
Zachry To Speak May 25
In Commencement Exercises
program in five European na
tions this summer.
Frank W. Tilley of Jackson
ville, senior industrial engineer
ing major, and Blaine S. Purcell
of Wichita Falls, sophomore in
veterinary medicine, are both
bound for Germany; A1 Reinert
of Fairfax, Va., sophomore in
geology, Russia; Ronald L.
Adams of Tyler, sophomore in
mechanical engineering, Yugo
slavia; Jeanna Chastain of Col
lege Station, freshman in veteri
nary medicine, Czechoslovakia;
and Hector Gutierrez of Laredo,
junior mathematics major, Po
attend two to three weeks of
language school at EIL head
quarters in Vermont and then
spend 10 weeks overseas.
The first part of the visit will
be a homestay with an assigned
family. Experimenters and host
family members will then com
bine for tours of each country
during the last part of the visit.
Rehmet warned the summer
Experimenters to beware of
“culture shock,” a phenomenon
usually experienced by one who
suddenly finds himself in a so
ciety much different from his
“YOU FEEL like a fish out of
water,” Rehmet explained. “You
experience frustration and anxi
ety because you lose the little
social cues that give you peace
of mind. Suddenly there’s a dif
ferent time to eat, a different
language to speak and hundreds
of different customs to observe.”
“Culture shock usually begins
the second week after you arrive
in a foreign country and lasts
until you begin to understand
and follow the nation’s establish
ed social patterns,” Rehmet said.
H. B. Zachry of San Antonio,
founder of a world-wide con
struction firm and head of Hem-
isFair, will be commencement
speaker at graduation ceremonies
here May 25, announced Presi
dent Earl Rudder.
Zachry is a 1922 civil engineer
ing graduate of Texas A&M and
was presented the institution’s
Distinguished Alumni Award in
1964. He also is a former board
president of the Texas A&M Uni
versity System.
Shortly after graduation from
A&M, Zachry organized the H.
B. Zachry Company and built it
into one of the leading construc
tion firms in the nation. He
now serves as board chairman.
Within recent years, the firm
completed such projects as mis
sile sites, dams, power plants and
highways. Its scope of opera
tion has broadened to include the
South Pacific, South America,
Spain, Thailand, Puerto Rico and
the Dominican Republic.
ZACHRY, who earlier this year
was named “Mr. South Texas”
by the Washington’s Birthday
Celebration Association in La
redo, has been a leader in devel
opment of the first world’s fair
in the Southwest. Earlier this
week, he was named HemisFair’s
chief executive officer, along
with his previous position as
chairman of the board.
The Uvalde native has demon
strated a keen interest in Texas
education. He was appointed by
Gov. John Connally in 1963 to
head the 25-member “Committee
Mothers Club
Gives $500 To
Library Fund
A $500 Houston A&M Mothers
Club gift to Cushing Library will
purchase books for the new li
brary, Dr. James P. Dyke, direc
tor, said Thursday.
Mrs. Gerald D. Scott, Houston
club president, and Mrs. Bill
Koenig, president-elect, presented
the check to the library official.
Dyke, who noted the average
price per volume of the library’s
present acquisitions is about $8,
said the Houston Mothers Club
donation will be distributed
among acquisitions for the vari
ous A&M colleges.
Cushing’s collection currently
numbers around 500,000 volumes.
A library expansion to be ready
for occupancy this fall will shelve
one million books.
The Houston club officials dis
tributed other gifts Wednesday.
Mdmes. Scott and Koenig pre
sented $760 to Robert M. Logan
for Opportunity Award Scholar
ships, $500 to Singing Cadets di
rector Robert L. (Bob) Boone
and other donations to the Fresh
man Drill Team, Aggie Band,
All-Faiths Chapel and university
Mrs. Scott said $1,840 in total
gifts was raised through only
one project, the annual Singing
Cadets concert at Jones Hall.
The Houstonians also visited
their sons, Robert J. Scott, his
tory major, and Bill Koenig,
aerospace engineering. The junior
Air Force cadets are members
of Squadron 11.
on Education Beyond the High
School” which recommended
establishment of the Texas Col
lege and University System Co-
ordinating Board. He is a mem
ber of that board.
IN ADDITION to eight years
on the Texas A&M board, Zachry
also has served on the State
Board for Special Schools and
Hospitals and the Alamo Heights
Independent School District
He is a member of the board
of governors for the Southwest
Research Institute and a direc
tor of the Texas Research League
and the Texas Good Roads Asso
ciation. He also is a past presi
dent of the Associated General
Contractors of America and a
former board member of the Fed
eral Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Commencement exercises begin
at 9 a.m. in G. Rollie White Coli-
Registrar H.
1,120 students
graduation, the
two decades.
L. Heaton said
have filed for
largest class in
Publications Fete
Set Here Tonight
The Student Publications Ban
quet tonight will honor the 1967-
68 editors of student publications
in the ballroom of the Memorial
Student Center.
The affair will begin at 7 p.m.
with a smorgasbord dinner and
run through the presentation of
watches to the outgoing editors.
A highlight of the banquet will
be selection of six Vanity Fair
finalists from a field of 12 semi
finalists. The six finalists will
be pictured in the Aggieland, in
stead of one senior sweetheart.
At past banquets the editors
for the coming year have been
named. This year’s slate of pros
pective editors, however, has not
yet been approved by President
Earl Rudder.
clude Vashti Louise Meriage,
Katherine Sudela, Carol Beler,
Dianne Carol Willis, Judi Martin,
Kerry Lent Skarien, Sally Ann
Lindsey, Nancy James, Laura
Lee Belville, Judith Diane Tay
lor, Gayla Bell and Nancy Cole
Retiring editors will be Steve
Korenek, Manuel Pina, Carl
Feducia, Ed Sommers, Douglas
M. Matthews and Charles H.
Matthews, editor of the South
western Veterinarian, is a mem
ber of Phi Eta Sigma, Student
Senate and is listed in “Who’s
Who in American Universities.”
He is a distinguished student,
president of the American Vet
erinary Medical Society and was
outstanding sophomore of Com
pany A-3.
ROWTON, a distinguished stu
dent, served as editor of the Bat
talion this year. He is president
elect of Sigma Delta Chi, a $400
Minneapolis Star scholarship
winner and was outstanding
freshman of Company A-l.
Korenek, executive officer of
the White Band and Battalion
news editor, has worked this year
as editor of the Review. A Dis
tinguished Military Student and
a four-year Opportunity Award
scholarship winner, he marches
on the bugle rank of the Aggie
Editor of the Agriculturist,
Pina is a member of the Society
of A&M Journalists, Sigma Delta
Chi, Alpha Zeta, Collegiate FFA
and a Clayton Fund Scholarship
recipient. He has a double ma
jor in agricultural education and
agricultural journalism.
A MEMBER of the Aggieland
staff for four years, Sommers
has worked as editor this year.
He is a member of the Polaris
Council, Ross Volunteers and
Ross Volunteer Firing Squad.
Sommers also is a Distinguished
Military Student.
Feducia, commander of the
Second Brigade, was editor of the
Engineer this year after having
previously served three years on
the publication’s staff. A Ross
Volunteer platoon leader and
member of the RV Firing Squad,
he is on the Cadet Honor Coun
cil and Town Hall staff.
Reservations Due
Next Week For
Summer Session
Students living in Dorms 17,
19, 20, 21, and 22 and in ramps
1 through 5 of Puryear Hass who
will attend the first summer ses
sion may reserve their present
rooms at the Housing Office
Monday through Wednesday.
Students presently enrolled who
will attend the first summer ses
sion and wish to reserve a room
other than the one they now
occupy may sign up for rooms
on a first-come-first-serve basis,
beginning Thursday.
Allan M. Madeley, housing
manager, pointed out that stu
dents who reserved rooms for fall
before May 20 will have priority
for those rooms in the fall. This
means that although a student
may live in the same room both
summer sessions he may not be
able to retain that room in the
Day student permits may be
secured at the Housing Office un
til June 1. Madeley said, how
ever, that all male, single under
graduate students must live on
campus unless living with their
families. Exceptions will be
made only for very unusual cir
cumstances, he said.
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.
Drill Team To March At Spring Game
Books for the expanded Cushing Library will be realized from a Houston A&M Mothers
Club donation. Mrs. Gerald D. Scott, club president, presents the $500 check to Dr. James
P. Dyke, Cushing Library director, against a backdrop of empty shelves in the new build
ing where the basic undergraduate collection will be housed. The new library will be oc
cupied later this year.
The national champion Fresh
man Drill Team will march at
halftime of the Aggies’ spring
football game Saturday at Kyle
The appearance, second in less
than five hours, will be the team’s
last as a unit.
The Fish will participate in
the Houston Armed Forces Day
Parade at 10 a.m. Saturday and
immediately return to the campus
to provide the halftime show of
the 2 p.m. football game.
Winner of every meet in which
it marched this season, the team
won the national championship at
the National Intercollegiate RO-
TC drill competition at Washing
ton, D. C., in April.
A modified version of the FDT
winning drill will be used in
Houston. Aggie football specta
tors will see the performance that
won the national title.
The 20-cadet unit, commanded
by Sammy Garcia of San An
tonio, also won championship
trophies at West Texas State,
A&M, Texas and LSU competi
Bryan Building & Loan
Association, Your Sav
ings Center, since 1919.