The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 16, 1968, Image 3
MHftilUHBH k ► . ..." .' * , .V. • ' ■ • - » .. •• Wfym*-U’^ -.V. ... v^* m- .V/ •,. .-• .W •. :■*& NKHBBB&BBKMnBBUBIXm THE BATTALION Thursday, May 16, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 3 unities almos: Brant I mati; Ratioe ive de ier. id de- CAMPAIGN PARTNER Sen. Robert Kennedy, in Watertown, S. D., signs pa per for autograph hunter while his dog, “Freckles," sits in back seat of car with him. He’s campaigning in Democratic presidential pri mary. (AP Wirephoto) m A HAND FOR McCARTHY Sen. Eugene McCarthy auto graphs outstretched hand during visit to North Platte, Neb. Presidential primary campaign turned to vote counting Tuesday. (AP Wirephoto) “ Canoeing Prof 0 Works, Plays Dr. Richard Bury of the Texas A&M Recreation and Parks De partment is one of those fortunate individuals who can combine his favorite pastime with his work. His diversion is canoeing, which fits nicely with the associate pro fessor’s teaching and research activities dealing with recreation in undeveloped and wilderness areas. To Bury, canoeing means more than just paddling around on a quiet pond or lake, although he does this at times. Instead, he prefers “white water” and river touring. White water is dedicated canoe ist jargon for rapids. In this situ ation, a man carries no equipment other than safety gear and dry clothes in a waterproof bag. He pits his skill and physical endur ance against the river’s vagaries, and he enjoys the spice of danger. The other canoeing system is known as river touring, which is more sedate. Speed is not the ob jective. TOURING, SAYS BURY, can be a family affair. The river be comes a road over which the ca noeists travel to see scenic at tractions. Such trips can involve several days, and camping equip ment is taken along. The professor recently took his wife, Ann; his daughters, Kathy, 12, and Margaret, 9; and four of his students on a four-day tour of the Buffalo River in Arkansas. Purpose of the excursion was to make an informal survey of the stream. The river has been pro posed as one of the first units in a National System of Scenic Riverways now being considered by Congress. Bury has toured and shot the rapids on many streams in the United States. Some of his favor ite trips were a 240-mile jaunt on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon; the north fork of the Clear Water River in Idaho; the Klamath and Salmon Rivers in northern California; and the Deerfield, West, Salmon and Mil lers Rivers in New England. HE SAID THE muddy and slow moving rivers in the Brazos Coun ty area of Texas don’t exactly excite a canoeist’s interest, but the Hill Country is something else. The professor has tried the Guadalupe and Frio Rivers and has found them clean and enjoy able. Bury notes that Texans are tak ing increased interest in river canoeing. An organization—Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club —has been formed and will soon publish a guide on recommended Waterways. A member of the club, Bury said anyone who has knowledge of good canoe streams can con tact him at the A&M Recreation and Parks Department. A.F. or HORMEL SLICED BACON ^HUCK^^T ★ Quanity Rights Reserved. ALL MEAT Rath Wieners ROAST^ 12-Oz. Pkg. Boneless—shoulder U.S.D.A. Choice—Heavy Beef, Shoulder ROAST Lb49c ROAST ^ U.S.D.A. Choice—Heavy Beef SEVEN STEAK u, 59c Choice Lb. Q Lb $1 00 tl Can ✓ SAUSAGE 2$1.29 Fresh Ground Boneless—Bite Size FbTlTTH im m\rn BEEF STEW u,69c BEEF .... n 4?) Heavy Beef—Shoulder SWISS STEAK 59c Rath—Jumbo BOLOGNA ,,«r L h :59c Mohawk-Canned PICNICS Neuhoff—Tennessee Farms SHORTENING criscoN With $5.00 or More Purchase Excluding Cigarettes & Beer. Shurfine—Cut GREEN BEANS Sc!"! $1.00 Del Monte—Whole Kernel GOLD CORN 4 Cans 1 Del Monte Gladiola FLOUR 549c Reynolds FOIL Assorted 12 .Von 85c Cans Cans 1 JELLO 3 C.10c Del Monte SWEET PEAS 4 Del Monte SAUERKRAUT 4 Del Monte SPINACH 6cZ TVTkTIYTj^- Del Monte—Pineapple-Grape- Q 46-Oz. .LejL\.I.i 1IV fruit. Pineapple-Oranve v CATSUP 4 14 bu.:89c Del Monte—FRUIT COCKTAIL UwSl.OO Texas YELLOW ONIONS Sunkist LEMONS 89c 89c 89c $1.00 $! 3 Lb,. 29c 6 For 29c GOLDEN RIPE Bananas TOMATOES 19 California Grapefruit 5-59 SQUASH” 19' DENTAL CREAM Colgate—Family teg. 89*? HAIR SPRAY 49 Morton’s—Assorted Just Wonderful Regular or Super 13-Oz. Reg. 99^ .... Dinners 3 a C Pecan, Coffee or Blueberry Cheese Sara Lee Cakes # 9 C jjjj Sara Lee c Pound Cake 12 Oz. Mennen—Push Button DEODORANT Food King—Sliced 4-Oz. $1.00 Size Mozak—Ironing Board PAD & COVER 59 C STRAWBERRIES 4 X $1.00 Birdseye—Cool Whip Topping 49' Reg. 99? 66C RAZOR RLADES 79 FILLETS Booth—Perch Wilkinson Sword 10 Count, Reg. $1.29 CACKLEBERRY GRADE "A" \ WE GIVE PEPSI COLA pr Limit 2 Ctns. With Other Purchases STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES AND BEER ORR’S SUPER MKT. COUPON EXPIRES SATURDAY, May 18, 1968J PLUS GREEN STAMPS •rrV.'V-VtV ■ • ' * - - Vi * . V.< ' -