The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 16, 1968, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, May 16, 1968 Bulletin Board RowanPursues CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle TODAY The Mechanical Engineering Seminar will host Jack E. Mildner in Room 303, Fermier Hall, at 10-10:50 a.m. Mildner is a con sulting engineer and associate of Smith, Hinchman, and Grylls, Inc., Architects, Engineers, and Planners, of Detroit. His subject will be “Engineering Require ments for Buildings and their Equipment,” according to J. H. Caddess, of the Mechanical En gineering Department. Architects, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineers are invited. The Orange Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Academic building. Elec tion of officers for next year will be held. Everyone is urged to come. The Peace Corps Club will show a free 20 minute color film, “Con frontation,” in Room 202, YMCA building, at 7:30 p.m. The film will feature segments from Dart mouth College, Quebec, and the Ivory Coast, Africa. The Bryan Bass Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Bryan Cham ber of Commerce building. Color movies about fishing and the general outdoors will be shown. Members, prospective members, and guests are invited, to attend. The Deep East Texas Home town Club will meet in Room 2A, the Memorial Student Center, at 7:30 p.m. The Falls County Hometown Club will meet at 7 p.m., Room 202, Physics Building. The club plans to elect its new officers. Another Student Earle, Lindsay Given Awards Vote Invalidated By Engineers For the second time in as many months, elections for important student posts have been mishandled and thrown out for re-balloting-. The increased enrollment in recent years, tied with this year’s overall election interest and active coordination among civilians to support qualified personnel among their ranks in previously all Corps positions, has contributed to voting in mass. While progress is being made to reduce student apathy, election administration has worked in opposition to voting fervor. In truth, only 423 votes were cast Tuesday in Student Senate elections, or about one-fifth the votes cast in the March 28 class elections.. But to those who took the time to vote, both were equally important, and in both cases, protests by candidates revealed miscues which invalidated the results. The class elections required clarification of campaigning in the Memorial Student Center, poster displays on campus and enforcement of clothing regulations without such prece dent. Results of Tuesday’s Student Senate election were thrown out by the Senate Election Committee when Elec tion Commission Chairman Tony Benedetto gave them the authority to do so. Dick Westerbrook, a candidate for senior engineering representative, among several others, protested that polls had closed prematurely and that there had been cross-over voting. This would involve, as an example, a junior in geo sciences voting for someone in liberal arts. Each one of the protests could have been avoided with the least amount of preparation and coordination by the election commission. It was its responsibility to be thorough ly familiar with election rules and procedures. It was its responsibility to insure that students did not vote twice, did not violate campaign procedures and did not cross-vote. We hope that next year’s commission takes the time to adequately prepare for student elections. It is its job to establish and enforce a system of voter registration, to see that voting is as valid and as swift as possible. If rules are changed or suddenly enforced, then there are several means to notify students well in advance. If students are to have the representation they need to coordi nate and arbitrate with the administration and among themselves, then the best people have to be elected. Interest in student affairs and a large turnout are two ways to insure the best men in the right positions. It should be done right—the first time. Dr. Stephen Jusahz Speaks Today Dr. Stephen Jusahz, editor of the “Applied Mechanics Review” for Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, will speak Thurs day afternoon at Texas A&M University. Jusahz’s talk, “Birth Control of Technical Literature,” is set for 2 p.m. in the School of Architec ture auditorium, announced Dr. Thomas J. Kozik, professor of mechanical engineering. Kozik said Jusahz is a special ist in information retrieval with a number of patents and publica tions to his credit. Jusahz was educated in Hun gary and Sweden. He worked at Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology before joining Southwest Research. Dr. James H. Earle, Engineer ing Graphics Department head, and Dr. J. D. Lindsay, chemical engineering professor emeritus, were honored Wednesday with top faculty awards by Texas A&M’s College of Engineering. Earle received the $1,400 Gen eral Dynamics Award for teach ing excellence and Lindsay the $200 Charles Crawford Award for special contributions to im provements of A&M’s engineering program. The award to Earle was pre sented by Forrest E. Armstrong, 1947 A&M graduate in aero nautical engineering. He is chief project engineer on General Dy namics’ FB-111 strategic bomber. Other highlights of awards ceremonies included presentation of certificates to three of the 825 engineering seniors for outstand ing accomplishments in scholastic and university-community activi ties. Dr. J. George H. Thompson, selection committee chairman, gave awards to Pat G. Rehmet of Alice in civil engineering, Barry Erwin Morgan of Bryan in aerospace engineering, and Leon Edward Travis III of San Antonio in electrical engineering. Engineering Dean Fred J. Ben son praised Dr. Earle as “a good idea man.” “He’s always coming up with something new and different that is good for our program,” Benson said. “Jim took over the Engi neering Graphics Department four years ago and has done a remarkable job of revitalization. He and his staff work each se mester with industries in order to bring freshmen into contact with industrial people, thus giving a big boost to our program.” “Dr. Lindsay, since his retire ment in 1965, has worked with our Junior Engineering Technical Society program,” he pointed out. “He has done a great job in helping recruit fine students. This was the main criteria for his selection.” Lindsay, who joined A&M in 1938, is first recipient of the Crawford Award since Dr. John C. Calhoun Jr. was honored in 1963. Calhoun is now A&M’s vice president for programs. Profes sor Crawford in mechanical en gineering and Norman Rode in electrical engineering received identical plaques in 1962. THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use publication of all new dispatches credited to it or herwise credited in the paper and local news of spontan published herein, herein are also use for not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other erein are also reserved. id-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. matter Secon News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 846-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 217, Services .u, ,7. advertising or delivery call 846-6415. Building. For Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim dsey, chairman Arts; F. S. White Lindsey rman ; Dr. David Bowers, College White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Veterinary Medicine ; and Hal Taylor, Col lege of Agriculture. is Bo; Colle ?: Jim Liberal ear ales Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; S6 per school $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% furnished on request. Address: Texas per Adve ion, 77843. sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, Colle !ge. Station, The Battalion, a student nev published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. ewspaper at Texas A&M daily except Saturda Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association EDITOR CHARLES ROWTON Managing Editor John Fuller Features Editor Mike Plake Editorial Columnist Robert Solovey News Editors Steve Korenek, Jim Basinger Sports Editor Gary Sherer Asst. Sports Editor John Platzer Staff Writers Bob Palmer, Dave Mayes, Tom Curl Photographer Mike Wright The Dallas Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in The Art Room, Memorial Student Center. Officers will be elected, and plans for an after-school party will be discussed. SATURDAY The Amarillo Hometown Club meets immediately after the Ma roon-White game, at the South Parking lot of Guion Hall. From the parking lot, members will precede to an outdoor party. SUNDAY The student A.V.M.A. Auxiliary is having a pet show Sunday afternoon. Registration will begin at 2 p.m. at Consolidated Field in College Station. Awards will be given, including one for the largest pet, the smallest, the most unusual, the best groomed, the ugliest, the prettiest, and the best dressed. An entry fee of fifty cents will be charged. Children to the age of 12 are invited to enter their pets. MONDAY The Industrial Engineering Wives Club will hold its final meeting of the semester in the Medallion Room, Bryan Utilities Building, at 8 p.m. TUESDAY The Junior Council will meet in Room 2A, at 7:30 p.m., the Memorial Student Center. Re freshments will be served. Final plans will be made concerning the Boot Dance. The meeting will be short. Better Road Illumination Better communication between basic researchers and designers of illumination systems was urged Wednesday by Dr. Neilon J. Rowan in the final session of a three-day driving visibility sym posium at Texas A&M University. Rowan, head of the driving environment division of the Texas Transportation Institute, said ap plied research is the best way for researchers and designers to mix. “Basic researchers need to con centrate on final research results and learn to speak the language of people who are to use the product, Rowan emphasized. “To day’s terrific pace demands that designers have a better under standing of fundamentals and facts.” “Applied research people must work harder to recognize the power of research and design,” he added. “They can be the bridge that closes the breach in the com munications gap.” Dr. Everett Strong, speaking for the Illuminating Engineering Research Institute, symposium sponsor, said researchers and de signers must be more versatile to apply information from other disciplines to problems. THE FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Now Holding Interviews for SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Due to rapid expansion there are unlimited opportunitie; in sales management with a corporation doing almos 2 billion dollars sales volume annually National Brain merchandise sold — Firestone, Philco, Delco, and mm others. REQUIREMENTS 1— College graduate 2— Prefer applicant with completed military obligatior 3— Good appearance and speaking voice, and have de sire to excell in sales management as a career. BENEFITS 1— Rapid Advancement 2— $625 Base Salary plus attractive Bonus Plan 3— Liberal Insurance Program for employee and de. pendent 4— Excellent Retirement Program 5— Annual paid vacation Write or Call Mr. J. H. Bowman or Mr. L. S. 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REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 100 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase og $10.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) • One Per Family [ Coupon Expires May 18, 1968. lay 18, PEANUTS By Charles M. Schn HERE'S THE WORK? WAR I FLVIN6 ACE ^TAHDINS BESIPE HIS SOPiOlTH CAMEL. IT IS EVENING... CHOW IS OVER. HE IS ENTERTAINING THE ENUSTEP MEN WITH TALES OF BRAVE WELS FOOSHT IN THE SKV... POOR BLIGHTERS..THEV NEEP INSPIRATION ANP CHEERING UP... 7\BUT WHO pits and 1 know more come noeis tract sever ment wife, 12, a Furp make strea Posec Rivei by 0 Bu fapid Unite >te tr the ( Uran the ( the I 'n m Ueer; lets] HI ®iovi ty a eiccit the Use, fruae u A - i- — 1