The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 10, 1968, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Friday May 10, 1968 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Sound Off “If you think Federal Inspection was tough, wait ’til our Mothers hit this room Sunday!” Johnson,Committee Compromise Tax President Johnson will apparently get the 10 per cent tax surcharge which he has been calling for with increas ing urgency during the past year. But in the compromise which has developed in order to get such a bill past the powerful House Ways and Means Committee and its chairman, Wilbur Mills, the administra tion had to agree to do some heavy budget cutting. A joint Senate-House committee insists that spending for the coming fiscal year be cut by at least $6 billion, which is $2 billion more than President Johnson feels is necessary to meet the nation’s needs. The President has urged the tax surcharge to prevent uncontrolled inflation and build confidence in the U. S. dol lar abroad. The administration will probably accept the proposed cut in federal spending in order to finally get the tax into operation. For individual taxpayers, it would be retroactive to April 1, and would mean that for every $100 you paid in taxes this year would pay $107.50 next year. For many taxpayers the amount would be less than $75. With prices, wages, mortgages and the price of loans jumping faster than in any boom period in the past, the tax increase should have a somewhat stabling effect. Together with the compromise cut in federal spending, the use of funds will be more carefully regulated and spent, and top priority will be given to management personnel who can effectively cut waste while maintaining efficiency. If Congress initiates the new bill quickly it will mean that the new witholding tax schedule based on the new sur charge will go into effect about June 1. We would hope that the conditions which favored a stepped-up wartime economy will level off, and that the peace negotiations which are abount to begin in Paris will lead to a cessation of hosilities in Vietnam. The effect could be a more stable budget, an end to the surcharge, and the availability of federal funds for this nation’s internal problems. Editor, The Battalion: This letter is about the SDS news story that appeared on the front page of the April 30 issue of The Battalion. In at least one respect the story was incomplete and there by made it easy for readers to get the wrong impression. In another respect the story did not have the facts straight. As to incompleteness it stated that “Students for a Democratic Society organized in the Coffee Loft . . It failed to say that the SDS borrowed the facilities of the Coffee Loft, as do other organizations, for a meeting place. This omission made it possible for readers to get the mistaken impression that the Coffee Loft is organizing or sponsoring SDS. The fact is merely that its doors are not closed to them just as they are not to others. The name “Coffee Loft” as used in The Battalion story means a room in the United Cam pus Christian Fellowship Center, which on Friday and Saturday evenings is the location of the coffee house known as the “Cof fee Loft”. This is sponsored by the UCCF. At many other times, however, the Coffee Loft room and other UCCF facilities may be reserved as a meeting place by groups not organized or spon sored by UCCF. This was the case on the occasion of the SDS meeting reported in The Bat talion story. Other groups independent of UCCF that have reserved the “Coffee Loft” in recent months include the Young Democrats, the Young Republicans, Phi Delta Sigma, a philosophy discussion group, Paranoia, social gather ings, local church groups, the Brazos Civil Liberties Union, vis iting speakers to the campus and several groups working for polit ical candidates — some local and some national, including Nixon and McCarthy. UCCF policy is to make its facilities available and reserva tion by such groups so long as property is protected and they are not used for social contact that is frequently disapproved in the supporting churches. United Campus Christian Fel lowship is a united campus min istry both locally and statewide of four denominations. They are the Presbyterian Church U. S., the United Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Episcopal Church cooperates with these churches in supporting the Coffee Loft. Now as to incorrectness. The Battalion story reported that a program “sponsored by SDS” will take place in the Coffee Loft on May 10. This is not correct. The program on Cuba was plan ned and will be sponsored by the Bulletin Board SATURDAY The Former NSF Summer Geology Students will have a bar becue at 7 p.m. Information can be obtained from Prof. Smith of the Geology Department before Friday. The Chemistry Department in vites all faculty, graduate and undergraduate students in the Chemistry Department and their wives to the annual Chemistry Department Barbecue at 11 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall on Tabor Road. For information, call Linda Salitros, 846-3508 or Adri enne Stout, 846-6163. MONDAY The Peace Corps Club will have a program presented by two Peace Corps recruiters who were volunteers at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3C of the Memorial Student Cen ter. NEXT WEEK The Amarillo Hometown Club is planning an outdoor party. Anyone interested must call either 846-8502 or 846-3369 by this week. THURSDAY The Bryan Bass Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Bryan Cham ber of Commerce Building. Color movies about fishing and the outdoors in general will be shown. Members, prospective members, and guests are invited to attend. THE BATTALION OvinioPS expressed in The Battalion The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for ■ - _ . republication of all new dispatches credited to it or not *.tVe thOSC Of the stvdevit XOVXteVS only. 2 he otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous ^ 4- ~ ~ ^ origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other Lj ClttCl-LlOTT/ IS Cl 71071 tax-suppoi tecL TLOTI'" matter herein are also reserved. profit, self-supporting educational enter- Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. prise edited and operated by students as News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-'6618 • •, 7 * •, ^ or 846-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 217, Services Cl university cm Cl community neivspapei . Building. For advertising or delivery call 846-6415. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Ji^ Mail subscriptions are $3 50 per semester; $6 per school Lindsey, chairman; Dr. David Bowers. College of Liberal year; $6.50 per full year All subscriptions subject to 2% Arts; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. ® a , les . Adv |, rtls,nB 01 ^ fu . rmsh T ? d . ° n re ^ u f. st - Addrass: Titus, College of Veterinary Medicine; and Hal Taylor, Col- The Battalion. Room 217, Services Building, College, Station, lege of Agriculture. Texas 77843. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is ' mj'-V CHARLES ROWTON published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, Managing Editor John puller Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through Features Editor Mike Plake May ’ and once a week during summer school. Editorial Columnist Robert Solovey Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising News Editors Steve Korenek, Jini Basinger Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Sports Editor Gary Sherer Francisco. Asst. Sports Editor John Platzer Staff Writers Bob Palmer, Dave Mayes, MEMBER Tom Curl The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Photographer Mike Wright WALK SHORTS $3.75 to $7.95 BAN-LON SHIRTS $4.95 to $10.95 Large New Shipment, Just Arrived . . . Lou pot's North Gate UCCF as one of its regular cof fee house programs and not by SDS. The Campus Religious Work ers’ Association, meeting on May 3, 1968, requested that this letter be written. Will you print it in order that more complete and accurate information on the sub ject may be available to your readers ? Rev. Cornelius Green President, Campus Religious Workers’ Association ★ ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: On May 14, all who are mem bers of both the Class of ’69 and the College of Science will select their representative to the Stu dent Senate. I, Mary Custer, am a candidate for that position. I am a member of the Department of Chemistry and have been closely associated with the De partment of Biology, Physics, and Math during the past three years. As a i-esult, I have come to know the students in these areas and their particular problems. It is my opinion that you who are students in these and related fields need the sort of repre sentation that I can definitely give you — mature and un biased. Being female, I am not a mem ber of any special interest group, be it civilian or Corps. There fore, I feel that I can fairly represent the combination of spe cial interests which comprises the College of Science. According to the Registrar’s Office, there are 186 juniors in the College of Science. If I should be elected your repre sentative, one of my first projects would be a letter to each of you, in which I set forth regular “of fice” hours on campus. I would thereby be able to give your sug gestions and complaints personal attention. This is an integral part of representation, since it would be my job “to furnish the voice by which you could speak.” If you think you need and want a representative that is interested in you, will work dili gently for you, and most impor tantly, keep in contact with you, consider me for the office of senior representative from the College of Science. Mary C. Custer ★ ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: Class of ’71, School of Agriculture: Tuesday is the day we elect our representatives to the Stu dent Senate, I’d like for you to consider the responsibilities of the office and think of the type of man you want speaking for YOU, on issues of importance. I think you will agree with me that Marcus Hill is best quali fied to serve us. He is a farm boy that has served in many leadership positions in school, church, and youth organizations. He served us well as President of our Freshman Seminar. Let’s show our confidence in him by voting Tuesday. Bill Smith ’71 CASA CHAPULTEPEC OPEN 11:00 A. M. CLOSE 10:00 P. M. 1315 COLLEGE AVENUE — PHONE 822-9872 Specials good: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Fiesta Dinner Guacamole Salad, Beef Taco, Three Enchiladas, Beans, Rice, Tortillas and Hot Sauce, Candy. Regular ^ $1.50 TACO DINNER Two Beef Tacos, One Chili Con Queso, Guacamole Salad, Tortillas and Hot Sauce, Dessert. Regular $1.25 99c MOTHERS DAY GIFTS LATEST IMPORTS FROM MEXICO Wrought Iron Chairs, Pottery, Mexican Light Fixtures, Pinatas, Pocketbooks, Pictures, Jewelry, Latin American Records, Per fume’s, Mexican Shirts, Ponchos for Ladies, and Many Other Imported Items. 1315 College Ave. 822-9872 or 846-5459 CASA EL CID CSS Sales S Service The Radiator Shop 1308 CAVITT BRYAN, TEXAS 822-3298 Major Company Credit Cards Accepted. Same Day Service 15'A Discount With This Ad. For Your Corsage For Parent’s Day It’s The Student Floral Concession. See Your Dorm Salesman Or Stop By The Floriculture Greenhouse Thursday or Friday 8-5; Saturday 8-12. Carnations Double Cymbidiums White Orchids Lavender Orchids Student Floral Concession “Run by Aggies for Aggies” PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz OF COURSE, I'M THE CATCHER! WHAT ARE T0U D0IN6? WHAT ARE..