The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 07, 1968, Image 1
Che Battalion Weather | |x Wednesday — Cloudy, thunder show- £: ers, winds Southerly 10-20 m.p.h. be- :£ coming Northerly 15-25 m.p.h. during •£ the afternoon. High 77, low 68. £: Thursday — Partly cloudy, to cloudy, :£ w'inds Northerly 10-20 m.p.h. High 76, low 61. :? COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS TUESDAW, MAY 7, 1968 Number 577 de bi 1 lie re!i| Bl. H(| ■oil the| n the I ’68-’69 Corps Staff Posts Announced By Gutierrez -ECT By BOB PALMER Battalion Sttaff Writer orps Commander - designate ctor Gutierrez named the re- inder of the 1968-69 Corps ff Monday. Matthew R. Carroll of Annan- ale, Va., will be the Corps’ ser- lant major. He is the guidon arer for Company G-l and is a stinguished student in archi- cture. Next year’s staff seniors will (elude Bill Carter as adjutant, arter, an agriculture economics ajor from Decatur, will be in large of the distribution of all Drps orders, according to Gutie rrez. He is the sergeant major of the First Brigade and president of the Student Senate. Inspector general of the Corps will be Larry McNeese of Corpus Christi. In charge of the Cadet Courts and setting Corps inspec tion policy, McNeese majors in mathematics. He is a Ross Volun teer, a Town Hall junior, a dis tinguished student and supply sergeant on Third Group Staff. PHIL CALLAHAN, a Dallas marketing major, will be supply officer of the new staff. “Phil will be in charge of the distribu tion of supplies, including guidons and weapons, from the Military oed Named Outstanding Senior t Journalism Awards Banquet C. DkJ Judy Franklin of Bryan has trient(P een na med the Journalism De- artment’s outstanding graduat- lig senior. pril,l j C. J. Leabo, department head, laid Miss Franklin is the first loed selected for the award. Miss Franklin, daughter of Dr. nd Mrs. T. E. Franklin of 738 larden Acres, was editor last [ear of The Review, the Liberal [rts College magazine. She was one of 13 journalism tudents honored at the depart- tient’s annual spring banquet, .eabo noted. man! Irani ^ Mbert Wins residency Of Singing Cadets Jerry E. Holbert, a junior his- Jory major from College Station, atiorfs president-elect of the 51-mem- •er Singing Cadets. Holbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Holbert, 304 Bolton, ;ook over the top position from Millikan of Floresville. Business manager for the 67- >8 glee club, Holbert is a gradu- ite of A&M Consolidated High School where he was a choir nember. Two Bryan residents also were dected to leadership roles. G. T. Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor don T. Hill Sr., 208 Elm, was chosen vice president, and Bill Tharp, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Tharp Sr., 108 S. Brewer, was named librarian. Hill and Tharp are graduates of Stephen F. Austin High School where they were choir members. Hill is a junior pre medical student, while Tharp is a freshman English major. Other new officers introduced at the Saturday night banquet in the Memorial Student Center were business manager Paul Wor ley of Baytown, newsletter edi tor Jimmy Cain of Brownsville, and publicity manager Jerry Street of Jasper. Named honorary Singing Ca dets were A&M President Earl Rudder, Mrs. John Connally of Austin, Mrs. Bill Koenig of Houston, and Mrs. Walter Moody and Mrs. Tom Gerald of Ama rillo. Winston Green of Tyler was presented two awards by the A&M chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, national advertising fra ternity. Green, chapter president, won the group’s scholarship award and also was selected its out standing graduating senior. THE UNIVERSITY chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national jour nal fraternity, selected D a ni Presswood of Fort Worth as A&M’s outstanding male journal ism senior. He served this year as SDX president and works part-time for The Bryan Daily Eagle. He is a former Battalion managing editor. John Fuller of San Angelo was named the department’s out standing junior. He is managing editor of The Battalion and scholastic sergeant of the Second Wing. Banquet presentations included nine cash scholarships. The top scholarship, a $400 award from the Minneapolis Star, went to Charles Rowton of Killeen, editor of The Battalion. The junior student, is the son of the late Maj. and Mrs. H. W. Rowton, was recently elected SDX president for 1968-69. The Dallas Press Club awarded $150 scholarships to Bruce Suiter of San Antonio and Battalion staff writer Davis Mayes of Fairborn, Ohio, and a $100 schol arship to Mike Plake of Beau mont, Battalion features editor. SHELTER, A sophomore, is a part-time cameraman at KBTX- TV in Bryan and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shulter. Bryan radio station KORA pre sented $100 scholarships to Gary Mayfield of Vernon and Robert Vrba of Temple. Mayfield, a sophomore, is the son of Mrs. Opal Mayfield, and Vrba, also a sophomore, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vrba. The P. S. Photo Company of Houston awarded a $100 scholar ship to Mike Wright of Victoria, a junior and photographer for The Battalion and The Aggie- land. Departmental scholarships, each valued at $100, were pre sented to Robert Palmer, a jun ior from Mount Pleasant, and John James of Houston, a sopho more. Palmer is a reporter for The Battalion. ■nil ii FINAL PANEL Three Texas Woman’s University students will present the third and plast “Man Your Manners” panel tonight at 7:30 in the YMCA. From left, they are Sandy Carrol, Laura Belville and Sharon Johnson. Science Department to the Corps,” Gutierrez said. Callahan is 2nd Brigade supply sergeant and chairman of the Student Life Committee of the Student Senate. Corps Chaplain, Ray Dillon, is a Longview resident and majors in architectural design. He is a distinguished student, a member of the Ross Volunteers, on the executive committee of the Stu dent Conference on National Af fairs and operations sergeant of the First Brigade. “Next year the Corps Chaplain will not only be responsible for the religious life of the cadets,” Gutierrez said, “Ray will be try ing to set up a student counseling service.” AN OKLAHOMA City, Okla., resident, Scott Spitzer, will serve as scholastic officer. He is dis tinguished student in government, scholastic sergeant of Squadron 8, and SCONA Program Committee chairman. Larry Graviss, Squadron 5 first sergeant, will be operations offi cer. Graviss, of San Antonio, majors in industrial technology. “Operations officer sets up all Corps operations orders and is in charge of Silver Taps and Mid night Yell Practice,” Gutierrez noted. David Reed, a management major from San Antonio, will fill the operations sergeant position. Reed has accumulated a 2.4 grade point ratio. Twice named distin guished student, Reed’s activities include skydiving, karate and scuba. ALBERT J. Reinert, assistant squad leader, Company C-2, hails from Fairfax, Va. He is active in the Student Conference on Na tional Affairs, a member of the Town Hall Committee and Memo rial Student Center finance chair man. He was named supply ser geant. Donnie Anderson from Texas City majors in electrical engineer ing and serves as assistant squad leader, Squadron 5. A member of Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi, Anderson has qualified for distinguished student three times. He was named scholastic ser geant. John L. Grumbles, assistant corporal, Squadron 7, has served on the Great Issues and Town Hall committees. Grumbles will be personnel sergeant. ED ROBEAU, assistant squad leader, .guidon bearer and athletic corporal of Squadron 7, is from Houston. He is active in Phi Eta Sigma, the Corps Safety Council and a Sophomore Council repre sentative. His position next year will be administrative sergeant. Deputy Corps Commander Gar land Clark was named with Gutierrez two weeks ago. Corps Staff juniors were picked through a series of interviews to determine sophomore qualifica tions. Brigade, Wing, Battalion and Group staffs are conducting simi lar interviews to choose junior members. The remaining staffs will announce their positions by Mothers Day. Oltmann Named ’69 Headwaiter At Duncan Hall Headwaiter of Duncan Dining Hall for 1968-69 is Callan D. Olt mann of Giddings, outgoing Head- waiter Juan Lopez announced Monday. An agricultural education ma jor in the Maroon Band, Oltmann will oversee about 100 waiters and will be responsible for smooth delivery of the mess hall food between kitchen and tables. Lopez also named four line heads: David Dubbelde of Detroit, Mich., Rickie G. Reynolds of Mid land, Donald P. McConnell of Mesquite and Robert Palmer of Mt. Pleasant. Dubbelde, a member of Squad ron 6, is a distinguished student majoring in physical education and biology. Also of Squadron 6, Reynolds is majoring in agricultural edu cation. McConnell, an architecture ma jor, is a member of the White Band. Palmer is a journalism major, a staff writer for The Battalion and a member of Company A-l. Army Chief Of Staff To Administer Oath DECISION ANNOUNCED Howard Grubbs, executive secretary of the Southwest Conference, appear chagrined as he announces the conference’s decision to reprimand A&M’s football program for recruit ing violations. At left is Dr. Monroe S. Carroll of Baylor, SWC president. See story, page 6. (Photo by Mike Wright) Education Process Finished For Semester At Columbia By ANTHONY DE NIGRO Associated Press Writer NEW YORK UP) — Two weeks of campus crisis at Columbia University eased Monday, but almost two thirds of its schools and departments abandoned for mal classes for the rest of the term. The besieged university opened Corps Awards To Be Given Mother’s Day Cadet Corps competition in marching, scholastics and extra curricular activity culminates Sunday in awards to be present ed during annual Parents' Day activities. Naming of Corps units to re ceive the Gen. George F. Moore outstanding unit and Academic flags will highlight more than 170 awards to be presented. The Moore, Academic Achieve ment and outstanding color guard presentations will be made at a 2:30 p.m. Corps Review on the Main Drill Field. The Aggie Mother of the Year will review the 2,800-cadet Corps and Air Force Maj. Gen. Jay T. Robbins of Hickam AFB, Ha waii, will be in the reviewing party as the senior military of ficial. General Robbins, Pacific Air Forces chief of staff, is a 1940 Texas A&M graduate. Other awards will be made in the company and squadron areas at 8:25 a.m. and at G. Rollie White Coliseum at 9:30 p.m., announced Col. Jim H. McCoy, commandant. Best drilled sophomores and freshmen will be recognized by each of 32 Corps units following flower pinning ceremonies early Sunday. The President’s Flag and vari ous individual awards will be an nounced at the coliseum. A 30- minute Student Senate program honoring parents is scheduled at 9 p.m. A special Ross Volunteers com pany drill and national champion Freshman Drill Team perform ances will precede and follow the review, to be led by the Aggie Band. Open house in cadet dormi tories will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M. —Adv. its doors for the first time in 10 days, directing its faculty and students to work out their own ground rules. But the acting dean held captive in his office for almost 24 hours when the stu dent protest started April 23 said the normal education process was finished for this school year. REBEL students striving to close the 25,000-student Ivy League university altogether mounted a boycott of classes Monday morning. By noon, about 300 manned token picket lines before more than a dozen buildings. But after minor early morning scuffling, the pickets merely shouted and jeered at unsympa thetic students and staff mem bers striding through their lines. The original aims of the stu dent protesters appeared lost in the brief history of their revolt. Before city police stormed the five buildings they occupied and arrested 720 persons in the dead of night last Tuesday, they al ready had won a suspension of construction of a university gym nasium on a city park separating Columbia from Negro Harlem. THE SECOND goal, dissolu tion of Columbia’s ties with a de fense research project, has been quietly shunted aside lately. Now the students, backed up by segments of the faculty, are demanding a wider student and faculty say in running the uni versity. The administration has said it will study this demand. The movement to call off for mal classes almost four weeks before the official end of the term May 29 was led by Colum bia College, two centuries old and largest of the university’s units. Its faculty voted to take that step Sunday. THE PRESTIGIOUS School of Journalism and the anthropology department followed Monday morning and then 12 more units announced they would hold only informal classes for the rest of the semester. Only nine units tried to hold normal, every-day classes but rebel leaders claimed support from 5,000 students and that their strike was 95 per cent ef fective. The university admin istration furnished no attendance figures. Acting Dean Henry Coleman, the man locked in his office two weeks ago, predicted flatly: “The university will not be back to normal this semester.” IN THE VACUUM, a few pro fessors scheduled classes in their homes and other teachers led so-called liberation classes set up by the rebels in corners of the campus. The rebels published a list of 50 such classes in such subjects as “avant-garde litera ture,” “imperialism,” “corporate liberalism” and “Columbia and warfare state.” Columbia College gave its stu dents the alternative of taking either a passing, failing or in complete grade on the basis of their work as of April 23. If they were unsatisfied with any of these, they were told to speak with their professors and work out individual solutions. ADMINISTRATION officials, who merely threw open the doors and instructed the university’s various units to fend for them selves, gave no indication what this meant for seniors or whether commencement exercises would be held. The police department, mean while, defended itself against charges that it used undue force in clearing the five occupied buildings at 2 a.m. last Tuesday. The department countered that the demonstrators and sympa thetic faculty members outside waged large-scale violence on its men. “POLICE were punched, bitten and kicked with many attempts made to kick policemen in the groin,” the report to Mayor John V. Lindsay said. “A pattern was seen in the use of females to bite and kick the policemen. “In some buildings, demonstra tors hurled furniture, bottles and miscellaneous objects at the po lice.” Mark Rudd, chairman of the university’s chapter of Students for a Democratic Society and leader of the strike, called the report “a bunch of lies”. He said the police used plainclothes detectives “to beat heads.” McLeroy Elected ’68 Class Agent Texas A&M’s graduating sen iors elected Ron McLeroy of Dal las class agent Monday at the Association of Former Students’ induction banquet. Gerald Moore of Arlington was elected to assist McLeroy in class of ’68 affairs with the association. The class, which graduates in three weeks, heard FSA Execu tive Director Richard Weirus, President - Elect Ford Albritton Jr., Eber H. Peters Jr. of Beau mont, vice president for fund raising; John W. Caple of Fort Worth and Darrell Chandler of Beaumont. Gen. Johnson To Appear At Final Review U. S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Harold K. Johnson will ad dress new second lieutenants at commissioning ceremonies here May 25. General Johnson will be the distinguished military guest for the 1967-68 Corps of Cadets’ final full-dress event of the year, announced Col. Jim H. McCoy, commandant. Final Review will follow the 1:30 p.m. commissioning in G. Rollie White Coliseum. Com mencement will be at 9 a.m. General Johnson, 56, has been at the Pentagon since 1963 and became chief of staff in 1964. During his 35 years military service, the Pembina County, N.D., native served in the Philip pines, Bataan, Korea, Germany and in other parts of Europe and the Far East. THE WEST POINT graduate participated in the death march after the fall of Bataan in April, 1942. The Japanese imprisoned him at Camps O’Donnell and Cabanatuan and Bilibid Prison in the Philippines. While being moved to Japan in the winter of 1944, allied aircraft twice attack ed the ships. After transfer from Japan to Korea, he was liberated by the 7th Division following its occupational landing at Inchon in September 1945. Johnson attended and served on the faculty of the Command and General Staff College of which he was later to be com mandant. Returning to command, he served in the Far East during 1950-51 with the 5th and 8th Cavalry Regiments and the I Corps. The 33rd Degree Mason was joint war plans branch chief, plans division assistant chief and executive officer of the assistant chief of staff’s office during his first Washington tour in 1953-56. JOHNSON WAS promoted to brigadier general in 1956 and was assigned assistant commander, 8th Infantry Division, which gy- roscoped to Germany. While there he was chief of staff of 7th Army Headquarters., Stuttgart-Vaihin- gen, and the Central Army Group, a NATO headquarters which planned peacetime employment of troops and their control in event of armed conflict. General Johnson returned to Fort Leavenworth as commandant in 1960 and became an assistant deputy chief of staff at the Pen tagon in 1963. The recipient of Boy Scout Sil ver Beaver and Silver Buffalo awards wears the Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Ser vice Medal, Legion of Merit with three Oak Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star and Combat Infantryman’s Badge among other decorations. GEN. JOHNSON j Bryan Building & Loan ^Association, Your Sav- ings Center, since 1919. 6 B fiuXi —Adv. ; ; .