The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 03, 1968, Image 1
■ Vi . •• v.VyVAV* - .V. . VOLUME 61 Cbe Battalion COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1968 Weather Saturday & Sunday—Cloudy to partly cloudy, few afternoon rain showers, winds Southerly 10-20 m.p.h. High 82, low 71. Number 576 Parimutuel Betting Backers Predict Victory Saturday ;he ■on in 72 By JACK KEEVER AUSTIN — Texans vote Saturday in what amounts to a public opinion poll on the contro versial pari-mutel betting issue, with backers of the proposal pre dicting victory. Arthur Seeligson Jr. of San Antonio told a news conference Thursday that more than a mil lion Texans would ignore claims that race track gambling would make the state a nesting place for criminals and would approve pari-mutuel betting. “We are offended by the op position’s deceitful behavior con necting modern-day, major league horse racing with organized crime,” said Seeligson, chairman of the Board of the Texas Horse Racing Association. “THIS IS ABSURD” he said. “We have racing in Texas now — third class racing — but give us a board to regulate it, and the Texas Racing Association (TRA) will give the state a billion dol lar industry and a great new sport.” He labeled the opponents “zea lots, bigots — the same group who is against drinking and dancing.” An hour later, one of the lead ers of the Anti Crime Council of Texas said, “When the TRA claims that horseracing would be good for Texas, what they really mean is gambling.” WILL WILSON, former attor ney general and council co-chair man, said, “to try to equate race track gambling with traditional sports is typical of TRA tactics. But if the TRA asked us to go to the polls and vote for legal ized betting on football or base ball, they’d be laughed out of the state.” The council and racing asso ciation are aligned against each Columbia U. Offers Concessions To End Battle, Start Classes By ARTHUR EVERETT Associate Press Writer NEW YORK <7P> — Columbia University offered new conces sions to its campus rebels Thurs day, in an effort to end the 10- day battle of Morningside Heights and reopen classrooms for its 25,381 students. Classes at Columbia have been suspended for a week, with no indication they can be resumed before next week at the earliest. Nearly all city police were withdrawn during the day from the Ivy League campus in up town Manhattan’s Morningside Heights. They were summoned in force earlier in the week to clear five buildings occupied by student demonstrators. There were 720 arrests in the ensuing melee. In addition, Columbia’s Board of Trustees agreed to consult with community leaders on the fate of a controversial $11.5-mil- lion gymnasium being constructed in Morningside Park, which sep arates the university from Har lem. The trustees also offered to consider demands for a greater student-faculty voice in the poli cies of the 214-year-old school, one of the nation’s oldest and most esteemed. At the request of Mayor John V. Lindsay, the university last week announced it was halting gym construction for the time being. The trustees agreed Thursday that “consultations and negotiations with community leaders shall be held before a decision is reached as to whether or not construction of the gym nasium would be resumed.” The board also named a spe cial committee to consult with faculty, student, alumni and administrative officers and to recommend “changes in the basic structure of the university.” A student strike committee de manded a student-faculty senate with power to make major policy decisions, without their being sub ject to veto by the trustees. “Events have indicated that the trustees cannot be trusted,” John Rousmaniere, a strike leader, told a news conference. Senior Banquet Set For Monday Seniors who receive their de grees May 25 will be inducted in to the Association of Former Stu dents here Monday. other on Saturday’s statewide opinion poll on horse race bet ting, an issue on the primary election ballots of the Democrat and Republican parties. THE NON-BINDING poll calls for pari-mutuel wagering on a local option basis and creation of a racing board. Two per cent of the pari-mutuel pool would go to each county with racing and one half of the total state revenue from racing would be distributed among the other counties. “First class horse racing is the best policed, self-policed sport in this country,” Seeligson said. He distributed a prepared statement that showed more than 68 million persons turned out for pari mutuel horse racing in 1966, al most twice the combined attend ance for college and professional football or major and minor league baseball. “CONSERVATIVE estimates show that Texas would receive $25 million annually directly from pari-mutuel wagering on horse races,” the statement said. Wilson claimed, however, “It has been reliably estimated that for every dollar that accrues to the state from gambling, 5 more are spent in higher police costs, higher court costs, higher peni tentiary costs, and higher relief costs.” Seeligson predicted 2 million voters would vote Saturday, with horse race gambling winning a 200,000-vote majority. In 1962, two racing propositions were defeated by more than 100,- 000 votes out of 1.1 million cast on each proposal. “It’s been six long years,” said Seeligson. “We can’t believe we haven’t gotten through that this is a great sport.” Students To Try Charlie Brown Bit Architecture Professor John Exley is going to satisfy an inner desire today no doubt much to the envy of fellow professors. He’s going to tell his students to go fly a kite. Ten students in Exley’s fourth year landscape design class are hopeful they can follow his orders. For two days they have been busy making sure the kites ( are well designed and have the proper overall form. “Truth will out” this afternoon on the civil engineering field north of the School of Architec ture. The trustees action came amid plans for a student strike when classrooms reopen. A strike com mittee claimed the support of more than 4,000 Columbia stu dents. Among other things, they are demanding the ouster of President Grayson Kirk, who brought the police onto the cam pus. The Columbia demonstration began April 23 in protest over the use of 2.1 acres of the 30-acre Morningside Park for the gym nasium. Negro activists long had opposed the gym, charging rac ism on the part of Columbia in encroaching on Harlem recrea tional property. Association President Jeff Montgomery of Dallas will wel come graduates to the organiza tion at a 6:30 p.m. banquet in Sbisa Hall. Seniors will be guests and should pick up free banquet tickets at the association office before 5 p.m. Friday. Fort Worth businessman John W. Caple, 1952 graduate in in dustrial engineering, will be the featured speaker. The graduating class will elect its representative to the associa tion at the banquet. The ’68 class agent will serve a 10-year term and plans the first reunion in 1978. No New Reports On Lost Student Texas A&M campus security officers report no new develop ments in their search for Niley J. Smith Jr., 21-year-old student missing more than a month. Security Chief Ed Powell said Smith, junior marketing major from Cameron, was last seen on campus March 20 and has not since contacted his parents. Smith, a civilian student, is 6’2”, weighs 180 pounds, has brown crewcut hair, blue eyes. CIVILIANS RESERVE ROOMS Mrs. E. J. Novosad, housing office clerk, checks registration cards for civilians who are registering this week for next semester’s room assignments. Registrants are, from left, Eugene O’Gorman, William Escalante, Billy Wiethorn and Charles Salomon. (Photo by Mike Wright) Commanders Named In Battalions, Groups THE GAVEL IS PASSED Student Senate President Jerry Campbell, left, hands over the Senate gavel to President- Elect Bill Carter during ceremonies Thursday. The Senate’s 1968-68 members were in stalled during the banquet meeting. (Photo by Mike Wright) Campbell Receives Watch, New Members At SS Awards Outgoing Student Senate Pres ident Jerry Campbell received a gold watch with the Aggie em blem engraved on its face Thurs day night at the Student Senate Awards Banquet. The meeting, in the Memorial Senate Urges Quick Action On Censure The Executive Committee of the Student Senate Thursday unanimously adopted the follow ing resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Texas A&M Uni versity on March 15, 1968, ap proved a motion directing the administration to implement immediately the standards set up in the Statement on Aca demic Freedom, Tenure, and Responsibility of the Texas Co ordinating Board; and WHEREAS, the administra tion of Texas A&M University failed to acknowledge two let ters from the American Asso ciation of University Professors and failed to meet with an official investigating committee of that organization, concerning the case of Dr. Leon Gibbs; and WHEREAS, subsequently the American Association of Uni versity Professors unanimously censured Texas A&M Univer sity for “violation of academic freedom and tenure” on April 26, 1968; and WHEREAS, said censureship will serve as an incumberance on the recruitment of qualified professors, and as a discourage ment to the enrollment of fu ture students; The Executive Committee of the Texas A&M University Stu dent Senate is unanimously re solved that the administration of the University should im mediately do everything within its power to comply with the Statement on Academic Free dom, Tenure, and Responsibility of the Texas Coordinating Board, and with the American Association of University Pro fessors’ 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Free dom and Tenure. Copies were to be forwarded to President Earl Rudder and to the general secretary of the AAUP in Washington, D. C. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M. —Adv. Student Center, was originally scheduled to have presentations of keys to each of the student senators. However, due to a delay in shipping, the keys were not available. Reagan V. Brown, extension sociologist at the Department of Agricultural Economics and So ciology, spoke. “COMMUNISM wants Ameri ca to have a nervous breakdown,” he said. “And it looks like we’re going to help them.” Brown referred to current law lessness and rioting in the streets and to the attitudes of many peo ple regarding these events. A fiery speaker, Brown brought four topics which formed his “basis for getting along in life.” “Think clearly,” he said. “Love your fellowmen, and do so with honest motives.” The sociologist said there were The Southwest Conference Spring Sportsmanship Meeting will draw six representatives from A&M this weekend in Fort Worth. The delegates will vote on sportsmanship of the conference schools during the basketball season, according to Bill Carter, Student Senate president. This will determine half of the sportsmanship trophy awarded annually at the New Year’s Day Cotton Bowl Game. This year’s recipient was the University of Arkansas. Carter will head the delegation consisting of two Battalion repre sentatives, Editor Charles Row- ton and Managing Editor John Fuller, Head Yell Leader Bill Youngkin, athlete representative Joe Tellerson and junior repre sentative Ronald L. Adams. ANOTHER feature of the con ference will be the roundtable discussions. “During these discussions, the members of each school voice their gripes about the rest of the schools,” Carter said. “These conferences have been very successful in the past,” he continued. “Weaknesses are point ed out and everyone can work to correct them.” Another vital asset of the con ference is the communication de veloped between the new heads of the conference student bodies, he noted. “WE DISCUSS problems other than sportsmanship,” Carter said. “We get constructive ideas that three things people look for in a young college graduate today: A striving for recognition, re sponse, and emotional security. STUDENT Senate President Jerry Campbell was surprised at the point-blank, honest approach of Brown. Afterwards, however, he said: “Mr. Brown was tremendous. He’s the type speaker I wish we could get to address the whole student body. Asked what he thought con cerning the future of the student senate, its new members and its new president. Bill Carter, Camp bell said: “I’m convinced, with the type of qualified and hard working individuals we have elected this year, that the stu dents of A&M are in for a tre mendous new year of service from their Student Senate.” ★ can improve all of our campuses.” Carter will also be planning the fall Student Leaders Idea Exchange Conference which he hosted in April. He hopes to get the conference rolling on a semi annual basis, much like the sportsmanship meeting. WASHINGTON <A>> — Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, D-Minn., has triumphed in a nationwide mock presidential election on some 1,200 college campuses. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, D- N. Y. edged Republican former Vice President Richard M. Nixon for second place in the voting by more than a million students. McCarthy drew 285,988 votes, Kennedy 213,832 and Nixon 197,- 167. More than half the students fa vored a reduction of the U. S. war effort in Vietnam in a referen dum included on the ballot. And McCarthy drew 85 per cent of his support from these students, computerized returns showed. VICE PRESIDENT Hubert H. Humphrey, now a major conten der for the Democratic nomina tion, was not included on the bal lot, which listed 13 possible presi dential candidates. Sponsors said the ballot was drawn, up before President Johnson bowed out at the end of March and could not be changed before the voting last week. By TOM CURL I Commanders of Corps bat- i talions and groups and the Com- I binded Band were announced I Thursday by Hector Guitierrez, f Corps Commander for 1968-69. Army cadets named are Mich ael P. Becket, First Battalion; Stephen A. Holditch, Second Bat talion; Arthur Lane, Third Bat talion; William E. Heitkamp, 1 Fourth Battalion, and Bill Howell, 1 Combined Band. Air Force cadets named to the If cadet lieutenant colonel positions | included Thomas K. Hamilton, | First Group; Lane Cavin, Second % Group; James R. Horner, Third Group, and Gary L. Hanes, Fourth Group. Head of the First Group will be Hamilton, a civil engineering major from Tyler. An amateur golfer in his spare time. Hamil ton was been this year’s sergeant major of the First Group. Houston Lane Cavin, civil en gineering major from Odessa, will command the Second Group. The Distinguished Student from Squadron 4 is sergeant major of the Second Group. Cavin is also a member of next year’s Ross Volunteers Company and the RV Firing Squad. COMMANDER OF the Third Group will be James Richard Horner, a marketing major from Longview. He is sergeant major of the Third Group and a mem ber of Town Hall staff. Horner was also named to next year’s RV Firing Squad. Gary Lenoir Hanes, a mechan ical engineering student from Linden, will head the Fourth Group. A member of the Sky Div ing Club and an RV, Hanes is currently supply sergeant of the Second Wing. Commander of the Army’s First Battalion will be Michael P. Becket, a wildlife science ma jor from Orlando, Fla. Becket is an RV and sergeant major of the First Battalion, i STEPHEN A. HOLDITCH will head the Second Battalion. Hold itch is a petroleum engineering student from Tyler and will serve on the RV Firing Squad next year. He was sergeant major of the battalion this year. The Third Battalion will be commanded by Arthur Bolton Lane, an electrical engineering major from Houston. Named Outstanding Army ROTC Sopho more last year, Lane is scholastic sergeant of Company C-2 and a member of the Ross Volunteers. William E. Heitkamp, first ser geant of Company G-2, will head the Fourth Battalion. He is an accounting major from New Braunfels and a member of next year’s RV Firing Squad. William R. Howell, a chemis try major from Brenham, was named combined band command er. A Ross Volunteer and vice- chairman of the Thirteenth Stu dent Conference on National Af fairs, Howell was named Out standing Corps Freshman in 1966. He is currently sergeant major of the combined bands. New York Gov. Nelson A. Rock efeller, now challenging Nixon actively for the Republican nomi nation, attracted 115,937 votes although he had not announced his candidacy when the students voted April 24. HUMPHREY RECEIVED 18,- 535 write-in votes. There were 57,362 votes cast for Johnson despite his disavowal. Former Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace drew 33,078. Other votes were scattered, with 3,538 going to the late civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was listed on the ballot as an independent candidate. He finished ahead of Republican Har old Stassen, last with 1,033 votes. Although the colleges involved have three-fourths of the nation’s total enrollment, the turnout was light and the actual voters num bered less than one-fifth of the nation’s students. Bryan Building & Loan Association, Your Sav ings Center, since 1919. B13 & L —Adv. Carter To Head A&M Group At SWC Sportsmanship Meet McCarthy Tops ‘Choice ’68’ Poll