The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1968, Image 4
BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.M.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 -ELEC T— J.T. “Jim” GLOSS State Representative .... District 18 AGRESSIVE - MATURE - RELIABLE Political Ad Paid For by J. T. Gloss Page 4 College Station, Texas Friday, April 26, 1968 THE BATTALION Aggie Nine At Dallas By GARY SHERER The Texas Aggie baseball team takes its Southwest Conference leading hitting attack into Dallas this weekend for a three-game series with Southern Methodist. Current SWC statistics have the Aggies hitting at a .280 pace for their 10 games. However, their 6-4 conference record belies their hitting prowess. Of course, you can hit all day, but if you don’t score runs, you can’t win. Texas, which presently sits atop the SWC standings with a 10-4 mark, also has scored the most runs. THE CONFERENCE has nar rowed down to about a four-team race. But, with the topsy-turvy developments for which the SWC is famous, only last place Texas Tech can be officially eliminated. MISS Why do nine out of ten Aggies choose Miss Y?? Would you believe it’s her corsage from THE FLORAL CENTER. THE FLORAL CENTER, 2920 E. 29th, Bry an, specializes in Aggie corsages . . . Come by and select from roses, orchids, and many others or call 823-5792 for free dorm delivery. Z CONTEST Miss Y?? Would TOWN HALL REGULAR SERIES Presents 5th Dimension Town Hall Season ticket holder and Activity Card holders admitted free Ticket prices: Date — $2.00 - Student — 2.50 - Gen. Adm. — 3.00 Limited Reserve Seat Tickets Available On Sale At MSC Student Programs Office “Special” Added Attraction THE COUNTDOWN FIVE APRIL 27, 1968 — 7:00 P. M. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM CIVILIAN WEEKEND But, if Texas wins one more game, SMU and Rice can forget about the championship. The four teams that do have definite chances are Texas, Texas Christian, Baylor and the Aggies. Following Texas in the stand ings is TCU at 8-5 and then the Aggies, followed by Baylor at 5-5. The Aggies and Baylor have a little advantage as they have more games to play then TCU and Texas. TCU COMPLETES their SWC season against Tech next week end, following their games with Baylor today and Saturday. Fin ally Texas meets Rice this week end and winds up with the Ag gies May 10-11. Whether each team has 18 games at the end of the season, is questionable. Texas will, be cause they have four remaining to play and have played 14. The Aggies will only have 17 played, as they lost one game with Bay lor to the weather and the silly SWC no-rescheduling rule. TCU has 13 played and four remaining, they will probably have 17 also. Baylor may have less than any team as they have six games re maining, according to the sched ule. Whatever happens, it looks like it will be a race down to the wire, much like the 1966 title scramble. SWC fans will remem ber that was the year of the four way tie between just the same four teams that are in the run ning this season. GETTING BACK to the Ag gies’ hitting, they also have the league’s leading hitter in Joe Staples. The Aggie catcher is hitting at a .448 pace. Dave Elm- endorf, Bob Arnold and Terry Dailey are also in the top ten SWC hitters and are 6-7-8 re spectively. A PLACE IN THE SUN (LAST) Although the Chicago White Sox were winless in their first nine games this season, manager Eddie Stanky took time out from a workout at the home ball park iniChicago to catch a little sleep in the stands, soaking up sunshine, His team has a firm grip on last place in American League, (AP Wirephoto) I 22 195 AG£ WEIGHT HEIGHT 6ft. ? in. 6ft.'A in. REACH 76 in. 72 in. CHEST NORMAL 42 in. 42 in. CHEST EXPANDED 44% in. 44 Vs i n. i ouABBy j 3 3 i n, WAIST 34 in. THIGH 2454In. 24 in FIST CALF 15 in. BICEPS 15 % i n. 16 i n. 14 in. 17 i n. Ryun Tests Le InDrakeRelay DES MOINES, Iowa UP) • anchoring effort by recovers: Kansas’ Jim Ryun, a first-fa showdown between two of tht country’s top distance men, and a lightning fast highlight Fri day’s opening session of the 59tli Drake Relays. The phenomenal Ryun tested an injured leg for the first fa in a month during last weekend 1 ! Kansas Relays, and his meet ord 3:42.8 in the 1,500 meters quickly dispelled fears the pulled hamstring muscle he suffered late in March would jeopardize hii Olympic chances. Jim, who celebrates his 21il birthday Monday, isn’t slated h any solo activity here. Instead, he’ll be used exclusively for re lays, competing both days in it least three events. TALE OF THE TAPE FOR TITLE Here are the vital statistics on heavyweight boxers Jimmy Ellis of Louisville, Ky., and Jerry Quarry of Los Angeles who meet April 27 at Oakland, Calif., for the World Boxing Association’s championship. (AP Wirephoto) TONIGHT Civilian Student Dance At K. C. Ballroom Music by THE SOUL SHADOWS With Houston Recording Star & Aggie-Ex Andy Chapman Set-Up Available $3.50 Couple AstroFacts However, Coach Bob Timmom who likes to keep Ryun’s itinei- ary a secret until the last minuti, wasn’t saying whether he would compete in the spring medley, two-mile, four-mile or distanii medley. Air Force Lt. Jim Murphy voted the outstanding performei in the Kansas Relays after » ning both the 5,000 and 10,i meters, will try to prevent St Cloud, Minn., State’s durable Dai Nelson from scoring a triple do« hie here. A major feature of the Hous ton Astros’ second 1968 home stand, which opens at the Astro dome on April 29, will be “Bat Night” on Saturday, May 4. An annual Houston institution, Bat Night will find all youngsters 16 and under receiving free bats bearing the signature of either Rusty Staub or Jim Wynn as they enter the park for the May 4 game against the Atlanta Braves at 7:30 p.m. Four of the top clubs in the National League will be visiting the Astrodome during the 11- game home stand. Cincinnati leads off in night games on April 29 and 30. The world champion St. Louis Cardinals follow for night games on May 1 and 2. Atlanta then comes to Houston for night games on May 3 and 4, plus a 2:00 p.m. contest on Sun day, May 5. Nelson, the Pan - Americsi 5,000- and 10,000-meter champ has won both the three and sifr mile runs at Drake the last twt years, setting records in both last year. They run the three-mill Friday and the six mile Saturday Only one person has ever wot two events three times in a roi here—Randy Matson, who cap tured the shot and discus in 186) for the third straight time. Three of the top four finishw in last year’s NCAA 440-yarl dash tangle in a special evetl that has been inserted in Friday! program. Emmett Taylor of Ohio Univer sity, who won the NCAA evetl in 45.9 in almost a three-man heat heads the field, which also in cludes one of the men he edge! out, Iowa’s Mike Mondane, a:.: fourth-place finisher Charles Ben son of Southern Illinois. ( ( Ci in ! cord len M deni be deni rooi thei scri Ii cllK yea ure I I’ve Got My Eye On The Man in a VAN M EE LJ S EE N* *■417” VANOPRESS SHIRT And what I see of my classy mate, I like, I like! Ruggedly built, but with a cool, suave look . .. just like his permanently pressed Van Heusen “417” Vanopress shirt. It’s the one with new Soil Away process that washes out stains and collar soil without scrubbing. Complete with authentic button- down collar and V-Tapered fit. In tough, turned-on stripes, checks or solids. Gee, I just can’t take my eyes off him. Funny, I don’t want to! Now from Van Heusen ... the scent of adventure . .. Passport 360 ... the first to last and last and last! Spring Shirt Spectacular! VAN M EE LJ S EE N® “417” VANOPRESS SHIRTS W/fh new SOIL-AWAY These thrilling threads are what’s happening on campus for Spring. New Soil-Away process in “417” Vanopress shirts makes stains and collar soil wash out without scrubbing. And they’re permanently pressed ... just dunk ’em and don ’em. Authentic tailoring, with button-down collar and slim V-Tapered fit. Catchy colors in stripes, checks and solids. For casually-styled kicks, experience a Vanopress today! THE EXCHANGE STORE “for thinking men" and now... £ JADE 1 EAST CORAL A NEW AFTER SHAVE & COLOGNE AFTER SHAVE from $2.50 COLOGNE from $3.00 SWANK Inc.-Sole Distributor