The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1968, Image 1

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Marine Maj. Gen. Wood B. Kyle, 1936 A&M graduate, addresses the campus Muster in G. Rollie White
Coliseum. Seated behind him are, from left, Ron McElroy, who made the invocation; Don McElroy, Mus
ter chairman; Buck Weirus, executive secretary of the Association of Former Students; Congressman
Graham Purcell of Wichita Falls, 1941 graduate ; President Earl Rudder; Lonnie Minze, Corps commander,
and Neal Adams, head yell leader. (Photo by Mike Wright)
The second platoon of the Ross Volunteers Firing Squad prepares to fire one of three volleys prior to
Silver Taps during the ceremonies, just outside the Coliseum. Deputy Corps Commander Pat Rehmet
gives commands at right center. The 21 junior RV’s were named to next year’s squad at the Ross Volun
teers Ball here Saturday. (Photo by Mike Wright)
Muster Honors 33
In Ceremony Here
nam is to stop the spread of com-
Che Battalion
Battalion News Editor munist control to all Southeast
Thirty-three Aggies were Asia. It’s as simple as that and
named on the Roll Call for the needs no embellishment.”
Number 569
absent at the 66th annual Aggie
Muster Sunday at Texas A&M.
Included among those who have
died during the past year were
23 Aggies who died in Vietnam.
More than 5,500 persons at
tended the annual event to hear
Marine Maj. Gen. Wood B. Kyle
slash at communism.
The Muster was originally
scheduled to be held in front of
the System Administration Build
ing but inclement weather forced
the event into G. Rollie White
The campus Muster was the
largest of the traditional San
Jacinto Day ceremonies conduct
ed at 300 sites throughout the
GEN. KYLE, commanding of
ficer of the 5th Marine Division
at Camp Pendleton, Calif., and
previously commander of the 3rd
Marine Division Division in Viet
nam, commented on reasons for
U. S. involvement in Vietnam.
“Our reason for being in Viet-
Head Yell Leader Neal
Adams reads the 33 names
in the traditional ‘Roll Call
for the Absent.” (Photo by
Mike Wright)
“Many of our people have
grown weary of this long conflict
and we are no longer willing to
fight to contain communism,”
Kyle noted. “The cry we hear
most often is that this war is
illegal and immoral. If that is
true, then everything we have
done since World War II to save
the free world is illegal and im
DON McLEROY, the Aggie
Muster chairman, said he was
pleased that the muster went
smoothly but he added that he
was disappointed with the at
“I was very disappointed with
the civilian attendance. The ci
vilians who were there were fifth
year men or had been in the
McLeroy said that the low ci
vilian attendance was due to the
lack of communication in the
civilian dormitories. He said he
felt that dormitory leaders failed
to properly inform the civilian
students with the significance of
Aggie Muster and its importance
in A&M tradition.
THE NEW junior members of
the Ross Volunteer Firing Squad
performed for the first time at
the Muster. (See Corps Channels,
page 2.)
Those Aggies who died in Viet
nam during the past year were
Capt. Dalton M. Epstein, Lt. Vic
tor H. Thompson III, Maj. Charles
C. Jones, Donnie Day Dehart,
Capt. Floyd W. Kaase, Capt.
Ralph B. Walker II, Maj. John
M. Kessinger, Lt. John B. Price,
Capt, Johnny L. Garner, Pfc. Bill
Kildare and Cpl. Converse R.
Lewis III.
Other Vietnam casualties in
cluded Lt. Cmdr. Robert D. John
son. Lt. James R. Hottenroth,
Maj. Gen. Bruno A. Hochmuth,
Col. Leonard D. Holder, Capt.
James M. Vrba, Capt. Gregory
Kent Whitehouse, Capt. George
L. Hubler. Lt. Michael R. Calla
way, and Lt. Donald J. Matocha.
The A&M students who died
last year were John Alvin Stock-
hoff, Stephen Frayne McDonald,
Billy Fred Buth. Dennis William
Allison, Ernest Joe Wright, Gary
Don Pruitt, George Xavier Sma-
jatrala Jr.. Lawrence G. Sherrill,
Richard Henry Jessup, Raymond
Victor Carbary. Stephen Lewis
Smith, Keran Dyer Kelly and
Joseph G. Howell.
Students Vote Wednesday
On Senate, CHOICE ’68
Polls To Be Open
Four Texas Woman’s University students will present the first of the annual “Man Your
Manners” series tonight in the YMCA. From left, they are Karen Burk, Susan Shattuck,
Donna Butler and Kada Rule. The three presentations are set for 7:30 p. m. on successive
Tuesday evenings.
"Man Your Manners’ Program
To Be Presented Tonight
Battalion Staff Writer
The first of three “Man Your
Manners” panel programs, pre
sented annually by students of
Texas Woman’s University, is set
for 7:30 p.m. tonight on the sec
ond floor of the YMCA.
The three panels, presented on
consecutive Tuesdays, trace a typ
ical boy-meets-girl situation from
introductions and letter-writing
to dating etiquette and the en
gagement and) wedding ceremony.
“We usually have a large turn
out to each of these panel pro
grams,” J. Gordon Gay, coordina
tor of religious (activities and
By Student Leaders
Idea Conference Well Received
Student leaders from A&M and
other Southwest Conference
schools left last week’s Student
Idea Exchange Conference with
enthusiastic praise for the con
ference and plans to hold similar
meetings on a regular basis.
The delegates, including stu
dent officers and editors repre
senting all SWC schools except
the University of Arkansas and
Rice University, voted to meet
again this fall and next spring.
Student Senate Vice-President
Bill Carter said both meetings
will be held here, but later meet
ing sites will move from campus
to campus.
The two-day conference con
sisted of roundtable discussions
and addresses by student leaders
and an A&M faculty member.
Topics included student-faculty
relationships and student govern-
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.
ment organization.
“WE WERE able to see the
other schools, with problems simi
lar to ours,” Carter noted. “Now
it will be up to students and
student governments to familiar
ize themselves with problem-solv
ing procedures and take action,”
he added.
Max Blakeney, president of
the student body at Texas Tech,
said he felt participants “got the
maximum out of the conference.”
TCU’s Frank Cain, executive sec
retary of the Southwest Confer
ence Sportsmanship Committee,
indicated he hopes the committee
can help facilitate communica
tions about the conference.
“I THINK it was as much as
a conference can be,” Lyndon
Olson of Baylor remarked at the
close of the Friday-Saturday ses
sions. The junior representative
and chairman of the Sportsman
ship Committee termed the Idea
Exchange “very beneficial.”
Sid Spain, student body presi
dent at SMU and the conference’s
keynote speaker, expressed simi
lar views after the session.
“The expanded role of student
government is being investigated
very realistically down here,” he
said. “After all, it’s the responsi
bility of students to take an active
part in the university, not to be
mere recipients of the education
of that university.”
Friday’s main topics under dis
cussion included ways of obtain
ing student rights and actively
expressing student opinions.
Structure of student governments
was a major feature of round
table talks, according to Clarence
Daugherty, Student Senate Issues
“WE LEARNED a lot from the
Tech delegates on student govern
ment,” Daugherty said. “They
have worked out a system pat
terned after the three-branch,
check-and-balance setup of the
U. S. government. Everybody
from A&M seemed interested in
this idea, and we’ve asked the
Tech students to send us copies
of the constitution and informa
tion on their Student Senate.”
In a roundup address, Dr. Wil
liam P. Kuvlesky, assistant pro
fessor of agricultural economics
and sociology here, observed that
most student leadership positions
are “tokens.”
“Students owe it to themselves
to become more involved in the
university community,” he went
in, “and not just accept lectures
as all the school has to offer.
The more involved he becomes,
the better an education he gets.”
Daugherty said the fall con
ference will be planned at next
month’s Spring Sports Confer
ence at TCU.
“We need to explain the pur
poses of the Idea Exchange to
other students,” he noted. “The
Student Senate will publish rec
ords of this first meeting and
distribute them at the TCU con
YMCA general secretary, com
“In the past, we’ve had stand
ing room only in our 300-seat
auditorium,” he continued.
Gay explained that the panels
give Aggies an unusual opportun
ity to view problems in boy-girl
relations through the eyes of
members of the opposite sex.
“We’ve found, that Ags are a
little hesitant to ask questions
orally,” Gay commented 1 , “for fear
that improper phrasing may make
the question embarrassing or even
ridiculous. It’s for this reason
that we provide plenty of pencils
and paper for written questions.”
The “Man Your Manners” pro
grams originated when a group
of A&M students invited a panel
of Tessies down from Denton
eight years ago.
panel are Kareni Burk, Susan
Shattuck, Donna Butler and 1 Kada
Student Senate
Meeting Canceled
The meeting of the Student
Senate called for 7:30 tonight has
been canceled. Senate Issues
Chairman Clarence Daugherty an
Purpose of the meeting was to
consider changes in election pro
cedures, but Daugherty said the
recent Idea Exchange Conference
has convinced Senate leaders to
begin an extensive study of the
elections procedures and Univer
sity Regulations before attempt
ing any changes.
Battalion Staff Writer
Students will go to the poll tomorrow to decide eight
Student Senate offices and four members of the Civilian
Student Council and to voice their opinions in two polls.
For the first time students will be able to vote in two
locations. Ballots may be cast in either the North Solarium
of the YMCA and in the basement of the Memorial Student
“Choice ’68,” a Time Magazine-sponsored poll to check
collegiate preferences for President of the U. S. and views
on national and international issues will be open to the entire student
body, including graduate students and seniors, according to Clarence
Daugherty, Senate issues chairman.
ALL STUDENTS will be eligible to vote in the Senate election,
Tony Benedetto, Election Commission chairman, confirmed. The
Civilian Student Council election, however, will be limited to fresh
men, sophomore and junior civilians.
The clothing regulations poll may be turned in by any civilian.
Clothing regulation ballots, ap-
proved by the Student Senate,
have been distributed to the civil
ian dormitory students. Civilians
are to choose whether they want
clothing regulations repealed,
modified or kept as they are.
ANOTHER innovation with
this election will be the discus
sion panel tonight on KORA ra
dio, consisting of the Student
Senate presidential candidates;
Bill Carter, Ron Tefteller and
Terry Harvick.
The panel will be featured on
the “Aggie Hour” from 10 to 11
p.m., Ronald Hinds, “Aggie
Hour” announcer said.
“This is an opportunity for the
students to hear first hand what
the candidates have to say: their
ideas, plans and goals for the Stu
dent Senate,” Hinds noted.
A COMING novelty in campus
politics is complete tickets. The
race for Senate vice-president
finds two candidates joining
forces with a presidential hope
ful and one independent.
David Maddox, who opposed
Carter for vice-president last
year, seeks the office again as
his running mate in this election.
Gerald A. Linder joins Harvick
in campaigning. Phillip R. Frye
is the remaining candidate for the
Only two of the Senate com
mittee chairmanships are con
In the race for Welfare Com
mittee chairman are David H.
Howard, Robert L. Nida and Wil
liam D. Heinze. Candidates for
the Student Life Committee head
are Robert Bowling and Phillip
UNOPPOSED for office are
Ronald A. Adams, recording sec
retary; Ronald D. Hinds, parlia
mentarian; Wayne P. Gosnell, Is
sues Committee, and Robert Bur-
ford, Public Relations.
The entire slate of offices for
Civilian Student Council positions
has unopposed candidates.
David M. Wilks is the sole can
didate for president, joined by
William G. Holt, vice-president;
David S. Middlebrooke, secretary,
and Charles J. Brunjes, treasurer.
Fish Dominate
TU Drill Meet
With 3 Wins
The Fish Drill Team won its
fourth major competition at the
University of Texas at Austin
Saturday, coming from 36 points
behind to beat host Texas for the
overall championship.
Six teams in the annual Texas
meet had national champion A&M
in their sights. The fish recently
won the National Intercollegiate
ROTC drill title at Washington,
D. C., earlier this month.
A&M won five trophies in de
feating Texas’ Navy Buccaneers,
Texas A&I, St. Mary’s, the Uni
versity of Houston and Tarleton
The freshmen won first in over
all, inspection and fancy and took
second in basic drill.
Sammy Garcia of San Antonio,
FDT commander, was awarded
the best commander trophy.
The Aggie fish held an eight-
point lead over Texas after in
spection, but fell behind the UT
team in basic competition.
Garcia’s best commander trophy
was awarded on the basis of over
all ability to handle the team.
“Sammy was definitely in
charge,” Southerland said. “The
judges were highly complimen
The 20-member team will make
its fifth appearance Saturday,
competing in the Louisiana State
meet at Baton Rouge. A&M’s
chief competition will come from
Northwestern Louisiana, LSU and
Texas A&I.
A&M will leave Friday and re
turn Sunday.
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