The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 1968, Image 2
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, April 18, 1968 CADET SLOUCH A&M Joins Nation In Choice ’68 Vote board of directors, and that board has met with numerous officials and political analysts to determine both the candi dates to be presented on the ballot and the choice of ques tions. The results will appear in national magazines, news papers, and on radio and television, and those results will be an important indication of student sentiment for today’s Presidential candidates. McCarthy Urges Ouster Of Rusk PITTSBURGH WP>—Sen. Eu gene J. McCarthy said Wednes day night Dean Rusk should be replaced by a new secretary of state, to give evidence of admin istration “willingness to change its course” in the Vietnam war. He said that would be an en couraging sign that the White House is prepared for “a process of joint conciliation” with the Communists to end the fighting. The Minnesota senator roamed Pittsburgh from the gates of a steel plant to the office of Mayor Joseph M. Barr in a day of cam paigning for the Democratic pres idential nomination. McCarthy said he wants to face Sen. Robert F. Kennedy of New York in a man-to-man, televised debate before their crucial May 7 contest in the Indiana presiden tial primary. He suggested a format similar to the presidential campaign de bates between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon eight years ago. Answering telephoned questions from viewers on KDKA-TV, Mc Carthy said, “I think this would Last December we asked for your opinion on a proposal sent to A&M, as well as thousands of other colleges and uni versities, for participation in a special election called “Choice ’68.” Although there sseemed to be a lack of student interest, A&M student government leaders were interested. For the first time students would be able to participate in a Pres idential election which would be “as important as the pri mary in any contested state.” Through the efforts of Clarence Daughterty, chairman of the Issues Committee, and campus coordinator for Choice ’68, A&M will participate next Wednesday. Underwritten by Time Magazine, the forthcoming elec tion was organized by 11 student board representatives from all regions of the country. Although there seemed to be a lack of student interest, more than 1,000 colleges and universities participating with a combined enrollment of more than five million students. There has been a recent outcry by a few students here that A&M students are apathetic, that they don’t have an outlet for their opinions, and that they reject present Viet nam policy. Choice ’68 will be the first great opportunity for stu dents here and across the nation to make their presence felt on the U. S. political scene. By 1972, more than half the electorate will be under 30 years old, and next Wednesday’s election will give the first indication of the views of the young. “Never in the nation’s history have so many college students been so well informed about the major issues of the day. Yet, to a large extent isolated from their society, they have little opportunity to express their political views in a unified coherent manner,” says the group. For almost every Presidential candidate the primary will be important. Although more than 70 per cent of those voting will not be old enough to vote in November, their opinions will be felt by 1972. Both Kennedy and McCarthy are drawing a great deal of their support and active campaign promotion from col lege students—those that will have the opportunity to vote Wednesday. For them, it will be an important indication of just how strong and wide-spread that support is among all campuses. For the first time Nixon will be pitted on a ballot with Ronold Reagan, Nelson Rockefeller, John Lindsay and others. by Jim Earle Literacy Council Expecting 75 For AnnualConference “Somehow, I feel my grades low this summer!” are going to hit an all-time Seventy-five persons, are ex pected to join in the Texas Liter acy Council’s tenth annual con ference Friday through Sunday at the Ramada Inn. Dr. Ide P. Trotter, Brazos Val ley Literacy Council president and dean emeritus at Texas A&M Uni versity, said the council needs volunteers to assist in educating illiterates. “It’s amazing how many people can’t read a stop sign,” Trotter remarked. “The only way they know it’s a stop sig-n is by its shape.” N. W. Jackson of the Texas ^Department of Public Safety, Austin, will discuss “The Literacy Problem in Driver Education” in a Saturday talk. “Our people,” Dr. Trotter noted, “ga| into homes or places of busi ness and teach functional illiter ates during hours convenient to both teacher and student. We are not tied to school schedules.” Trotter said there are more than 3,000 adult functional illiter ates in the Brazos area. Registration begins Friday night, Action begins at 8:45 a.m. Saturday when Dr. Kate Adele Hill, Texas Literacy Council pres ident, introduces College Station Mayor D. A. (Andy) Anderson for welcoming remarks. Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. SCHERTLE’S GALLERIES ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS Priced From $10 to $125.00 CUSTOM FRAMING 10:00 a. m. to 8 p. m. Mon. and Thur. 10:00 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tues. Wed. Fri. Sat. 2016 Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas Phone 822-4317 CIVILIAN WEEKEND APRIL 27 Town Hall Fifth Dimension Costume Ball Clarence Green Sound Off For the first time, millions of students will express their views on Vietnam, our bombing and on the crisis in our cities. The importance of your opportunity to vote cannot be overemphasized. The opinion of a block of five million voters can win or lose any future election. Almost every Presidential candidate has supported Choice ’68. President Johnson has met with their student The ballot will be a part of the Student Senate elections next Wednesday and will be distributed at that time. (See page 4 for sample ballot.) The ballots from this campus and every other college campus will be sent to one of the regional centers and the results tabulated by a computer. Editor, The Battalion: It is a sorrowful situation when students are subject to flunking a course because the professor is incompetent. This professor is a graduate student to my knowledge. If the University has to use graduate students to teach, it should use those who have knowledge of the subject and can pass this knowl edge to the student. There is a difference between knowing the subject and being able to pass it along. Professors, good ones, know how to pass it along. I don’t believe this stu dent knows his subject or how to pass it along. The University should test these graduate students to see if they qualify for the teaching of the course. If students are to be subjected to this situation, it is my opinion that they should be permitted to drop the class with out having to take the flunking or WF, as the present policy does not permit the student to drop a class after the first two weeks without getting a WF (withdraw failing) even if the student is passing the subject. It is my hope that this situ ation will be corrected in the near future. Santiago Iglesias, ’70 (EDITOR’S NOTE: Academic Vice President Wayne C. Hall said A&M has very few grad uate students in charge of classes. Exceptions, he added, are made to the WF policy when the situation warrants.) be a very good test between Sen. Kennedy and me. I’m hopeful that we’ll receive invitations to appear together in Indiana and in other states.” McCarthy said he already has received and accepted an invita tion from the American Broad casting Co. for a joint appearance with Kennedy. He said he hopes Kennedy will accept, too. He said debates would be valu able to help voters choose be tween two candidates with simi lar positions on most issues. “You’re trying to decide which man might make the better can didate or the better president,” he said. ABC said in New York it had not heard from Kennedy. The network said no date’s been set, but such a debate would prob ably be carried sometime between the June 11 Illinois primary and the Democratic convention Aug. 26. Kennedy said in Eugene, Ore., “I have said I will be glad to meet all the candidates and de bate them, but I would like it to involve all the candidates.” ECONOMIST Continued From Page 1) the goals being sought as solu tions to these problems. He said! that sometimes goals are incomparable because they affect society in completely dif ferent ways. An example used was the prob lem of deciding whether a national goal should be to put a man on the moon or to clear the nation’s slums. Neither of these tasks could be accomplished solely with present means. “Some problems can be solved only by enlarging the means we use to solve those problems,” he concluded. Bulletin Board TODAY The Peace Corps Club will hear a panel of returned volun teers at 7:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the YMCA. The Abilene Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 208 of the Academic Building. THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student ivriters only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. us* for not The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the us* republication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneoi origin published herein. Rights of republication of all oth matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 10 or at the editorial office, Room 217, Services For advertising or delivery cill &46-6415. or 846-49 Building. Mem be Lindsey, ers of the chair: S. V Titus, College of V lege of Agriculture. Student Publications Board are: Jim : Jim Liberal man ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Arts: F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. " Veterinary Medicine; and Hal Taylor, Col- Mail subscription year; $6.60 per full sales tax. Advertisii bscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school jbscriptions subject to 2% All sul rate furnished ptions sales tax. Advertising The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, 77843. equest. Address: College, Station, The published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturd Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Sep May, and once a week during summer school. student newspaper at Texas A&M is Station, Texas daily except Saturday, nd Monday, and holiday periods, September through Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chica; cago, Los Angeles and San MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association EDITOR CHARLES ROWTON Managing Editor John Fuller Features Editor Mike Plake Editorial Columnist Robert Solovey News Editors Steve Korenek, Jim Basinger Sports Editor Gary Sherer Asst. Sports Editor John Platzer Staff Writers Bob Palmer, Dave Mayes Photographer Mike Wright ■ ■ -eL VP. 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