The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1968, Image 3

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    THE BATTALION Tuesday, April 9, 1968
College Station, Texas
Page 3
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Pish Drill Team advisors watch anxiously from the sideline as the team g-oes through its
maneuvers. That’s D. C. Stadium in the background.
Commander Sammy Garcia watches the team perform minute competition routine at D. C. Stadium’s parking
one of several ripple rifle movements in its eight- lot.
After touring the White
House and Capitol, the
freshmen had just about
three hours to change into
their uniforms before the
afternoon’s competition —
and when a uniform calls
for as much meticulous care
as the team puts into its
appearance, three hours was
cutting it close. To save
time, Congressman Casey
had arranged beforehand
for the fish to use a vacant
House committee hearing
room for the preparation.
At right, Jeff Schaub of
Company A-l adjusts col
lar brass for Fred Hofstet-
ter, Company C-2. Appro
priately enough, the hear
ing room was that used by
the Committee on Merchant
Marine and Fisheries.
Anatomy Of A
National Champion
Drill Performance
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Fish Drill Team members, clad in team sweaters, march toward the Capitol for
a Saturday morning tour.
Drill team members show off some of their skills in front of
Congressman Casey’s suburban Maryland home. After a barbe
cue at the Caseys’ Saturday, the fish ran through their routine
as neighbors gathered to watch.
Members of other drill teams group around the scoreboard shortly
after St. Peter’s College’s total was posted. The 838 points
dominated the competition until the fish came through with an
869 total.
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Photos and Text: John Fuller
Production: Mike Wright
Layout: Steve Korenek
A National Guardsman, one of thousands of troops
called in during the Washington riots, stands with
fixed bayonet on a corner across 17th Street from the
YMCA where the team spent Thursday and Friday
nights. At left, two policemen patrol the tense area.
The looting spread to within blocks of the YMCA and
forced an early end to the team’s Washington trip.