The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1968, Image 2
: THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Tuesday, April 9, 1968 \ Sound Off A . . When he said he’d look through my paper, I somehow expected something more ... !” City Looting, Racial Hate Share Blame During the past several years the President has been fighting three wars. He has attempted to preserve a boom ing economy, win some sort of victory in Vietnam, and stem the tide of social and racial unrest. Last Thursday’s assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, an advocate of non-violence, was a symptom of the most painful internal problem since the Civil War. A society where stereotypes of minorities are as much a part of early training as tying a shoe lace, cannot move toward complete equality in one hot summer. Dr. King’s assassination is an example of extreme re action to social pressures which have demanded changes “now”. The white community has been asked to analyze its inferiority complex which apparently needs whipping boys among minorities to feel superior to something. The assassin joins Lee Harvey Oswald as an ever growing committee of killers who attempt to preserve the status quo, slow social change and maintain a self-concept of their manhood through murder. But just as the implications of last Thursday’s murder are far greater than the killer could even consider before hand, so are the implications of wide-spread civil disorder, burning and looting by a relatively small number of Negroes who smile at cameras as they burglarize unmolested. While making headlines, they destroy the already poor communities in which they live. Most store owners will not return. Business from outlying areas will decrease with the net result that center city will become even more bleak. While making headlines, they necessitate the mobiliza tion of troops to restore order—22,000 Army and 34,000 National Guard troops during the past week. The result feeds anti-American proprogandists. While making headlines, they even sway “liberals” to ward a more conservative view of civil rights, a view which is becoming more impatient with Negroes who demand equality under the law while blatantly disregarding that law. The pendulum which was swinging slowly away from racial bigotry has been given a push in the other direction by senseless murders and over reaction to those murders. Rioting in the dozens of American cities this week can only be attributed in part to the death of Dr. King and to the frustration of economic conditions. The burning and looting is a study in mob action where there is limited awareness of present action and no realiza tion of future implications. Dr. King’s murder is the most disgusting form of racial hatred, but a society which will not move without such violence to shame and shock it into action is just as blame worthy. Editor, The Battalion: My, my. Seems as if some of us human beings at this Institution of Higher Learning on the Brazos have gotten into an argument over what kind of hair clippers should be used when one is called upon by his friendly lynch mob. I claim no knowledge of the “facts” concerning the “Rape of the Lock” Incident (forgive me, Alexander Pope), but I do have some misgivings on Friday’s gold- plated morality stand by Messrs. Huddleston and Martindale. From the top. The clothing regulations do exist, and it is said they should be enforced as long as they are law. But look, this man has hair and lots of it. Being the exception rather than the rule, we may judge that this man does not have the “proper haircut” as noted in Paragraph 58 of the University Regulations. Therefore, he is in violation of the law. He is flouting society. He must be punished. So we jump him at night and proceed to as sault and battery him with sheep shears. That’s good! But whoa, fellas. Mustaches are not mentioned as being hair of the illegal variety. (Such growths are quite common with our men of the Navy.) Someone in his blind anger to right the wrong goofed. Overstepped bounds on society’s part. Oh well, it was done in the name of mo rality. Obscene insignias. Such atroci ties. While we guzzle our beer and read our pornographic litera ture and guffaw at sheep paddock jokes, this man has obscene mark ings on his motorcycle helmet. How low has this person’s moral ity sunk? What a vile creature. I refer the illegality of no socks and ragged clothes with shirttails hanging out to the Uni versity Regulations (same place). Yes, these “vigilantes” should be turned out. My, how their dress disgusts us. I’ll bet they don’t re move their hats inside of build ings, either. May they forever walk in tobacco juice. And they must really be rotten, mean, and low with the huge records they have. Nothing like pointing this out when we judge a man for his new crime of leaving his shirt- tail out. So much for my cynicism. The remainder of Friday’s tirade throws out the old song of such people having lower moral stan dards than us “good Ags,” about how anyone who does not warp his mind as Huddleston and Mar tindale must be of a criminal nature or be a dimwit. Of course we can always leave if we happen to think differently. Don Parr Editor, The Battalion: In the April 5th edition of The Battalion there appeared a letter by Huddleston and Martindale de nouncing a previous letter which defended individual rights. Their AAUP CENSURE (Continued From Page 1) ing. We haven’t fired anybody.” Dr. Gibbs said he had no idea whether a move would be made at the convention. “BUT SINCE they took the trouble to write the report, and have it published in the bulletin, I’m sure there will be some dis cussion on it.” Censure to the university could mean a number of things, accord ing to Dr. Krise. “There are two ways to be cen sured,” he said. “Like Sam Hous ton State College, where the board of directors was censured, but the president was excluded; or censureship could be invoked on the whole administration.” “Mainly,” Dr. Krise said, “cen sure might affect recruiting of faculty members and graduate students.” “And as seen in the midwinter bulletin in the investigating com- mitte’s report, Texas schools have been having a bad time of it.” THE REPORT included Sam Houston on its current blacklist. Texas Tech at Lubbock was re moved from that list last year after offering one of three pro fessors who were fired a full professorship with tenure. “As for an institution’s image, that blacklist is not the place to be,” Dr. Krise said. When asked what he expected if A&M is censured, A&M Presi dent Earl Rudder said, “I imagine there will be a few who won’t come here because of it. There will also be a few who come here in spite of it.” “We’ve had some very fine pro fessors join us since the bulletin containing the Gibbs case was published,” he said. If the AAUP takes action on Texas A&M, it will be influenced by recent changes regarding the State Coordinating Board’s poli cies toward faculty members. “THERE IS some hope that the situation which brought us to this stage of developments will be rectified,” Dr. Krise said, speaking of a recent decision of the A&M System Board of Di rectors. In its report, the AAUP inves tigating committee stated that, “Though there may be some hope from outside the university, for example in the recommendations of the Coordinating Board, the inadequate faculty role in the governance of the university (A&M) . . . offers little hope of early improvement in the cli mate of academic freedom and tenure.” The Board of Directors has since met with President Rudder, and decided to “immediately im plement the State Coordinating Board’s statement on academic Freedom, Responsibility and Ten ure.” letter, I felt, had one valid point. This was in regard to the public display of obscene insignias. How ever, this in no way is related to the individual’s right to wear his hair and his clothes in any unobscene manner that he so desires regardless of how ridicu lous it may look to anyone else. Although Huddleston and Mar tindale claim to be for an indi vidual’s rights 1000% they at the same time advocate subject ing this person’s unalienable rights to majority rule, popular opinion, and mere value judg ments. It often disheartens me to see Aggies (who so strongly profess to be patriotic Americans) so badly misconstrue and have so little understanding of the one really important thing that separates the United States from Soviet Russia, the concept of un alienable individual rights. Huddleston and Martindale also imply that individual and un popular ideas on dress indicate a low moral standard. Morals have nothing to do with popular opinion but are based upon the principles of right conduct rather than law or custom. Has no one thought that in an effort to change opinions, it might be mor al to rebel against hypocritical society values, especially if so ciety is intent on trampling on an individual’s rights in the pro cess of sustaining these values? Perhaps, if the letter defending this man’s rights appeared one sided, it is because it is a logically moral fact that an individual’s rights must not be compromised if justice is to be achieved. Not so much in the spirit of vengeful judgment but rather in the spirit of constructive criti cism, if Huddleston and Martin dale want to see a perfect ex ample of a one-sided, little- reasoned, “highway-six-runs-both- ways” type of letter, they should take a look at their own. My views are adequately repre sented in a statement by our late President, Mr. John F. Ken nedy, in reference to his book Profiles in Courage, in which he stated “These . . . are the stories of such a democracy. Indeed, there would be no such stories had this nation not maintained its heritage of free speech and dissent, had it not fostered hon est conflicts of opinion, had it not encouraged tolerance for un popular views.” Larry Hembree ’68 Editor, The Battalion: Speaking as a member of the hated minority — open-minded people who think—I feel I must co-mment on the atrocious act which occurred at our University a short time ago. Of course, I am referring to the student who got a forceable haircut and shave. THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion ure those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community neivspaper. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for blication *■' J -’ • t - 1 — ^ 1 wise crt origin published herein, atter he - 5- republication of all new dispatches credited otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneo' igin published herein. Rights of republication of all oth of all ne wise credited in the Rig ■ein are also reserved. -Class postage paid to of it or not ntam Se< at College Station, Texas. Building. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Uiberal Arts; P. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Veterinary Medicine; and Hal Taylor, Col lege of Agriculture. year. Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 50 per full Ad on, 77843. year; $6.50 per sales tax. Advertisin The Battalio: Texas pei All subscriptions subject g rate furnished on request. Address Room 2X7, Services Building, College, Station school to 2% Addr< The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is ublished in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, igh published in College Station, Texas daily Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September throug May, and once a week during summer school. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association EDITOR Managing Editor Features Editor Editorial Columnist News Editors Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editor Staff Writers Photographer CHARLES ROWTON John Fuller Mike Plake Robert Solovey Steve Korenek, Jim Basinger Gary Sherer John Platzer Bob Palmer, Dave Mayes Mike Wright *2* Advertising Recognition Week SCHERTLE’S GALLERIES ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS Priced From $10 to $125.00 CUSTOM FRAMING 10:00 a. m. to 8 p. m. Mon. and Thur. 10:00 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tues. Wed. Fri. Sat. 2016 Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas Phone 822-4317 APRIL 8-12 ALPHA DELTA SIGMA — GAMMA ALPHA CHI LET US ARRANGE YOUR TRAVEL... ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. A. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Reservations and Tickets For All Airlines and Steamships — Hotels and aV" Rent Car Reservations Tickets Delivered —Call 822-3737— Robert Holsell Travel Service 1016 Texas Avenue Bryan Anyone who believes that this action was justified, because it was done to make him a “good Aggie,” is the popular concept of an Aggie, one who doesn’t need to think in college, has a closed mind, and does absolutely no thinking. This action was inexcusable and I am sorry to say that this act • as perpetrate by the kind of Aggie who is in the majority on this campus. I am speaking of the non-thinking fool. The students of this school must remember we are not all in the Corps and therefore, some of us are forced to think. But it will only be when the fools try to think open-mindedly that we can call our University a great Uni- verstiy on all levels. Charles McClain Freshman “free speech,” as Mr. Bernard[i it, we will need to see a fe» changes away from the currti; situation. Before Paranoia (*, comes that organ, it must chanj. its format and style. Until thtt Mr. Bernard might well heal less enthusiastic. Tom Sathre Editor, The Battalion: It’s a real shame that Aggie have not been afforded the oppoi tunity to obtain a complete edut;. cation. Our university is recog. nized as one of the top aeadenit centers in the United tSates. Ig it seems that the education! system begins and ends withiatli confines of the classroom. Editor, The Battalion: This is to protest Ryan Ber nard’s letter (in your April 5 issue), in which he applauded the appearance of Paranoia, Texas A&M’s current off-campus news paper. Mr. Bertxard seemed to think that Paranoia’s advent marks and end to the “unthinking stagnancy which engulfs this campus.” He has overstated his case. He ignored the fact that Paranoia is not the work of a majority of the students on this campus—not even a dozen people were involved in its production. Paranoia is not the result Of a grassroots movement — not even after its publication did it cap ture the attention of the student body. Did Mr. Bernard forget or just fail to notice that Paranoia can hardly call itself a newspaper, since it did not get around to re porting both sides of the issues it treated ? In its one issue to date, Paranoia pretended that the Ad ministration had no opinion about Professor Gibbs’ situation in the School of Veterinary Medicine, and it presented only the dove’s side of the Viet Nam issue. An attempt to “re-examine every thing that has been taught” would be more honest if it did not have its own head in the sand. The issue of Paranoia that I saw was very shoddily composed and noticeably poorly edited. I would remind Mr. Bernard that to sustain its reader’s interest a newspaper must not ignore the canons of good journalism, and I would submit to him that a com petent artist would be a valuable addition to Paranoia’s staff. Before we have an organ of The Memorial Student Ceuta has been successful in bridgitt part of the educational gap wit! student organizations like Studeg Conference on National Affair; (SCONA), Great Issues, Town Hall. But even these fi« programs fail to bring the stafc an essential phase of his educa tion. This essential is the Arts It is essential in that it is amedi. um by which ideas may be ex changed. Too often we fail to thoroughly appreciate the artistic attempt for we have not had the chaats to become familiar with art forms and their development. It is through this familiarization that the viewer is able to draw certaii accurate conclusions about ths worth of an art object. Because A&M has been pri marily an all-male institution il has realized little need for things associated with the art realm is the desire of the Contemporary Arts Committee (CAC) to changs all this. CAC has incorporate four programs to meet the stn dents’ needs. They are Literary Arts (a program designed bring prominent lecturers anl writers to our campus), Fine Art (set up to bring the theater music, and dance to A&M), thi Exhibits Committee (designed ti bring art displays from all over the North American Continent! and the Film Series (brings to A&M art films, foreign and do mestic). Each of these commit tees has a strong desire to sent the students and faculty in thi; worthy capacity, but they neei your active support. Anyone in terested in perpetuating the Art on the A&M campus should con tact Tom Ellis, c/o Contemporary Arts Committee, MSC, Texas A&M University; or call 846- 1 Tom Ellis CAC Chairman For all your insurance needs Wl 1 * See U. M. Alexander, Jr. ’40 221 S. Main, Bryan 823 - 3616 State Farm Insurance Companies - Home Office*: Bloomington, 111, Congratulations FISH DRILL TEAM! UNIVERSITY SHOE REPAIR North Gate EXCHANGE STORE HOURS FOR EASTER HOLIDAYS The Exchange Store will be closed for the Easter Holidays From 5 p. m., Wednes day the 10th of April until 8 a. m. Monday the 15th of April. PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz PEANUTS HERE'S THE WORLD ^ . FAMOUS 60LF-PR0 (X5k= RECEIVING HIS INVITATION TO PLAY IN THE MASTERS AH, WHAT A THRILL'f GEORGIA IN THE SPRING' HE HAG BEEN INVITED TO PLAY IN THE MASTERS 60LF TOURNAMENT.. I CAN SEE MYSELF NOW STANDING ON THE FIRST TEE... ACTUALLY, E3EAGLES ARE ALMOST NEVER INVITED T<0 PLAY IN THE MASTERS... ■— / I Ve never been to { AUGUSTA BEFORE l'LL PROBABLY -STAY WITH ARNOLD AMP WINNIE!