The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 03, 1968, Image 1
H.o. BOX 45436 B DALLAS, TEX. 75235 Leaders Of Short-Lived Cadet Confederacy Get Theirs ‘DEATH MARCH’ Hooded freshman guards armed with trash cans of water march on either side of the deposed Corps “junta” leaders, on the way to an early-morning “execution” Tuesday. The coup was an elaborate April Fool’s day stunt led by Cadet Colonels John W. Morgan of the First Brigade; Carl Feducia, Second Brigade; John R. Baldridge, First Wing, and Richard Engel, Second Wing. SPLASH DAYT Coup leaders, already soaked by one volley of water from the “firing squad,” brace for more. Baldridge, right, managed to keep his traditional “last cigarette” throughout the execution. Feducia stands at left. The execution was ordered after the Confederacy’s “special order number one” self-destructed Monday night and Corps Staff returned to power. AMNESTY GRANTED The condemned prisoners ate a hearty breakfast—after the “execu tion.” From left, they are Morgan; Bob Hale, Corps Administra tion sergeant; Baldridge; Hector Gutierrez, Corps supply sergeant; Clarence Daugherty, Corps chaplain, and Engel. The Coup leaders were invited to eat at the Corps Staff table to show there were no hard feelings. (Photo by Moke Wright) 1 ' Weather Ij. S Thursday — Cloudy, winds North 15- 5: 25 m.p.h. Hixh 64, low 56. ' Friday — Cloudy to partly cloudy, $ wind Northeast 15-20 m.p.h. High 58, S low 43. VOLUME 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1968 Number 562 Fish Drill Team To Leave Thursday For Washington The Fish Drill Team is sched uled to leave early Thursday for Washington, D. C. and the nation- a] ROTC drill championship*. The unit, commanded by Sam my Garcia of San Antonio, will compete against 19 team* Friday and march in the "Parade of Princeeaes” Saturday. Competi tion is on an invitational bast*. Weekend festivities at the na tion’s capitol coincide with the annual Cherry Bloeaom Festival. AAM’a 19S6-S7 team took second against a background of the white blossom*. Malon Southerland, team spon sor, said the freshmen appear ready to give a championship per formance. “In recent practices, the drill team has shown the capability of giving an outstanding perform ance,” the civilian counselor said. "I am certain the team will, re gardless of the outcome, do an outstanding job of representing itself and Texas A AM, which is our primary mission.” “TEAM MEMBERS are excited about the trip, but know why they are going.” Southerland added. Champ of the recent AAM In vitational Meet, the FDT ale* won top honors at West Texas State’s Scabbard and Blade Tournament by winning all four first place trophies. The 20-member team departs Easterwood Airport Thursday Issues Topic To Be Volcanos A. description of volcanic sc- plosive earth venU have girdled tivity around the world will be the world and taken Bullard to presented in a Memorial Student Hawaii, Central and South Ameri- Center Great Issues lecture here ^ cs. Iceland, Turkey, Jhpho. the tonight. Prof. Fred M. Bullard's 8 p.m. talk, “Volcanos Around the World,” will be in the MSC Ball room, announced Frances Kim brough of Bryan, World Around Us series chairman. Bullard has mad* numerous sppearances at Texas AAM to speak on his observation of the birth and growth of Mexico’s Paricutin volcano. The University of Texas geology professor be came interested in volcanology on a 1929 U. S. Geological Survey expedition to Alaska when he first saw an active volcano. His travels to study the ex- University Natioaal Bank "On the side of Texas AAM” —Adv. Greek Islands, Africa, ‘Mew Gui nea and islands of both oceans. The UT geology professor was e Fulbright research scholar to Italy snd Fulbright lecturer in Peru, where he taught volcanolo gy at the University of San Agustin at Arequipa. Member of numerous societies. Bullard has held several visiting lectureships and presently teaches general geology and graduate volcanology and Latin American geology at Austin. His publica tions include a recent book, "Vol canos, in History, in Theory, in Eruption.” Admission to the Great Issues talk will be by student activity card, 75 cents for Aggie wives and public school students and $1.50 general. morning end will stay at Wash ington’s downtown YMCA, two blocks from the White House. AAM is scheduled to march Friday at 1:21 p.nw (CST). Thirty teems including 10 girls’ units will compete. A D. C. Stadium parking lot will be the scene of the champions hi pa ”AGGIE CONGRESSMEN have been invited to view the competi tion,” Southerland added. A White House tour and Capitol visit con ducted by Congressmen CMin E. Teague of College Station and Bob Casey of Houston are planned. "We anticipate being back at Easterwood by 10:30 Sunday night and will be happy to wave at anyone there,” Southerland noted. FISH DRILL Team members are Garcia, John Hamilton of Galveston, executive officer end right guide; William Berger, Aus tin; Francis Conaty, Annandale, Vs.; Alan Cramlet, Troy Ohio; John DaCorte, Clifton, N. J.; Kent L. Gee, Robert Harms and Robert Patten, Houston; Bruce Hamel, Richard Hanes and John Whipple, San Antonio; Malcolm Hofatetter, Bel la ire; Maurice Nethery, Junc tion; Bill Reach, Pasadena; John Russel, Temple; Jeffrey Schaub, New Orienas; Karl Stoermer, Lone Star; Thomas Stout, New York, end Thornes Vandeipool, Golden, Colo. Upperclassmen advisors include senior Jim Vogae of Galvetfton; juniors Mike Casey of Washing ton and Roy Lewis of Hurst; end sophomores Richard Gonsales of San Antonio, Eugene Taylor of Fort Worth end Steve Nichols of Crystal Lake, HI. or, 1 Incumbent Returned To Office 1495 Voters Set Turnout Record IRVIN HONORED The Very Rev. Louis J. Blume, left, president of St. Mary’s University, and retiring Texas A&M athletic director Bar- low “Bones” Irvin hold the certificate naming Irvin an honorary Professor of Athletics at St. Mary’s. Fr. Blume presented the certificate to Irvin at the recent “Bones Irvin Appreciation Dinner” held in San Antonio. Engineering Banquet To Honor Top Profs, Students Thursday The outstanding professor, most proficient department and top student technical and non-tech- nical writers will be honored here Thursday at the annuel College of Engineering Awards Banquet. Engineering Student Council Election Procedures Changed By MIKE FLAKE Battalion Feature Editor In addition to approving the result* of last week’s cl ess elec tions, student election commis sioners made numerous changes and clarification* in the .present election procedures. On* important decisioTT con cerned future run-off*. Students asked at a special ejection com mission meeting Monday if the number of run-offs should be limited to the two candidates own ing the higeet number of votes. Several students said that the totals of last wesk’s election, which showed several offices hav ing more than two candidates with similar number of votes, proved their point. They argued that if a third candidate acquired within two or three votes of the highest two, he should be included in the run-offs. THE COMMISSION rejected the idea of more than two candi dates in a run-off, and approved the following rsoouhion: “Run-offs shall include only the two candidates with the greatest number of votes. In case of e tie for second place in an election, the first place candidate and the two second-place candidates will compete in a run-off, plurality deciding the winner.” ed that no student could be ad mitted to vote in any elections hereafter without presentation of their student activity cards,” Ben edetto said. FEE SLIPS can no longer be Tn the case of a first place tie, f u **d only the people tied for that piece shall be included in a run-off, the winner having a plurality.” Uee of student activity cards as s requirement to enter the voting machine eras also discussed. SECOND IN A THREE-PART SERIES “Students asked us if they could vote by using their fee slips if they had lost their activity cards.” one commissioner explained. "But then later we caught some of the stuns students attempting to pass through the polls a second time, using their activity cards.’ Student Election Comssiaeion Chairman Anthony Benedetto led the discussion on the activity cards. “The commission finally deeid- Rules affecting various aspects of campaigning, placement of campaign posters, end election campaign gatherings were sub jected to extensive examination by commission members. “For example, political com ments over the public address sys tems in either dining hall will be prohibited in future elections,” Benedetto explained. “This will help prevent an unfair advantage on the part of the candidate.” Another change was the place ment of campaign posters. “The locations of signs in the future will be on the Guion Hall lawn (the traditional place estab lished for the signa); between the University hospital sad Hender son Hall; within all dormitories; and within the University apart ment arses," he aakL ACCORDING to the revised rale*, campaign material may al so be placed on doors and dormi tory bulletin boards. "Posters on bulletin boards, however, are limited to an 8^fc” x 11” sixe,” Benedetto said. The rules on campaigning over radio, television and newspapers were clarified by the election commission. Their motion "That campaign ing in radio, television, and class ified advertisements be allowed so long as they are within the $25 limitation that is stated in the voting regulations,’ carried. The Commission also decided that in the future, any gather ing which prohibits the normal flow of campus activities will be prohibited. Students will be al lowed, however, to participate in campaign demonstrations, pa rades, and other types of elec tion campaigning. Gatherings of any type that would include a large number of students cam paigning will only be allowed from 5 p.m. to 7:80 p.m. week days This decision was mad*. Bene detto said, so that campaigning would not interrupt classes President Ed Miller of Oyster Bay, N. J., said about 200 persons are expected for the 6:30 p.m. banquet in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom. Dwight Nesmith, assistant di rector of Kansas State Univer sity’s Engineering Experiment Station, will be the featured speaker.' The associate professor will talk on “Engineering end Fairy Tale*.” Other awards will * include council membership certificates awarded by Engineering Deen Fred J. Benson. Council officers also include Vic* President Robert Stiles, senior aerospace engineer ing major of San Antonio; Secre tary Fred Schwiening III, senior industrial engineering major of Kerrville, and Treasurer Roy C. Loutsenheiser. civil engineering graduate student of Arlington, V*. > The 40-member council includes presidents of all engineering tech nical societies, a senior represen tative of each department, an elected junior of each technical society end presidents of associ ated societies, according to Prof. J. G. McGuire, assistant daan. “The council coordinates activi ties of technical societies with the college and sponsors various events and projects, such as the banquet. Career Day and Junior Engineering Technical Society,” he said. First Bank A Trust now pays 6% per annum on savings certif icates. * —Adv. By BOB PALMER Battelioa Staff Writer The voters of College Station returned Mayor D. A. Anderson to office for a second term in the largest turn-out for a city election. Of the 5,114 registered voters, 1,495 made it to the polls for the election. This was about 20 percent, a new high. The largest showing came from the southside, or the old Ward I. Eight hundred end thirty cast ballots there, more than the total of the other two boxes. This was the first election on the new place system, where the councilmen ere selected at large instead of by ward. Riding e 600 vote margin. Mayor Anderson caught 1,096 ballots. His opponent Don Dal* received 460 votes. T In the councilman races, one incumbent was returned to office while two were replaced. Of the six councilmen, three run each year. Councilmen elected to serve for two years were James H. Dozier, O. M. Holt and Theo R. Hollo man. Dozier, a business administra tion professor, ousted incumbent Homer B. Adams for the Place 2 slot. Dozier captured 953 votes while Adams polled 598. Three candidates contested for Place 4, but the incumbent, Holt, won the race with 1,048 votes. He defeated William B. Moon who had 381 votes end Joe Pay- ton, polling 108 votes. Holleman walked ewey with Place 6 with 1,088 votes. His opponent, incumbent A. P. Boyett, fielded 452 votes "I am most grateful to the citizens of College Station for re-electing me to an additional two year term.” Mayor Anderson said after the vote* were in. “I am honored by the trust and confidence they have placed in me as their public servant.” Mayor Anderson pledged to work in the next two years for “the betterment of our city.” "Ours is a growing, dynamic community and the next two years will see much progress in' many areas,” he predicted. "1 km grateful that | will be privileged to share in and con tribute to this progress with other members of the council which the citixens have chosen.” The mayor called on the citi zens to work together, now that the election is over, “to make our city what each of us wants it to be, end what it is destined to bet” Hospital Needs Supplies Returned Anyone having crutches, canes, slings, arm splints, basting pads, and other supplies borrowed from University Hospital should return them. Supplies are running low and if these things are not returned other students cannot be served. Maddox Names 14 Aides To Great Issues Fourteen committee officers will aid Chairman David Maddox in his effkrt to “change Great Issues from e personality-oriented to an issue-oriented committee.” Maddox has re-organised Great Issues into two wings, grouping , four sub-committees under Pro grams Vico Chairman Dick West brook, a senior in mechanical en gineering, end placing five others under junior marketing major Mies Jaaet Whitehead, vice chair man of operations. ♦ K 4 I Separate from the two-wing structure ere Ron Hinds, a junior in finance, chairman of Political Forum; Treasurer Mel Miller, sophomore economics major, and Jeanna Chastain, secretary, a freshman in pre-veterinary medi cine.. Under Westbrook ere Student Conference on National Affairs (SCONA) Liaison Cliff Cham berlain. freshman civil engineer ing major; Seminar Series Direc tor Tom Fitzhugh, e freshman in geophysics; Issues Series Direc tor Ron Teftoller, a junior in agricultural economies, and Speakers Series Director John Cunningham, a sophomore phys ics major. Assisting Miss Whitehead are Information Officer Glenn Head, i a . freshman in management; Radio-TV Liaison Harris Naeh- linger, sophomore electrical engi neering major ; Arrangements Di- rector Gregg Weaver, a freshman in mechanical engineering; i.raph»c Art* Director Frank Kuppersmith, sophomore psychol ogy major and Director of Public Relations Bob Edgeeotnb, a junior majoring in marketing. • Brysa Building A Leu Association, Your Sav ings Center, since 1919. ll# —Adv.