The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 28, 1968, Image 6
THE BATTALION Thursday, March 28, 1968 Page 6 College Station, Texas College Papers Give Support To RFK, EJM By DEE WEDEMYER Associated Press Writer NEW YORK </P> — A survey of college newspapers across the nation shows that editorial en dorsements in the Democratic presidential race are predomi nantly split between Sens. Robert F. Kennedy, D-N.Y., and Eugene J. McCarthy, D-Minn. But the editorials are in agreement in urging the defeat of President Johnson. Editorial comments vary from calling Kennedy’s entrance into the campaign a “malacious dis play of political opportunism”— Daily Ulini, University of Illi nois—to praising Kennedy as someone who can return the na tion to the “ideals of the New Frontier”—The Spectrum, New York State University at Buffalo. MCCARTHY WAS praised for breaking “the somber barriers of apathy . . . and giving hope to a Democratic party which was rapidly becoming a detached, atrophied clique of party hacks —The Daily Princetonian, Prince ton University. Even newspapers which sup ported Kennedy had praise for McCarthy. “We feel nothing but admira tion for the courageous Minne sotan who gave so many students renewed hope in a political pro cess that seemed—and may well be—incapable of coping with the nation’s crisis,” said the Harvard Crimson. THE CRIMSON gave its en dorsement to Kennedy, and urged McCarthy “to step aside in favor of Kennedy who offers the best hope of winning.” In Wisconsin where McCarthy is now campaigning, three major college newspapers are support ing the Minnesota Democrat in the primary. Editors of the newspapers say any switch to Kennedy would not come until after the April 2 primary. THE MILWAUKEE Post at the University of Wisconsin said Tuesday in an editorial endorse ment of McCarthy for the pri mary: ‘‘It is clear that the United States will not end the war in Vietnam of its own volition as long as Johnson is president, and it is also a safe bet that Richard Nixon, the likely Republican nominee, would not win the war either.” YR Members Will Attend State Meet Sixteen delegates and seven alternates will represent Texas A&M at the annual Texas Young Republican Federation Conven tion this weekend in Ft. Worth. The main purpose of the con vention will be to elect officers, ratify a platform, and conduct other business. As one of the largest clubs in the state, A&M Young Republicans will have a major vote in these matters. “Al though the convention is not ex pected to be as controversial as last year, there will be plenty of issues before the delegates, one of the most important being re districting,” according to con vention chairman Gordon Sorral. Cadets will act as Sergeant-at- Arms at the convention, under the leadership of club treasurer Charles Chesnutt. Burt Co-Authors Frosh English Text Dr. Forrest D. Burt of Texas A&M is co-authoring a freshman English text to be published next year. “The Forand Writer” will be the combined efforts of Burt and Dr. Anthony Dube, English as sistant professor at Texas Wes leyan College. The book will follow an inte grated inductive approach to writing, stressing student learn ing of coordinated concepts. It will integrate concepts presently scattered through several texts. Allyn and Bacon will publish the book, to be completed in late August. The title consists of the first three letters of the authors' given names. Dr. Dube goes by Andy. An assistant professor, Dr. Burt is co-chairman of freshman Eng lish. He will present a paper, “A New Methodology for Psycho logical Criticism of Literature,” in a March 29-30 Conference of College Teachers of English at Southwest Texas State, San Marcos. lioa \ VISIT YOUR NEW TOP VALUE REDEMPTION CENTER AT 911 TEXAS AVE $ ...PLAY DECK O’ MONEY!” LOW STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 8P.M TEXAS AVE. & VILLA MARIA LOW, LOW DISCOUNT PRICES and you always get TOP VALUE STAMPS! UP TO 1000 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH KROGER’S TOP VALUE BONUS CARD MAILER GET BONUS BLOCK WEEK NO. 2 STAMPED WITH A $7.50 PURCHASE OR MORE. U. S. Choice Tenderay Beef Chuck Steak 59 U. S. Choice Tenderay Beef Shoulder Cut Swiss Steak Bar S. Kwick Krisp, or Country Club U. S. Choice Tenderay Beef Rib Roast Carve Semi-Boneless c Bar S Pure Pork Sausage 49“ Cudahy Gem Hickory Smoked Bacon Squares L b 39° Bologna, Cervelat, Braunschweiger Bar S Salami L b 69“ Neuhoff Sizzle Sticks ’SS* 59“ Wishhone All White Meet Turkey Roast St ’2” Wishbone White & Dork Meat Turkey Roast All Meat Bar S Wieners Toste Treat Fresh Oysters t-tb. ggc r , Kesbe Morton Frozen ^ ^8 Each ~ Lulabelle Frozen Blueberries c