The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1968, Image 2
i L k- THE BATTALION Paff« 2 ColUf* Station, Texas Tuesday, February 27, IMS Vote Necessary On Clothing Regs The Civilian Student Council voted last Thursday night . to submit a revised opinion poll on clothinK' regulations to—1 the Student Senate. A week earlier the Senate had sent the first draft of the opinion poll back to the council for revision amid the charges of a Corps-inspired thumbs down. Council President Griff Venator said that the new poll had the backing of Senate President Jerry Campbell, and that if the rest of the Senate agreed the poll would be distributed to the dorms and turned in at the spring general election. The referendum of clothing submitted by representa tives of the civilian student body should be submitted to a vote. Presently, some students are “wearing' in a new code of dress simply by ignoring the university regulations through lack of enforcement. If students felt they could personally establish a new code of dress through compromise and vote, then it is pos sible that extremes toward slovenliness might be avoided through peer enforcement and judgement As it stands, by ignoring the regulations and fighting the system, anything goes to prove a point of personal freedom. The proposed poll would also list 11 regulations which the voter would approve or disapprove individually, with room left for comment on each. The comments will be impossible to group and interpret, but the no-yes vote on keeping present standards, no stand ards at all or relaxing the present standards will be more easily computed. Here is how The Battalion stands on the present pro posals: 1. Clothing in good taste and generally accepted by the community — For, 2. Women will wear clothing which is in good taste, suitable for class, and not of an extreme nature — For. 3- "T” shirts (including practice jerseys) will not be worn on the campus unless the student is participating in an athletic activity — A resounding For. 4. Shower shoes will not be worn outside the dormi tory area — A resounding For. t .' Tattered trousers will not be worn on campus—As tends it is too general, would require more specifics. 6. Socks will be worn with shoes (of all kinds) on the campus at all times—Reminds us of a joke about the Aggie who said it was cooler to go without socks—on a 40 degree day; a smelly, lazy habit we can afford to do without — For 7. Students should have a neat appearance at all times—Too ambiguous, needs clarification of “neatness”. 8. A student will be clean shaven — For. 9. Students will have proper haircuts—What is a proper haircuts? If it means frequently trimmed appropriate to the hairstyle, then For. 10. Students will not wear beards—Already disposed of. 1 11. No student will wear, on the campus, any article of' clothing which displays athletic of similar emblems awarded by schools other than A AM — For. Like so many other facets of life, some rules are better /than no rules at all. Without enforcement of the present regulations, they are worthless. Let’s vote—thoughtfully. CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Sound Off V' “We’re sure proud of how Fish Jethro has shaped up this semester—He hardly looks up during C.Q.!” Editor, The Battalion: In regard to the letter written to your paper about Baylor coeds, it is entirely true. To prove this statement, the Baylor boys wrote a reply stating what they think of us. . M I personally do not feel that we are "homely” and I hope that you, as Aggies, will back us up. This is not a practical joke but the actual truth. There is a war going on here at Baylor between the BOYS and the WOMEN and we hope that the Aggies will understand our feelings. We would appreciate it if you would print this letter and the en closed letter to the editor of the Baylor Lariat, but please delete our names. Thank you. Baylor Coeds (Editor’s Note: The letter from “the Baylor BOYS to the Baylor Lariat is printed be low.) Someone, somewhere, has lost faith and “respect" in Baylor women. It is true there is a great ‘dip* astrous plight” among Baylor co eds but could this possibly be be cause of their disastrous looks? I guess “J.C." (A so-called Bap tint Savior) wasn’t very generous when he was passing out goo<1 looks and personality to< our be loved coeds. But I don’t blame our women for complaining about the dating situation. If I were a Baylor coed and as “homely” as most of them I would have reason to complain. Unfortunately, Bay lor women seem to fill into one two categories: (1) “Bibl^ Thumpers”, (2) courtesans. So I urge you Baylor men take head to my word — don’t condemn and disappoint poor little “Bible-Thumpers” — never hurt anyone to go to Bear and drink tea. Ray Alvares Class of "70 4= For all your insurum'needs See U. M. Alexander, Jr. *40 271 S. Mala, Bryan A 823-MU State Farm Insurance Compeniea - Home Offices Bloomington, III. At The Movies by Mike Plake T M Mrs. A&M Contest, Dance Set 'ITie “Mrs. Texas AAM Univer sity” contest and dance is sched uled for 7:80 p.m., March 9, in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom, Aggie Wives Council President Mrs. Glenda Chaney an nounced. Competition for the title is open to the wife of any student enrolled at AAM. An Aggie may enter his wife by contacting Mrs. Chaney for an entry form befoih Wednesday. Entrants will compete in Sunday drees at a tea and in formal evening drees at the con- tret. Drees for the dance is semi- formal. Ticketa are 82.50 per couple and are available at the main desk of the M.S.C., from any Ag gie Wives Council member, by calling 846-8665, or at the door. Free baby sitting will be fur nished for those who purchase tickets in advance, Mrs. Chaney said. Music will be by “The Natural Gas Company*’ and Civilian Acti vities Director Ed Cooper will be master of cerernonie* Judge* are Mrs. Wilson Pilcher, fashion co- ordinstor at Beverly Hraley*p; Jaff Montogotnery, Prudent Former Student* Associstioiy; and Turner Wright, of Bryan Building and loso Association. Bob Boone will furnish enter tainment, during the contest A photographer will 6a at the dance to take 8x10 pictures at $1.25 each. Mrs. Texas AAM 1968 will re ceive gifts and numerous door prises will be given away at the content “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” can aptly be described ss “some.” If the Old West were ever any thing like the way this movie pre sents it, no one would be here now. Everyone would be dead, shot like flies on glue by the Man With No Name and Tuco, the vil lain with a heart Clint Eastwood, former televi sion regular on the “Rawhide” series, plays the Man With No Name. He doesn’t rcpily need a name, though, for amid his vo ciferous curses Tuco finds many things to call him. Fear not, however, for the Man With No Name is not just a sadistic killer like the 19 villains in the show. FOR ONE thing, he is a com bination gunman - philosopher. When he and Tuco stumble upon a gory battle between the North Hnd South Italians and observe several thousand men getting shot and chopped to pieces, he say*. What a waste . . ." X Then he and Tuco blow up the bridge and win the battle. He is sincere in his work. Take, for example, his con game, one of the basic actions of the movie. HE AND Tuco are partners. Tuco, a Mexican bandit labeled by the credits as “the Bad,” lets him self be captured and brought to the nearest jail by Eastwood. Eastwood then collects the re ward for Tuco. As the town car ries out Its frontier justice and prepares to hang the Mexican, Fast wood watches, not far away. As the judge reads the last sen trees and gives the order to pro ceed with the execution, Eastwood then takes steady aim with his magnificent eagle-eye, and shoots the hangman’s rope apart. Then to keep the townsmen from tak ing offense and rashly rushing off to recapture the prisoner, he pops off six or seven hats. They stand very still. Each time Eastwood frees his partner, the reward for Tuco goes up another thousand dollars. A THE BATTALION Opinion expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Mamb*r» af tlw Matost Publications Board sre: StL UMm*. chairman : Dr. DasM Bower*. Coikeo of Liberal Arte: r. 8. While. Coll*e« of Ensinmslac: Dr Robert 3. THas. Coil*** of Veterinary Medicine and Hal Taylor. Col- leso of Acriexihurt. The Battalion, a •lodeni newapaper at Texas AAM 1 published In Cellos* Station. Toss* daily except Satnrday Sunday, and Monday, aad holiday period*. September through May. and once a week dnrins summer echool. Repreeented nation ally by National Educational Advertising Service*, lac.. Now Tech City. Chicago. Los Angeles and Baa i MEMBER The Associated Press. Texas Press Association The Associated Preea la entitled aaclueieeiy to the nee foe republicattoe of all newt dispatch** * red! tad to it or not otherwise credited In the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published heroin. Rights of republieotion of all other matter herein are aho reserved. Second-Claa* postage pn*d at College Station, Texas. 'New* contributions may he mad* by telephoning MS-MU or t«S-4tlt or at the editorial offle*. Room 4. YMCA Building For advertleiag or delivery call S4S-S4IS. pretty good game, at that AS NOTED before, he is sia- cere in his work. When he snd Tuco dissolve their partnership, he starts out the game again, this time with a short Italian named Shorty, They make a couple of towns successfully. However, one day, as Eastwood draws s bead on the rope around Shorty’s neck, Tuco appears out of nowhere and draws s bead on Fast wood’s tem ple. Eastwood is very sincere. He says, “Sorry, Shorty’’. Enrico Morricone composed the music for “A Fistful of Dollars," “For s Few Dollars More,” snd this one. The music .in all three films is the most consistently strange snd uniquely beautiful sound this writer has ever heard in a soundtrack. It carries the entire movie through. Indeed, at times, it seems that the action of the movie has been tailored to fit the music. Eli Wailaeh, in the role of Tuco, is important to the carriage of the movies. On the one hand, the film is notierably bad because the Italian Speakers don’t quite mesh with the English soundtracks Tuco, on the other hand, speaks English, even if dirty English. WALLACH outperforms East- wood and Lae Van Cleef, the other English-speaking henvy. He brings Tuco, the killer, the phil osopher, the brute snd the part ner,, to life. In one segment, for example, he is taking a bath in a town beseiged by the Civil War. In the midst of soap suds snd scrub brushes, snd uninvited vil lain walks in. (You know he is the villain, for at the beginning of the show, he has been labeled the “Ugly,” snd in addition, has had one arm shot off by Tuco). So the Ugly walks in snd sur prises Tuco. He tells the Mexi can how he is going to shoot him first in the arm, then in the leg, and so on, so that Tuco will know his pain. This is fine, except that Tuco pulls his big iron from the soap suds snd bounces the Ugly One off the walls with bullets. Tuco’s dialogue, at this mo ment: “If yo’re gonna shoot, shoot, man. Don’t talk!” THIS MOVIE was not made for kids, but for MATURE AUDI ENCES. So if you know what that means, good for you. People will calls it a sadistic masochistic, bloodbath made for the sole purpose of profit. They forget that even that great mas terpiece, “The Birds and the Bees,” was also made for that purpose, if in vain. GEOTECH A TELEDYNE COMPANY * Will* Interview Mechanical Engineers i • Elictrical Engineers Mathematicians |», Physicists FEBRUARY 28 for rewarding careers in research, design, development, and data handling related to the earth sciences. For interview: CONTACT UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT OFFICE. Supervisor. Recruiting snd Training Geotech • A Teledyne Company 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, Texas An Equal Opportunity Employer Mail subscriptions are M.M per semestert S* per school rear: M10 per foil rear. All snbacriptioas subject to 1% sales tax. Advertising rat* famished on request. AddtVM! The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Bollding, College Station. Texas 77841. \T EDITOR A Managing Editor Features Editor Staff Writan News Editors Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editor Editorial Columnist Photographer .., CHARLES ROWTON John Fuller Mike Plake .4..... Bob Palmer, Dave Mayes . (Steve Korenek, Jim Basinger ..[ Gary Sherer .A John Platter ..] Robert Solovey ..I... Mike Wright ! iprisl fntinl of film I it • I ‘ J / * *\ | . . . opening night—monday, March 4; nine features in all, plus shorta; season tickets on sale now, MSC student programs: students 13.00, faculty $6.00. Town Hall Artist Showcase Series Presents . . exaS l arp •ndenh A unique ensemble of six harps on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1968 8:00 P. M. at the BRYAN CIVIC AUDITORIUM > •Bus Transportation Will Be FYimished For Those Desiring and Will Leave From In Front Of The MSC At 6:45 & 7:30 p. m. TICKET PRICES: / j . ' j • ■ • y /' I Adult $2.00 Dates & Public School 1.00 12 & Under 1.';. Free * s 4 ] A&M Activity Cards and Town Hall Season Ticket Holders Admitted Free. •There Will Be No Reserved Seats For This Performance. PEANUTS By Charles M. Sch PI \\l IS .ILS UJ ± ,=_JJ39 v*L V-V4-V *44 V's-A* __ d. Rifc •Aai l PI \\1 is M STOMACH HURTS.. I I THINK I WORRY ABOUT TOO MANY THIN6*.. THE MORE I WORRY, THE MORE MY STOMACH HURTS T)C MORE mi STOMACH HURTS, THE MORE I UX5RRY.... V MY STOMACH HATES ME i IT AIRLINE ■■■sia Coll Ramrvrtam and Tickats At No Extra Cost .... Fraa Tkkat Dalrvtry .... 30 Day Charga Account . . . Bondad ASIA Agont iy Brolay ... Tours ... Travel BRYAN — 1623-8188 MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER, A&M — 1 846-7744 ' -Vi