Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, February 21, 1968 THE BATTALION Fish Edge Tyler 73-71 In OT By JOHN PLATZER With only nine seconds left in overtime. Bill Cooksey nursed in a 22 foot jump shot to bring the Tyler Apaches, number three ranked junior college team in the nation, down to earth 73-71 last night in G. .Rollie White. COOKSEY had a chance to end the game in regulation time but his last second shot rolled around the rim and then out. A&M Huddle Picks Officers Tyler, which was 27-1 on the year and riding the crest of a 26 game win streak, played the game without the services of 6-3 fresh man guard James “Poo” Welch who is fighting the flu. Welch is averaging 20 points a game and has been considered one of the leaders of the team. The Texas A&M Huddle chap ter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes held new elections re cently at the A&M All Faiths Chapel. Elected to lead the chapter was the Student Senate president, footballer Jerry Campbell. Four vice presidents, representing four different sports were elected. They were: David George, swim ming; Edd Hargett, football; John Heffner, track; and Ozzie Burke, handball. Other positions in the chapter are: Jack Whitmore, secretary; Chris Conley, publicity chairman; and Jim Kazmierski, song leader. The Huddle will be provided added leadership froan Professor Arthur Smith as pastor leader and Barney Welch, layman leader. San Jacinto Junior College, rated number one in the nation in their class, provided Tyler with their only other defeat. That loss was later made up when the Apaches beat San Jacinto in Tyler. COACH Jim Culpepper’s Fish won the game with balanced scor ing as they placed four men in double figures. Cooksey and Chuck Smith led with 18 apiece followed by Roddy McAlpine with 13 and Danny Berry with 12. Smith continued his hot shoot ing from the field, he had en tered the game hitting at 63.6 per cent, connecting on 8 of 13 for the game. JIM BROOKS, the big 6-8 cen ter who is one of only 10 junior college players in the nation to be invited to the Olympic try outs, rammed home 38 points, 29 of them in the second half, to pace Tyler’s offense. Bill Chatman contributed 13 and Jess Marshall had 11 for the Apaches. Cooksey scored 14 of his points in the first half as the Fish threatened to make a runaway of the game but then had to hold on as Tyler came roaring back. A jumper by Cooksey gave A&M a 2-0 opening lead which they constantly built upon in the contest’s first 20 minutes. THEY knocked seven points off their deficit in the first three minutes of the second half and whittled the margin down to 53- 48 with 8:23 remaining. Tyler came within two for the first time since early in the con test at 54-52 with 6:47 left but the Fish then quickly surged back to a five point advantage. The 20 foot jumpers by Harvey Huffstetler knotted the game for the first time at 62-62 with 1:34 left and that’s how the score read at the end of regulation time. Steve Niles once again paced the Aggies in rebounding with 12 while Cooksey followed with 10. THE LEAD was stretched to 14 points at 30-16 with 3:35 left in the half and then to 35-18 with 2:25 remaining. The half ended with the Fish on top 37-20. Tyler played the first half like anything but the team they are rated to be as none of their play ers could find the range. They connected on 8 of 41 floor shots in the half for a horrid 19.5 per cent while the Fish hit on 17 of 37 for 45.9 per cent. The Fish also out rebounded the Apaches in the half by a 32-23 margin. The second half was a complete turn around of the first as Tyler dominated the backboards to THE FISH jumped to a fast 69-64 lead in overtime but Tyler came battling back and a jumper by Brooks gave them their only lead in the game at 70-69 with 1:29 remaining. The game was tied at 71-71 when Cooksey con nected for his winning goal. The big story of the second half was in rebounding where the junior college team outdid the Aggie freshmen 39-12. For the game Tyler enjoyed a 62-44 edge in rebounding. Brooks paced the Tyler re bounding with 16 while Chatman had 15 and Marshall contributed 14. , T i f, / PERET DRIVES Ag-gie Center Ronnie Peret drives under the basket and starts a jump shot goal ward dut ing third-quarter play. Arkansas defenders are Gary Stephens (24), James Eldridjs (25) and Ricky Tanneberger (11). (Photo by Mike Wright) D0NT fight it. Get Eaton’s Corrasable Bond Typewriter Paper. Mistakes don’t show. A mis-key completely disappears from the special surface. An ordinary pencil eraser lets you erase without a trace. So why use ordinary paper? Eaton’s Corrasable is available in light, medium, heavy weights and Onion Skin. In 100-sheet packets and 500- sheet ream boxes. At Stationery Departments. motr$coRRA$*m£ rrrmmn* mpg# ® Only Eaton makes Corrasable. EATON PAPER CORPORATION, PITTSFIELD. MASSACHUSETTS For the game A&M hit on 32 of 72 shots from the field for a 44.4 mark while Tyler connected on BigSSooners rapidly get back into the game. 29 of 87 for 33.3 per cent. Sign Mildren Spring Sports A gg ie Natters In Houston Saturday For Key Match By JOHN PLATZER The Aggie tennis team of Coach Omar Smith travels to Houston Saturday to play the University of Houston in their second match of the season. They began the season on a successful note this past weekend with a 6-1 win over the Univer sity of Texas at Arlington. SMITH CONSIDERS the match with a Houston an important one. “This will be sort of a crucial match for us this week,” Smith said. “We will be the underdog but I think we will have a chance.” A&M is young and inexper ienced while Houston is highly ranked with several outstanding California players on the squad. Smith says that the Aggies are still in somewhat of a rebuilding stage but that the prospects are real good. “THESE BOYS have worked harder and progressed more as a group then any we’ve had here in quite some time,” Smith said. The Houston match will begin at 1:30 on the McGregor Courts about six blocks from the Univer sity of Houston campus. G. Rollie White served as the site of the team’s win over Arling ton when the matches were forced inside by rain. The Aggies won 4 of 5 single and both double matches for the evening. REGISTERING the Aggie wins were Jon L. Ragland, 6-4 and 7-5, Mike Hickey, 6-1 and 6-1, Bruce Crumley, 6-4 and 7-5, and Jerry Oliver, 6-1 and 6-1. The lone de feat was suffered by co-captain Joe Tillerson, 6-2 and 12-10. The double team of Ragland and Hickey for A&M won 7-5 and 6-2 while the team of Tillerson and Oliver for A&M came out on top 14-12, 6-2 and 10-8. ENGINEERS Freeport Sulphur Company, one of the nation’s top producers of minerals, offers the graduate engineer a challenging and professionally stimulating career with unlimited advancement potential. Freeport’s five divisions spread from Georgia to New Mexico while growth continues at a phenomenal rate. Investments in new plant facilities in Louisiana, alone, total more than $75 million. In 1968, sales are expected to exceed $175 mil lion, with less than 3,000 employees. For many years Freeport has been the leader in production of sulphur. It also ranks among leaders in kaolin clay, potash, oil and gas. It will soon produce phosphoric acid upon completion of its chemical plant at Convent, La. which will place Freeport among the leading suppliers to the fertilizer industry. Strong emphasis on research and process development, especially relating to physical chemistry, minerals extraction and hydrometallurgy, has helped make Freeport a leader in these fields. The Engineering Department, too, has achieved prominence in project design, development and construction supervision of new plants in virtually all of the company’s projects. Whether your interest lies in research and development, design and con struction or production, you’ll find it at Freeport — a world leader that’s compact enough for you to achieve personal satisfaction through individual accomplishment and recognition. Military status? Although Freeport hires without regrad to selective service status, it is considered an essential industry. You may qualify for a critical occupation (11-A) rating. INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD ON CAMPUS Thursday, February 22, 1968 Contact your placement office for further details. Or, write or call: T. L. Vandegrift, Assistant to Manager-Industrial & Personnel Relations FREEPORT SULPHUR COMPANY P. O. Box 61520 New Orleans, La. 70160 Telephone: Area Code 504/529-4393 FREEPORT Ragland, a co-captain as a soph omore on the team, is considered the number one man by Smith followed closely by Hickey, a freshman. “I would say Ragland is the most outstanding player we’ve NORMAN, Okla. ) — Okla homa football Coach Chuck Fair banks said Tuesday he will sign Jack Mildren, Abilene, Tex., quar terback, to a Big Eight Confer ence letter of intent today. Fairbanks said Mildren, who led Cooper to the state Class AAAA finals, would sign at a news conference in Abilene. Mildren has been widely sought as a college prospect, and had re portedly limited his choice to Oklahoma, Southern Methodist and Arkansas. His signing of a Big Eight letter will not be bind ing on Southwest Conference schools, but he can sign a national letter of intent later this spring. Mildren, 6-foot-l, 185 pounds, was voted the No. 1 college pros pect in Texas by Southwest Con ference coaches. He was an all- state selection. In Fayetteville, Arkansas head Coach Frank Broyles said, “I am real sorry that Mildren is leaving the Southwest Conference.” He said he felt the conference was “losing a tremendous ath lete.” “OU did a terrific job in selling him,” Broyles said. He added that Oklahoma coaches were able to make many more visits to Mildren than Southwest Conference members, who are limited to two visits with a prospective athlete. had since Richard Barker of two years ago,” Smith said. Tillerson is the only senior on the squad which is also composed’ of two freshmen, two sophomores and a junior. Puritan _ t ^ Sportwear rr at Dim £»tnrncf« ^ ^ tncnii uimr I NJihjn • UHNW I BUSIEK AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. COSDEN OIL & CHEMICAL €0. 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