The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 20, 1968, Image 3
BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 spring festival f 81 mar. 4 wildstrawberries mar. 12 black orpheus mar. 18 potemkin cabinet of dr.calgari mar. 25 citizen kane apr. 8 the seven samuri apr. 29 jules and jim may 6 the knack may 14 student films may 20 mickey one Season tickets may be pur chased at MSC student pro grams: faculty $5.00; stu dents $3.00. Children ad mitted free. A GREAT NEW WALLY TABER SAFARI SHOW GREAT BEAR TROUT NORTHLAND SAFARI" ■> . wk; . J \, ■¥** CECIL RHODE JN COLOR & f IN PERSON Fantastic fishing for Arctic Lake Alaskan camp-out Robinson Trout of stupendous size . . . ( rusoe s , y | e . . . j 0 j n Rhode's high-altitude gunning for moun- h fami ^ di (|amS( ne| tain goat, Dali sheep . . . grizz- . .. , ly bear, caribou, moose and whim P'^ ^ for gold, the fabulous denizens of the ^ f « h « robs • • • 'be off Alaskan wilderness. the country, Alaskan style. COME EARLY! Avoid standing- in line. Chat with Cecil Rhode in the lobby before show time. Get a copy of Wally Taber’s latest Hi-adventure books “North to Adventure”: "Tiger By The Tale”: SI.50 each. GUION HALL Wednesday, Feb. 21, 8 P. M. Advance tickets available at reduced rates from sponsoring club members or from Gibson’s Discount Center, and University Exchange Store. Sponsored by Fish & Game Club, Wildlife Science Dept. Students under 16, $1 Adults, incl. tax, $1.50 Liberty Bell Gift From State LIBERTY BELL REPLICA It has been 18 years and Texas A&M still has not decided where to locate permanently the official Texas replica of the Liberty Bell. THE TWO-TON bell, mounted in the rotunda of the Academic Building', was presented to A&M by Texas Governor Allan Shivers in an Independence Day ceremony in 1950. At the ceremony, “The Bat talion” reported that A&M Presi dent M. T. Harrington said, “. . . any location decided upon at this time is temporary. . . .” “We hope someday, perhaps, that a bell tower might be con structed on campus.” Two months later, the bell was moved to its present location and enlosed in a protective glass case. It took the place of a large tro phy case which was moved to the Memorial Student Center. THEN, THREE years ago, workmen removed the case com pletely. A&M President Earl Rudder said recently that there were once plans to build a memorial for the bell on some other part of the campus. “But the supporters of the plan gradually lost interest and so nothing came of it,” he said. Rudder added that any future plans concerning the bell would have to be submitted to the A&M Executive Committee for consid eration. THE BELL was originally one of a set of 53 replicas cast in France. They were used in a six- week publicity campaign promot ing U. S. Savings Bonds in 1950. After the nationwide tour, a bell was given to the governor of each state and to the District of Columbia. Gov. Shivers said he presented the Texas bell to A&M “in recog nition of the outstanding patri otic record of the Texas Aggies.” Owens To Star In Sigma Delta Chi Show March 18 Country music star Buck Owens will perform at Texas A&M March 18 in a benefit for journal ism scholarships. This was announced Monday by Dani Presswood, Sigma Delta Chi journalism so c i e t y president. Presswood stressed that the pro gram was selected so as not to conflict with Town Hall. “Our annual show is designed primarily for lovers of country music throughout the area,” Presswood said. “We will sell tickets in Madisonville, Hearne, Caldwell, B r e n ha m, Navasota, Bryan and other area communi ties.” “In the past we have found that most of the audience are non students, although naturally stu dents are welcome to attend ” Buck Owens is currently recog nized as the No. 1 country music star in the nation. Presswood said the chapter felt fortunate to get him. One of Owens’ more re- cents hits is “Got a Tiger by the Tail.” Other country music stars who will perform at the two-hour show, include Freddie Hart, who has a new single, “Togetherness,” which is rapidly climbing the na tional charts. The show will start at 8 p.m. in G. Rollie White Coliseum. * Proceeds from the show will be used mainly for journalism schol arships at Texas A&M. Previous shows have netted more than $4,- 000 for scholarships, enabling many high school and junior col lege graduates to enter A&M. A number of current journalism stu dents are on Sigma Delta Chi scholarships. BATTALION CLASSIFIED Political HELP WANTED Announcements for part-time job. weekends. PARDNER You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS Subject to action of the Dem ocratic Primary May 4, 1968. For Congressman, Sixth Con gressional District: OLIN E. TEAGUE (Re-Election) Nights and/or lanager 846-9927. Dutch Kettle. 533t7 WANT AD RATES pe: ional On* day 3^ per word each addition! Minimum charge—50<+ Classified Display 90tf per column inch each insertion word day CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 323-8626, Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn doctor’s office, required. Must ex- educational and personal Medical Assistant for Some nursing experience urnish references and give resume of perience and educational and persi background. Write P. O. Box 608, Br ryan, 529t8 Wanted, two registered nurses for pervisor on 3 to 11 shift at Madison County Hospital, Madisonville, Texas. Excellent Salary. Call collect, DI 8-2631, Miss Gloria Rice or Mr. E. G. Clark. 465tfn FOR SALE LOST From North Gate — two German Sheperd Dogs Melcher 823-0241, 313 First. male and female. nan Sheperd Call Betty 535tfn SPECIAL NOTICE FOR RENT Small graduate garag stude e apartment for couple or ■nt. 2903-A College Ave •nue. >37t3 Apartment available March 1st. $130. Apt. 4-E Fairway Apt. 823-0330. 536t5 Three apartments. Road, Unfurnished, Space Contact W. F. Davis at 822-3518. 1814 Spac Fin for Feather animals. 531tfn STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day University, 846- 262tfn ms and weekly rate, near th< 5410. THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living” Separate Adult & Family Areas "Children Welcome’’ Model Apts. Open For Inspection From $120 - All Utilities Paid 1602 S. College Avenue Resident Manager - Apt. 55 Phone 823-4250 Make Your Deposit Now 366tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS ! ! Need A Home 1 & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-2035 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 WORK WANTED Typing. 846-3290. SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV A Makes - TV - Repairs 713 S. Main 822-1941 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers Noth Gate 846-5816 ELECTRIC GUITAR "Famus” mahog- y hollow body. 3 pick-ups, vibrato, strap nd case. ANSEL 823-5779. 537t4 1966 Sabre motorcycle, ition. $125.00 Call 846-6 60cc. 113. Good con- 537t4 12 Ping Pong table tops. $16.00 value only $11.00 each. Burke Hargrove, Phone 846-9897. 537tfn 20 case electric coco cola box. Originally $550 now only $95. Burke Hargrove. Phone 846-9897. 200 metal folding chairs. $7.98 value only $4 each in 5 lots. Burke Hargrove. Phone 846-9897. 537tfn 1966 Simca 4-door GT. 21,000 warranty left. 846-8809 or 846-2496. miles 534t8 1968 Dodge Coronet R/T 440 Magnum, 4-speed positraction, disc brakes. Call 846- 534t8 ■spec 318. SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDO- IOUS modestly describes A&M Record- ! — Company’s four-track custom cart er write P. O. 533t4 Ing Uompar ridge service. Call 823-5979 Box 1968 for details. GUITAR AMPLIFIER “Heath” 60 Watts all transistor, Hammond reverb, tremelo, 4 - 12" Jensen speakers, $199.00 or best offer. ANSEL 823-5979. 533t4 2 Roping Saddles. Call 822-3980 after 5. Party records, Golf-Game, Bud Fletcher albums, Ken Idaho albums. Play-boy maga zines, all kinds Texas Aggie Champion stickers—many other novelty and gag items—Aggie Den, North Gate (next to Loupot’s) open 8 a. m. till 7 seven days a week—come see us 1 526tfn Aggie- 4,000 used golf balls 5c, 10c, 30c. land Recreation Center. Redmond Terrace Center. 520tfn TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 118 S Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN STUDIES Dates: FEBRUARY 22 - APRIL 18 (8 weeks^ Time: THURSDAY NIGHTS from 7:30 to 9:15 p.m. Place: OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Tauber & Cross Sts.) Cost: STUDENTS & STUDENT WIVES: $1.00 plus cost of textbook ALL OTHER ADULTS: $2.00 plus cost of textbook CLASSES OFFERED THIS SPRING (Non-Credit) “JESUS THE MAN” Instructor: Paul Baumer, Minister, Faith United Church of Christ “MAJOR RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD” Instructor: Carl Ruch, Pastor, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church “THEOLOGY - REVISITED” Instructor: Wes Seeliger, Asst. Rector, St. Thomas Episcopal Church “SURVEY OF THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY” Instructor: Walter Alien, Campus Minister, United Campus Christian Fellowship All interested STUDENTS, STUDENT WIVES, FACULTY OR STAFF PERSONS, or OTHER ADULTS of the community are encouraged to enroll. (All classes must have a minimum enrollment of five students.) (SPONSORING GROUPS) Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Catholic, Christian Church, Episcopal and United Church of Christ REGISTER NOW ! ! ! ! ! BY CALLING: 846-6014 or 846-6639 or 846-5011 or BY WRITING: School of Christian Studies, P. 0. Box 97, College Station ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! Deadline for Ordering Gradua tion Invitations Feb. 29. Order taken from 9-12, 1-4, Mon. - Fri. at the Cashier’s Win dow—Memorial Student Center. FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding ^ Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All damaged items restored to full utility by our repairs department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 32nd & S. Tabor Streets — Bryan ATTENTION ! Personnel and students of A&M University. See us before you buy your furniture and appliance needs. Ask about the student plan. The store of distinctive furniture—Wood Furniture Com pany. 501 North Texas. Telephone 822- 1227 637tfn SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. — Called meeting Wednesday The bailed meeting w February 21, at 7 :30 p. Entered Apprentice Dei co: d 1 pprentice Llegree will •ed. All Masons are nferr to attend. :o attend. Tom Chandler, WM. Joe Woolket, Sec’y. GEORGE PERSONAL Did you know that 8,000 peace treaties have been signed since 1500 B. C.? How long do you suppose they were kept? Call 846-3711 and find out. ATTENTION Research Professors Graduate Research Assistants You may be eligible for special income tax benefits. For this and other tax problems contact. Blocker Trant 4015 S. Texas Ave. Phone 846-7842 WE RENT TYPEWRITERS Electric, Manual, & Portable OTIS MCDONALD’S 429 S. Main — Phone 822-1328 Bryan, Texas AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 LOOKING FOR A NEW CAR FOR ONLY $1767.00 COME TO Hickman Garrett Volkswagen AUTHORIZED DEALER 1701 So. College Ave. 822-0146 Now Leasing The New Luxurious Trinity Gardens • Two Bedroom, 1% Bath • Expert Yard Maintenance • Formal Living and Dining Rooms • All Electric Built-in G. E. Kitchens • Custom Drapes and Carpets • Carrier Central Heating and Air Conditioning • Very Large Privately Fenced Backyards • Washer-Dryer Connections in Garage • One Block from New Elementary School • Attached Garage • Rentals $159.50 • Children and Pets Welcome. for information call: 846-2614 or 846 - 5070 Trinity Place & S. W. Parkway College Station WANTED Wanted: Girl to share duplex. Contact Parke Patty 846-2331 re aupie nights. OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication. Applications for degrees are now being ccepted in the Registrar’s Offic 11 students who expect to comple degree requirements by May 1968. Candi dates for advanced degrees must file their applications with both the Registrar’s Of- accepted in the all students who expect to coi dei Office from smplete their 1968. Candi- api fice and deadline date March 1, 1968. ns the Graduate Dean for filing application Registrar’s i’s Office. The ” i ’ is is 537t8 P re-Veterinary Medicine Students Pre-Veterinary medicine students who ex- ualify as applicants for admission pect to qr ify as applicants for admission to the professional curriculum of the College of Veterinary Medicine in Septem ber 1968 may secure application forms in the Registrar’s Office beginning Monday, February 26, 1968. May 1, 1968 is the iling applications and 1 deadline for filing appl scripts with the Registra tran- 32tll "SPRING AWARD SCHOLARSHIPS" Application forms for Spring Award holarships may be obtained fro Scholarships may be obtained from Student Financial Aid Office, Room 303, YMCA Building during the period February 12th - March 31, 1968. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office by not later tha 1968. Late applicatio April 1, 1968. Late applications accepted. 6 :00 p. m. will not be 631t30 Preveterinary Medicine Students All students who expect to registe pre-veterinary medicine for the S] Semester 1968 must have their co approved by their Academic Advisor. in Spring form signed by the A and listing approved i presented at registration. for re their courses A Academic Advisor courses must b* 521tfn GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 822-1336 26th & Parker 822-1307 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 What’s it like to work for a giant? Depends on the giant. If the giant happens to be Ford Motor Company, it can be a distinct advantage. See your placement director and make an appoint ment to see the man from Ford when he is here on: February 29 and March 1 I'd like a big job please. Classic Wax Cal Custom Accessories Hurst Floor Shifts Enco & Conoco 310 qt. Amalie & Havoline .. 35f! qt. We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts - We Fit 96% of All Cars - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $2.98 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars Auto trans. oil 25^ AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Starters - Generators All 6 Volt - $10.95 Each Most 12 Volt — $11.95 Each Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 21 years in Bryan