The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 15, 1968, Image 7
. ! * 0 ..*i ^ ♦ ’J- ~- ■■ 1968 alliip Poll Finds Americans )ivicie(l On LBJ War-Handling )any, ibber ition, )any, ibber bway NEW YORK W) — Half of the dult Americans polled since the scent Viet Cong offensive in outh Vietnam disapprove of the ay President Johnson is handl- ig the war while only about one- iird approve, the Gallup Poll said 'ednesday. Public approval of Johnson’s mdling of the war slipped to 35 cent from 39 per cent since inuary, the poll said. In a September survey, 28 per mt expressed approval of the resident’s Vietnam policy. In the latest survey, 1,503 per sons in 300 communities were asked, “Do you approve or dis approve of the way President Johnson is handling the situation in Vietnam?” Half disapproved, 35 per cent approved and 15 percent had no opinion. In January, 47 per cent disapproved, 39 per cent approved and 14 per cent had no opinion. The latest poll also found that six of 10 Americans now classify them as hawks or persons who favor a military step-up in South Vietnam. Geologist Gives $5,000 In Stocks Michael T. Halbouty, Houston geologist and independent oil op erator, has presented Texas A&M stock certificates valued at more than $5,000, announced A&M President Earl Rudder. Funds from sale of the stock are designated for A&M’s Geo sciences and Petroleum Engineer ing Foundation of which Hal bouty, 1930 A&M graduate, is chairman. The foundation was established at A&M in 1964 to provide sup plemental funds for promotion of basic education, research and graduate study. THE BATTALION Thursday, February 15, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 7 Wallace Announces VP Running Mate ATLANTA, Ga. <A > ) — Former Alabama Gov. George Wallace announced today that former Georgia Gov. Marvin Griffin will be listed as his vice-presidential running mate in order to satisfy procedural requirements in sev eral states. Wallace made the announce ment at a news conference. Asked when he would announce his permanent vice-presidential candidate, Wallace replied: “Well, in a way, we did that today and it may well be that M’r. Griffin will be the candidate.” Griffin earlier issued a state ment saying he has agreed to “lend my name to Gov. George Wallace as a vice-presidential candidate in order to help him in meeting some of the procedural requirements in several states.” Griffin said: “I think Gov. Wallace ought to have the right to name his vice-presidential can didate just like the other major candidates and the two existing parties do not have to name their vice-presidential running mates until August. I am making it possible for Gov. Wallace to do the same thing.” Griffin’s announcement added: “I told the governor that he could put up my name and then decide in his own good time what he wants to do.” Griffin said that several states have early deadlines for the nam ing of a vice-presidential candi date and he has offered his name to help Wallace meet procedural requirements. The former Georgia governor said he would serve in any capacity desired by Wallace. Convention Draws Aggie Professors Dr. Charles L. Leinweber, head of the Range Science Department at Texas A&M, and other faculty members are attending the Amer ican Society of Range Manage ment Convention in Albuquerque, N.M., through Feb. 16. i texsun pure sence elcc-.ij n zipjj This, com- atjon er of X the pro- ustry is to n its ORANGE KJICE ££• $1.00 l^WlFTSppejMUJM&4PY WfrSwe" Rfr L5Nf7 v <sg Hormel Bacon * lU • • • • ^9/ m. rd of 'ever, ?rsity in an in an rts. t the vnian uke," >f 66 >r of PPar- down iriati floor id to i awl dart- than then t 25; arted room dviee ;d tc ping ), he cided 1 but fear igain ;cond said, * 39/ ottiw: , fMETA .'*1 * KP&V. v. jQAiT fe afymz $ 3.° 9 ffc/VllUM Foum }' W com sJzjS Mite w<p Sv;;? 4 * iFTtWMI. Oak Farm Ga). Otn. Sal- {Ju6 • • • • FLAVOR TIGHT VACUUM CAf< 'YeilovV ^ipjC’ UMiTlfte'#, Wirntee’cs-v Mope GpocerY pinatfe ^ TOMATOES ... : : : : 4 slim Master Ro-Ride •••••• Ofrom- FOR EXERCISING RIGHT IN YOUR OWN HOME! REGISTER EACH TIME YOU VISIT OUR STORE. DRAWING THIS SAT. NIGHT 7:00 P. M. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN. WINNER WILL BE NOTIFIED. Cf^9 VAN CAMP'S pEUtfouf '[V/MptiNC' f(zoc>u« y 19 W)2ep K> StokelyJ » • • • % llMlT4 neASg sliced PEACTEs J P'enrs P&ep/ev- Diet or Regular Discount Prices’ ON HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS! ^WlFT^ <T ■t%S9 tiaAFp 1&&T9 60 PREM Pepsi-Colas 10-Oz. BtL Ctn. Plus Dep. Limit 2/W $.500 or More Pur. j. Excluding Beer & Cigarettes \(lOZ- • • • • t \l -Y TUB; _^CVTH 7^ MQ5T WO&frl flftFAVWT TEYA? AVE.I yogww .CSOEge ^TATIOH -