The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 14, 1968, Image 1

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Research Reveals
A&M’s True Age
Texas A&M at last knows
exactly how old it really is.
Archivist Ernest Langford,
after receiving unexpected new
evidence Wednesday, has set June
13, 1871, as the date of A&M’s
founding. For 72 years the ac
cepted date had been June 20,
The new source is John Rosser’s
"Journal of a Trip to Texas in
1871” sent by his grandson, L. T.
Potter, ’28, chairman of the board
of directors of Lone Star Gas Co.
in Dallas.
While visiting in Bryan with
his daughter and her husband,
J.D. Thomas, who was later presi
dent of the A&B board of direc
tors, Rosser wrote:
“TUESDAY, June 13, I spent
the day riding ’round the neigh
borhood of Bryan with the com
missioners, Dr. Slaughter, Mr.
Bell, and Mr. Grothaus and with
some other men looking for a spot
to locate the Agricultural and
Mechanical College. . . .”
IN HIS LETTER to Langford,
Potter said he decided to send
the “Journal” after reading of
Langford’s research efforts in the
January issue of the Texas Aggie.
After tedious, research, Lang
ford said he had found three
separate letters in the state
archives addressed to Gov. E. J.
Davis that implied the existence
of A&M before July, 1871.
HE NOTED that Rosser’s brief
account is the only known record
of the actual day the commis
sioners studied sites to locate the
1872, date was first mentioned as
the day A&M was founded in
“An Historical Sketch of the Tex
as Agricultural and Mechanical
College” written by Robert F.
Smith in 1895.
Later histories of the university
probably took Smith’s date for
fact and never checked it, Lang
ford said.
The change in founding dates
may move any plans for an A&M
centennial celebration up one year.
Also affected by the change
would be numerous history books
and almanacs.
N. Korean Predicts War
Unless U. S. Leaves Nation
U. S. Urges Korea
To Ha It Aggression
Grad Students
Win 7 Awards
Texas A&M graduate students
won seven of nine awards for
technical papers i n university
competition at the annual meeting
of the North Texas section of the
American Nuclear Society.
Dr. Robert S. Wick, professor
of nuclear engineering and spon
sor for Texas A&M’s ANS stu
dent section, said the A&M stu
dents received all three prizes in
two of the three general cata-
gories and placed second in the
Thomas L. Krysinski, William
B. Wilson and Phillip F. Sandel
placed first, second and third,
respectively, in basic physics pre
A&M also had a clean sweep in
reactor related topics, with James
Sumpter, Robert T. Perry and
Mitty C. Plummer taking top hon
ors in the order listed.
James E. Lee, Jr., was runnerup
in the research and development
category, finishing second to Lar
ry Logsdon of North Texas State.
First - place awards included
cash prizes of $25 and second
place $15. Funds for the awards
were donated by Radiation Re
search, Inc. of Fort Worth.
General Dynamics hosted the
weekend meeting at its Fort
Worth plant.
The winning papers will be en
tered in competition at the 1968
American Nuclear Society’s stu
dent conference for the western
states, scheduled March 29-31 at
the University of Arizona.
The North Texas section of
ANS awarded A&M $100 to help
defray costs for student partici
pation in the Arizona conference.
W. A. McFarland, associate di
rector of A&M’s Cyclotron Insti
tute, presented a technical paper
in the non - competitive faculty
portion of the Fort Worth meet
ROA Chapter
To Induct
DMS Cadets
Reserve Officer Association
student memberships will be pre
sented 124 Distinguished Military
Students at Texas A&M Wednes
day afternoon by local ROA chap
Presentations by Gen. Joe Han
over, 420th Engineer brigade com
manding general, and Col. James
R. Bradley, 837th Military Intel
ligence Detachment commander,
will be for the Brazos County
ROA chapter and 420th organiza
A&M CADETS to receive stu
dent certificates will be eligible
for full ROA membership upon
graduation and commissioning
next May. Presentations will be
to 102 Army and 22 Air Force
ROTC cadets.
Col. Jim H. McCoy, A&M com
mandant, will introduce speakers,
possibly including President Earl
Rudder, who will describe the
“We want to encourage ROTC
officers to join ROA,” explained
Bradley, Brazos chapter presi
dent and head of industrial eco
nomics at A&M. “Memberships
will be presented to these out
standing military students be
cause it is felt they will stay on
active duty for two years or
CHARTERED in 1922 by Con
gress, the association supports
U. S. military policy that will
provide, develop and execute ade
quate national security.
“The association keeps up well
informed on legislative matters
that affect reserve officers,”
Bradley noted, pointing out that
reserve officers go by different
rules and regulations than regu
lar Army and Air Force officers.
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M”
1 H
Aggie guard Johnny Underwood shoots over the out-stretched hand of Rice’s 6-7 sopho
more center, Steve Wendel, for two points in the second half of the Aggies’ 78-58 win last
night. Wendel fouled Underwood on the play and the 6-3 senior from Honey Grove con
verted the free throw to complete the three-point play. The Owls’ Bob Rule (45) missed
a block attempt as the Aggies’ Ronnie Peret, Mike Hazel and Billy Bob Barnett wait for a
possible rebound. See story, page 5. (Photo by Mike Wright)
Saber Becomes Memorial
To Prison Camp Victim
A Texas A&M cadet officer’s
saber worn by a 1935 graduate
and two flight commanders will
become a Corps of Cadets unit
memorial to James Randolph Op-
penheim, who died in a World
War II prison camp.
Instigated by sophomores and
freshmen of Squadron 2 in the
corps, the Oppenheim Memorial
saber will be carried once a year
and displayed at other times.
The saber of James R. Oppen
heim was presented to Robert D.
Robison, a Squadron 2 sophomore,
by Air Force Maj. Duane E. Van-
denberg, currently stationed at
Bergstrom AFB.
“The sophomores and freshmen
felt the saber is symbolic of
Squadron 2 and want to place it
in proper respect,” explained Rob
ison, a zoology major from Mem
phis, Tenn. The Oppenheim Me
morial was designed by Squadron
2 cadets. Cadet Maj. Brian El.
Heckman of Humble commands
the unit this year.
THE SABER will be presented
to each new Squadron 2 command
er who will wear it during Final
Review, the last dress parade of
each school year at which cadets
achieve rank and privileges for
the following fall.
During the year, the saber will
be displayed at the Military Sci
ence Department or squadron
quarters in a glass case given by
the Classes of 1970 and 1971.
Aggies To Enter Slides In Contest
Fellowship Hears
Education Leader
The Rev. Eugene B. Navias,
education consultant and field
worker for the Unitarian Univer-
salist Association, will visit the
Unitarian Fellowship, 305 Old
Highway 6 South, College Station
today at 8:00 p.m. He will speak
on “Examining Goals in Religious
Slides of four Texas A&M stu
dents will carry the Memorial
Student Center camera commit
tee’s colors forward into Gulf
States Camera Club Council com
Winning color sildes of a regu
lar committee contest were made
by Capt. Harry H. Culler Jr. of
San Antonio, a graduate student
in civil engineering; Tom Nieder-
auer of Bryan third-year archi
tecture major; Maury M. Calvert
Jr. of New Orleans, junior in
architecture, and Tiber G. Csic-
satka of Utica, N. Y., freshman
electrical engineering major.
Their photographs were judged
tops among 56 entered, noted
Frank Tilley of Jacksonville, com
mittee chairman.
AIR FORCE Academy gradu
ate Culler turned his camera on a
sidelighted scene of his sons,
David, 6, and Jimmy, 5, fishing
at Bryan’s Country Club Lake.
“They caught some fish, too,”
the nine-year Air Force officer
Niederauer tripped his shutter
while Pacific Ocean fog rolled
across a Puget Sound bridge.
A Mexican waif framed by
vertical lines of an Alameda Park
revolutionary monument in Mex
ico City won for Calvert* who
studied a year at the University
of the Americas.
CSICSATKA arranged a chal
ice, candle and fork against a blue
background for a still life photo
The MSC camera committee is
affiliated with GSCCC and enters
members’ top photos in the re
gional competition.
Oppenheim carried the historic
saber as adjutant of the Com
posite Regimental Staff in 1935.
A cadet captain in the corps, he
was a member of the Ross Volun
teers and as a junior was first
sergeant of “A” Engineers. The
A&M student from Houston re
ceived his civil engineering de
gree and commission in 1935.
ORDERED to active duty with
the Army Corps of Engineers in
1940, Oppenheim arrived in the
Philippines in October, 1941. He
was stationed at Fort Stotsenberg
and Clark Field near Manila and
had charge of air field construc
tion and maintenance.
Aerospace Studies Department
research shows Oppenheim was
with Gen. Douglas McArthur on
Bataan and died in a Japanese
prison camp shortly after the
American surrender at Corregi-
Oppenheim’s father presented
the saber to Vandenberg while he
was a student at A&M. Vanden
berg, a business administration
major from Houston, turned it
over to Flight “B” commander
Hansel C. Kennedy of Pampa to
carry in 1951-52. Kennedy passed
it on to J. R. Holder of Mart,
1952-53 Squadron 2 (Flight “B”)
The saber was then returned to
Vandenberg, who retained posses
sion until passing it on to Robi
First Bank & Trust now pays
5% per annum on savings certif
icates. —Adv.
Rudder Looks Into Future Of A&M
Battalion Features Editor
(Editor’s Note: This is the
conclusion of a three-part series
on Texas A&M, its history, its
economic impact on the com
munity, and what is to come in
its future.
The following is an interview
with Earl Rudder, President of
the Texas A&M University
BATTALION: What is the future
of the Cadet Corps? Will the
present system remain? (i.e.,
cadets residing in companies in a
separate Corps area, seven days
a week.)
RUDDER: This hinges on two
things First, if there is continued
and improved support by the De
partment of Defense. Second, if
the Cadet Corps conducts its af
fairs in such a way that students
will desire to become a part of
it. In other words, the future of
the Cadet Corps is in the hands
of its members.
BATTALION: Each year, the
comparative number of civilians
and Cadet Corps members
changes. The percentage of Corps
members compared to the number
of civilian students has fallen.
What, if any, changes will you
make in regard to this?
RUDDER: The appointment of
Ed Cooper as Director of Civilian
Student Activities is an example
of the changes that will be made.
As the civilian student body
grows, more advisors and staff
members will be added. This will
be done in order to accommodate
the needs of a growing civilian
student body.
BATTALION: It has been said
that A&M produced more officers
than any other institution in
World War II. Does this still
apply ?
RUDDER: This statement stems
from remarks made by General
Bradley and General Eisenhower
in the past. They said A&M had
more men serving as officers in
World War II than any other
institution or school in the U. S.
At to whether or not A&M pro
duces more officers at the present
time* I don’t know.
BATTALION: The Department
of Civilian Student Affairs was
recently instituted. Do you expect
this to have an important influ
ence in the future?
RUDDER: To begin with, it’s not
a separate department. It is an
arm of the office of the Dean of
Students. Mr. Cooper was made
Director of Student Activities
under Dean Hannigan. I consider
this a most important office. Its
main purpose is to establish bet
ter communications with the
civilian students.
BATTALION: Has the Civilian
Student Council, in your estima
tion, been an effective tool to
facilitate civilian wants and needs
at Texas A&M.
RUDDER: I think it is an im
portant tool. I think it will in
crease in importance as the
civilian student body grows.
BATTALION: Last year, in the
spring semester, 641 female stu
dents enrolled. This spring, the
figure rose to 700. By 1976, will
any facilities be added to accom
modate co-eds ?
RUDDER: At the present time,
except for married students, there
are no plans for campus housing
of women.
BATTALION: With an antici-
(See Interview, Page 2)
AP Special Correspondent
PANMUNJOM, Korea <A>> _ A
North Korean representative said
today there will be war unless the
United States gets out of Korea,
and the U. S. delegate replied that
the North could insure peace by
stopping acts of aggression.
The harsh exchange came at
a meeting of the Military Armis
tice Commission called to discuss
charges by the U. N. Command of
armistice violations by the Com
munists. There was no discussion
of the fate of the 83 crewmen of
the Pueblo, the U. S. intelligence
ship seized by North Korea Jan.
Meanwhile, U. S. special envoy
Cyrus Vance extended by still an
other day his visit to Seoul, where
he is trying to patch up U. S.-
South Korean differences over
U. S. priorities in Korea.
The South Koreans have com
plained that the United States is
paying more attention to the
Pueblo incident than to the at
tempted assassination of South
Korean President Chung Hee
Park Jan. 21 by 31 North Korean
commandos who invaded Seoul.
Rear Adm. John V. Smith, sen
ior U. S. representative on the
armistice commission, cited the
assassination attempt today and
said there had been 7 other seri
ous truce violations by the North
in the last 44 days.
“The decision whether there is
peace or hostility depends upon
the whim of an apparently ir
responsible North Korea,” he said.
“Your side can have peace mere
ly by unilaterally stopping acts
of aggression. You must stop
dispatching armed murderers into
the Republic of Korea.”
North Korean Gen. Pak Chung
Kook glared at Smith and replied:
“We don’t want war but we are
not afraid of it.”
He said North Korea would
match buildup for buildup, blow
for blow “and all-out war with
all-out-war” if it should come to
Pak added that it would come
to war unless the United States
agreed to “take your bloody hands
off Korean and withdraw from
South Korea.”
The only mention of the Pueb
lo was a charge by Pak that the
United States was taking advan
tage of the incident to make “full
preparations for war” and cre
ate a climate in which hostilities
could be touched off “at any
It seemed unlikely that the
Communists had any intention
of apologizing for the attempt on
President Park; and the Ameri
can posture indicated little in
tention of bowing to a Red de
mand for an apology for the
Pueblo’s alleged intrusion into
North Korean territorial waters.
Instructor Hunts
Campus Trouble
B. T. McLennand, industrial
accident prevention instructor is
looking for trouble and wants
The trouble he’s seeking is haz
ardous conditions on campus.
McLennand said students in
his industrial education classes
will investigate any potentially
dangerous conditions called to his
attention by students or uni
versity employees.
“One should not wait until an
accident happens before he re
ports a hazardous condition,” the
instructor emphasized.
McLennand said all reports
should be forwarded directly to
him and include the name of the
Fish Drill Team To Enter
WTSU Tourney Saturday
Texas A&M’s 20-member Fish
Drill Team opens spring semester
competition in Canyon next week
end at the Scabbard and Blade
Drill Meet sponsored by West
Texas State.
The Feb. 17 competition will pit
the Aggie freshman against
teams from West Texas State;
University of Texas at El Paso,
Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Texas,
New Mexico State, Panhandle
A&M, New Mexico Military In
stitute and Oklahoma A&M.
A&M’s 1966-67 team captured
all four trophies at the Canyon
meet last year. The team won
basic and fancy drill, graded best
in inspection and amassed the
most points for the overall trophy.
A new team commander, Samu
el E. Garcia of San Antonio, will
lead the fish at West Texas State.
The Squadron 11 freshman was
executive officer and guidon bear
er last semester.
Grade point ratio requirements
severely cut team membership
after fall semester grades were
posted. To remain on the team,
a fish must have at least a 1.0
The 1967-68 team made two
fall semester competition appear
“A Houston meet was for ex
perience,” noted Jim Yogas of
Galveston, senior advisor. “The
team must start making its own
reputation now.”
The Canyon meet will be the
freshmen’s last before the annual
A&M Invitational March 16.
Bryan Building & Loan
Association, Your Sav
ings Center, since 1919.
Barney Ballard, civil engineering student from Itasca,
attracts the attention of the chicks in the FFA exhibit in
the showcase of the Memorial Student Center. (Photo by
Mike Wright)