The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1968, Image 3
At The Movies by **«««* From the first shooting to the last knifing, “The President’s Analyst” is a movie made for Aggies. It’s great for taking out hostilities. There are slow moments, of course. But those, too, seem to have Aggies in mind. For ex ample, when James Coburn and a hippie female named “Snow White” horizontally smell the flowers. “I’m now. Love now,” she says, between Aggie wildcats. But during the NOW episode, the action picks up. Spies creep up from their native lands into the field of blossoms. Then, in turn, four of them are murdered, with a Russian pitchforking the final victim. NO BLOOD, no sadism. Just five corpses, all in a row, the Russian dressed as an American farmer, standing next to them, his steel gray eyes glinting into the bare bottom of Snow White. Which is, incidentally, snow- white. One great point in the movie is a satirical stab on the average American family. Everyone in Washington is after James Co burn by now; he knows too much. He seeks escape with a family visiting the White House. But what he gets is anything but escape. He walks from a car with “Total Sound” into a pink living room with red trim, deco rated by the little woman. He sees twenty or thirty plants, knick- knacks, etc., in the living room, all of which are plastic, made by the husband in his workshop. He drinks draft beer straight from the keg, not from any old-fash ioned bottle, and sees a counter completely covered with electric mixers, blenders, shakers, and cutters. HE THEN feels that he may have made a mistake. Perhaps this is a not-too-average Ameri can household. He then tries to call Washington, and is recorded on a junior spy-kit by the aver age American son. While drinking the beer, he is terrified to see the son walk in with a pistol as big as he. The effect increases when he hears the father rebuke the son: “Now, son, you know that's my car gun. My house gun is in the house. My workshop gun is in the workshop, and so on. So go put it back in the glove compartment, please.” Just like that. Please. The crowning blow on the now- paranoid Coburn comes after Mr. and Mrs. Average American have treated him to a dinner at Chink’s. More spies try to jump the three. The little mother’s face lights up, for she has been taking Karate lessons at the police sta tion for two years, and now she gets a chance to use it. THE HUSBAND, being the mild-mannered mustachioed, citi zen that he is, immediately de clares the right to bear arms. He pulls out his overcoat gun and starts mowing down muggers. Wifey throws two of them through a window as he reloads. James Coburn then runs from a swath of poison darts, bullets, and piano wire, into the arms of a hippie musical group. That’s where we came in. The movie does not have great acting. James Coburn portrays the same character he did in the “Our Man Flint” and “Waterhole *3” films. But the editing is better here, the satire is overflow ing, and the humor is really humor. What more can you expect from a movie made without the consent of the Federal Bureau of Regula tions or the Ctentral Enquiring Agency? W E A T H E R Wednesday — Cloudy, winds Northerly, 10-20 m.p.h., light freezing rain late evening. High 36, low 26. Thursday — Cloudy, winds Eeast- erly 10-15 m.p.h., occasional light rain. High 41, low 34. MARCH 5 DEADLINE FOR ALL GROUP PICTURES FOR 1968 AGGIELAND AGGIE DEN Billiards - Pin Ball Magazines - Novelties Bumper Stickers Party Records Pin-Up Girls Magic Supplies Open 8 a. m. till 2 p. m. 7 Days A Week AGGIE DEN “The Home of the Aggies” (Next to Loupot’s) S' \ PARDNER You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS On Campus (By the author of “Rally Round the Flag, Boys!”, “Dobie Gillis” etc.) with MaxShulman MORNINGS AT SEVEN...AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT Any man who says morning is the best time of day is either a liar or a meadow lark. There is only one way to make morning enjoyable: sleep till noon. Failing that, the very best you can do is to make morning tolerable. This, I am pleased to report, is possible if you will follow three simple rules: 1. Shave properly. By shaving properly I mean shaving quietly. Don’t use a blade that whines and complains. Morning being a time of clanger and anger, use a blade that neither clangs nor angs. Use a blade that makes no din on your chin, no squeak on your cheek, no howl on your jowl, no rip on your lip, no waves while it shaves. Use, in short, Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades. I have been shaving for 71 years (not too impressive until one considers that I am 49 years old) and I am here to tell you that the quietest blade I know is Personna. I not only shave with Personna, but I also admire it. Old vir tues reappear in Personna; old values are reborn. Per sonna is a modest blade, an undemanding blade. Personna does not rasp and tug, yelling, “Hey, lookit me!” No, sir, not Personna! Silently, respectfully, unobtrusively, Per sonna whisks your whiskers with nary a whisper. It shucks your soil and stubble without toil and trouble. Why, you hardly know it’s there, this well-bred Personna blade, this paragon of punctilio. Moreover, this crown of the blade-maker’s art, this epitome of epidermal efficacy, is available both in Double edge style and Injector style. Do your kisser a favor: get some. 2. Breakfast properly. I assert that a Personna shave is the best of all possible shaves. But I do not assert that a Personna shave, brac ing though it may be, is enough to prepare you for the hideous forenoon ahead. After shaving you must eat an ample breakfast. Take, for example, the case of Basil Metabolism, a soph omore at VM.I. Basil, knowing there was to be an inspec tion by the Commandant one morning, prepared by stor ing up energy. He recognized that coffee and juice would not sustain him, so he had a flitch of bacon, a clutch of eggs, a batch of bagels, a notch of ham, a bunch of butter, a swatch of grits, a hutch of honey, a patch of jelly, a thatch of jam, a twitch of pepper, and a pinch of salt. The idea was right; the quantities, alas, were not. When the Commandant arrived, Basil, alas, was so torpid that he could not raise his bloated arm in a proper salute. He was, of course, immediately shot by a firing squad. Today, a perforated man, he earns a meagre living as a collander in Cleveland. 3. Read properly. Always read the paper at breakfast. It inhibits bolting. But do not read the front page. That is full of bad, acid making news. Read a more pleasant part of the paper— the Home and Garden section, for example. For instance, in my local paper, The Westport Peasant, there is a delightful column called “Ask Harry Home- spun” which fairly bristles with bucolic wisdom and many an earthy chuckle. I quote some questions and answers: Q: I am thinking of buying some power tools. What should I get first? A: Hospitalization. Q: How do you get rid of moles ? A: Pave the lawn. Q: What is the best way to put a wide car in a narrow garage? A: Butter it. Q: What do you do for elm blight? A: Salt water gargle and bed rest. Q: What can I do for dry hair? A: Get a wet hat. * * * © 1968, Max Shulman Personna’s partner in shaving comfort is Burma- Shave, regular or menthol. Together, Personna and Burma-Shave make a considerable contribution toward forenoon survival. THE BATTALION Tuesday, February 13, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 3 SENATE TOPICS by jerry Campbell On Dec. 12-14, members of the Texas A&M student body donated blood to the soldiers in Vietnam through Blood Services of Hous ton. IT WAS learned after the do nation of the blood that the De partment of Defense has a policy at the present time whereby they request that any blood contrib uted for the benefit of the Armed Forces actually be placed in ci vilian community channels until it is needed by the military. At the time of the blood drive it was the understanding of the student who contributed that the blood would go directly to Vietnam. Bill Carter, vice - president of the Student Senate, and Dean James P. Hannigan, dean of stu dents, placed a call to Lt. Col. Richard Krakauer, chairman for the Department of Defense con cerning all blood programs. He explained that the Department of Defense was extremely gratified by the gestures made by indi viduals and organizations, includ ing the Texas A&M University students who have contributed blood for or as a memorial to American soldiers in Vietnam. HE EXPLAINED that the De partment of Defense has con tracts with the Red Cross and with the Association of U.S. Blood Banks which can be acti vated at any time if the military should run low on the supply of blood available from its own re sources.. Under such circumstances, if they activate the contract they could obtain from Blood Services of Houston (to which the Aggies contributed for Vietnam) the sup plies of blood for Vietnam. At present all military personnel who go to Vietnam are permitted to volunteer blood immediately upon arrival in that area. This is desirable since later they might have contracted malaria, hepatitis or some other illness which would make it undesirable for them to donate blood. LT. COL. KRAKAVER assured us that at the present time this arrangement was generating all the blood needed and that if there were any shortages from time to time they were strictly local and could be cured by transferring blood from one hospital in Viet nam to another. Several alternatives were avail able and were considered by the Executive Committee of the Stu dent Senate last Thursday. The following action was taken: By a unanimous decision the Execu tive Committee of the Student Senate felt that those who gave the blood would want their con tributions to go specifically to the wounded in hospitals in Vietnam. THE STUDENT SENATE re ceived a check for $2,562 for its blood contributions. This money will be contributed to the U.S.O. and will be allocated to Vietnam and will be identified as a contri bution by the A&M student body for the benefit of the members of the U. S. Armed Forces in Viet- TODAY The Lubbock - South Plains Hometown Club will meet in the Memorial Student Center at 8 p.m. for the club picture. The Pre-Medical Pre-Dental So ciety will meet in Room 113 of the Biological Science Building at 7:30 p.m. The Entomology Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. at 104-B Sul phur Springs Road. The Society of Automotive En gineers will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 303 of the Mechanical En gineering Building to discuss the Houston Field Trip. The Society of Automotive En gineers will meet in Room 2-B of the Memorial Student Center at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the Houston Pro-Am. The Texas A&M Student Chap ter of the American Meteorologi cal Society will meet in front of the Memorial Student Center at nam. It will be used directly for the wounded American soldiers there. A great deal of thanks goes to those who contributed toward this great cause. It is another way of realizing the great concern and feeling that the students of this university have for their country. 7 p.m. for the club picture. The Skin & Scuba Diving Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 305 of Goodwin Hall for the elec tion of officers. WEDNESDAY The Bell County A&M Home town Club will meet on the front steps of the Memorial Student Center at 7:15 p.m. for the club picture. FINAL MAKE - UP Pictures For 1968 Aggieland All Seniors and Graduate Students Thru Feb. 17. University Studio Bulletin Board If you want a career with all the growing room in the world, we have a suggestion. Start with Humble and you start with the company that supplies more petroleum energy than any other U.S. oil company. We're literally No. 1 — America's Leading Energy Company. Start with Humble and you start with the principal U.S. affiliate of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) with its 300 worldwide affiliates. So your advancement can be intercompany as well as intra- company, worldwide as well as domestic! Look into Humble's wide-scope careers in exploration, production, transportation, manufacturing, marketing and research — and the management of all these. We have immediate openings for people in practically all disciplines and at all degree levels. We'll stretch your capabilities. Put you on your own a little too soon. Get the best you can give. But you'll always be glad you didn't settle for anything less than No. 1. See us on campus soon. Oil & Refining Company America's Leading Energy Company A Plans for Progress Company and an Equal Opportunity Employer I L 1 N E Reservations and Tickets At No Extra Cost .... Free Ticket Delivery .... 30 Day Charge Account . . . Bonded ASTA Agent Call Beverley Braley . •. Tours • . • Travel BRYAN — 823-8188 MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER, A&M —