The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 08, 1968, Image 10
v ■ ' *«Ri* x - ‘ " l THE BATTALION Thursday, February 8, 1968 Page 10 College iStation, Texas Olympic Shorts GRENOBLE, France OP) — The International Olympic Com mittee has decided that skiers do not need to obliterate the trade marks on their skis, but IOC President Avery Brundage indicated Wednesday he still was not satisfied that all profession alism and commercialism had been eliminated from the Alpine ski events. Reminded that the men’s down hill race was scheduled for Thurs day Brundage said, “I won’t be there to watch them. And I won’t present any medals to them ei ther.’’ The medals are presented by Brundage or any member of the IOC that he designates as his re placement. ★ ★ ★ GRENOBLE, France <d?) — The French hockey team will not win a gold medal at the Winter Olympics here, but it is one of the loosest groups around. The Frenchmen spend about one-half hour a day doing Yoga exercises as part of their training. ★ ★ ★ VILLARD DE LANS, France GP) — A Miss Villard contest was scheduled for Wednesday night in connection with ceremonies up on the arrival of the Olympic flame here earlier in the day. There was only one problem: No one submitted entry forms. ★ ★ ★ GRENOBLE, France <A>) — The 450 Olympic hostesses will appear even more beautiful in the next few days. A leading cosmetic firm has presented them with a huge beauty kit which includes cream, powder, rouge, make-up and several different types of lip stick. Basketball Scoreboard ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. WP) — Greg Howard’s free throw gave sixth-ranked New Mexico a 72-71 basketball victory over 10th- ranked New Mexico State Wed nesday night before a crowd of 15, 237 at the Arena. In other action: George Washington 60, VMI 59 New Orleans, Loyola 100, Cen tenary 97 (ot) Evansville 101, St. Joseph’s Ind. 83 Indiana St. 95, Northern 111. 84 LaSalle 74, Lafayette 46 West Virginia 79, Georgia Tech 75 Bowling Green 78, Ohio Uni versity 68 Florida State 93, The Citadel 50 Louisville 67, Drake 66 LIU 55, Rider 52 Auburn 74, Louisiana St. 69 Temple 62, St. John’s, N. Y. 55 Delaware 90, Gettysburg 78 Penn St. 79, Syracuse 76 Cincinnati 99, Wichita 85 Holy Cross 85, Fordham 76 Pan American 104, St. Mary’s, Tex. 85 South Carolina 89, Clemson 74 Marquette 71, Chicago Loyola 57 Colgate 101, Rennselaer 68 CATE Instruction Evaluation Slated Deck 0’ Money..Win UP $ TO . 1y Texas Ave. At Villa Marie Store Hours g a m 8 p. m. gjggssas* _ ■ Ifefc U.S. Choice Tenderoy Beef Young, Tender Baby ifilitif Beef Liver Lb. "onelettBeef Corned Beet-79' Kroae Boston Rolled Roast Silver Plotter Boneless Lean Pork Ham DENNIS COULSON COLLEGE STATION $50.00 WINNER Leg 0 Pork ^ 79 Country Club All Meat Wieners % 39 Thi« Coupon Good For 50 EXTRA Top Value Stamps With this coupon li purchate of a 13 Vj-ox. can of k Good at Kroger February 8-10, 1968. Kroger Nuts )er February I A mid-year evaluation of the Creative Application of Technolo gy to Education (CATE) Center’s blackboard-by-wire will bring of ficials of 15 area schools to Texas A&M University Feb. 10. Dr. Thomas J. Moffett, CATE director, said 90 school superin tendents, principals and teachers and the center staff will meet at the Ramada Inn. Dr. Edward Maltzman, Syl- vania research director from the corporate headquarters at Bed ford, Mass., and David Barbee, research assistant, Center for Ed ucational Technology, Catholic University of America, Washing ton, D. C., will serve as consul tants. Schools on the blackboard-by wire network receiving physics, mathematics and English classes are located in Brenham, Bryan, Caldwell, Cameron, Crockett, Franklin, H e a r n e, Huntsville, Madisonville, Rockdale, Snook, Somerville and College Station. An adult basic education course is also transmitted on the leased telephone line network. The Catholic University center director, Dr. Gabriel Ofiesh, re cently conferred with CATE offi cials. Bob Montgomery, Abilene Service Center director, will make a personal tour of the facility Friday (Feb. 9) to survey elec tronic apparatus. SpeOals Good Febniort 8-101 1968. Right to limit 'rices plu Last 4 Days to Save 27% During Ceceila Semi-Annual reserved. Prices plus to whefll applicable. (Copy n9 THE KROGER CO. 196< Green Giant Frozen Mixed Vegetables 4 Pkg, *1°° Western Wonder Frozen Strawberries 4 Pk 3 s $ 1 00 Sara Lee Frozen Pound Cake cod. 59 c Only Vacuum Bottle $|37 Washington Red Tyler No. 1 Rose Bushes Each Strawberries Tangerines v Delicious Apples Sunkist Seedless Navel Oranges Tende Celery Hearts "Get Acquainted" Hosiery Event ’O'n gg, Bag Buy 3 pair-Get 1 FREE Lanolin Plus Stretch, Seamless or Full Fashion Sheers. SAVE 27% 10 In Bag 69- Pkg. 29 l Seamless Full Fashion Johnson & Johnson 14-Oz. Baby Powder or Baby Oil u 67 PAIR Green Giant Frozen Spinach or CornNiblets 4 >■«,. $ 1 00 4 $0574 $013 AIR £i PAIR mm Green Giant Frozen Shoepeg White Com 4 .... S P Potatoes 33' p. L ,‘ 69' Hair Spray For hair that stays in place *immi , . .. .... ... • * • - ^ • . . • - Y . - - ’ ■ ' . \ • - • • .V rW% .... ^ - V* - V ;;