The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 01, 1968, Image 3
^ermits t y pei'mit. had obtained Grmit ’ but SUf efficient for J 1 e s ’ the ch ie uni ver S it y p( , hmitted to , in of studecj m • • t Plan ?ly to spe- Rep- n wr CAS 6-7963 nel, cs, Bl. Schuiz l'M IRlCAl 1 I A 5 AL! A HURRY PICK UP YOUR FREE CARD HOW HO 0BUGATI0H SO SIMPLE TO PLAY PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. FEB. 1-2-3. LUCKY STAMPEDE jfjP Imperial Pure » ^SUGAR Swiss Miss — Frozen PIES 4 Coconut Custard 20-Oz. Size $1 Frozen Specials MORTON DINNERS 2“S.89c Minute Cl 12-Oz. Maid « Cans 1 VC ORANGE JUICE GREEN BEANS 3 .... 2 2 ; k ° e 2 s.59c •7 2(, -° z - rrq„ « Pkgs. ........ 2^ 69c CUT CORN West Pac FISH STICKS n Green Giant—Kitchen Sliced m ^ 5 Lb. Bag % GREEN BEANS5 ^$! SijM Green Giant A * A ENGLISH PEAS 5 $1 Rosedale—Half Sliced m ^ PINEAPPLE 4$ Limit One With $5.00 or More Purchase Excluding Cigarettes and Beer. $ vjr f' CUT BEETS 7^“ $1 Shurfine—White CORN MEAL 5 Lb. Bag Green Giant CORN = 5 $1 Shurfine m LUNCHEON MEAT s 49e 16-Oz. 00 pk «- wO King 99 Giant ^^9 Sanitary—-COTTAGE Detergent CHEER Dish Detergent CASCADE MMKMNil ii SHURFRESH Crackers 15-Oz. 37c Wolf Brand BEEF STEW _ Wolf CHILI WITH BEANS ... M . 0 ,59c Iceberg LETTUCE Each 19c Vine Ripe TOMATOES Ce " 0 Eac g h29c Washington, Red or Gold DELCIOUS APPLES E traF,ncy ,.h.25c Fresh FLORIDA CORN 5 E . rs 49c Potatoes Swift’s Premium — Canned HAM ^ ROUND STEAK 0 0 0 WBBf CAN Morrell/Prf^Smoked— Center Cut SIRLOIN STEAK B ‘ bv " ef ,.h.83c PORK CHOPS ., ^ ,99c T-BONE STEAK. 8,b, ^ f Lb .99c PIKES PEAK ROAST Bal>yBet ' f - RUM "° r , . 69c Baby Beef Lb. Hormel LITTLE SIZZLERS DAIRY FRANKS "l™ 1 J ,„,49c SLICED BACON iii J® • • • • Illlllllllllllllllillllilllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllllllllliilllllilllllltllll'IllilltlllllllllillllllllillllllllillllllllUlllillillfllllllllllltlllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllillllill COKES 6 Limit 2 Gns. With Other Purchase H sOTs WITH THE PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES | AND BEER ORR’S SUPER MKT. COUPON EXPIRES SATURDAY, FEB. 3, 1968. LOW PRICES plus Jw GREEN STAMPS THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, February 1, 1968 Page 3 3 Science Grants Awarded To A&M Three National Science Foun dation grants for summer science training programs at Texas A&M have been announced by President Earl Rudder. Programs for high ability high school students in engineering science, geology and mathematics have been funded by the grants. A $12,455 grant will support the engineerng science program directed by Prof. J. G. T. Thomp son.... $12,030, mathematics, Dr. William S. McCulley, and $12,540, geology, Prof. Fred E. Smith. Top high school juniors are selected to participate in the pro grams, which include theory and lab work above the normal high school level. Thirty students will study stress problems under Thompson, professor of mechanical engineer ing. Programs will employ the IBM 360/65 computer of A&M’s Data Processing Center. The engineering science program will run from June 24 through Aug. 16. Geology and mathematics par ticipants will be at A&M July 15 through Aug. 23. Smith, geology professor, will have 36 students and McCulley will instruct 32 in advanced math and computer programming. Application forms and informa tion may be obtained through the NSF Programs Office at A&M. ALKA SELTZER .... 25 Count Reg. 69c 49c COLGATE 100’s .. Mouth Wash Reg. 75c 49c TOOTHPASTE Crest, Reg. 95c 69c Halo, Reg. or Hard Holding HALO SPRAY Reg. 79c 43c *3n d3rya.n • Downtown 200 E. 24th St. • Ridgecrest 3516 Texas Ave Radiology Course To Start Feb. 12 Texas A&M will be the site of a radiological defense officer training course Feb. 12-16, an nounced Dr. W. R. Bodine of A&M’s Engineering Extension Service. “We must limit enrollment to 20 men for this school,” noted Bodine, coordinator of Civil De fense Training for TEES. “Our objective is to train them to pro vide technical guidance in radio logical defense planning and op erations plus on-the-job training for new staff members. The 36-hour course will be taught at the A&M Memorial Student Center by Bob Schnat- terly and George Martin of Bodine’s staff. Instruction will cover the na tional radiological defense pro gram ; radiological countermeas ures; technical guidance for ra diological defense planning and operations; monitoring opera tions; reporting and control procedures, and post-attack re covery measures. Bodine said participants will cope with numerous simulated emergencies to gain practical ex perience as radiological defense officers. DEXTER HAND SEWN MOGS |HF at 1 Starnes ^ ^ tncnb tuenr GREAT i f^lorelco CARRY-CORDER '150’ 8 TAPE RECORDER The Portable Fun Machine! Up to 1V& hours record playback per cassette. Cordless. Dynamic microphone. Patch cord. Weighs 3 lbs. Carrying case. Versatile. WHITE'S AUTO Bryan & College Station 822-3867 — 846-5626 ik -'Hvi*. j lUm a——i.