The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1968, Image 4
i Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Thursday, January 18, 1968 Read Classifieds Daily do rou/C/VOW,.. i ■ Our College Career Plan will guarantee you up to $75,000 of permanent in surance for the future, regardless of your health or occupation! 1/ 4 /Im Jmerican$A’2- mfcab/e JIM BICE '64 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EXCCUTIVE OFFICES, WACO,TEXAS Oakwood Professional Bldg. Bryan, Texas VI 6-7963 Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. Bridge Committee Sets Tournament The MSC Bridge Committee is sponsoring a local bridge tourna ment Friday, Jan. 19, at 6:45 p.m. in the MSC Assembly Room to determine A&M’s representatives in the regional Association of College Unions — International (ACU) tournament to be held in Arlington Feb. 23-24. The local tournament is open to anyone who desires to partici pate; however, only full-time stu dents who are academically quali fied can represent A&M at the regional and higher level tourna ments. The academic qualifica tions are: undergraduates—GPR 1.0 overall, 1.0 last semester, 1.0 midterm; graduates — GPR 2.0 overall, 2.0 last semester, 2.0 mid term; and neither can be on any kind of probation. Undergradu ates and graduates are considered to be full-time students if they are carrying twelve and eight hours of courses, respectively. Anyone interested in the tour nament should come by the MSC Student Programs Office or call 846-8721, ext. 36 to pre-register by Friday, 4:30 p.m. Entry fee is one dollar per person. ENROUTE TO INTERROGATION CENTER Hooded Viet Cong captives are walked to an interrogation center by a U. S. military policeman in Da Nang, South Vietnam. They were captured during a sweep of the Tam Ky area by American soldiers about 35 miles south of Da Nang. (AP Wirephoto) BUY NOW AND SAVE! I Limited Time Only! PRICES START AT Tubeless Blackwall Plus $1.80 Fed. excise tax, sales tax and trade-in tire off your car. «nfe 0M tire with high .forces wrsp- around treadjesign a „d new wider, lower profile. li size Tubeless Blackwells Tubeless Whitewalls Fed. Excise WAS NOW WAS NOW Tax ] i 6.50-13 $17.55 $1580 $23.75 $2135 $1.80 7.35- 14 7.35- 15 22.75 2045 25.75 2315 2.08 2.04 7.75- 14 7.75- 15 23.25 2090 26.25 2360 2.21 2.23 8.25-14 8.15-15 26.50 2385 29.50 2655 2.38 2.33 8.55-14 8.45-15 29.00 26io 32.25 2900 2.56 2.53 All prices PLUS taxes and trade-in tire off your car. NO MONEY DOWN Take months to pay! BUY FIRESTONE.. THE SAFE TIRE! CAR SERVICE OFFER | MAGIC TOUCH ALARM All $ For Only HERE S WHAT WE DO: 1. Align front end 2. Balance front wheels 3. Adjust brakes 4. Repack front wheel bearings 9 5 MOST AMERICAN CARS PARTS EXTRA IF NEEDED with softly lighted dial Electric by Westclox • Handsome electric clock in white or antique gold • Shatterproof crystal • Sweep second hand and sweep alarm indicator 6-Q-145 U -i* li Just tap the top to silence alarm 2 $^^99 Limit One JiW Additional $4.95 FIRESTONE STORES TEXAS AVE. & POSTOFFICE ST. - BRYAN TEXAS New Engineering Program Graduates First Army Class The maintainability engineer ing training program conducted by Texas A&M for the U. S. Army graduated its first class here Wednesday. Colonel Benjamin was guest speaker for the 7 p.m. ceremony in the architecture auditorium. Seventeen civilian graduate students who have completed the two-year government training program were presented certifi cates. Several also received master’s degrees in the new en gineering science discipline. Presentations were made by Col. George C. Benjamin, deputy director for maintenance, U. S. Army Material Command, Wash ington, D. C., and Col. Nathan I. Reiter Jr., Red River Army De pot commanding officer, Tex arkana. A&M’s Industrial Engineering Department has contract respon sibility for instruction on cam pus and at the Red River depot’s Logistics Intern Training Center. Numerous depot and A&M of ficials were present, according to Dr. A. W. Wortham, industrial engineering head. In the program, top-ranked physicists and engineers studied research, development and design of new weapons systems in order to minimize maintenance costs. ‘Fighters’ Needed For Bryan Follies The graduating maintainability interns’ training included a year of on-the-job training and three semesters in the A&M graduate industrial engineering program. Two semesters were at the Logis tics Intern Training Center at Texarkana and one was at A&M. The “pink ladies” are looking for Aggies interested in appear ing in the St. Joseph Hospital Auxiliary follies, “Paint the Town Pink” on Feb. 2 and 3. Ed Horner, Jr., of New York, di rector of the follies, stresses that he needs college age men for an “East Side Story” scene and for a fight scene. He is also looking for students who would like to learn easy dance routines for a teenaged scene in the follies. Mr. Horner states that^rehear- sals will be short during final week and will be at night. Any one interested in being in the follies is asked to come to the St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Ballroom Annex downtown in Bryan on 26th Street at 7 p.m. on Friday. The first class includes Jerry A. Britton, The Dalles, Ore.; Ver non O. Chance, Santa Barbara, Calif.; John M. Cocke rham, Greenville, Miss.; Dennis L. Co- sentino, Sarver, Pa.; John A. Hafen, El Paso; Murray D. Hill man, Pascasoala, Miss.; James M. Hodges, Brunswick, Ga.; Truman W. Howard III, Alexandria, Va. Also, James W. Lamb Jr., Kop- perston, W. Va.; Billy G. Murphy, Broken Bow, Okla.; Joseph M. Myslinski, Perth Amhoy, N. J.; Kenneth G. Pickett, Erath, La.; Robert L. Riedl, College Station; Harold N. Stafford, Hinesville, Ga.; Wayland D. Smith, Sweet water; John H. Thompson, Lara mie, Wyo., and Robert D. White, Gautier, Miss. ALL FALL & WINTER MATERNITY WEAR 1 /2 Price and More Off SOME STYLES SUITABLE FOR SPRING JOYCE’S 608 Texas Ave. Bryan Teague Center Gets Sculpturt Informal ceremonies are schei uled at Texas A&M’s Olin | Teague Research Center Wedne*. day for dedication of a sculpturtj sphere presented by Albritt® Engineering Corp. and ReynoU Metals Co. The eight-foot-high sculptiin an aluminum work of art depin, ing space flight, will be pt t , manently located outside tl| main entrance to the universitj'i new research facility. Ford D. Albritton Jr., preside* of the Bryan-based engineer^ firm and a 1943 graduate d Texas A&M, will exchange cert monial remarks with A&M Prej dent Earl Rudder during ti* brief 11:30 a.m. ceremonies. Joining Albritton in the ptn entation will be Bill Moore of^ Louis, Reynolds vice preside and south-central region genen manager, and Bill Clark of H% ton, division sales manager || the firm headquartered at Rid mond, Va. COUNCIL (Continued From Page 2) ISlorelco • Continental‘175’ Compact Cassette Portable Tape Recorder Cordless! Goes anywhere. Big4' speaker brings tn full range sound quality! Just snap in a tape cas sette and play/record up to l 1 /: hrs! Separate volume, tone, record level controls. SCMO.OOO Hr, Comes with dynamic microphone, cassette, patch cord. WHITE’S AUTO Bryan and College Station 822-3867 — 846-5626 MAKE A SMART MOVE Sell or Trade Your Used Books Now At LOUPOTS NORTH GATE Tn More tha state offic attend the tation Flam A&M Jan. The meet Texas Hig cooperation Transporta third in * designed t ments com the Federa 1962. THE A( cities of 5 program. In other Council business, was agreed to request that Pni dent Rudder place the Politi Forum Committee solely unilii Council supervision. Presentlj the committee is responsible! the Council and the History aj Government Department. Charles W. Preston, commibi chairman, said, "I have found extremely frustrating, if notii possible, to coordinate the cos inittee and establish a worthwM program operating under suck structure.” The Council asked that sos action be taken on its propos before Feb. 15 to allow time I select a chairman for next yen program. 1 1 8P-