ThickenMurderPlot f the vij. asked for Paired to theU.K, iSS inter, sed. fepre. Were not hn be pro. 'eling 01 •orts. b e for , years. icretariat arediator for tie )rtrait ^ggie- 15. ade at SAN ANGELO estigation of an alleged plot to issassinate Arkansas Gov. Win- lirop Rockefeller took several Iramatic turns Thursday with the eappearance of the central fig- pre in the case and a phoned eat to the wife of a reporter. Police Chief Melvin James of Jan Angelo and detective Loil lalentine hustled Zakar Garoo- ;ian, 34, back into San Angelo fter a disappearance of about 24 lours. THERE WERE reports the nen could have taken Garoogian Arkansas for questioning by fficers there. Garoogian, iden- ified as a drifter being held in onnection with the robbery of a oft drink bottling firm at San digelo, was jailed without com- jent. m mrar Out m *E Phone Threat Helps James said Thursday that the assassination plot “has substan tial underworld backing.” James said the alleged plot was “valid, true and authentic.” HE SAID HE couldn’t say whether charges would be filed in the case. James said Arkansas authorities now had all the in formation and that charges would have to come from “that end.” James became embroiled in a hassle with defense attorney Jack Ray of San Angelo on whether Garoogian’s rights were being violated. Ray said Garoogian “was in terviewed by officers from two states without my knowledge and without my being notified. Furth er, he was interviewed out of state, again without my being- notified.” THE BATTALION Friday, December 8, 1%7 College Station, Texas Page 3 Army Fights Cuts On Reserve Budget Stephen Brown, a reporter for he San Angelo Standard-Times duch published the first news of n alleged plot, said a male vo ce using obscenities called his rife. Brown said the caller told lis wife: “Unless Brown drops jursuit of news in the assassina- ion attempt, his wife and son rould be interested in the con- lequences.” THE STANDARD-TIMES had -eported earlier in the week that laroogian had been quoted by 'well informed sources” as say- ng t h a t he had information about a plan to kill Rockefeller. James said Garoogian’s rights “were not violated.” He said Garoogian “can waive the coun sel, which he did. He was warn ed of his rights.” Kansas State Prof AP PHOTOGRAPHER WOUNDED IN VIETNAM Wounded Associated Press photographer Horst Faas lies on stretcher and chats with soldiers while awaiting medical evacuation from Bu Dop. Faas, 34, Pulitzer prize win ner in 1965 for his war photography, was hit in the left thigh and lower right leg by rocket fragments near Bu Dop. He was reported in satisfactory condition. Two U. S. 1st Infantry Division GPs shade Faas with a towel while another holds a plasma bottle. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Saigon) By FRED S. HOFFMAN AP Military Writer WASHINGTON UP) — Budget planners want to slash funds for training key National Guard and Reserve units. The Army is fight ing the move. Budget planners seek to slash $52 million from funds proposed for training and supporting a 150,000-man force of Army Na tional Guard and Reserve units which would be the first called up in a war emergency, Pentagon sources said Thursday. THE RESULT as they picture picture it would be to stretch from eight to about 12 weeks the time in which high-priority Guard and Reserve units would be ready for deployment after being mobilized. In addition to limiting train ing, the money cut would reduce supply purchases for the Selected Reserve Force. To Speak On Islam Installation Near Complete It was also learned from un official sources, but confirmed by me in authority, that Garoogian iad been approached by gam- iling interests who suggested sabotage to one of Rockefeller’s private planes. Dr. Asar Hussain will speak in the All Faiths Chapel Saturday night at 7:30 on “What Is Is lam?” and “Its Contribution to Civilization.” Dr. Hussain is a Kansas State College professor and a noted authority on Islam. He is being presented by the Muslim Students Association which has more than 150 members on the campus. For New Computer In DPC Installation of Texas A&M’s powerful new IBM 365/65 com puter is nearing completion, re ports Robert Bower Jr., acting director of the university’s Data Processing Center. The meeting will be open to the public. Bower estimated complete transfer of operations to the 360/65 will be made in early January. is being performed without any inconvenience to the various computer users throughout the campus. The IBM 7094, which has carried the bulk of the work the past several years, was trans ferred to the Cyclotron Institute during the Thanksgiving holi days but continues to serve the DPC until the new machine is He pointed out the transition ready. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES 0n« dar per word ional dr immum charge—50 Classified Display SPECIAL NOTICE 3^ per word each addition Minimu: 90tf per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication FOR RENT Three room apartment. Bills not paid, ieellent neighborhood. Bus. Call early late. 822-6888. 513t2 STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day id weekly rate, near the University, 846- 262tfn THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living” Separate Adult & Family Areas "Children Welcome'* Model Apts. Open For Inspection TVom $120 - All Utilities Paid 1602 S. College Avenue Resident Manager - Apt. 55 Phone 823-4250 Make Your Deposit Now 365tfn Coin operated electric typewriters avail able for use in Memorial Student Center. Cost 10<‘ for 20 minutes, 25