Page 10 College Station, Texas Thursday, November 9, 1967 THE BATTALION Palmer MEXICO CITY CP)—-The de fending champion U. S. team of Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer is paired with Ireland’s Ryder Cuppers, Hugh Boyle and Christy O’Connor, Thursday in the open ing round of the 15th World Cup golf competition. The millionaire Americans jetted to the scene Tuesday in their private planes and found themselves rated solid 2-1 favor- Nicklaus Ready For World Cup Competition ites against 39 other hand-picked teams from throughout the world. Nicklaus took a quick explora tory swing around the 7,216-yard, par 72 Club de Golf Mexico, but Palmer delayed his first practice until Wednesday. The length of the course, the longest over which this tourna ment ever has been played, and the fact that the ball flies farther in the IV2 mile-high Mexico City altitude has made the two long- hitting Yanks almost prohibitive choices. Both are expected to reach the par five holes easily in two shots and reduce many of the par fours to simple wedge approaches. Chief threat to the Americans is the South African pair of Gary Player and Harold Henning, who swept both the team and indi vidual titles in 1965. Player was the individual winner, rated 6-1 in the informal and non-betting odds. Also rated highly are Canada’s George Knudson and A1 Balding; Australia’s Bruce Crampton and Allen Murray and all of the four teams from the British Isles— Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England. The latter teams are made up of seasoned Ryder Cup players who have just finished battling the U. S. top pros in the biennial international series at Houston, Texas. O’Connor and Boyle will be among the toughest. Knudson, the Canadian, is de fending champion in the indi vidual competition, having beaten out Hideyo Sugimoto of Japan in a playoff in Tokyo last year. Palmer has shared in five team championships, three with Nick laus, but never has taken the individual crown. Like the American PGA title, it is an honor he is eager to grab before his career ends. Nicklaus, who has held every other major pro crown, has won two individual championships in the World Cup in addition to sharing in the three team titles. The two golfers are looked on as the best of the current pro fessionals and both rank as all- time greats. They have both been involved this season on adding another record to their already mammoth list. Nobody has ever won $200,00(1 on the pro golf tour up to this year. Both Palmer and Nicklaus are expected to break that covet ed mark before the year is out. you can't miss if you v.c:- Oak Farm — Low Fat MILK Gai. 69c Bonnie Baker — iy 2 Lb. BREAD Loaf 25c Congratulations Aggies Beat Rice Next! Discount Prices” 1 ON HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS! 1 PAlMOllVMHAVf 3TI49- Hair Spray 49' Mf CUMIfrKJSf K 40 PRICES<3COD*WE0.THi«« FRIDAY>,1567 EMIT PlfSiK A Sfia NiWINiWIN! WivArt? cm comt REGULAR GRIND♦ Vacations for 2 via American Airlines f 1968 Plymouth Barracudas P/us your share of MILLIONS of GOLD BOND STAMPS Westinghouse Instant-On" Color TV Sets MSuA owmcmms ^^/CheIr IWW X WITH 4500 on ^. L7(A^IT MIXED FRUITS 4 CNEWHE5. fWWte sr\ i TO 4 69 \ CANDlfD PWfAPPlf.. ^. 89 { CAKWEDCHUMMED.. *0.954 Westinghouse “Escort” Portable Radios PLAY STRIKE GOLD It’s the easiest game you ever played . . . and it could be the most rewarding for YOU! Come in and start playing right away. You could win on the first visit! COME IN FOR YOUR FREE GAME CARD TODAY gWlFIS UbdC+tEOhl PRSM tNCHlWM? ME/M |2-G!r CAft- BONED OilCKwIS. 39c SWA hi <5015 CWCHfN 'SPREAD^ 21c CHlCHW AUVHlNdt 40 c 5WAN9C^ TV.piri,^ FRIEDCHiCKtN &:59 c pA-no cAt 3EEF Hot *xve PRESTONE SjCBS iqj. , with eiclu* 1 ** BLUE MAGIC WHlTthER NOW. „ with MORE ^ LWHITENING^ , muscle , O'NI] to UMlia fUAa WITH i AICQA (OlL..Tg,.. A& raider ohciti vmG" | ^ *6 n&k * 'CHERW: Limit One ^ith Other Purchases ^^^OififlfififSTfiYfldirnxjLPtlN SAVINL.sfMlflfiSlfBij WdNSSS; 65c CWMOftHCfS M ewpce LE&? 59*4 16 49? "temoeiz -southfpnI fav/opite" FRYERS orJL'f Heart O’ Texas Grade ‘A’ i THIS COUPON WORTH ^5 FPEf 6av EOftp WITH PUftCHAfE op Vfot pyU PIHE50L, OPl<$lpJA.t. PPfAKl ( lESCA5 n muj, ,H .pon.QM ■'*“»" 1 11 A QQO.Q.QilMI 1 - 11 * 11 ' 1 ' <>NK f kamm.vii)»0oom)0^^T 4^ Everyday Low Prices! saving's roifwififsifirififo^ oO THIS COUPON WORTH VS jSB? jijjQQidMm-ggy (INK fOtll-OM PK» FAMII.Yl W ■ THIS COUPON WORTH loo tmeciv kx£>$vsm& WITH pUPCMA^E OF 4lO«’ OP-rAcee Bt&LUPlrtSr' TO&KCC& PfOPUCTS expires: mca/. 11- 07 THIS IS IN ADDITION TO YOUR RCOUlARlY IARNCD SAVING STAMI OGnQnnjj roiip<» pfh fa.vindgj^ 6REEN PeA5.f. u r° H f.. TOMATO DUlCe.? 1 . fJ0 3o3&*J pa/w>nt CAW INFANT CPfHi. rrr. ^ 89c Catsup. .. * L .** t .. ®i ^of PINTO 6CAM^. fTTf; .2*^ 29c corn MEAt. r^r. w :3 ^ ^ ^9f ClORO^ .. *-574 tom/sto$ix£!? rrr^FKi^. 354 RUDY Rf D GRAPEFRUIT is Each ^OUTHTFVAS'aY^T VCXXfti $UiYp/V>/MIKTT ^eiZv/lCE 4 ^Af^FACTlOK' &U/N?Af4TeFp Te)0*5 AVf. M Vc&imq CCUZ&Z ^TATlOfJ /VNlO 0>ayam, reycfc