The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1967, Image 5
Watch Your Step With Generalities THE BATTALION Thursday, November 2, 1967 College Station, Texas Page 5 HORSE RESCUED A frightened horse is led from a boarding stable as flames raced through thousands of acres in southern California in the vicinity of the town of Orange. Many homes were destroyed in the area southeast of Los Angeles. ( AP Wire- photo) Rifle Matches End For Army Shooters By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK. <A>>—Jumping to conclusions: One of the nice things about having a teen-ager in the home is that you never have to bother about wiping cobwebs or dust off the telephone. Nothing looks happier than a small fat girl who has finally mastered the difficult art of keeping a hula hoop in motion around her chubby body. It is time to leave a cocktail party when the guests begin to cluster and talk in authoritative tones about what should be done in Vietnam and which Republican should be nominated for president in 1968. Bluebirds have become so scarce lately that they should put a few in zoo aviaries so children won’t grow up without having seen one of the loveliest of nature’s feath ered creatures. Extension Names New Instructor Arnold L. Mott, a 13-year vet eran in electric line construction and maintenance, has been named an instructor in the Electric Line men’s Training Division of Texas A&M’s Engineering Extension Service. Mott, superintendent of super visory linemen personnel of Tri- County Electric Cooperative at Azle for the past seven years, will teach the newly developed six-month electric linemen’s train ing school for TEES. Edward W. Kerlick, chief in structor of the Electric Line men’s Training Division, an nounced Mott’s appointment. A native of Riesel, Mott was graduated from high school there and attended the University of Texas at Arlington State College. He also completed metering and electricity short courses at Texas A&M, and currently is completing advanced electrical engineering courses with a correspondence school. His experience includes six years as a lineman for Limestone County Electric Cooperative at Mart. Mott alsa has taught electricity courses as a member of the U. S. Navy Reserve. He is married and has three children. After 60, a fellow always feels like crying inside when someone sends him one of those “funny” birthday cards. He regards him self as a living landmark and expects respect from others, not cleverness, on his anniversaries. It makes me sad to see a man who not only wears a toupee but also has an artificial flower pinned in his lapel. You have to give him credit for hope, but you can’t escape the conviction he’s a bit out of touch with reality. On the other hand, whenever you see a man walking majestic ally in front of his wife as she pushes a shopping cart through the supermarket, you get a con viction that the American male still has a future. People who habitually watch television more than three hours every day eventually get the same fixed expression on their faces as those riding to or from work on the subway. There is no point in the wife of a professional football fan get ting a divorce between now and the middle of next January as her husband wouldn’t even notice it had happened. A woman’s sense of financial security depends on the number of expensive hats she can’t af ford to buy but does; a man’s depends on how many pairs of shoes he has in his closet. There is great worry today about the manner in which man is poisoning the very atmosphere he breathes. Between bad air and hot air we’re all in peril. It would be a real irony of time if future archeologists should judge the art level reached by our civilization by the beauty of Christmas liquor bottles they dig up from the debris we leave in passing. You are probably a success in the business world if you spend more time dictating memos than in answering them. If a neighbor tells you he just noticed your wife has one blue eye and one brown eye, it’s time to build a fence or move to a new neighborhood. A tactful clothing salesman who wants to sell a customer a suit in another size never tells him that he has gained, weight. He says, “Well, you’ve just normally got big shoulders there—bigger than most.” WASHINGTON. <A>) — The Army announced Wednesday it will not hold the 1968 national rifle matches at Camp Perry, Ohio, citing economy reasons. But the cosponsor, the National Rifle Association, said it will hold them elsewhere. The Army estimated that its withdrawal from the matches will save about $1,1 million. In answer to inquiries, an Army spokesman said the matches “do not make a substantial contribution to the current national defense effort. The great majority of the com petitors are civilians and the military participation can be bet ter utilized elsewhere under cur rent conditions.” There have been demands in Congress that the Army stop sponsoring the matches. But this is not the first time the service has passed them up. They were skipped in World War I, World War II, the Korean conflict, in the depression days of 1932 to 1934, because of econo my efforts in 1948, and were held on a reduced scale right after the Korean fighting. The national matches have been held annually in August under joint sponsorship of the Army and the National Rifle Association. Individuals and teams from vari ous parts of the country partici pate. The NRA said the association will continue to conduct its na tional matches annually. The ex act site for 1968 is undetermined. Secretary of the Army Stanley R. Resor said the Army cancel lation is part of a Pentagon effort “to reduce expenditures and limit spending to only the most es sential programs.” The $1.1 million is the amount allocated in the current budget for Army provision of ammunition and some logistical support for the matches. Owners of Tennessee Walking Horses claim that no other breed is so consistently gentle, patient, intelligent, noble and easy to ride. will a job with LTV Aerospace make you more exciting, sought after, healthy, wealthy and wise? Why shouldn’t you enjoy the good things of life when you’re out to conquer the universe? Sound far fetched? It’s not. □ Your first job with LTV Aerospace sets you on a path that can lead you almost anywhere you want to go. □ LTV Aerospace Corporation makes products, of course. □ The A-7 — F-8 — Gama Goat — MACV — Lance —Sea Lance —Scout —prime subcontract struc- turals for the 747 and the SST. That’s a few. Design, development and production require systems engi neering with enormously diversified capabilities. □ At LTV Aerospace those capabilities are being ex amined in terms of the total environmental picture — sea, land, air, space and outer space — in ocean sciences — high mobility ground vehicles — mis sile systems — military and commercial aircraft, V/STOL — launch vehicles — extra vehicular activity research and development. These are today’s spheres of action at LTV Aerospace. They are the frontiers of tomorrow. □ A rep resentative of LTV Aerospace Corporation will visit your campus soon. Talk to him. Talk specifics about programs, assignments, duties, salaries. Then, talk futures. Ask questions about where your first job can take you. □ He’ll have answers for you, and they won’t be vague generalities. He’ll show you where LTV Aerospace Corporation is heading in the total en vironmental adventure, and how you fit in. □ You could find yourself getting pretty excited about it. And that’s a darned good way to feel about your first job. College Relations Office, LTV Aerospace Corporation, P. O. Box 5907, Dallas, Texas 75222. An equal opportunity employer. CAMPUS INTERVIEWS November 1, 2, 1967 Wednesday and Thursday ljt\s /=*<=>gor=*F=>cz>F=ij<±-ricz>i>>j -a & LJ & & ! D ! F=t'V' O r=- l—l & - TE M GO - LJ Q f-tT. / rsj o MISSILES AND SPACE DIVISION • VOUGHT AERONAUTICS DIVISION • KENTRON HAWAII. LTD. • RANGE SYSTEMS DIVISION Your Safety is Our Business at 'Firestone 267 SQUARE INCH COLOR PICTURE Mod*) S241 MC AMERICA'S FIRST BIG SCREEN COLOR TV AT A LOW, AFFORDABLE FIRESTONE PRICE • Transistorized Solid State Signal System—no tubes to burn out in the signal-receiv ing circuits • Automatic Color Lock Degaussing System • Big 267 square inch picture • 6-inch ovel speaker • Black textured finish on metal • 26,000 volts of picture power 299 95 plus warranty NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENTS TILL FEB.‘68 Less than 33" whe - PHILCO NO FROST SIDE-BY-SIDE Refrigerator-Freezer Big 7 cu. ft. UPRIGHT FREEZER Full size 12 cu. ft. REFRIGERATOR Refrigerator features: 4 full-width Sliding Shelves • Full-width Porcelain- enamel Crisper • Dairy Bar Storage Door Freezer features: Adjust able Shelves • 3 Fast- Freeze Ice Cube Trays and Portable Ice Cube Keeper • Deep-shelf Door with Can Dispenser Model 19RT8-C Philco Power Saver cuts operating cost! Only *$98" FIRESTONE STORES TEXAS AVENUE AND POST OFFICE STREET