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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1967)
Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Tuesday, October 3, 1967 Poor Manners The crowd at the Town Hall performance of trumpeter A1 Hirt did not show the performer much Aggie hospitality. Many students left in the middle of Hirt’s spirited playing — and that is something that probably has hap pened to him very seldom in recent years. Town Hall presents its second show of the year Friday night and the performers this time will be the Standells. Their show will be quite different from the one given by A1 Hirt, and they are probably used to a more active audi ence than Hirt. But common courtesy should dictate the actions of those who attend the show. An unruly and rude audience reflects poorly on Texas A&M as a whole, and on the students as individuals. Any one who feels that for some reason he cannot stay for the whole performance should try to sit near an exit so he can make his departure as inconspicuous as possible. Poor manners should not become a common occurrence. Let’s try to show respect to visitors to Texas A&M. S: :: : : I I Placement Office Plans Interviews Robert Evans, Placement Office director, said employ ment interview schedules are no longer available. A copy of the list is being printed in The Battalion. COMPANY EasTex Inc. EG&G Inc. Elcor Chemical Corporation Electronic Data Systems Corp. Elliott Company Employers Casualty Company Employers Mutuals of Wausau Enjay Chemical Company Ernst & Ernst Esso Production Research Company Esso Research & Engineering Ethyl Corporation El Paso Natural Gas Company The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Factory Mutual Engineering FMC —OCT Division FMC — Weco Division Fire Prevention & Engineering Bureau Firestone Tire & Rubber Company First National Bank of Dallas Fisher Governor Company Folger Coffee Company Ford Motor Company Forrest & Cottqm Inc. Foster-Wheeler Corporation Freeport Sulphur Company Frigiking Fluor Corporation General Dynamics/Convair General Dynamics/Fort Worth General Dynamics/Liquid Carbonic Div. General Dynamis/Pomona General Electric Company General Foods, Inc. General Mills, Inc. General Motors Corporation General Tire & Rubber Company B. F. Goodrich Company Goodrich-Gulf Chemical Company Goodyear Industrial Products Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Gulf Oil Corporation Gulf States Utilities Company Gulf Supply Company, Inc. FALL SPRING 10-16 10-10 10-31 2-13 12-5, 6 3-26, 27 2-23 3-22 12-1 10- 25, 11- 8,9 26, 27 2- 27, 28, 3- 7, 8 10-25, 26, 27 10- 25, 11- 6, 26, 27 2-27, 28, 29 2-27, 28, 29 12-1 11-15 11-15 3-22 2-22 2-14 2-14 12-8 10-19 2-20, 21 11-13 10-16 11-9, 10 11- 2, 3 12- 1 11-10 11-7 11-14 3-11 10-25, 26 2- 29; 3- 4 2-16 2-22 2-12 3-15 2-14, 3-1 10-9, 10; 11-13 3-20, 21 10-18 12-4 11-16 12-5 11-14 3-22 2-29 3-12 3-6 10-13 2-16 2-16 11-9 2-12, 13 11-14 10-19, 10-10 2- 12, 13 3- 6, 7 3-1 3-14 OPENING GLADY’S SCHOOL OF DANCE at Unitarian Fellowship Center — 305 Old Hwy. 6, College Station Ballet — Spanish (Flomenco) — Mexican Folklore Dance Information & Registration at 600 Foch No. 2, Bryan CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Advertisers Hold Hot Dog Supper The Wesley Calvert Chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, national pro fessional advertising fraternity, will host a pool and patio party tonight at 7:30 for all members and persons interested in joining the organization. According to President Winston Green, anyone is welcomed to at tend the informal meeting. “We especially urge all marketing and journalism majors interested in advertising to join with us in making the A&M chapter the most active in the Southwest,” he said. The hot dog supper will be held at the Bryan Arm Apartments at 1602 South College Avenue in Bryan. Lecture Series To Hear Nevill “One of this nation’s most neglected problems is violence in the classroom!” Bulletin Board TODAY The Marketing Society will have a guest speaker, C. R. Newlin, District Manager for Procter and Gamble, at 7:30 p.m. in the As sembly Room of the MSC. The Recreation and Parks Club will meet in Room 113 of the Herman Heep Building at 7:30 p.m. The Orange Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Lob by of the MSC. The Amarillo Hometown Club will meet on the front steps of the MSC September 28, 7:15 p.m. A business and organizational meeting will be conducted, those wishing to join please attend. The Saddle and Sirloin Club will have its annual fall barbecue at 6:30 p.m. at the Animal Indus tries Building. All animal science majors are invited to attend. The Karnes County Area Home town Club will have an organiza tional meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Letterman’s Lounge in G. Rollie White Coliseum. The Aggie Rodeo Association will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Animal Industries Building. Alpha Delta Sigma, profes sional advertising fraternity, will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Bryan Arms Apartments Pool and Patio. WEDNESDAY The Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Memorial Student Center. THURSDAY The Harrison County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2-B of The Memorial Stu dent Center. The Houston Hometown Club will elect new officers at 7:30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Physics Building. The Mid - County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-B of the Memorial Stu dent Center. The Waco-McLennan County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Reading Room of the YMCA. FRIDAY The Rio Grande Valley Home town Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-D of the Memorial Stu dent Center. G. E. Nevill of Houston, first speaker in Texas A&M’s new En gineering Lecture Series, will make two presentations here Thursday. The series address, “From Titusville to Cook Inlet—The Evo lution of the Oil Well Drilling Industry and the Outlook for Engineering Responsibilities,” will be at 3:30 p.m. in the Archi tecture Auditorium. The Cameron Iron Works staff engineer also will speak at a mechanical engineering senior seminar at 10 a.m., announced Prof. Harvey Caddess. Nevill’s lecture, “Engineering for Petro leum Engineers,” will be in Room 303 of Fermier Hall. Caddess said visitors are welcome. Read Classifieds Rail; T atui$l . Diidof G Wollensak 0 Sound NEW! Wollensak Portable, Cassette Tape Recorder Easy-loading cassettes play/record up to 90 minutes each. Battery power. Portable. Remote-control dynamic micro phone, "Scotch” Brand Tape Cassette, and exclusive Wollensak carrying case to hold recorder, microphone, extra cassettes • 4-position function switch • Solid-state circuitry • Dependable capstan drive • Professional-type VU meter • High-efficiency speaker. $74.95 BRYAN RADIO & T. V. SERVICE INC. 1301 South College Phone 822-4862 Bryan, Texas Soi Hir Re The Soil aw ment hs Dr. Ne professo The s the Ur where hi working mutatioi Dr. H of the i ture am Texas . Station, grains genetics specialtj The BS deg) from Pu torate ii mS Stationery, books, cards baby albums shower invitations baby announcements shower centerpieces napkins, cups, plates etc. AGGIELAND FLOWER AND GIFT SHOPPE 209 University Drive THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion MEMBER are those of the student writers only. The The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Battalion is a non tax-supported non- The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for profit, self-supporting educational enter- otherwise^c^dnedln 5fe W paper P and e iocff e n^s of spontaneous 1 prise edited and operated by students as milter P he b ri1n ed ar h e er liso rS^d. of republication of a11 other a university and community neivspaper. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. ,, , . ,. „, , . —» , ,. ,. _ , T . News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 Members of the Student Pubhcatmns Board are: Jim or 8 4 6 _4 91 o or at the editorial offioe. Room 4, YMCA Building. Lindsey, chairman , Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal For advertising or delivery call 846-6415. Arts ; John D. Cochrane, College of Geosciences; Dr. Frank A McDonald, College ot Science; Charles A. Rodenberger, Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Vet- year; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% erinary Medicine; and Dr. Page W. Morgan, College of Agricul- sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: ture - The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building, College Station, Texas 77843. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday. EDITOR — — CHARUES ROWTON Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through Managing Editor John Fuller May, and once a week during summer school. Newg Editor ZZ. - - Gus'De La Garza T , t J ^ , .. ... ... Sports Editor -—i Gary Sherer sJSSTKSWSSrAssistant Sports Editor -... Jerry Grisham Francisco. Photographer Dave DaVis Triangle Steak House Open 11 a. m. — 10 p. m. “Located on College Ave. in route to Bryan” Banquet or Party (large or small) New Manager — Pearl West For Reservations Call 822-1352 on the level with the leaders . . . where you and your ideas can contribute to advanced programs involving research and develop ment for space systems, missile systems, boron filament—and many other key pioneer projects. MS PhD ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS OCTOBER 9 Aeronautical Engineers Electrical Engineers Mechanical Engineers Civil Engineers Physics Mathematics SEE YOUR PLACEMENT DIRECTOR GENERAL DYNAMICS fre • Br • He • Be 4 Of • Pli ^ dama Wility b c & 32nd & Fort Worth Division AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz 0H,r HOPE I GOT A 600D 6RAPEI Please, let me have a goop GRAPE! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE' dOU SHOULD HAVE D0NeA[nHAT HOPING AND PRAYING BEFORE HW 5TC1PIEP FOR THE TEST... •HOPING AND PRATING SHOULD NEVER BE COHfUSEO 0OITH STUWIU61 CacI