The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 07, 1967, Image 6
/ Ti V TCU PoU Picks Texas Press Tour Comes o •! A&Miaturda)f Ir' ) Th* UniTcr»it]r oi Taoua it an f^rwhaimiar faroriU to win Um 1%7 SouUiwmI Conformc* foot ball chompiomhip ot to tod by tho now* medio in Um S4Ui annual TCU Sport* Now* PoU. >’ The Longhorn*, a popular choice in the poll for roar*, bad a Btanaring total of tt first place vote* from the 117 member* 4 of the pro**-radio-TV. And with only six picking tho Orange lower ^ than third, the Austin school wound up with a total of 168 points (1 for 1st, S for tnd, S for 3rd, etc.) Arkansas, haring the writers’ tag last year, was next with 313H, with seven seeing n Hog title; and Texas A4M picked up IS championship rotes and is third with 39«. TCU is a surprise but a distant 5 fourth, and had a total of MSVfc i points, and four writers had tho 1, Progs in the Cotton Bowl. Texas Tech is fifth with 830; Baylor, sixth, with 63m; SHU, seventh, > with 665; and Rico was tabbed for the basement with 811. Tech ;had two first-place rotee; SMU and Rice got one each, while one man had Baylor in a first-place tie. Coach Darrell Royal’s Long horns hare boon selected 'or the title on 18 other occasions, and ■ - now six of the last eight polls, being the choice each year since 1960 but 1963 and last fall. Iron ically, the Homs went on to the national title la 1963, and last year eras named for second, and they did tie Arankaaas for the runner-up slot behind Champion SMU. Of those fire previous years since 1960 when Texas was the choice, the Royal men only won it once, in 1963, and then they tied for the flag in 1961. In the other polls, Texas tied for second in I960; was second in 1964; and then tied for 4th in 1962, the worst actual finish for UT since 1958. { And here is how some who like the Year of the Hems say it: “It’s time for Texas to turn the comer back to championship row.”—Sam Blair, Dallas News. H Bill Bradley, Chris Gilbert and company should prove that *67 is truly the year of the Homs.” —Hank Hollingsworth, K P O R, Brownsville. ‘Texas and AAM to meet for the title Thanksgiving! Texas wins, 21-17."—Bill Enis, W BAP- TV, Fort Worth, who listed AAM next at 6-1. ‘Texas will not go unbeaten in SWC; Aggies and Owls art the surprises." — Joe McLaughlin, Houston Chronicle. “Year of the Horns is coming true—but watch out for Turkey tor BEST 1 RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED Swingline Test yourself... What do you sec in the ink blots? n r ' [IJAcockfifbt? I aeth? A noth-eaten cockfight? L: ML (2] Giraffes ia high folia**? Scooters ia a kead-en ceUisioa? TOT Staplers? (TOT Staplers!? What i>...) This U a Swingline Tot Stapler (nriedim 1000 rtapUa) LsfS>r CUB tVnk *•*--*$1.6* u At my WUomry. **rWty, or baM Won. INC. LONG ISLAND CITY, N Y. 11101 i—tm—ee mm m n-om noX :tM|do«a JLOJL *10—»■ um* mA :>VWI|0J *i*«***■ •nt«—*e*pe noX *U. I I—1W mX :SsiefllM MWmB v* rnmm mx tsmsj# •* m 'tea :>*me j,a «■ aoiSr i aj.mX y teHsw e *m mx J1 I tn/SSKY Day."—Meet Martin, Terrell Tri bune, who had AAM second. Um Aggies have their backers, too. "Aggie football ia not a joke." — Putt v Powell, Amarillo News Glebe. ‘Texas will whomp a bunch of people; Arkansas could take it all; but this will be the year the Aggiae have awaited since the Bear." — Pat Truly, Port Worth Btar-Telagram. “The Aggiae looked non fun damentally sound in their spring windup than any other Confer ence schools I saw.”—Frank Fal lon, KWTX, Waco. “Since SMU won in *66, there ia no reason the Aggies caa’t in ’67."—W. H. Byrd, Marlin Daily Democrat “The title-hungry Texas AAM Aggies’ bugles blew loud and clear for their 1967 reveille. School spirit keeps AAM in front" — Tmry Holman, Valley Evening Monitor. *The long drouth finally ends for the Brmsos bottom Farmers." —F. D. Smith, B Campo Leader- News. The Texas sports writers press tour of Southwest Conference football teams will be at Collage Station Saturday to take a look at the Texas Aggies. The writers will interview the coaches, players and any other individuals who can shod light on the Aggies’ chances this year. But the Gene Stallings crew ia expected to play their cards dose to their chest and shout all any writers will be able to determine is a definite feeling of optimism ia the Aggie camp. The writers’ reports on the visit will appear in the Sunday editions of the state’s paper*. The tour began last Monday with a visit to the camp of the Southern Methodist Mustangs where Coach Hayden Pry gave them ia pessimistic outlook for the coming season. ,. 1 -l h ‘ { ; Am ^ |v;\h THE BATTALION Pag* 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, September 7, T967 Oakweed doyou/C¥OHV... Our College Career Plan will guarantee you up to $76,000 of permanent in surance. regardless of your health or occupation! flmBrtcan /tmicaUe *59^ am imocutw* erwee*. 'QQcn.rsum •Mb Irysn, Ttnst VI 5-7943 We don't believe in'half-way'values—at Piggly Wiggly YOU GETTHE TOTAL SAVIN of REALLY LOW PRICES and C50LD BOND STAMPS S*hFTSPWMI fKO-TtlJ ewMfp picnics &.*** 59f 5ucoP6Ac<>i Swift Premiam 1 I*. WEAW I <2 tlWKftS :i ,.fojUWCW» ♦MSI <xr. «nr<nesff 7.&,i9-t9*n VMlUAWARf^ . 29 1 MHTl 6 mfeipitfr-oceg am J/h ' MwPto&ST op. eemr fKtRAKRMT ecpHtSJ ponov. ROIHDS1EAK eoHftiSS-nHCTSfeeriva 4um TOPROHC^TEM *1' ICHHt# fWRKT (W LtNiieflfS fUSCPWt lORiTIPOEAK «« rvu.smsiimrn iV •6r nn comm sot* ZJ 100 FREE OOloaoHrSIAMPS WtTU MPCKA5C of i\0*’Of»<** Pt wa fc& 4 1 10 Count Tubes i AUSTW &fiaKPrwsxZ' Gerber’s Strained (Except Meet) 8A0VFOOP 17 95f ■ di*l I0&# TOI^M 0 f**** uMrxaoti tmet f’lGGtftliaa.'CS tgtdvcav UVJ.loW. J • Sufirary Shm SWEET POTATOES v 2 No. ^21/2 Cans 49c Bake Rite .. SHORTENING 3 ^l). Can 59c Arrow Briquet CHARCOAL 10 Lb. Bag 59c Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP Qt. Jar 49c %/ ^ Tab - Sprite - Fresca - Coke CANNED DRINKS 8 - 12-Oz. Cans 88c Assorted Flavors HI-C DRINKS 3 - 46-Oz. Cans 89c Get Set HAIR SPRAY 13-Oz. Can 59c Del Monte SPINACH f 2 No. 303 Cans 35c Alma Shoestring ; POTATOES 3 211 Cans 25c Hf- - DOOBli AM um TUCSWW Boanie Baker Jr. FOREMOST 1 r% HOMO SKIMMED MILK SET BOTs OF EXTRA COUI MO STAMPS ro« mar nun game cami Store Boon 8 a. m. to 8 p. • ai i t Ik ’ 4 >r