The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 07, 1967, Image 3
Finance Center Expects v • _ I Rise In Check, Processing _ CtMck caahing ia Mg basin«u at the Student Finance Center of Ttxaa AAM'a Memorial Student Center The Center haa p roc eased a record 1*1,704 checka totaling tl^0S,4*7 during the pact fiscal year, aurpaaaing the old mark of 11,546471 in cheeks the preriouc year. "We expect an even larger in* crease next year because of a larger enrollment," pointed out Cashier Faye Yes tea. "And we are preparing for the rush.” Mrs. Yea tea expects the number of cheeks to grow despite s ruling requiring all persona to provide checks from their individual banks. , “This is a comply wth a Fed eral Reserve bank regulation," noted Mrs. Ysates. “These checks have magnetic ink coding which facilitates processing. Federal Reserve banks reported an 83 per cent increase in the volume of checks last year.” ALTHOUGH the new require ment does not officially go into effect until Thursday, the Memo- rial Student Center tested it throughout August “Some students srgued a little with cashiers at fint,” Mrs. Ycates explained, “but the plan is working fine now. We always obtain* the dormitory and room number of students ia addition to their identification card.” Student checks have a $10 mnimum and a $20 maximum. The Student Finance Center also handles the processing of registration checks for most con ferences conducted at the MSC. Employees sort out checks in reference to local and out of town banks, then according to amounts. As the name implies, the Stu dent Finance Center serves as headquarters for treasurers of student organisationa More than 400 accounts are kept in the fa cility. Each organisation has a box reserved for the safekeeping of records. “WE ANTICIPATE about 50 new accounts this fall,” Mrs. Ycates observed. “Space for the students to work is our largest _ problem. To make sure their books are correct at all times, we check their balances for them each time they conduct business.” Some of the treasurers have no experience in bookkeeping, but they receive the necessary assist ance from Student Finance per sonnel. In many instances, advisers of clubs and organisations must give written approval before bills can be paid. And the treasurers make monthly financial statements to their organixations. • A list of all student organize tions ia prepared by October 16 for distribution to all campus de partments and Bryan-College Sta tion marchafits The list includes names of officers and advisors of each group An additional service provided by the Student Finance Center is the mailing of checks when the organizations pay Mils. Thursday, September 7, ~ THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Pago 8 1952 Grad Awarded Second Silver Star CHOW TIME Four bouncy, hungry antelope from West Texaa are akill- fully fed at one time by wildlife science graduate student Donnie Harmel of Burton. Goat milk is the main fare. In I tegular Spaces ^ ve antelope are research animals at Texas A&M. i Staff Must Park REGISTRATION AND TEXT BOOKS BREAK YOU? \ Then see us, for a personal loan. Take advantage of our prompt, confidential loan service now. ‘ ™ UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gats) ' j- Collage Station, Texas t , • Tafcphoas: 846-8319 ; Z*** Faculty-staff members of Tex as AAM art requested to park in faculty-ataff parking areas for home football games this fall.' Ed E. PoWell. campus security chief, said the request is made to accommodate out - of - town vis itors in other parking areas. “Those who park in faculty- staff lots in the academic areas of the campus will be able to be off campus within 10 minutes after they reach their cart,” Pow ell commented. “Oar faculty- staffer* are asked to park, in areas east of Houston Street and north of Lubbock Street.” Aerospace Engineers To Get Speed Research Equipment Texas AAM University aero space engineering research fa cilities to be available in the near future will be able to simulate velocities ranging from the slow est flying aircraft past the speed of meteroids whizxing through •Phce. Velocity range of facilities in operation, under construction and — BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Um <J»r • v per word U pec #ord *»ch »<IdlUon»l day Mlakaass chare*—Me Classified Display *•< par column inch ssch Insertion DEADLINE 4 p m. dny before publics!ion FOR SALE M* T. V. Good condition, k list. Street. Hrysn MO M. IIW-B Stove and refrleerator In sood condition, all S44-S0C7 after I p m OSTtS *4 Chevy II 4 cylinder. Esedlent con dition. Elm owner. It.00* miles. New eat of tire*. MM.** cash sad ink* up bank notes of *7* M eadh. Call *44-4*5* 4Smfn Just received complete line of art sup- tliea: oils, lieultea acrylic, canvas boards, brushes Everythin* for the artist. Chap- Paint Store. Ill 8. CallOv* Are.. •Irysn. 454! 1 4 GM Lowest Priced Cara $49.79 per mo. With Normal Dows Payment OPEL KADETT Seltetrom Pontiac - Buick 17*4 Tssns Av*.; Mth A Parker •II-1114 SM-1M7 TT FREIGHT SALVAGE A Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding A Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All das utility d Items rest* red to full our repairs department. L C & D SALVAGE CO. Mad a S. Taber Streets — Sryi HELP WANTED WORK WANTED Two Udirs for pert Ihnv telephone sole Pram downtown office^ no e* peri ewe, re neewnanry Salary. StS-StS4 between 10:00 a/ m sad 10 *0 a. m > tMtl At*W with floral «>tWrieno4' to work port timo In flower ehop Will consider someone without e« per ten re Araleisnd I Flower Shop. ZOO University Drive. No I phono colls. 4**tfr Raperlenred typtn* Mocker wishes lypin* in the evenln** and on weekend. Guaran tees finished copy to ho Ilk* the material •uhmhlod IBM Soleetrtr. pics typo, carbon ribbon, symbols. Contact Mrs. Martha Hoi- comb. *44-1714 after I p m. 4S7tfn Will do haby-satiac for workla* mother, la their hnase. 44S-JM1 4Mlfn Typla*. 444-44IS. C-17-R C.V. 441tfn Wanted, two mristrrod nurse* for su pervisor oa I to II shift at Madison County Hospital, Madboavllle. Trias. Excel lent salary. Call eeiieet. Dl S-SS4I. Mias Giarta RIcier or Mr. E. G. Clark. 4*4tfr OFFICIAL NOTICE Official * otiose must arrive tn the Offtes •f Student Pukllmtlaae bafere dandllne II p. m. *f the day pr*< h* SPECIAL NOTICE Hear the Jackson Radio Hour Sunday st 4:40 s. m SUiiret this Sunday ~Glv* the teen Seers a chasm.**/ 45*11 'Need ride with someone who will he commutin* to Sam Houston State ( <>lle*e this fall. Call 444-ZS04 after 4 p. m. 445t| Coin opeealed i loetric typewriters avail able for use In Memorial Student Center. Coot lie for Z0 minutes, tic for I hour, l.omlod In Huron M of sound proof piano practice room, on lower level of MSC. Chock out key at main desk. 440tfn THX CRADUATI COLA.BCR Final Rxaminsikm for the Doctoral Dourer Name lyon. CfmMmMlha De*ree Ph D in Civil Bn*lneerin* ^ Dissertation: An Analysl. of Waveform lien era tioa and Transmission In lx>n*V tudinal Impart Time: Monday. September II. 1457 al * :»0 n. m. Place: Room 15. Hlvhwsy Research Build- f in*, rri Wayne C. Ball Dean of Graduate Studies 45*11 WANTED AVON PRODUCTS Campus Reprseenta- tieo. Janet Wmton. W-2-8 Hansel. M5.Z5S5 45*12 CHILD CARE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Duct oral Do*th Name: McGraw. John Loon. Jr. Decree: Doctor of Philosophy In Bioio*y Dissertation A Study of the Myaomyeetes of Texas Time: Saturday, September 4. 1047 at 4:00 —a, m, — j Place: Room 114, Hio4o*y Bulldin* - Wayne C. Hall Doan of Graduate Studies 44*t 1 FOR RENT — - ~ • | Two furnished two bedroom brick apart- menu, central air nod hunt. privsM patio. ' two block, from campus. Available Feb ruary let. Can bo reserved now with a : email deposit. *24.41* I 444tfn STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day sad weakly rata, near the University. 144- 5414. Mttfn FAIRWAY , APARTMENTS 5 Two bedrooms • Furnished or unfamished • Carpeted and draped . • T -*- rnMa.eonn Jlop^ 4 ' J> a Close to ASM. eWhenfSfy schools and *olf -ourse a Con'ral sir and beat a Built ia stove. refri**rotor and disposal. Prom 4*4.45 1M5 8. ( elle«* Resident M*r. Apt. t-R •44 4711 4II-54II being designed is from under 200 fnph through 68,000 mph. Five wind tunnels, a shock tube and hyper-velocity acceleration facility will be employed for training student* of the Aero space Engineering Department and conducting a wide spectrum of research. The department ia headed by Prof. A. E. Cronk. Three tunnela and the shock tube are operating. AAM'a 7-by- 70 foot tunnel at Easterwood Air port moves air at velocities up to 200 mph. Two tunnels located in department labs in the engineer ing building are subsonic. Aero students this fall will be gin installation of a supersonic tunnel rupable of flight simula tion to Mach 3 (about 2,100 mph) and a Mach 6 to 11 hypersonic tunnel (7,000 mph) is designed and due component parts con struction. A Texas Aggie who couldnt shoot back received his second Silver Star tor combat heroisas in Vietnam. Maj. Ralph C. Dresaer, a 1962 graduate who is now at Keesler AFB, Miss., commanded a C-123 Provider flight that was hit by enemy fire $0 time*. The three Air Force planes the major commanded were armed only with a nontoxic weed killer. They were on a defoliation mis sion over the Mekong Delta. While spraying the trouble some area near VI Thanh, south of Can Tho, Major Dresaer and the sipnll. all-volunteer group of air commandos went in “low and slow” to allow their loaui* of de foliant to settle into the trees. The weed killer soon strips the ^vegetation of leaves and deprives the Viet Coa ef protective cover- ing. The unarmed aircraft offered easy targets for VC heavy auto matic weapons fire. Dresser's plane was hit, but inspite of the danger, he continued the spray ing run until his herbici<ie supply , was gone. An engine on the second plane was shot out, and the major placed his aircraft between the stricken two-engine Provider and the ground to shield the plane from enemy fire. Dreaeer’i plane and the third ship then criss crossed beneath the endangered C-123 until it could gain altitude to fly for a safe landing at Binh Thuy Air Base. The Aggie, san of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dresaer 206 Chevy Chase Drive, San Antonio, returned from the combat zone last fall and now instruct* al lied student pilots training at Keesler through the Military As sistance Training Program. Dresaer attended Thomas Jef ferson High and received a bach elor degree at AAM, where he was commissioned through the AFROTC program. He was a member of Squadron “E“ ia the Corps of Cadets, a Distinguished Student artd played football three years. Dresaer played on the Ray George-coached team with Bob Smith, Glenn Lippman, Yale Lary, Jack Little and Ray Graves. They defeated Texae, 22-21, in a 5-3-1 season. , The major and his wife Dolly, also from San Antonio, have four children. FIRST PRCSSrmilAN CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL I and 4 soar olds, mom In**. *21-7724. 4«*tl A**l* wife would like r evenln*. *45-742* baby sit. day 45545 Chiln care all ace*. S45-SISI. 44 Ufa Distributors For: Royal Sint Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 Enco, Amalie, Conoco iSIc qt. We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved i . Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters* Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts - We Fit 96% of All Cars - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $3.98 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars Auto tnns. oil 25$ AC - Champion - Autolita plugs Starters - Generators AU 6 Volt — $10.96 Each Most 12 Volt — $11.95 Each Tlree—Low price every day — Juat check our price with any other of equal quality; Year Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryaa, Texes JOE FAULK ’32 21 yeera la Bryaa Cre*04Tt*s Day Nursery S4S-4SSS. Ilttfs HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER. S40C South Ceilevo. SUM Llsoaood ttS-MSS. Vi ratals D. Jonas. R. N. SStfh TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED A EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION IIS S. Berea —Bryaa— S2S-5S74 OTIS MCDONALD’S Typewriters a Addin* Markka** # Cal- mtalera o Cask Ro*ls*ecy * Ctartra- statle Dry C*»Iots Hales a Servlr* a Rentals Nnrrtro dWtatta* rootamenl 424 South Mala Stroot a Phono S22-1S2S - Bryan. Tvso* 77S02 LUEDECKE ROCK SHOP Finding*, Stones A Equipment Jones Bridge Road Next to West Runway Kasterwood Airport — 846-7474 " HOME A CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES A SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV $•$ W. M* 822-2819 THE FRENCH QUARTER APARTMENTS 1 a t Bedrooms Fully Furnished Central Haat a Air EJortrte Kitchens Carpet* A Drapes Swimming Pool Laandry Far 11 It Mi ALL BILLS PAID SSI Croas St. • V Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair < • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North GsM. 844-6*10 ■' '.r THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living” Soparata Adult A Faaiily Areas “Children Welcome** Model Apia Open Poe Inspection From $ltS - All Utilitisa Paid ISOS 8 Call*** A von no Resident Manager . Apt. IS Phone I2S-42SS Make Your Deposit Now SSSlfa - NEW DRYING SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT for • f* * Auto-Ter ia New Automatic 2 Minute Car Wash at 208 Highway 6 Y*a, w* will dry your car in • very short time for 50f. No appointment necessary. Stay in your car. it Week-end Special — Wash, Spray Wax and Dry — $1.26. Week Days — Wash and Dry — $1 00 Self Service — 6 minutes for 25f, all stalls. 8 Vacuums shaded V I c T O U I A N APARTMENTS Midway kotweoa Bryaa a AAM Uaiverstly STUDENTS ! I Need A Sommer Home a 2 Bedroom Pur. A Unfur Pool and Prieat# Courtyard I MONTHS LEASE SSS-SSSS 441 Luka St. Apt. 1 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: Georg# Webb Farmers Inaaraace Creep 4555 a. College S14-S541 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes i Just Say: ‘Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer 'j ~7 f BULLETIN! Wilhoit Promoted To Research Post Dr. Randolph C. Wllholt has been promoted to associate direc tor of Texas AAM University’s Thermodynamics Research Cen ter, announced director Dr. Bruno J. Zwolinski. Dr. ZwoHnaki also revealed em ployment of two senior staff members to the Thermodynamics Research center of the Chemistry Department. Wilhoit has been associate pro fessor of chemistry and assistant TRC director since lB$4. Before joining AAM, he taught at Texas i Tech and New Mexico Highlands University. Earlier, Wilhoit con ducted graduate studies at the universities of Kansas, North western and Indiana. Dr. Alan S. Rodgers, formerly with Stanford Research Institute, will be assistant TRC director for molecular thermodynamics and associate professor of chemistry. Rodgers earned the bachelor of science degree at Princeton and the Ph.D. in physical chemistry at the University of Colorado. After five years at 3M Company as senior scientist, he conducted equilibrium and gaseous chemical kinetic studies at Stanford Re search Institute. Cecil H. Dickson will serve the TRC ss senior chemist and man ager of the spectral program. He earned B.S. and M S. degrees in physical chemistry at AAM. AfMr teaching nine years at AAM, Dickson served two years as an AID professor in East Pakistan before joining the analytical services staff of AAM’a Agricul tural Experiment Station r — ~\ PARDNER Youll Always Win Th« Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS £— THE BOOK STORE IS NOW FEATURING THE ONE BOOK YOU’U USE FOR AU COURSES! Save yourself from crippling errors in report* and theme writing. Save time and avoid the tedium of correcting mistakes. : T j Equip yourself now with a permanent lifesaver by buying the one desk dictionary that won’t let you down. It’s Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate — re quired or recommended by your English department. This is the only Webster with the guidance you need in spelling and punctuation. It’s the latest. It in cludes 20,000 new words and new meanings. , Owning your own copy is much easier and avoids the haxards of guessing. So pick up this new dictionary now at the bookstore for just $6.75 indexed. It will still be a lifesaver ten years from now. . |\* L on YOUR OWN COPY TODAY. WEBSTER’S SEVENTH NEW COLLEGIATE You'll recognize it by tho bright rod jacket. V Hallowed tradition of "pinning" a girl is up-dated by Sprite bottle caps. According to gn independent survey (ve took it ourqelves), a startling new practice is becoaing ' widespread on soae college caapuses Suddenly, fraternity sen are no longer "pinning" the;lovely young things that catch their eye . . ISstead, thay rfach for a bottle of tart, tingling Spnte--and proceed to "cap" their affections Why has..this cone about 9 Perhaps because ' of what happens when-you go through the cerenony of opening'V a bottle-of Sprits. It fizzes! Roars! Buzzes! Tingles! Bubbles! All of which Makes for a auch acre Moving MOMont than to sinply "pin" a girl. Then, too, the intinapy of two people engaged in the act of opening a/ bottle of Sprits in itself leads to strong eaoUoijtal involvement Capped off, of course, by the sharing of a few wosents of delicious abandon (Tasting the tingling tartness of Sprite, that is.) The beauty of the idea is that if the course of true love does not run snooth, you don’t have to go to the trouble of getting back your pin. You Just buy another bottle of Sprite. SPRIT! SJLJART AND TINGLING^ JE-jysi miiDN’i KEEP ii-win t; 4- —.a .s. -A- - A-