The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 01, 1967, Image 3
THE BATTALION Thursday, June 1, 1967 College Station, Texas Page 3 Before You Sell Your Books Check Our Price List "$V. 1. Chemistry—Chemistry 101 & 102 Sienko & Plane 3rd. Ed.—$4.50 2. The Appraisal of Real Estate—Ag\ Eco. 432 AM. Inst. Real Est. Appraisal 4th Ed.—$4.50 3. The Norton Antology of English Lit. Vol. 1 —Eng. 231 Abram—$3.50 4. The Norton Anthology of English Lit. Vol. 11 Eng. 232 Abram—$3.50 5. Animal Science & Industry—Animal Sc. 107 Acker—$4.00 6. Macroeconomics—Eco. 410 Ackley—$4.50 7. Basic Principles of Supervision^—I. Ed. 602 Adams & Dickey—$3.35 8. Evaluating Pupil Growth—Ed. 426 Ahmann & Clock 2nd Ed.—$4.00 9. Introduction to Mycology—Biology 353 Alexopolus—$4.00 10. Electronic Engineering—E.E. 439 Alley 2nd '66 Ed.—$6.25 11. Petroleum Reservoir Eng.—Pet. Eng. 306 & 310 Amyx—$9.25 12. Differential Psy: Indi. & Group Dif. In Behavior—Psy. 309 Anastesia 3rd Ed.—$4.25 13. Psychology Testing—Ed. 623 Anastasia 2nd Ed.—$4.00 14. Counseling: Philosophy, Theory & Practice— Ed. 631 Arbuckle—$4.00 15. The Mind of The Middle Ages—Hist. 331 Artz 3rd Ed.—$3.25 16. Aerodynamics of Wings & Bodies— Aero 601 Ashley—$6.35 17. Principles of Radiobiology—Biology 654 Bacq—$6.00 18. Introduction to Chemical Engineering—C.E. 304 & 423 Badger—$6.75 19. The American Pageant—History 105 & 106 Bailey 3rd '66 Ed.—$4.75 20. Principles of Farm Machinery—Ag. Eng. 208 Bainer—$5.25 24. Clinical Management of Behav. Disorders in Children—Education. 642 Bakwin—$3.50 22. Tractors & Their Power Units—Ag. Eng. 324 Barger 2nd ‘63 Ed.—$4.50 Land Resource Economics—Ag. Eco. & Soc. 422 Barlowe Latest Edition—$5.00 Farm Structures—Ag Eng. 401 Barre—$6.50 Physical Chemistry—Chem. 324 Barrow 2nd Ed.—$6.25 Measurement in Physical Education—Health — Phys. Ed. 425 Barrow—$4.25 27. Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation —E.E. 461. Bartholomew—$6.00 28. Soil Physics—Agronomy 445 Baver—$4.35 29. The Practice of Collective Bargaining—I. Eng. 412 Beal 3rd ’67 Ed.—$4.50 30. Thought In Prose—English 103 & 104 Beal 3rd Ed.—$3.25 31. Vector Mechanics For Engineers—M.E. 212 Beer—$6.25 23. 24. 25. ■ii 26. Manufacturing Processes- Begeman 5th Ed.—$5.25 -M.E. 309 & 310 33. Brief Course in Organic Chemistry—Chem. 232 Behr 2nd Ed.—$3.00 34. Marketing Poultry Products—Poultry Science 611 Benjamin 5th Ed.—$4.00 35. History of Industrial Educ. 1870 to Present— I. Ed. 601 Bennett—$4.00 36. History of Industrial Educ. Up To 1870— I. Ed. 601 Bennett—$3.50 37. Research In Education—I. Ed. 627 Best—$3.60 38. Quantitative Analysis In Bus. Decisions— Bus. Analysis 666 Bierman—$4.35 39. Intro. To Structural Dynamics—Civ. Eng. 657 Biggs 1st Ed.—$5.75 40. Thin Shell Construction—Civ. Eng 659 Billington—$3.50 Essential of Physics—Physics 218 Borowitz—$5.85 Introduction to Study of Insects—Entq. 302 Borror Rev. ’64—$8.75 Engineering Statistics- Bowker—$6.50 -I. Eng. 614 -Chem. Eng. 424 -Ag. 41. Transport Phenoma- Bird—$7.00 42. Introduction To Agri. Economic Ana.- Eco. 325 Bishop—$3.50 42. What Every Supervisor Should Know—I. Ed. 429 Bittel—$2.75 44. Vertebrates of The United States—W.S. 311 Biair 2nd ’67—$10.00 45. Economics of Labor Relations—Eco. 318 Bloom 5th ’65 Ed.—$4.50 46. Enzymes—Biochem. 624 Dixon 2nd Ed.—$8.00 47. Airplane Aerodynamics—Aero 201 Dommasch 4th ’67 Ed.—$6.50 48. Time Domain Analysis & Design of Control Systems—E.E. 605 Dorf—$4.50 49. Medical Dictionary—Vet. Anat. 301 Dorland 24th Ed.—$6.50 50. Concepts & Models of Inorganic Chemistry— Chem. 462 Douglas—$5.25 51. Manufacturing Process & Wt. For Eng.—I. Eng. 302 Doyle—$6.60 52. Applied Regression Analysis —Stat. 608 Draper—$3.00 (Wholesale) 53. Reporter In Deutschland—Mod. Lang. 203 Drath—$2.80 54. Physiology of Domestic Animals—Vet. Phys., & Pharm. 427 Dukes—$7.00 55. Historical Geology—Geology 441 Dunbar 2nd Ed.—$4.25 56. Principles of Straitigraphy—Geology 207 Dunbar—$5.00 57. Retailing—Marketing 325 Duncan 7th—$4.50 58. Social Studies Through Prob. Solving—Educ. 353 Dunfee—$4.00 59. Heat & Mass Transfer—M.E. 616 Eckert 2nd Ed.—$4.00 60. Physical Chemistry—Chem. 611 Eggers—$5.75 61. Theory of Thermal Stress Structural—Mech. 606 Boley—$3.25 65. Marriage for Moderns—Soc. 315 Bowman—$4.50 66. Elem. Diff. Eqs, & Boundary Value Prob.— Math 308 Boyce—$4.50 67. Marketing Research—Marketing 445 Boyd Revised Ed.—$4.60 68. Making of The Modern World From Renais sance To Present—History 218 Brace—$6.00 69. Farm Management Analysis—Ag. Eco. 619 Bradford 1953 Ed.—$4.50 70. Preface To Econometrics—Ag. Eco. 317 Brennan 2nd Ed.—$3.60 71. Fundamentals of Chemistry—Chem. 103 Brescia—$5.00 72. Intermediate Algebra—Math. 101 Brittain—$3.00 73. Sociology—Soc. 205 Broom 3rd ’63 Ed.—$4.10 74. College Teaching—Educ. 601 Brown—$3.25 75. Farm Electrification—Ag. Eng. 325 Brown—$4.25 76. Analysis & Design of Flight Vehicle Structures—Aero 405 Bruhn—$7.35 77. Intro, to Math. Stat—Stat. 414 Brunk—$4.75 VvbT.: , 1 V H».-r »r '.-Ui 78. Foundationship of Physical Educ.-—Health & P. E. 213 Bucher 4th Ed.—$3.25 79. Methods & Materials for Secondary School Phys. Educ.—P. E. & Health 316 Bucher—$3.45 80. Models for Prod. & Oper. Mgnt.—I. Eng. 401 Buffa—$4.85 81. In Intro, to The Theory of Seismology—Geo. 657 Bullen—$4.75 82. Applied Metallurgy for Engineers—I. Educ. 326 Burton—$5.00 83. General Meteorology—Met. 305 Byers 3rd Ed.—$5.50 84. Poultry Production—P. S. 201 Card 10th Ed.—$4.25 85. Man & Land—Geog. 310 Carter—$5.25 86. Farm Business Mgnt.—Ag. Eco. 443 Castle—$3.35 87. A History of The U. S.—Hist. 205 & 206 Caughey—$4.35 -Chem. Eng. 428 88. Energy Conservation- Chang—$2.75 89. Urban Land Use Planning—C. E. 612 Chapin 2nd—$4.00 90. Open Channel Hydraulics—C. E. 629 Chow—$9.25 91. Fourier Series & Boundary Value Prob— Math 601 Churchill 2nd Ed.—$4.00 92. Physical Metallurgy for Engineers—M. E. 340 Clark 2nd—$4.75 93. Sampling Technique—Stat. 607 Cochran 2nd Ed.—$5.00 94. Abnormal Psy. & Modern Life—Psy 305 Coleman 3rd Ed.—$4.75 95. Modern Journalism—Jour. 102 Committee on Journalism—$3.25 96. Fundamental Laws of Physics—Physics 213 Constant—$4.50 97. Baileys Testbook of Histology—Vet. Anat. 303 Copenhaver 15th Ed.—$6.75 98. Educational Administration—Educ. 606 Corbally 2nd Ed.—$4.00 99. Intro to Electromagnetic Fields and Waves— Physics 416 Corson 1962 Ed.—$6.00 100. Well Design: Drilling & Production—Pet. Eng. 405 Craft—$6.75 101. Weed Control—Range Sc. 611 Craft 3rd Ed.—$7.75 102. Advertising—Jour. 308 Crawford 2nd Ed.—$4.50 103. General Climatology—Met. 465 Critchfield 2nd ’66—$4.50 104. Adolescent Development & Adjustment— Psy. 323 Crow 2nd Ed.—$4.00 105. Crsi Design Handbook—Arch. 427 Crsi—$3.00 106. Commercial Fruit & Veg. Processing—Hort. 446 Cruess—$3.50 (Wholesale) 107. Fluid Dynamics—C. E. 311 Daily—$6.25 108. Experimental Stress Analysis—Struct. Mech. 470 Dally 1st Ed.—$7.25 , 109. Experimental Physical Chemistry—Chem. > . 326 Daniels 6th Ed.—$4.50 110. Public Affairs Reporting—Jour. 418 Daniel 1955 Ed.—$3.75 111. Linear Programming & Extensions—Ind. Engr. 622 Dantzig—$5.75 112. Zoogeography—Biology 653 Darlington—$4.00 (Wholesale) 113. Intro, to Math Analysis—Math. 230 / Daus—$4.00 114. Plant Biochemistry Plant—Sc. 605 Davies—$5.25 115. Modern Dairy Cattle Management—Dairy Science 420 Davis—$3.50 116. Short Course in Surveying—C. E. 206 Davis—$4.00 117. The Testing & Inspection of Engr. Metals— C. E. 315 Davis 3rd—$5.00 118. Modem Russian I—Mod. Lang. 110 Dawson—$3.50 119. Modem Russian II—Mod. Lang. 210 Dawson—$3.50 120. Principles of Electrical Engineering—E. E. 307 Del Toro—$6.05 121. Cell Biology—Biology 615 De Robertis 4th Ed.—$5.25 122. Modem French—Mod. Lang. 101 & 102 Desberg—$3.10 123. Tech, of Food Preservation—Hort. 311 Desroiser 2nd Ed.—$4.75 124. Plant Physiology—P. P. P. 314 Devlin—$3.25 (Wholesale) 125. Diseases of Field Crops—Plant Sc. 623 Dickson 2nd Ed.—$5.00 THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907”