^ firs from 5. jldwij-: 5-H niekl e bac'i first r e's tv : . and 1 out a ecutiv; Pran's; Battalion Weather | THURSDAY—Partly cloudy, winds southeasterly 10 to 15 m.p.h. High 82. Low 63. £ j:j: FRIDAY—Partly cloudy to cloudy, g: winds southerly 15 to 20 m.p.h. High j:- :§ 86. Low 66. g: Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1967 Number 450 Ring Dance Tickets Go Off Sale Today Today is the last chance to buy tickets for the Senior Ring |Banquet scheduled for Saturday I night in Duncan Mess Hall. The tickets will be taken off ii sale at 5 p.m. in the Memorial j Student Center’s Student Pro- Igram Office. Tickets for the |dance, slated for the same night jun Sbisa Mess Hall, will remain lion sale through 5 p.m. Friday. A special mystery speaker will | be featured at the banquet. “Because of the special nature |of his act and of his being widely Iknown, we feel it would be bet- Bter not to release the speaker’s Iname,” Terrell S. Mullins, senior fclass president, explained. A package price of $11.50 is tbeing asked for couple admit- itance to both the dance and the Ibanquet, plus two pictures at the 1dance. The banquet begins at 6 p.m. |while the dance does not start till 8:30. Claude Gordon and his orches- |tra will furnish the music for the fdance. The Gordon orchestra »uncil Positions [Close On Friday Applications for three Me- Imorial Student Center Council BCommittee Chairmanships still Ivacant must be turned in by 5 |p.m. Friday, accoi'ding to Coun- |cil President Scott Roberts. These chairmanships include |the Bridge, Talent and Travel jCommittees. “Chairmen will plan and di- [rect student programs for each jcommittee’s area of operation,” fRoberts said. According to Betty Franklin, ^Council Public Relations director, | there have been “only a couple” fof applications turned in to date. The Bridge Committee pro- jvides opportunity for people in- fterested in bridge to play or [learn to play. The Talent Committee plans [the annual Aggie Talent Show [and provides the enlistment and [presentation of performing stu- [dent ai'tists enrolled at Texas [A&M. The Travel Committee provides j organized student and faculty [vacation tours and low cost [transportation abroad during the I summer. A minimum over-all grade [point ratio of 1.4 is required of Jail applicants. Applications may jta picked up and turned in at [the Student Programs Office in [the MSC. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M” —Adv. was elected the top new group in the nation by the American Association of Musicians. Times will be allotted accord ing to the ticket numbers when each couple may have its picture taken. Cocktail dress will be appro priate for the banquet but the dance will be formal. Pennies Used To Pay Loan A sophomore saved his pennies carefully to repay a $20 loan to A&M’s Student Aid Office. Miss Mary Ruth Watkins, a Student Aid Office employe, was suip-rised Wednesday when the youth produced a sock heavy laden with pennies. More than 400 of the copper coins were among a stack of change the stu dent has saved since January. Six Editors Retire At Friday Banquet Fish Counselors Cook Out Agriculture Dean Announces Parks Department Professor The first and only Landscape Architecture Ph.D. recipient in the U.S., Dr. Clare A. Gunn, has accepted a Recreation and Parks Department position, announced Dr. R. E. Patterson, dean of the School of Agriculture. “Effective August 1, Dr. Gunn will be professor of tourism-rec reation development,” Patterson said. “He is one of the few re searchers in the world studying the many facets of tourism and tourism development to discover their inter-relationships.” “He is best known currently for his theory called ‘vacation- scape,’ a method of planning re gions for tourism - recreation uses,” Dr. Leslie M. Reid, head of the Recreations and Parks De partment, said. “The majority of motels and resorts in Michigan have been influenced by his ideas and re search results on location, site development, and design. Many of his recommendations have al so been incorporated into state Twelve Honored For Vanity Fair DR. CLARE A. GUNN and federal ning.” recreational plan- STEAK FRY Ag-gie counselors for the Fish Camp held each fall help themselves at a steak fry sponsored by the YMCA in Hensel Park as they got together to discuss plans for next year’s camp. Riot Kills Houston Off icer Space official Speaks At Confab HOUSTON, Tex. a f" »!•*' I il fe