The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 23, 1967, Image 5
Thursday February 23, 1961 CoUege Station^* Fag® jTAy2-l g aeeis. Is m \J external by owing ^ 1 >y a si«i. \ by PtisvI tbe exsa.! ir-a\\ goi s \e vatii® nts to k action, os lot «. iversi^ \i Efic, kill nduded ii reseatA-. be semi School oi’ as TtM,:- 1 tbe ?V S^^ cts iiS>A Choice *® e ^ Disc^J^gaoty Ald * ★ OoW 05 ® . ry food* Health ._ Se \ e ct»o n ★ Tops » nl L |ce Goods ★ Comp'®'® \ Brao d * rfce &FreS ^ney Savin9 of courteo«»S®^ + Extra ^oraods ★Frieodiy' ^ Safety® e a yieeh 'Mf/OnCi *****" Wfaf ?«** Koiiee v: ‘ l| | ^ 'I^: V ^oc<a T-^rtcea on BAKING NEEDS • : V- y " • • ;• ' ‘ u ~^ocu ‘Piece* oh BREAKFAST FOODS oe rese&wl e iinaneii t tbe ?«■ ecommei oses ,g commii man, I.D, iuttle 3t, Dr. CA utive otiv vsportati* Hutebis® Extension dames 1 ptoiessoi , Gnr"l5- f° r Et Jy,ard5- towards- A ^ rvt;rn e . • ; M , Lb . Can Shortening Wesson Oil Gold Medal Flour Corn Meal MiYAC Duncan Hines. Assor l/ClAv ITIIACd flavors—Reg. Box Baking Powder Semi-Sweet Morsels Velkay—3-b. Can So Fresh—48-oz. Bottle Enriched. 5-Lb. Bag overed Wagon. White. Enriched—5-Lb. Bag Calumet—7-oz. Can Nestles. 12-oz. Bag Imperial Sugar ^ c r. Plain or Iodized. 26-oz. Box Morton Salt Powdered Sugar ^ 59f W V„ P " 99f w s,r 63^ Wh A° y 20^ Why Roy 30^ Why Pay 1S^ Why Pay ^0£ Why i*ay $113-£7 1 Wh Y Pa Y JL4, T 2 for 27i 1 7$ Why Pay If T 2 for 37i -^o«a Piece* oh So nourishing. 42-oz. Box Lucerne—Gallon Carton Safeway. Half Moon—Lb. Chiffon. Regular—1-Lb. Ctn. Vhy Pay More? FRESH DAIRY PRODUCTS 2% Homo Longhorn Cheese Margarine D|Cfl|||tc ^ rs - Wright's. Sweetmilk IflOwUllO or yk Buttermilk—8-oz. Can Butter Smooth and hearty. 13-oz. Box Shady Lane. Fresh—1-Lb. Ctn. ^efoco Piece* oh 85* 79* w r°' 45* m /,r 0^ Why Pay 83* 4”r 3-Minute Oats Cream of Oats Corn Flakes Cheerios Cap-N Crunch Sugar Crisp Wheat Chex Kellogg's—18-oz. Box Stay Crisp—lO'/a-oz. Box Post—14-oz. Box Ralston—15-oz. Box 49* w Y,r 27* wh , r ,r 4i* w ‘/,r 36* W Y, P "' 35* W 37, p ° ,r 48* m /,r 39* W Y„'°’' ^foeo Piece* oh PREPARED FOODS ^Zoto Piece* oh FRUITS & JUICES gained- Best 25* w Y,r 29* "Vr mts anil te to iiM mics m semiwl bBrea? Cling Peaches sites, c» Del Monte Peaches 5 "sif s;! - Spiced Peaches "“."o’.', c;; 1 - 29* Bartlett Pears c„ 29* “Yr' Applesauce n'lKcte 16* Fruit Cocktail 7., c. n 24* "Yr’' Cranberry Sauce* A*® 27* FROZEN FOODS Orange Juice Fro^r^-^n Lemonade Belair 6- F ;rcan Regular Green Peas Bel-air. Frozen—10-oz. Pkg. 6 Til HllinOKC Swanson. Assorted I ■ ft/IIIIICI O varieties—Reg. Pkg. R^Aot PlOC Manor House. Assorted O , ITICUL I Ivd varieties—8-oz. Pkg. £ for lAA Snow Star. Assorted ■ VV VI Culll flavors—i/j-GaI. Ctn. 15* w Y.:” y 1 9d Why Pay JL X.” 2 for 29( lor $1 W 7 1 ; ay 504 Wh^y Pay OQA Why Pay 2 for 49< 59* "Yr Breast-O-Chicken. Light meat i'/j-oz. Can Sea Trader. Light meat. i'/i-oz. Can 35* 29* W Y7, P "'' 16* ""' p - Chunk Tuna Chunk Tuna Pork & Beans—t-.-i. c,. zo t 2,5, Wolf Chili Plain. Me.ty-—IS-oi. Can 55* Wh /„ P ”' Spaghetti Franco-AmarTcan—15 1 /,-or Can By Hormel. Canned Luncheon meat. Corned Beef 0, =., 57*'“%!°’ 1 Ci Why Pay X J T 2 for 33< 55* Wh /„ p “ p I:' Hi-C Drink VSitete 1 ™:' , progtra benetlcit Mrs .Wr>9M' s - ban pw^f •ators d w bo mk 8 contiw ,ner said 8 iron r t Artte. e, Town d ne bsts»-» Farm ye Hlstontt w 0 ur ,me^ an of d* t Depab Tomato Juice Tomato Juice Hawaiian Punch Pineapple Juice Grape Juice Cranberry Cocktail °«r&: 87* V-8 Juice Highway—46-oz. Can Libby's—46-oz. Can Refreshing. 4d-o». Can Del Monte. 46-oz. Can Welch's—40-oz. Bottle Why Pay 29i OOt Why Pay OC.~ 3 for $1 204 Why Pay 33* Why Pay OQ& Why Pay JO T 39» OCA Why Pay *Jil T 394 59* "YE"' Why Pay 894 Vegetable cocktail—46-oz. Can ^oua Piece* on 39* W Y„ P " r- r ere, PAPER PRODUCTS ^oeo Piece* oh HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Ivory Liquid Tide Laundr, dat.rgenf—4,.ox. Box Advanced All "-'^'oV 5 '"' Cascade Di,h—.,1... o,n,—.20-01. so. Liquid Trend Ivory Soap Dial Soap Downy Comet Cleanser D ;2- p o, c &n" Sani-Flush Diet food. Assorted flavors—8-oz. Can Detergent—22-oz. Plastic Detergent. 32-oz. Plastic For the Laundry. 10-oz. Bar Deodorant bar—Bath Bar Fabric softener—33-oz. Plastic Bowl cleaner—34-oz. Can -Don- Silk. Assorted colors. 4-Roll Pak aces pfr tbe^“ serk* yjeebesl^ yin How iatga 0 "® For Bathroom. 4-Roll Pak C o\dbrooV. So\\ds.^^ eS + sweet- \Sb.Ctn- Facial Tissues i;t y ^oo. A c s t ! . o ^ d ScotTissue foooJhMi 2^ Toilet Tissue Charmin Tissue SCOfTOWelS Paper—200-Count Roll Kotex Sanitary Napklns^Regula, Too NanLinC White and Assorted £CC lia|f Alllo colors—BO-Ct. Pkg. Kleenex Tissuescte^s":". 25* ^Zoca Piece* oh CANNED VEGETABLES 19*'“%!'’ 97a Why Pay 2LI T 2 for 29< 204 Why Pay 37^ W 3 y ppy 9CA Why Pay JJT 39« 34* 1 OA Why Pay X3 T 2 for 27f Cloud 15-oz. udy. Plastic Diamond—50-Ct. Box Parsons Ammonia Book Matches Glad Wrap ci.., pi«,ic—iw-r. roh Reynolds Wrap Dixie Cup Refills 63* '“%’r 20^ Why Pay 75*'“%!“' 43* “% r r 67* 1 QA Why Pay i\f T 2 for 39< 99A Why Pay imtm' 2 for 454 83* '"sir OAt Why Pay 4Tr T 2 for 494 45* ' m, », p ° p is* m , v ,r 1 Ce Why Pay Xnf T 2 for 314 294 why Pay 3i* '“%:° y Vienna Sausage L bb te;„' "' 23* 2”%!?, 27* W Y„ P "’' 63* 1 Why Pay 1 I T 2 for 354 Metrecal Liquid Peanut Butter Campbell Soups '■'"rzYcT”- uZoeo Piece* oh HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS Soothi 16-oz. hing. Bottle For the Bathroom 71 Cdi Why Pay 100-Ct. Pkg. *T»J > 494 -dooa Piece* Why pay 294 PET PRODUCTS Rubbing Alcohol Aspirin Tablets Tooth Paste Polldent D.nF.I—d-ox. Can Listerine ar"'- Listerine A, ”"iri.'KsK- 1 '- Alka-Seltzer Pepto-Bismol s °iWiX°°- Anacin Tablets s&rt'x"' Bufferin Tablets rVAAflrill Extra strength pain LAvCUl III reliever—60-Ct. Bottle Cough Mixture v, !K.5rar- J & J Band Aids Gaines Meal Dog Food p ° o si',.*hi , ,!&rcti' v " For your dog—10-Lb. Bag Green Giant Peas F ts ■IP Cat Food •oz. Can Niblets Corn !-oz. Can Solid Pack. M'/j-oz. Can Why Pay 274 Why Pay 254 Why Pay 234 Puss ’N Boots. Fish flavor—IS'/j-oz. C*n $139 -r/w OA Why Pay O t 3 for 294 9QA Why Pay 4il T 2 for 314 Plastic. 31-Ct. Box -doea Piece* 12* w %r 12* m /,r 69* '’ y %!°’ 63* w 7,r 49* w Yr 7QA Why Pay f U” $1.09 49* m %r 49* w Y,r' 73* W Y„ P " > 79* w %r 024 Why Pay QOA Why Pay OO' 984 39* w %r m PERSONAL NEEDS Pond’s—1.8-oz. Jar Old favorite. :. Bottle Cream Style Golden g e 17-oz. len Can 224 w,,y poy for 474 Gardenside—16-oz. Can Hunt's Tomatoes Green Giant Corn Spinach Chopped Greens,te'/Ytirv::, ID* Del Monte Tomatoes teY 27* "Yr Blackeye Peas Sliced Mushrooms FOODS FOR BABY 5^-oz. Pond's—4-oz. Can Evaporated. H'/j-oz. Can Libby. Fresh pack. 15-oz. Can Le Seur. I'/i-oz. Can 1 Why Pay l‘l ,T 2 for 314 Why Pay 2 for 254 1 w, >y P° y lO T 2 for 35< 31* "Yr Carnation Milk Baby Food Gerber Meats Jr. Baby Foods 16* Similac Modilac 1 7^ Why Pay A l T 2 for 354 CUt Why Pay r 0D y 6 for 714 A QA Why Pay •rJJ' 2 for 554 Liquid formula—13-oz, Can Gerber's. Liquid formula. 14.4-oz. Can Why Pay 3 for 504 254 Why Pay 25* “Vr Cold Cream Jergen's Lotion Talcum Powder Arrid Cream Deodorant,01,-0.—i-ox. boh,. Ban Roll-On Right Guard Skin Bracer AniO 1/aI|#0 ,ce B,ue - ★Regular or. nl|U<9 WClVCS ★Menthol—4-oz. Bottle Pamiri QSlAI/A Palmolive. ★Reg. or lld|IIU OlldVC ★Menthol—I l-oz. Can Deodorant—1.05-oz. Jar Lotion deodorant. N/j-oz. Bottle Deodorant. Gillette. 3-oz. Can Mennen—4'4-oz. Bottle 49* "%!°’ 49* "Y,r 39* why ¥ay 59* m %!° v 59* ' H % rav 83* wh j p " y 59* "V'„ Pa ’' 63* m ,V,° r 63* "Yr"' yg^ Why Pay Safeway Produce is hand picked by our own pro duce experts and rushed +0 your neighborhood Safeway store at Safe way s low. low prices... I * . v.'.... Y >' / A -. is is 'Si d fc0yJ / SA Grapefruit Juicy and tangy. BANANAS Ifl* Flavorful and golden ripe—Lb. IHRI Potatoes 1 n 7Qd 20^89* Cabbage Firm, green heads—Lb. Vfea.v 23 a nd ** Feb. he RlgW We R^ erve fo Lit 0 it Quortit'- 5 ' Soles Deo'e^ ©CopY"^' ‘ ,b0. 5»iev<#Y Store* tncorp 01 rate^-