The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1966, Image 3
THE BATTALION Fag's 2 College Station, Texas Friday, December 9, 1966 ‘Bat Nets’ Make Unusual Catches “I’ve noticed that there is a variety of viewpoints on National Affairs!” Britain Proposes Rhodesian Plans Bat researcher Dr. W. B. Davis of Texas A&M’s Wildlife Science Department made some unusual catches in his bat nets in Central American caves during a just completed two-month outing. He caught several four-eyed fish, cuatro ojos, in bat nets set near the mouths of caves. “These fish, about eight to ten inches long, get excited some times and jump over the surface of the water,” Dr. Davis explain ed. “Since I set nets very close to the water to trap bats, the fish became entangled in the net and their weight pulled the net fur ther down into the water. As a result, I caught even more fish.” To the professor’s dismay, the fish were inedible. Dr. Davis was accompanied on the 6,700-mile jaunt by Mrs. Davis, who made a hit with 4-H participants i n Jutiapa. Mrs. Davis spoke to the club, similar to 4-H clubs in the United States, about sewing. She once did 4-H work in Washington. By MILTON BESSER UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A 5 ) — Britain proposed Thursday that the U.N. Security Council invoke mandatory economic penalties and an arms embargo against Rho desia to bring down the 13-months old white minority regime. In a speech to the 15-nation council, British Foreign Secre tary George Brown offered also to accept a limited oil embargo — one that would not involve South Africa. He made clear that as far as Britain was concerned, Rhodesia should be the sole tar get of council action. As Brown spoke the House of Commons in London supported the Labor government’s appeal to the United Nations. At a row dy session, the House voted 353 to 244 against conservatives and some Labor defectors to back the appeal. U. S. Ambassador Athur J. Goldberg quickly annquyj^ed sup- % OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW! rk , JBr Per Annum Paid Quarterly on INSURED SAVINGS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 2913 Texas Ave. km port of a British resolution sub mitted to the council by Brown. Goldberg said it reflected the U.S. stand for a peaceful solu tion to the Rhodesian crisis. The council adjourned after hearing Brown and will resume its debate at 11 a.m. Friday. The resolution called for sel ective mandatory penalties and an arms embargo. In response to demands from African members of the British Commonwealth for an oils em bargo as well, he said: “We have been consulting very wide ly, both before and since I came here, and I appreciate the strong measure of support that exists for the inclusion of oil in the mandatory sanctions. “If an amendment in this sense was to be made in acceptable terms my delegation would not oppose it.” Christmas Party Scheduled For MSC Employees The annual Texas A&M Mem orial Student Center Christmas Party for MSC employes, their families and guests is expected to attract more than 200 persons Sunday afternoon. A highlight of the afternoon will be a visit by Santa Claus, who will distribute “goodies” to the children. The party is set for 3:30 p.m. in the MSC Ball room. Mrs. Kay Files, MSC Student Program Office secretary, is Christmas Party Chairman. Stu dent Advisor Hal Gaines will emcee the program which in cludes singing of Christmas car ols. Another program feature will be Christmas readings by Leo Hernandez, winner of the recent Aggie Talent Show. Refreshments will be served. RAMADA INN Sunday Buffet Your full choice of our complete buffet, consisting of 75 to 80 choice selected items each Sunday, ADULTS — CHILDREN — $1.25 Alternating Foreign Specialty Table Each Week Bryan - College RAMADA INN Station 846-8811 THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Arts ; John D. Cochrane, College of Geosciences; Dr. Frank repub otherwise Press all ne'' is entitled exclusively to the ps dispatches credited to it paper and local news of spoi The Associated lication of i credited in the paper and local news of spontaneoi blished herein. Rights of republlcation of all othi use for or not spont origin published herei; matter herein are also Second-Class postage reserved, pa: at College Station, Texas. News or 846-49 For advertising contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 10 or at the editorial office, Room 4, YMCA Building, rtising or delivery call 846-6416. ture. f Geos Science; Charles A. Rodenberger, Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Vet- \ Page W. Morgan, College of Agricul- Mail subscriptions are $3.60 per semester; $6 per school year; $6.60 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building, College Station, Texas 77843. At a reception following the program, Dr. Davis met Jutiapa Governor Antonio Barrutia, who tried to give Davis his hat. “I admired his hat and told him so,” Davis chuckled. “But it sat on the top of my head like a beanie. I wear a size seven and three-eighth. They just don’t make hats big enough down there.” Dr. Davis collected 300 speci mens of bats, among them sev eral unique types. He’s not claim ing any rare finds without addi tional inspection in A&M lab oratories. PALACE Bryan TODAY & SATURDAY Ann Margaret In “THE SWINGER” STARTS SUNDAY Janet Leigh In “AMERICAN DREAM” The Battalion, published in Coll a student newspa; Station, Texas per at daily Texas A&M is except Saturda lege Station, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Publisher Texas A&M University Student Editor Winston Green Jr. Managing Editor John Fuller News Editor Elias Moreno, Jr. Staff Writers Patricia Hill, Mike Plake, Robert Borders, Jerry Grisham Sports Editor Gary Sherer Staff Photographer Russell Autrey do your Christmas Shopping early at the WORLD OF BOOKS SHOPPE — Bryan now available: Vietnam Diary by Richard Tregaskis QUEEN DOUBLE FEATURE “BLACK CAT” & “BLOOD DRINKERS’ TODAY & SATURDAY “MY FAIR LADY” SUNDAY SNEAK PREY. 9:30 P. M. SUNDAY NITE BIG DOUBLE FEATURE “BANG BANG YOU’RE DEAD” & “THE DIRTY GAME” ;tn' b 1 iidjmrrrr owl N u>*DI m; >rl aus VRfI TONIGHT AT 6:30 “WACO” & “T.N.T. SHOW” PLUS 2 LATE SHOWS ADDED ATTRACTION SAT. Paul Newman In “YOUNG PHILADELPHIANS” STARTS SUNDAY “NEVADA SMITH’ CIRCLE LAST NITE AT 6:30 P. M. Henry Fonda In “BIG HAND FOR A LADY” & Shirley McLain In “WHAT A WAY TO GO” OUR SAT. NITE BIG 3 No. 1 At 6:30 p. m. “GOLIATH & SLAVE GIRL” No. 2 At 8:30 p. m. “INCIDENT AT PHANTOM HILL” No. 3 At 10:20 p. m. Robert Michum In “MR. MOSES” PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz SPEAKING OF ST0MACHS...AREN'T YOU GAINING A LITTLE WEIGHT? u — VES, I GUEGG I AM... MAYBE THAT'S MY TROUBLE. Jaycee TV Auction Sunday December 11 6-8 p.m.—Channel 3 The items listed below—donated by B-CS Firms—will be auctioned Sunday by the Bryan—College Station Jaycees on Channel 3, Bryan. Place your bid by calling 846-8755. Bids will be received after 12:00—before TV auction begins. Items will be delivered to highest bidder immediately after the program leaves the air. Money raised will go to the many commu nity projects sponsored by the Jaycees. Prices shown are merchant’s retail price. Items Listed In Order Of Sale 1. EARLY BIRD SHOPPE — Ridgecrest: Bedspread with Heir loom look $79.95 2. COLLEGIATE SHOPPE—2022 Texas Ave.: Matching Cobra Skin Bag and Shoes $50.00 3. WOODSON LUMBER CO. — 7 Gallons of Masury Exterior Paint $52.50 4. DALLAS MORNING NEWS— 2 year Subscription to Dallas Morning News or 1 year each to the News and Wall Street Journal $57.00 5. SELLSTROM PONTIAC— Auto Paint Job $100.00 6. FRANK BREWER’S CON WAY SHOE DEPT—103 N. Main: Alligator Shoes $95.00 7. ACME GLASS CO. — 223 S. Main: 28” by 40” Gold Framed Mirror $49.95 8. CENTRAL TEXAS HARD WARE — 202 S. Bryan: Brass Serving Cart and Pitcher Set $46.00 9. JOE FAULK’S AUTO & AP PLIANCE STORE—220 E. 25th: Certificate toward purchase of any size tires $50.00 10. VARSITY SHOP — Town- shire: Gift Certificate $50.00 11. DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO.: Tricycle, Pedal Car, Decora tive Santa Claus, Case of Pomac, Case of Dr. Pepper $50.00 12. O R R ’S SUPERMARKETS: Starglo Dinnerware Service for 6 $44.10 13. WESTERN AUTO — 300 E. 25th: A-M F-M Truetone Execu tive radio $49.88 14. HOUSE OF BEAUTY—2014 Texas Ave.: Ladies Wig Any Color $179.00 15. BRYAN PAINT AND GLASS CO.— 2111 S. College: 28” by 20” Gold Leaf Framed Mirror .. $50.00 16. BRYAN DAILY EAGLE — Certificate for Advertising Space $50.00 17. BRAZOS VALLEY NUR SERY AND FLORIST —1800 S. College: Certificate for Shrub bery, Trees, Your Choice .... $50.00 18. MANNING AND N I T A SMITH DANCE INSTRUCTORS: Certificate for Dance Instruction $50.00 19. BANKS OF BRAZOS COUN TY (Bank of Commerce, City National Bank, First Bank & Trust, 1st National Bank, Uni versity National Bank): $75 Sav ings Bond $50.00 20. BEVERLY B RALEY’S Townshire: Gift Certificate: $50.00 21. MONTGOMERY WARD—12” Portable TV $139.95 22. PIGGLY - WIGGLY SUPER MARKET —Gift Certificate: $50.00 23. GEORGE SHELTON’S FIRE STONE — Philco AM - FM Clock Radio $64.95 24. BROWN - ALLEN MOTOR CO.—Certificate for any type Service Including Parts ...... $55.00 25. CADE MOTOR CO. — Com plete Frone End Alignment, Brake Service, Including Paris $55.00 26. S T A C Y ’S FURNITURE— Townshire: Lamp in Traditional Style $69.95 27. H A R T ’S FURNITURE — Lamp $52.00 28. REGISTERED FEMALE POODLE — Donated by Dr. John Harris : $100.00 29. B L A C K ’S PHARMACY — Tape Recorder $49.50 30. FRED CARROLL’S FIRE STONE STORE — 301 Highway 6: Gift Certificate $50.00 31. OTIS MCDONALD’S — Cer tificate toward Purchase of new Typewriter or Adding Machine $50.00 32. PARKER - ASTIN — 108 N Bryan St.: RCA AM - FM Radio with Early American Cabinet $89.95 33. BRYAN COCA COLA: Gift Certificate for Coke Products $50.00 34. SEARS — Townshire: Girl’s or Boy’s Bicycle $49.95 35. BRAZOS TIRE SERVICE — 2707 Texas Ave.: 2 Tires either 7.50 x 14 or 8.00 x 14 in White or Black $52.00 36. STUART MUSIC CO. — 3202 Texas Ave.: 4-Speed Portable Rec ord Player $49.95 PLUS OTHER SPECIAL ITEMS FROM ADDITIONAL BRYAN- COLLEGE STATION MERCHANTS Call 846-875 To Place Your Bid