The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 10, 1966, Image 5
Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, November 10, 1966 ‘Campusology Department 9 Gets New Home MOMS CLUB ASSISTS AGGIES Brazos County A&M Mothers Club members mended 32 hospital gowns as one of its service projects. Officers (1. to r.) Mrs. I. 0. Linger, historian; Mrs. J. C. Watson, reported; Mrs. Wallace Kimbrough, president; Mrs. Ray mond Staten, vice president; and Mrs. Tony Zemanek, secretary, exhibit the work. Brazos Mothers Assist Students Texas A&M students have a “mother away from home” in the Brazos County A&M Mothers Club. The club offers to assist Ag gies in many ways, such as fur nishing gift shopping hints, se lecting a doctor or finding rooms for weekend guests. It’s just the organization’s way of helping make A&M the friend liest place in the world. Projects of the 54-member club include mending A&M Hospital gowns, providing a $150 scholar ship, donating of a trophy for an A&M debate tourney, sponsoring one of 27 sweaters for the “Fish” Drill Team and hosting a coffee for the Federated Mothers Clubs of A&M each May. “We have a very cooperative group of mothers,” declared Mrs. Wallace Kimbrough, president of the local club. “They joined to serve, not to attend meetings.” Mrs. Kimbrough cites other of ficers and past presidents for club accomplishments. The slate includes Mmes. Raymond D. Sta ten, vice president; Tony Zeman ek, secretary; Jack Currie, treas urer; L. O. Linger, historian, and J. C. Watson, reporter. The president said she turns often to two past presidents, Mrs. L. A. Maddox and Mrs. O. A. Ashworth, for assistance. The club was organized in 1935 and is one of 54 federated clubs. Membership dues are $2 a year. The group is aiming for 100 members this year. Meetings are conducted four times during the school year at the Hillel Foun dation, with the exception of a May state meeting at the Me morial Student Center. A benefit game party to raise funds for club projects will be held at the Foundation Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $1. Mrs. Kimbrough said participants are requested to bring their own card tables and games. Refresh ments are furnished and door prizes donated. Other socials include an Octo ber tea at which senior mothers honor freshman moms and state federation officers. Federated Mothers Clubs officials residing in Bryan and College Station are Mrs. J. C. McLaughlin, president; Mrs. Earl Rudder, vice president, and Mrs. Maddox, secretary. The January meeting will be a cov ered dish luncheon at the Foun dation. Mrs. Kimbrough is the first club president with a daughter at A&M. Frances is a sopho-more modem languages major. The president’s mother, Mrs. James W. James, also chaired the club. “We hope to be of help,” the president noted. By JOHN STABLER University Archives, the master copy of all A&M campusology, will find a new home upon com pletion of the new library addi tion. University Archives was in augurated in August, 1950, under the joint sponsorship of the uni versity and the Association of Former Students for the purpose of gathering and preserving the history of Texas A&M. Professor David Brooks Cofer was the first archivist. Under his administration, many items and documents of historical inter est and information were col lected. Cofer also published five brochures dealing with the early history and administrators of the University. AMONG THE more important items which were collected under Gofer’s supervision are hundreds of letters written during Presi dent Thomas Gathright’s admin istration. These are most valu able in that they describe fairly definite the troubles that led to the wholesale dismissal of the first faculty in November of 1879. Other important letters of the same years are in the Pfeuffer collection. All the letters were written by hand and are as legi ble today as if written yesterday. The Gathright letters were pre sented to University Archives by Mrs. Lilia Mclnnis Graham and Miss Malcolm Mclnnis, daughters of the late L. L. Mclnnis, a mem ber of the faculty from 1877 until 1890, and chairman of the faculty from 1888-1890. George Pfeuf fer was a member of the board of directors from 1879-1886, and during the last few years of his tenure served as president of the board. OTHER NOTABLE items have been gathered through the years. Probably the two most important of such documents are “An nouncement and Circular of the State Agricultural and Mechani cal College of Texas” and Texas A&M College. Rules and Regu lations 1876.” The first of these documents was published before Texas A&M was opened in 1876, and sets out in detail the responsibility of the faculty, complete courses of study, costs, and so on. These items are priceless, in that so far as is known, they were the first official publications of the first board of directors. Upon Gofer’s retirement in 1957, Ernest Langford, former head of the Division of Archi tecture, was appointed archivist on a part-time arrangement. IMPORTANT ITEMS in the contribution of information have been the annual yearbooks of the senior classes. The first was published in 1895 and was called the “Olio”. The next yearbooks were the “Long Horn” and then the “Longhorn”, until 1949 when the name was changed to the “Aggieland.” Much of the his tory of the school is included in these publications. A thousand or more photo graphs have been gathered, many going back to the first years of the college. University Archives is porarily housed in room Academic Building, and is i from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mo^ through Friday. BA TTA LION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One d>r *€ per word ditional day SPECIAL NOTICE er wo Minii rd each additiona mum charge—50* Classified Display 90e per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication FOR SALE REGISTERED ARC TOY POODLE PUPPIES, silver and silver biege, 403-A Culpepper Drive, C.S. 365tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ENGINEERS Natural Gas Pipeline Company—one of America’s largest transmission firms—has positions for engineers at its Chicago office headquarters and at field locations in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Okla homa, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas. NGPL transmits natural gas from produc ing fields to distributor-customers in the Midwest. The Company serves, directly or indirectly, more than nine million persons —five per cent of the U.S. population— with natural gas. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT CAREERS WITH noput SEE: Chuck Supervisor of Training On November 16, 1966 Contact Your Placement Office For Time and Location NATURAL SAS PIPELINE COMPANY OF AMERICA OLE’ ARMY CAMPAIGN HATS Make Sure You Are Ready For BONFIRE $5.50 each Contact: Charles Ansley D-3-B College View 846-8566 Electric clothes dryer, 4 temperature con- '■ 'on, 367tfn ■er, trol, safety door switch, good conditi 846-4354. PIANOS ORGANS BAND INSTR. jsic sale. New pianos, $15 per month. Used pianos, $10 per month. New band instr., $10 per month. Used pianos & band instr., $95 and up. Tuning, repairs, and refinishing. B & M Music Co. 213 W. 26th — Bryan Back to school music sale per month, th. CHILD CARE Graduate Student wife would like to care for children weekly or hourly, 846- 6634. 361tl5 Child care all ages. 846-8151. Child care experience, 8-5 and >536. 846-5648 or 846-6 hourly, 336tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER. 3406 South College. State Licensed. *23-8626, Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn Miscellaneous For Sale SOUP’S on, pot with Blu spot pooer $1. e Lustre. Rent electric Ben Franklin’s Variety an sha Cadets C&n Afford an OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 822-1336 26th & Parker 822-1307 GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. and multiplex F M 2403 S. College 822-0826 DONAHO SALES CO. 207 W. 28th 823-6666 Damaged & Unclaimed Freight, Quality Merchandise At Substantial Savings. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 PATRANELLA’S USED CARS • Clean Used Cars • Financing Available Tim E. Lane ’68, Salesman 105 S. College Bryan, Texas — Phone 822-1205 Baker Tire Co. 19th and Bryan Streets WHERE YOU CAN BUY TIRES CHEAPER. One Way and Local Trailers For Rent Call 822-8159 AMALIE, ENCO, HAVOLINE, CONO CO 30c Qt. PRESTONE $1.59 Gal. Quantity rights reserved. Oil filters Vz price. Every item discounted. BRYAN OIL WHSE. 805 N. College (Highway 6, N) at 19th SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. _ Stated Communications, Thurs- /T\ day, November 10, 7 p. m. Pro- ' gram by Gibb Gilchrist. Wf'J'k' Bennie A. Zinn W.M. 'ST' FOR RENT Joe Wooiket Secy. 367tl LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet Tablets ONLY 98at Madeley Pharmacy Unfurnished, two bedroom brick house, fenced yard, trees, two blocks from campus. VANCE REALTY 846-4717, 846-7087. 367t2 Buy your toys and gifts from WHITE AUTO SUPPLY, College Station. CASH OR LAY-A-WAY. 846-6626. Nervous? Can’t sleep? Try “Sleepers”. Guaranteed re sults or money back. Only 98^ at your drugstore WE BUTCHER LIVESTOCK For Your Food Locker and Home Freezer. Satisfaction Guaranteed Hanson’s Frozen Foods Inc. Bryan, Texas 341tfn EMPLOYMENT NOTICE Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted oni »nd Employment Agency columns are nade only (1) to indicate bona fide occupa tional qualifications for employment which ployer regards as reasonabb i reasonably neces sary to the normal operation of his business or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to our readers to let them know which posi tions the advertiser believes would be of more interest to one sex than the other because of the work involved. Such desig nations shall not be taken to indicate that any advertiser intends or practices any un lawful preference, limitation, specification or discrimination in employment practices. Normandy Manor Apartments —Central air conditioning and heat —Colored-electric appliances —Swimming pool —Large patio area —Drapes and carpeting —Carports and laundry facilities —Furnished and unfurnished —1 - 2 bedroom apartments —Walking distance to downtown —Located near churches and schools All Utilities Paid Manager—Apt. No. 9 823-8492 Mrs. Mann WORK WANTED Typing, thesis experience, 822-00|ii : 822-3523 after 1 :00 p. m. Typing. 846-6410. THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living” Separate Adult & Family Areas “Children Welcome’’ Model Apts. Open For Inspection From $120 - All Utilities Paid 1602 S. College Avenue Resident Manager - Apt. 66 Phone 823-4250 Make Your Deposit Now REMODELING. REPAIR WORK GENERAL CONTRACTING, after j call 846-6918. DON MARABLE. OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the 0{ of Student Publications before deadllt! 1 p. m. of the day preceding publicjj THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Ify Name: Boehme, Hollis Clyde Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Phfl Dissertation : Chlorine and Deuteroj laxation Time Measurements ir ’ HC1 and DC1. Time: November 11, 1966 at 4:00 p, n Place: Room 146 at Physics Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies PREVETERINARY SEMINAR p. m.. Thurs., Nov. 10, Chem. [ Room “Research Animal Medicine Medical Research.’’ All PVM Freeli should attend, — others invited. Those undergraduate students who he semester hours of credit may A&M ring. The hours passed at thefe of the preliminary grade report on No*| ber 14, 1966, may be used in satisfyini 96 hour requirement. Those students qn fying under this regulation may leaveij iay names with the ring clerk in the 1 trar’s Office in order that she may i their records to determine their elijibi to order the ring. Orders for the ii will be taken between November 28, | and January 4, 1967. These rings will returned for delivexy on or about Febrt 16. 1967. The ring clerk is on duty 8 :00 a. m. to 12 :00 Three bedroom block off campus. 5:00, 846-6602. house, oi Southside. HELP WANTED Couple, without children, to live at motel and manage it. Call 846-6879 after 6:00 p. m. for appointment. 866t4 R.N. to and relief pital. Stai Meals prov work 3-11 p.n shift at Madi •ting ided ; m. and 11-7 a.m. on County Hos- 350.00 and up. ed. Con- salary $ uniforms launder tact B. Tugger, R.N. 5 p.m. at VI 6-6493 after 296tfn FOR SALE OR RENT BY OWNER College Station, 846-3637 or 846-5 60 acres near Bry modern five room 916. an h and ouse. BRYAN MOBILE HOMES, 4212 Old Col lege Road. Mobile Homes for SALE or RENT, 846-6408. 368tl6 INSTRUCTION se rings v about Fel is on duty noon. Monday thi ly of each week. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar S THE FRENCH QUARTER APARTMENTS • 1 & 2 Bedrooms • Fully Furnished • Central Heat & Air • Electric Kitchens • Carpets A Drapes • Swimming Pool • Laundry Facilities ALL BILLS PAID Ml Croas St. College Station 846-8981 STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rate, near the University, 846- 6410. 262tfn TUTORING 1 English tutoring. Grammar and Composition, Shakespeare and Research Paper. Call Mrs. Simmons, 822-4343. 365t3 LOST Will the person on bicycle who picked up the books and slide rule on the corner of C Row in College View please call 846-6916 or 846-4619 or drop them off at C-ll-B CV. 367t3 ATTENTION STUDENTS Get All Supplies For Projects Such As Architecture For 5% Discount To All Aggies. 208 Old Hwy. 6 Marion Pugh Lumber Co. 846-5711 OTIS MCDONALD’S ypev ulatc tines Cash Registers • El atic Dry Copiers • Service • Rentals > dictati lectro- Sales • Ser _ Norelco dictating equipment 429 South Main Street • Phone 822-1328 Bryan, Texas 77802 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-581G VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University • All General Electric built-ins • 1 A 2 bedrooms with 1 or H4 baths • Central heat & air • Large walk-in closets • Beautiful courtyard with swimming pool • Carpets A Drapes • Carports & laundry facilities • Furnished or unfurnished • Resident manager. Apt. 1 401 Lake Phone 822-2035 164tfn TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 'he English Proficiency E tudents majoring in busin Examination students majoring in business adminiil tion will be given Wednesday 16, 1966, at 4:00 p. m. in Room 201 idei Francis Hall. Students who plan tot this examination must register in theot of the School of Business Admlniitnt not later than 5 :00 p. m., Monday Non ber 14. 1966. Augu April 22, ENGINEERS IN TRAINING EXAMINATION The EIT examination for engineeriing! uy 1967 will 1966, from i 301 Engineei ing in May exominstloq er 3.) Studr have been requested to mail their appli tions and fees ($3.00 for B.S. candiditi directly to Col. Green’s office, and I deadline for the arrival in his offiet November 21, 1966. Students may pid application forms and ngi degree candidates in January 1967 will held Saturday, December 3. 1666, from! in room 301 Engines! > graduating in May take the exiuninatioi but not December 8.) m. - 6 :00 p. lilding. (The st 1967 may usual aubjec lepa ts i respective be obtained from Dei your department head. brochures at lb offices, t review schedule « J. G. McGuift The 1966-67 official directory of oflla staff and students is now may send your orders (into: orders, etc.) to the Student Office. YMCA Building. The price la!» per directory. ►tv oi oua available. Ii t-rdepartaea t 1'ublitatl/ Attention Students: Students receiving loans under the Unfei Student Aid Fund, Inc. (Guaranteed la Program) since November 8, 1965, a apply for a Federal Interest Subtil Applications for this subsidy may be a tained from the Student Financial Office. Room 303. YMCA Buildinf. Jilt AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding • Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All damaged items restored to full utility by our repairs department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 32nd & S. Tabor Streets — Bryan PRESTONE $1.59 gal, No Limit. Havoline, Enco, Ama lie, Conoco 30c qt, Where low oil prices original Quantity Rights Reserved Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts - We Fit 96% of AH Cars - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $2.90 ex, (most cars) Auto trans. oil i 25| AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Tires—Low price every day - Just check our price with any other of equal quality, ’j ,1 approved Credit accepted Cards Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 20 years in Bryan TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 LET’S PLAY BILLIARDS AT Aggieland Recreation Center Behind Betty’s Fashions In Redmond Terrace Shopping Center 18 BILLIARD TABLES 7 NEW PINBALL MACHINES 2 SNOOKER TABLES OPEN SEVEN DAYS WEEKLY 8 A. M. TILL MIDNIGHT LADIES PLAY FREE MONDAY THRU FRIDAY — 9 A. M. - 11 A. M. Register Free For Lifetime Pass — JOINTED CUE STICKS — AGGIELAND RECREATION CENTER REDMOND TERRACE SHOPPING CENTER