Pag-e 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, November 3, 1966 THE BATTALION tours travel Located in the lobby of the Memorial Student Center, offers to the student body and to all members of the Texas A&M University staff the foMowing . services: 1. AIRLINE RESERVATIONS AND TICKETING 2. WORLD-WIDE HOTEL RESERVATIONS 3. CAR RENTAL AND PURCHASES, DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL 4. INDEPENDENT AND GROUP TRAVEL 5. STEAMSHIP AND CRUISE RESERVATIONS 6. CHARTER QUOTATIONS AND RESERVATIONS . . . AIRLINE AND tUS 7. LABOID LIMOUSINE SERVICE — A PERSONALIZED SERVICE TO AND PROMs AUSTIN—$20.00, HOUSTON—$20.00^ DALLAS—$30.00 . . Per Limousine Basis, One-Way We would appreciate an opportunity to be of service to you in making your travel arrangements. We offer a 30 day open charge account. MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER LOBBY PLEASE CALL 846-7744 BIG MO MOORMAN Lilly Buttermilk Gal. Lilly Ice Cream % GaL We’re not fortune tellers. We don’t read tea leaves. We SELL tea. Nobody knows if food prices will go higher but we do know they won’t be lower than they are at BROOK SHIRE’S. That’s why we say your best in vestment now is in Fine Foods. Stock up and SAVE UP TODAY! Del Monte — Tomato FRYERS U.S.D.A. GRADE“A”m Whole LB. F^RYER.S Grade “A” Pound BACON Smoked Slab - Pound rri 29c s,iMd 57c THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of BEEF ROAST Coupon Expires Nov. 5, 1966. BACON Slab —— Pound Smoked By The Piece ound 1-Lb. 49c Roigelein—Bologna, Salama or LUNCHEON MEAT HOOP CHEESE Old Fashiened Pkg. ^ 69c H A Mohawk > Smoked r A iizXiTJIO Halves or Whole Pound tlyC CATSUP Del Monte — G' CORN Folger’s — “Mo COFFEE Betty Crocker — La MIX 3 Del Monte — Lima Green BEANS 4 Heinz — Vegetable SOUP 8 14-Oz. Btls. Del Monte — Golden r No. 303 Cans Folger’s — “Mountain Grown” 1-Lb. Can /■ ■ ■ r With $2.50 Purchase Betty Crocker — Layer Cake Boxes No. 303 Cans Cans Del Monte — Early Garden FRANKS^. !pk«.45c PEAS 5 No. 303 Cans Antiseptic — 14-Oz. Bottle Dristan — 15cc, $1.19 Value LISTERINE 76c NASAL MIST 99c Cold Medication — 98^ Size of 8’s Dristan—Box of 24’s, $1.19 Value CITRISUN 79c TABLETS . 99c TOMATOES Del Monte Stewed No. 303 Cans $L00 PEARS Del Mon,e Halves Del Monte 9 No. 303 0*7 Cans Ol C No. 1 Argo, Red .... Can Buff Del Monte Cans 99c 59c SALMON TOMATO SAUCE M 5 BABY FOOD Hei "‘ 6 J . rs 59c FRUIT COCKTAIL M Monte 4 $1.00 SPINACH””:* 3 “49c CUT GREEN BEANS 4 BANANAS 2117 LEMONS s“ d„, 29c CABBAGE Fresh, Green Lbs. Imperial Pure Cane Cans No. 303 Cans I ■■■ ■■■■! THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps j With Purchase of $5.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) One Per Family Coupon Expires Nov. 5, 1966. THIS COUPON WORTH 50 MEE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of QT. SIZE HEINZ WHITE OR CIDER VINEGAR Coupon Expires Nov. 5, 1966. SUGAR 5-Lb. Bag With $2.50 or More In Purchase FROZEN FOODS ) Swanson’s TV DINNERS Chicken-Turkey or Beef Tennessee — With fifced Turnips TI RN'IF 6—DSNS .... 4 - 10-Oz. Pkgs. 59c Pepperidge Farm—-Apple, Cherry or Peach TURNOVERS Pkgs. of Vs 45c Golden Gem ORANGE JUICE 3 - 12-Oz. Cans $1.00 Tennessee — Chopped or Leaf SPINACH 4 - 10-Oz. Pkgs. 59c Tennessee — Chopped BROCCOLI 2 - 10-Oz. Pkgs. 33c Western Star POTATOES 2-Lb. Poly Bag 25c THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps i With Purchase of JOHNSON’S GLADE MIST & GERMICIDAL DISINFECTANT Coupon Expires Nov. 5, 1966. Big Mo Alivays Going Strong p- Has Maurice (Mo) Moorman ever played a poor game for the Texas Aggies ? “No sir!” says Coach Gene Stallings, “And furthermore he won’t. He has the size, agility, desire and ability to play good football and he does an excellent job every time he goes on the field.” Moorman is the heralded 252- pound junior tackle who came to A&M from St. Xavier High in Louisville, Ky., by way of the University of Kentucky and Louisville University. The double transfer has one more season of eligibility after this year. Aggies coaches are certain he is an All-America right now. Baylor’s great defensive lineman Grep Pipes evidently thinks so, too. After the 17-13 A&M win over Baylor Pipes said that Moor man was “the best blocker on running plays that I’ve ever faced. He’s better than Tommy Nobis was at Texas.” Moorman had praises to hand out himself after Arkansas’ 34-0 win over the Aggies last Satur day night. They were aimed at sei tm *6 7 Razorback tackle Loyd PhilliJ gc “He’s the best I’ve ever fact at said big Mo. Mo stands 6-5 and has tremei® S<’ tr ous body balance. One reason f| the balance is that he has sht- legs and a long torso, thus givi«| him a low center of gravity, ft wears 36-33 trousers and an ll be 35 shirt. He can do a double f|:| ^ off the one-meter diving boair He’s also a lot better than avej age on a handball court whe| quickness counts. Coach Gene Stallings sa| “He’s the best lineman I’ve evi been associated with.” Moorman credits his high schoJ coach, Johnny Meihaus,. wig teaching him a lot about footbal He adds that “Coach (Bud) MooJ of the A&M staff has taught 4 —- so very many things about fo;|—— ball.” Moore was on the U, If'— Kentucky staff when Mo playf freshman football at the LexirnB • Unbeaten Teams Reduced To Seven By GARY SHERER Battalion Sports Writer After last week’s college foot ball action, there remains seven unbeaten teams in the major col lege ranks. Every region still has an un beaten team, with the exception of the Rockies and the unpredict able Southwest. Harvard repre sents the East; the two top teams in the nation, Notre Dame and Michigan State are still spotless in the Midwest; Alabama, Florida and Georgia Tech have yet to lose in the South; Nebraska has seven in a row in the Plains and Valley, while UCLA remains unblem ished in the West. All of the teams play this week and should make it through, with the exception of Florida. The Gators run up against the Geor gia Bulldogs at Jacksonville, Florida, and are ripe for an upset. Michigan State and Notre Dame are involved in two mis matches. State plays Iowa (3-4) and Notre Dame plays Pittsburgh (1-6). Nebraska meets Kansas in a Big Eight tussle. Georgia Tech has an easy game — Virginia — with Cotton Bowl scouts looking on. Harvard meets Princeton in an ancient rivalry and Alabama has a little challenge from LSU as the Crimson Tide takes time out for a tough game on an other wise easy schedule. In our Southwest region, the Aggies are again involved in the top game. As revealed by the “jingling” of the Fish spurs, we meet SMU at the Cotton Bowl on Saturday. freshman football at the Lexinjl ton school. A lot of big football playe: have a tendency to loaf but t« Mo. “He’s among the first the training room for taping’ says A&M trainer Billy Pickai “Sometimes Mo is in uniform half hour before practice starts,] Assistant head coach Eli Smith says he thinks Moor actually enjoys practice. "1® players know that practice work and where they learn but think Mo actually enjoys practl ing.” Primarily an offensive tad Moorman has played middle gui and tackle on defense for Aggies this year. He was insti mental in A&M’s great fou quarter defense against Bayl and he has been opening holes fi Aggie backs to run through il season. Coach Stallings might be w ried about a lot of things but claims the Aggies’ morale is i one of them. “Our players \ tlways give good effort.” could add that Moorman v never have a poor game, too. Cotton Out Scoutink Arkansas Lineman Still Listed Critical HOUSTON, Tex. > _ Claude Smithey, University of Arkansas football lineman, remained in cri tical condition Wednesday in Methodist Hospital where he un derwent emergency brain surgery last Sunday. Smithey collapsed in the dress ing room in College Station Sat urday night after Arkansas de feated Texas A&M. DALLAS, Tex. <2P> — Cob Bowl representatives will two games Saturday as tki start the scouting procedure ain-J ed at obtaining a visiting toe for the Dec. 31 football classic ■ The Southwest Confereiw champion is the host team I® will not be known for seven!! weeks. Southern Methodist ii now leading the race. Field Scovell, co-chairman of the selection committee, will gt to Lawrence, Kan., to watt! Nebraska in action against Kan sas. James H. Stewart, president of the Cotton Bowl, and Kenl Dowell, a director, will be atl Jacksonville, Fla., to look oval Florida against Georgia. Those are the only games tc $0(j be scouted this week. Others will be added next week. i — Nebraska and Florida artl among the hottest prospects fori the bowl game. The mail sale of Cotton Bom! tickets closed Tuesday and the 25,000 tickets available to thel public were oversubscribed hi about 20 per cent. These will be all the public! can buy. Bond-holders of thel Cotton Bowl get 20,000 and the remaining 30,000 go to the corn| peting teams. Thursday is UNIVERSITY RESTAURANT NIGHT! jam session singing free coffee 7 - 10 p. m. no studying allowed bring your instruments 103 Boyett next to the Campus Theatre EVERYBODY IS WELCOME!