The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 19, 1966, Image 1
Che Battalion Volunie 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1966 Number 354 Search Is Underway |j|| For Aggie Sweetheart • lliii iuidt entlf. ovs $.Fot sceni chat' itand^ i earn arses, iyEi(. )mioj rs, I The search for the 1966-67 Aggie Sweetheart is underway. Selection procedures began last weekend when a committee ap pointed by A&M Student Senate President Barney Fudge pored over photographs and biograph ical sketches of 32 applicants. Second stage of the search is set Saturday at Texas Woman’s University in Denton. Another committee will interview 29 of the candidates in the TWU dean’s office. From that group, the committee will choose 10 to 14 girls as final ists. These will be invited to A&M for a whirlwind of activities Oct. 28-30. They will be accompanied by the 1966-66 Aggie Sweetheart, Cheri Holland of College Station. Finalists will be guests at the Town Hall performance of “The Four Freshmen” and at Midnight Yell Practice Friday. A picnic and walking tour of the campus will precede a formal dinner honoring the candidates Satur day. The girls will attend A&M- Arkansas football game Saturday night and a formal dance after ward in the Memorial Student Center. Sunday begins with church services at the A&M Chapel, fol lowed by a breakfast honoring the girls. Back at the MSC, the girl will meet to select “Mr. Congeniality” from their escorts. Each girls is squired to every activity by a different escort. At the same time the Aggie Sweetheart Selection Committee makes its final choice. Ag Majors Hold School For FFA The new Aggie Sweetheart will be announced about noon in the MSC Assembly Room. Fudge will then “pin” the Aggie Sweetheart, symbolizing that she is “pinned” to all A&M students. Formal presentation of the Aggie Sweetheart to the A&M student body will be made during ceremonies at the Aggie-SMU football game in Dallas Nov. 6. The Aggie Sweetheart serves as hostess for all major student activities during the school year. Four agricultucal education majors from Texas A&M Thurs day will present a leadership training school to student officers of the Future Farmers of Ameri ca chapters in Wharton. Dr. Herman Brown, advisor of the A&M Collegiate FFA, will as sist in the program presentation. Foy Page, graduate assistant in the Agricultural Education De partment who is currently work ing on the teaching materials and development project at the — A&M Annex, will present a pro- gram on “Farm Shop Equipment I:!: Use” to teachers of vocational S; agriculture. £: 'Merrill Barfield of the Whar- ton High School Vocational Agri- ;x culture Department is assisting in preparations for the meeting. Ticket Sales Tickets (date and stu dent) for the Baylor game will go off sale at 5 p.m. Wednesday. All students are urged to buy their tickets early, as a sell-out crowd is expected in Waco for the regionally televised game. Ross Volunteers Administer Oath, Induct 78 Juniors NEW VOLUNTEER Albert N. Alien, Company D-l, receives his RV chord from Wing Commander William C. Haseloff at initiation cere monies. By JERRY GRISHAM The ballroom of the MSC re verberated Tuesday night as 78 juniors repeated the Ross Volun teer Oath and pledged themselves to uphold the code of “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentlemen.” The occasion was the Ross Vol unteers Initiation Banquet when the juniors are welcomed into the ranks of the elite military or ganization. Highlight of the initiation ceremony was the administration of the oath by Cadet 1st Lt. Rob ert Holcomb and the presentation of certificates, ribbons and cords by Cadet 1st Lt. Robert Beene, A&M President Earl Rudder, and Dean of Students James P. Han- nigan. Following the ceremony Tom S. Gillis, Jr., president of Best Industries of Houston, addressed the group. Gillis, a graduate of the class of 1942 and a former member Teacher Returns To A&M To Learn i I I I Marines To Keep Men Extra Year TJCPA Election, Awards End Meet Jay Cook of Tyler Junior Col lege was elected president of the Texas Junior College Press Con ference at Texas A&M University Tuesday. Other new officers for 1966-67 are Cheryl Stein of San Antonio College, vice president; Patty Cooper, Tyler, secretary; Linda Ford of Cisco Junior College, treasurer and Darlene Burleson, Wharton County Junior College, parliamentarian. The Del Mar College “Cruiser” was named yearbook sweepstakes winner for 1965-66. Other yearbook winners include Wharton County’s “Pioneer Log,” second place; Grayson County Junior College’s “Saga,” third and Odessa College’s “Branding Iron,” honorable mention. Tyler Junior College’s sweep- stakes win in the newspaper divi sion was announced last spring. Yearbook winners are not selected until the fall because most of them are published dur ing the summer. Plaques were presented to the winning schools by Dr. David Bowers, A&M journalism profes sor and conference chairman. TO HEAD TJCPA New officers for the TJCPA pictured here are (1 to r) President Jay Cook, Tyler; Cheryl Stein, San Angelo, vice- president; Patty Cooper, Tyler, secretary; Linda Ford, Cisco, treasurer; and Darlene Burleson, Wharton, parlia mentarian. Aggie Players Start Year With Series Of One-Act Plays A man with 14 years’ teach ing experience with the United States Foreign Service is getting back in touch with professional advances in his field as a doctoral candidate at Texas A&M Univer sity. Don Groves, a 45-year old Win field, Kansas, native, began work ing toward a doctorate in indus trial education this fall. He hopes to earn the degree in two years. “A person loses contact with the profession over a long per iod of time,” Groves said in ex plaining his return to the class room as a student. “I felt some times that I was teaching in the 13th Century, and yearned to get back and find out what's going on at home.” THE OKLAHOMA State Uni versity graduate, with masters and bachelors degrees in indus trial arts education, chose A&M because of the reputation of Dr. Chris Groneman, head of A&M's Industrial Education Department. As a graduate assistant to As sociate Professor North B. Bar- dell Jr., Groves finds he’s get ting a separate education in engi neering graphics. He assists Bardell in basic engineering graphics classes and grades papers. “I’m enjoying it,” he said. “I’ve never dropped into a place where the people are more congenial. They are wonderful to work with.” GROVES KNOWS about “drop ping in,” since he has taught for the Agency for International De velopment in the past 14 years. Rangoon, Burma, was the first stop in 1952. He was a teacher- trainer in industrial arts for two years at the college level and formalized a similar training pro gram for secondary schools, the first of its type in Burma. TRANSFERRED to La Paz, Bolivia, Groves started a cottage industries program, a small en terprise system to bring cash in come into low income ethnic groups. “They learned weaving, ceram ics and wood carving,” he noted. “First part of the plan was to teach them to make things for use in their own area. Eventual ly, the training was to be a springboard to making items for tourists and export. Guatemala was the next as signment. For five years, Groves worked in training rural indus trial education teachers and in training vocational education sec tions for developing industrial education at the junior high level. “ONE OF THE most self- satisfying things I accomplish ed there was helping industrial education teachers set up a spe cialized teachers association,” he said. “The association proved extremely useful. It gave sta ture to shop teachers. They took more pride in themselves and their work. Other organizations soon sought to join them.” “IN IRAN, I had five differ ent job titles, but the idea was to teach basic vocational educa tion to as many people outside the cities as possible, thus in creasing the individual’s earning power and upgrading the coun try.” Returning to the States in April, Groves set off on a 13,- 000-mile tour of the U. S. to “Americanize” his children, Kim, 9, and Judith, 6. GROVES MAY return to AID service when he gets the doc torate. He’s sold on the pro gram. WASHINGTON <**> — The De fense Department announced Monday night that the Marine Corps, to meet its expanding needs for Viet Nam, will keep in service up to an extra year some officer pilots and key mainte nance officers. It will apply to approximately 500 of the 21,500 active-duty offi cers of the Marine Corps and will not affect the 6,500 Reserve officers now on active duty, the announcement said. The Marine Corps described it as a “program of selected de ferrals of requests for retire ment, resignations or termina tion or appointment.” But indicating that there still might be further changes in the program, a shift to shorter or longer periods, for the individ uals, the Corps said: “The peri od of deferral of individual re quests in not anticipated to ex ceed one year.” Only regular officers below the rank of colonel will be af fected, the Corps said. It added that ordnance, engineer, motor New Batt Rack Installed At MSC A new rack for The Battalion has been placed in the Memorial Student Center. This was done in order that off-campus students may now have two locations in which to pick up their copy of the Batt. The new rack is located in the east hall of the MSC, between the coffee shop and the gift store. The other rack is located be hind the A&M Press. Each rack will contain 400 copies of the Batt. transport and aviation officers are among the specialists in volved. The announcement added that examination of all requests for resignation or retirement “will be continued on a case-by-case basis” with officers continuing to be released as individuals “for humanitarian reasons.” This The program was initiated, the Defense Department said: “to insure the availability of exper ienced officers for the expanding Marine Corps, which on Sept. 30 was its largest size 282,000 since World War II; to maintain suf ficient officers to continue an adequate overseas rotation poli cy.” What’s Inside • New educational infor mation system can be com pared with the scale of putting a man on the moon. See page 2. • Enjoy sailing? There is an organizational meeting to night for a sailing club at A&M. See page 3. • Chairman of the Memo rial Student Center’s camera committee works for a Bryan consulting engineer, averages 1.9 on A&M’s 3.0 grade point system and still finds time to “soup” 50 pictures a month. See page 4. • Coach Gene Stallings talks about last week’s game and the big one next week with Baylor. See page 5. • Mike Mistovich, owner and general manager of radio station KORA, speaks to the Fellowship of Christian Ath letes. See page 6. of the Ross Volunteers, recalled the days when he was a member and compared the Volunteers of the pre-war era with the company today. The only trip the RV’s made off the campus in those days, Gillis said, was to the Navasota Spring Festival. Today, the organization is the honor guard for the governor of Texas and makes trips to such exotic spots as the Mardi Gras in New Orleans where they are the honor guard of King Rex in the parade. This year they will represent Texas A&M in the Cotton Bowl Parade at Dallas. The new members initiated in to the Ross Volunteers are: Albert Allen, Kenneth Ander son, Dennis Stephen Bailey, Wayne Julian Baird, John Bald ridge, Michael Beggs, Michael Booker, Francis Bourgeois, Neal Broussard, Stephen Brower, Reese Brown, and Henry Cisneros. Also Ralph Cooper, John T. Corcoran, Richard Couch, John Daly, Clarence Daugherty, Mark Davis, Robert Dobyns, Jack Downing, Richard Lee Engel, Carl Feducia, Marchall Gaspard and Gary Gerasimoivicz. Robert Gibbons, Burt Glass, James Glynn, Robert Gonzales, Anthony Groves, Richard Gum- mer, Donnie Hancock, Phillip Hardin, Larry Hearn, Brian Heck man, Dewey Helcamp and Norris Henthorne. Also Robert Hoff, Michael Hoffman, Hal Hornburg, Wil liam Jacqmein, Kenneth Kenner- ly, Michael Kostenlnik, James Lehmann, Richard May, Richard McCann, John, McLeroy, Laur ence Melzer and John Metrock. Elvon Miller, Lonnie Minze, Barry Morgan, John Morgan, Jeffrey Nieland, Robert Nord- haus, Edgar Ohlendorf, John Parr, Dennis Parrish, Loren Par sons, Patrick Rehmet, Scott Rob erts. Also Neal Rockhold, John Rod gers, Henry Rollins, Donald Sav age, Bill Shipp, Gordon Sommers, Ralph Stevener, James Stutler, James Ralph Thompson, Eldon Tipping, Leon Travis, James Van- daveer, Sanford Ward, Joseph Webber, Charles Whatley, Brian Augustus Wolfe, John Yoder and Ronald Zipp. FFA Chapter Organizes Here The Aggie Players open an other season of fine entertain ment October 27 with a series of student-directed one-act plays. One of the outstanding organi zations on the Texas A&M campus, the Aggie Players have presented their one-act plays in the Fallout Theater since the spring of 1965. The production, direction and play casts are com prised entirely of students. Miss Cynthia Smith, technical assistant of the Players, said that the production of plays in the Fallout Theater is not limited to Theater Arts students. Any student is welcome to try his hand at directing or acting. How ever, students must check with Miss Smith on times and dates the theater will be available for use. The one-act plays will be split First Bank & Trust now pays 5% per annum on savings cer tificates. •—Adv. into three groups for presenta tion. Plays will be produced on October 27, November 3 and 11. The plays will begin at 8 p.m. Admission is 50 cents. C. K. Esten, director of the Players, said after the series of one-act plays the Players will start major productions. The first full-length production is “Which Death To Die” by Robert C. Stewart, Jr., managing editor of the Bryan Daily Eagle. “Which Death To Die” will be making its world premiere on the A&M campus. Esten also announced the addi tion of four new theater courses to the Theater Arts curriculum. Included in the addition are: Voice for the Stage; Directing II; History of the Theater and Play writing. Each of the four courses will receive three hours credit. The courses will be offered for the first time during the spring semester. “Four Freshmen” Appear OeL 28 The “Four Freshmen”, nation wide campus singing favorites, will roll onto the Texas A&M campus Oct. 28 for a Town Hall performance. Since the “Four Freshmen” thundered to fame in 1952 with their version of “It’s a Blue World,” they have performed for millions of college students throughout the world. Successful personal appear ances by the Indiana natives were soon followed by a steady parade of best-selling albums, sales of which nearly reached the 2,000,- 000 mark. A few of their more popular recordings are: “Angel Eyes”, “Charade”, “Graduation Day”, “How Can I Tell Her”, “Once in Love With Amy”, “Tom Dooley” and “Them There Eyes”. The “Four Freshmen”, who re semble graduate students or pro fessors, are scheduled for an 8 p.m. show in G. Rollie White Coliseum. Tickets are on sale in the Memo rial Student Center Student Pro gram Office. . / -' ■ ; . Freshmen, sophomores, and international students now have a collegiate FFA chapter all their own at Texas A&M University. The chapter had an organiza tional meeting Tuesday night in Room 109 of the Agricultural Engineering Building. Senior chapter members con ducted the meeting. Dr. Herman Brown, collegiate FFA supervisor at A&M, said the Junior Chapter allows fresh men, sophomores, and interna tional students to learn and take leadership responsibilities in an organization. It also provides more participation for students enrolled in agricultural education and other students interested in FFA work. The Agricultural Education Wives Club furnished refresh ments. — A&MPresents The “Fou r Freshmen” Short Course ForMetermen A public utility short course for electrical metermen is sched uled Oct. 31-Nov. 4 at Texas A&M University. Conducted by the Electric Pow er Institute and A&M’s Electri cal Engineering Department, the course includes instruction in metering mathematics, trigono metry, vectors, magnetism and other facets of electricity. Lloyd Fite, associate head of A&M’s Activation Analysis Lab oratory, will address participants at a Nov. 3 banquet in the Memo rial Student Center. “Research in Activation Analysis” is his 7:30 p.m. topic.