The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 06, 1966, Image 3
' /' , 1 ;; ;.y V V ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■i ■■ 1 | mm Bossier Named Emeritus Prof Prof. R. B. Bossier, retired en gineering faculty member, was named Emeritus Professor of Petroleum Engineering this week. A&M’s Board of Directors waived its policy of 10 years of continuous employment with the university. Bossier joined the Department of Petroleum Engi neering staff in 1956 and retired in 1961. He has continued to assist in teaching and research programs. Mrs. Roby Named NSPRA Head Mrs. Lorene Roby has been elected president of the Lone Star Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association. The Department of Education and Psychology public relations and information coordinator has been secretary-treasurer of the chapter since it was formed in 1962. The new president was a class room teacher, director of infor mation services and public rela tions executive secretary in Spring Branch schools. She is an education doctoral student here. Gray Joins Extension Staff Dr. Carl Gray has joined the headquarters staff of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service as soil chemist. The new specialist, said Exten sion Director John E. Hutchison, will work with Extension Soil Chemist C. D. Welch on soil test ing and related soil fertility pro grams, including salinity, plant tissue, and micro-nutrient testing. Facilities in the Extension oper ated soil testing laboratory have been expanded in order to make these increasingly important tests, the director said. Dallas Club Donates Landscape Grant A $250 scholarship for an up perclassman studying landscape floriculture will be provided this year by the First Men’s Garden Club of Dallas, announced Dr. R. E. Patterson, dean of A&M’s Col lege of Agriculture. Patterson said the scholarship can be made to determine the most deserving student. In informing A&M officials of the scholarship, Joe M. Woodard, president of the Dallas garden club, said he believes his club is the first in the Southwest Region of the Men’s Garden Clubs of America to establish such a fund. Instructor Returns From Consultant Post Alvin Jones, chief instructor of Texas A&M’s Heavy Equipment School, has returned to the cam pus after serving as a consultant in Maryland. Jones was invited by Allegheny Community College at Cumber land, Md., to advise the school in establishment of a heavy equip ment training program there. A&M’s Heavy Equipment School is a division of the Engi neering Extension Service. Chemistry Receives $1,000 Grant The Department of Chemistry has been awarded a $1,000 grant from Monsanto Company of Tex as City in support of educational and research programs. Dr. Arthur E. Martell, Depart ment head, announced the award, made by M. L. Owens Jr. and E. I. Wade of Monsanto. Statistics Institute Gets $19,700 Grant The National Science Founda tion has awarded a $19,700 two- year research grant to the Insti tute of Statistics, announced Dr. H. O. Hartley, director. Research under direction of Dr. J. N. K. Rao of the Institute fac ulty will be in the theory of sam ple surveys, titled “Unbiased Ratio and Regression Esti mators.” The grant will be administered by A&M’s Research Foundation. BASS TOURNAMENT Sponsored by Bryan-College Station Bass Club DATE: October 22 PLACE: to be decided at meeting October 13, 7:30 p.m. at Bryan Chamber of Commerce Building 401 S. Washington — Bryan PRIZES: Garcia Ambassador 5000 Reel Garcia Bass Rod NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME Annual Membership: $2.00 Call 823-5206 after 5:00 p.m. for more information GOT A DATE FOR THE WEEKEND (OR WANT A DATE) BUT NO DOUGH Then see us for a personal loan Build your credit for future use UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gate) College Station, Texas Tel: 846-8319 Your quality portable for back-to-school ONLY 0.00 DOWN. Eaty terms. Take a tip from us, invest in the best — A PRECISION-BUILT OLYMPIA PORTABLE. Remember, you’ll own your Olympia for a long, long time. The few additional dollars more you will pay compared to so-called “bargain portables" will be compensated for by years of trouble-free performance and long-range satisfaction. Your Olympia is fully equipped with the finest portable typewriter features: full-sized keyboard . . . front-set tabulators . . . half-spacing . . . automatic paper support . . . easy to set margins . . . distinctive type faces ... handy carrying case. Come in for a demonstration. No obligation, of course. Four quality Olympia Portables to choose from! SM-9 Deluxe, SM-8, SF DeLuxe, Socialite. OTIS MCDONALD’S 429 South Main Street Phone 822-1328 BRYAN, TEXAS 77802 A&M To Receive Grants In Engineering Program Texas A&M will share in a new engineering professorships pro gram created through grants totaling more than one million dollars made by the Alcoa Foun dation to 16 schools in 10 states. The pz-ogram is designed to link education more closely with industry by fostering communica tion between educators and engi neering practitioners of Alumi num Company of America. The Alcoa Foundation grant for engineering professorships will total $120,000 payable over a three-year period, with $60,000 going to each school. The grant is in addition to scholarships and other educational helps presently being given these universities by the Foundation. H. F. Chrisco, Alcoa’s Rockdale works manager, made the an nouncement. Speaking for the Alcoa Foundation, the Alcoa of ficials pointed out that this en gineering professorships program is further evidence of the Foun dation’s continuing interest in technical education. The announcement continued: “The opportunity for these pro fessors of engineering to visit the production and research facil ities of Alcoa, study our tech niques, and become familiar with the everyday problems facing Al coa engineers should be very helpful. Alcoa technical person nel who visit the schools under the program will also benefit from their exposure to the aca demic side of engineering. We believe that this association will enhance the practice of engineer*- ing by creating a fuller under standing of its role in both aca demic and industrial life.” The Alcoa Foundation was founded for the purpose of using its net income exclusively for re ligious, charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes. An old Arab traidition holds that A1 Qurnah, a town in south eastern Iraq on the right bank of the Tigris River, is the approxi mate site of the Biblical Garden of Eden. THE BATTALION Thursday, October 6, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 3 Read Battalion Classifieds Mark Twain’s LETTERg FROM THE EARTH is now available at The World of Books Shoppe do rou /(A/OMf... that the Child’s Estate Builder plan increases to $5,000 at age 21, for each $1,000 purchased now, at no increase in premium? American rtmicable SSS®. Oakwood Professional Bldg. Bryan, Texas VI 6-7963 SPECIALS FOR: THURSDAY, FRIDAY, & SATURDAY, October 6, 7 & 8, 1966 ALL QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED LIBBY’S—YELLOW CLING, SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES No. 2'/i $ I ■V CanS $1oo LIBBY’S 41 41 Maryland Club Mk ^ -E-E With Purchase MM g| J| | , of <»r More RmhV ^ | | Lb. Can ftp U. S. No. 1 — Russet Potatoes-39 c Fresh, Red RADISHES 2 - 6-Oz. Pkgs. 19c U. S. No. 1, Home Grown, Sweet POTATOES 2 Lbs. 25c Fresh Green, Romain LETTUCE Head 19c U. S. No. 1, Yellow ONIONS Pound 10c Washington, Bartlett PEARS Pound 19c Extra Fancy, Washington Red Delicious APPLES Pound 25c California, Pascal CELERY Stalk 15c California, Tokay GRAPES Pound 19c Taste O’ Sea Perch Fillets‘49 c Taste O’ Sea. Bier Four FISH STEAKS 10-Oz. Pkg. 39c Sara Lee 0 POUND CAKE Large Size 79c Sara Lee, Cream CHEESE CAKE Large Size 79c Taste O’ Sea FISH STICKS 3 - 8-Oz. Pkgs. $1.00 CATCHUP (Z 14-Oz. $ 1 S Bottles $1oo LIBBY’S—VIENNA SAUSAGE C ,o„ $| S Cans $1oo LIBBY’S—FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 303 ^ 1 ■Bi Cans $1oo LIBBY’S SWEET PEAS 5 No. 303 Cans $1.00 LIBBY’S PEARS 4 No. 303 Cans $1.00 LIBBY’S TOMATO JUICE 3 46-Oz. Cans $1.00 LIBBY’S WHOLE TOMATOES 4 No. 303 Cans $1.00 LIBBY’S SPINACH 6 No. 303 Cans $1.00 Libby’s Golden Cream Style or Whole Kernel Com .. 5 No. 303 Cans $1.00 Pillsbury’s Layer CAKE MIX 3 b™ *f 00 Pillsbury’s, Hungry Jack PANCAKE MIX Pillsbury’s, Extra Light PANCAKE MIX Libby’s PUMPKIN 2 L ^49c 2 £J3c No. 303 Cans $1.00 JfWi THIS COUPON WORTH 50 ; FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of 6 Pkgs. FUNNY FACE DRINK MIXES Coupon Expires Oct. 8, 1966. DECKER’S—SMOKED PICNICS THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase Of PATIO MEXICAN DINNER Coupon Expires Oct. 8, 1966. Decker’s Sliced BACON Lb. Pkg. 69 C U. S. D. A. GRADE “A” FRYERS... lb. 29c CUT-UP lb. 33c Decker’s, Smoked SLICED PICNICS Decker’s, Thick Sliced BACON Old Fashioned HOOP CHEESE Roegelin, Pure PORK SAUSAGE 33 Lb. 39c 2 Lb. Pkg. $1.37 Pound 69c 1 Lb. Roll 49c THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps j With Purchase of $5.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) One Per Family Coupon Expires Oct. 8, 1966. * i It