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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1966)
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A&Hi . i nin; s Tele nscont Dallif ione Co| ione Cc is Tele Co . o! ented. lent o! legrap! on cot- techiii' t A&I Ed l of elee ing; L 1 Of til! ite, ant .raininf jred h atewidf ciatioa, Age: •ivisioa neeriaf d Mo: d An r baait comp: in th! he set' Depart leerink, ies for cquaiat ind ap- ■obleW iditions electri' 'or the expeC' i, Mi: Mexi' j Ken- is the THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, August 4, 1966 Page 5 BRIEFS (Continued from page 4) Economics Profs Author Papers Two Texas A&M Department of Economics faculty members are authors of articles published in professional journals. Dr. M. L. Greenhut, department head, wrote “Size of Markets and Location Surveys and Theory/’ published in the British Journal of Industrial Economics. The article also will be pub lished in a book titled Readings in Physical Distribution, edited by N. E. Marks and published by Wiley and Co., New York. Dr. Alfred Chalk wrote an ar ticle about Bernard Mandeville published as the lead paper in the July 1966 issue of the South ern Economics Journal. Title of the paper is “Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees: A Reapprais al”. It is a continuation of ear lier research by Professor Chalk in pre-classical economic thought. Davis To Join Cyclotron Post J. A. Davis, a health physicist since 1961 at Texas A&M, as sumes a new post with the Cyc lotron Institute Sept. 1. Davis will be health physicist for the Radiological Safety Of fice at the Cyclotron Institute. He is a 1959 mathematics grad uate of the University of Texas. Before coming to A&M, Davis worked as a research scientist for the Radiobiological Labora tory of the U. S. Air Force and the University of Texas. Prof, Student Visiting Here Prof. K. N. Stanton and grad uate student James Moore of Purdue University are visiting the Electric Power Institute at Texas A&M. John Denison, Electric Power Institute director, said the visi tors are talking with A. D. Pat ton and other members of the EPI staff regarding calculations of electric power systems reliabi- ilty. Bush Named Top Cadet Texas A&M Army ROTC cadets were the elite of Fourth and Fifth Army Area summer camp at Fort Still, Okla., paced by Joseph K. Bush of Temple. The 1966 A&M graduate was selected No. 1 from 1,800 cadets in attendance. No. 2 cadet was Eloy Garcia of Laredo. In addition, cadets Ken neth W. Korb and Gary W. Menzies of San Antonio, William E. Markham of Orange and Ter rell Mullins of Garwood were among the top 10 outstanding cadets. Of 10 cadet companies, six Aggies were rated No. 1 and four placed second. Eleven A&M stu dents placed first in their pla toons and 15 ranked No. 2. “Over 60 per cent of the A&M representatives were in the upper third of the 1,800-man camp,” said Col. D. L. Baker, Military Science Department commandant. Bush, who reports to Fort Sill in two weeks for the artillery officer basic course, and 11 other Aggies were commissioned second lieutenants on the last day of camp by Lt. Gen. Thomas W. Dunn, Commanding General of the Fourth Army. Achievements and relative class standings at camp are vital for appointment as Distinguished Military Graduates and Regular Army officers. High academic standing, rank in the upper third of their unit and demonstrated leadership qualities are also es sential. Asked how long he would be on active duty, Bush quickly replied: “Thirty years.” Fire Causes Minor Damage Fire caused an estimated $1,000 damage Tuesday to the air condi tioning duct system on the third floor of Texas A&M’s Space Science Center under construc tion. University Fire Chief Gilbert Eimann said the 12:54 blaze was ignited by the arc from a spot welding machine. Two campus fire trucks sped to the scene. The fire was controlled in a matter of minutes. Eimann said the fire caused no damage to the rest of the $2.25 million structure. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-281S Hurry on down and pick your flavor favorites i\F00BS/k DEL MONTE •RAND TRAINLOAD 4 VALUES 12nd BIG 1 WEEK I Of 1SAVINGS I piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^’ QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. — AUG. 4-5-6. Illlllllilllllllllilllllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiilliililililiiiiiiiiiilliilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiililllllilliilillllllllllliiiillllilliiiilllllllllliiiiiii^ potatoes xr;:; ...... 6 z,um TOMATOES r.r ,e 3 cl 89c TOMATO JUICE £1.3$1.00 SAUERKRAUT £1. 61, $1.00 PFAfTO Del Monte 303 QT I Ei/UXO HALVES Can DJC PEACHES K " M ' r,a .. 3 c! 89c DEL MONTE DRINKS Merry Cherry, Apple, Grape, Pink fk 46-Oz. AA Grapefruit, Orange, Tropical Fruit x Cans CATSUP £1. It 25c WHOLE BEETS £!,.. 4!! 89c PRUNES Mite _ Large !!. 35c Early Garden Sweet PEAS Del Monte No. 303 Cans WHOLE GREEN BEAN IARGE EGGS Kraft’s, American - Pimento - Swiss Sliced Cheese MAYONNAISE Cackleberry — Garde A Del Monte No. 303 Can BACON Mayrose—“Savory Aged”, Heavy Beef SHOULDER STEAK SEVEN STEAK Mayrose—“Savory Aged”, Heavy Beef BONELESS ROAST Heavy Beef CHOPPED SIRLOIN Sliced - Rath Blackhawk A. F. Brand—Assorted Flavors ICE MILK Food King Margarine Kraft Quart Doz. 8-Oz. Pkg. 14-Gal. Ctn. 1-Lb. Ctns. Booth, Frozen Breaded Shrimp Patio, Beef Enchilada Dinner 3 10-Oz. Pkg. 12-Oz. Size yj; rw* -ns. / v. ; ; ' V ■ : NORWICH 19c Aspirin Reg. 49£ MAYROSE - "SAVORY - AGED" LB. HEAVY BEEF TENDER EVERYTIME ■>srV‘ Lanolin Plus HAIR SPRAY 44= Reg. 99< With The Purchase of $2.50 ^br More — Excluding Cigarettes COKES Btl. Ctn. Plus Bottle Deposit California, Sunkist Fresh, Sweet LEMONS ,. b 19c RED ONIONS 2 Lbs 19c California 1 NECTARINES 4 Lbs 99c SEEDLESS GRAPES 19c LETTUCE FRESH, CRISP Large ICEBERG Head C WA FOLGER’S —COUPON— 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon And The Purchase Of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE PER PERSON) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE (Cigarettes Excluded) Coupon Expires Aug. 6, 1966. COFFEE Pound Can LIMIT ONE AT 49? WITH $2.50 PURCHASE OR MORE AFFILIATED—POPULAR FLAVORS ICE CREAM DELSEY Bathroom Tissue 14-Gal. Ctn. 2-Roll Pkg. VmdUdtitv Dims We Give iftk Green Stamp: 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street % 3516 Texas Ave