M Meet A&M’s Other Coaches JARLOW (BONES) IRVIN . . . Athletic Director. SHELBY METCALF ... Basketball. TOM CHANDLER . . . Baseball. CHARLES THOMAS ... Track. tackk halfbacli P offensivi OMAR SMITH . . . Tennis. HENRY RANSON . .. Golf. ART ADAMSON . . . Swimming. JIM CULPEPPER . . . Frosh Basketball. The Kyle Field Expansion • • McLean i; ^McLean s * 835 yari a transli 50-pound) of the ft and Gai defensit ker Robe • whocoiii . , __ n, quartal L !i Curing! Ifback] letter Bnthusiai d i dates foj _s Wendtl rlie Rigjs defensin abs, safet] Whitmon solid p«J s sawKi 2fuard ai 'here well Pyburn The dt small f( be biggi the Aggi Lign will nter Mile top candi ;he sprit) ct seas# into rgett ail sity pr«S‘ expeetd akes ttiii 2 battliil * not ei ;s world sprin! ofore tk( big pro' 1 ' - the fal 3 picturt ~e in iki quickl?' ry to W NEW-LOOKING KYLE FIELD FOR 1967 This is the drawing for the proposed expansion of Kyle and from the stadium. Phase II will include the lowering Field on the Texas A&M campus. The expansion will be of the present playing area, taking out the cinder track, conducted in two phases. Phase I consists of enlarging the adding seats closer to the field on both sides and closing stadium to a capacity of 55,000, improving of lighting, in both ends to form a bowl. The final bowl-type stadium ) parking, under-stadium facilities and traffic arteries to will seat over 65,000. FRESHMEN!! Save Like Upper Classmen Do .... Take Advantage of the — Largest Stock of Used Books IN OUR 27 YEARS OF SERVICE Accumulated through the satisfaction Texas Aggies have with our USED BOOK RENTAL POLICY. ASK An Upper Classman-Or An Aggie-Ex - He’ll Tell You About Lou pots FOUR YEARS FROM NOW! ... . :i! ..... ■ iSlliillll PICTURE YOURSELF AS A SENIOR! have your pictures taken each year f or the AGGIELAND — ‘ an Aggie Tradition at UNIVERSITY STUDIO Official Photographer — Aggieland ’67 North Gate