The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 28, 1966, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, July 28, 1966 And Play t: | | I WORKSHOPPERS ENJOY THEMSELVES It is not all work for the 378 journalists who are attending the eighth annual High School Journalism Workshop. The above picture shows workshoppers during a talent show held last night in the Memorial Student Center and at a dance held Tuesday night in the MSC Ballroom. Between their entertainment events, the journalists will produce letterpress and offset newspapers plus a 64-page yearbook. Humpty Dumpty Children Center Now accepting applications for KINDERGARTEN for Fall Term —Chidren age 5 before January 1, 1967. MRS. SUE ALLBAUGH, B.Sc. 3406 S. College Teacher 823-8626 UNIVERSITY CLEANERS 112 N. Main St. Phone 846-6615 North Gate Dry Cleaning Laundry Alterations Ernest Sebesta ’39 445^^^ we 6ive vep STAMPS 15? Till W1T-H PU12C4A6E OF * d?? CP TOMATO Sfiiice 125 mmxsm V Sfe. , m/\ PEPPER 39 ii P ■ m L CATSUP M gjl l t-.r- 4' suwmES) v Voli 0 Heart 'O Texas Grade “A" mm. CMNHPIESrrffi W( WOOjls' 10 99 ■ POliMP • WHOLE * CUT-UP 16 33^ Armour StarJ>7®jiijj|^>\':::X FRANK! ■im r iMouob0TO7r(riTr« : r.upi.N fi ^ mao oo'ftf? THIS COUPON WORTH ..M s ^PUT POG 0A2-0-C2 FPtKPS’ ^ 33c FFYeiz _ ikiGH! pa,ND 49^ F^ep^ cRUARTefZ. Le pookid 35 &&EPGT rcuuo 59<; BREAST! fuono3^ OISUM^tkK’ ^^55^ ^IFTS fPOTEfl FPIfvC RIB I £WifT* PPOTCW fSONEltt f*QP5Tl?,B l » 6&1 <V/lFP5PFPTEHBONE-m mneR iin®' OP MOPE expires: -gULY 3C?, \0Wi> >7 EMI I It IN ADDITION TO YOU* ■••UlAflY IA*NID tAVI>40 ITAMYt Till! ^ n T'li’Pi'N I'm E amiGtnz <xmm 3 CM?S^^ ‘r 3 2^4-Lb. Jar r.W.- U.S. No. 1 RED ' POTATOES 5TAPKI5T WUNKW^ NATURE’S BEST PEANUT BUTTER *wm ..... fAW ..^iwooocE V-.Vj U. S. No. 1 Florida BELL PEPPERS ^ 19c pcpiRtv u^e aegEH pewiH UMK6I9 CMifPPHA aeowr PLUMS t** 5UNWTCEP AT‘50UW T^/f /m ^PEPNV^T *TE?<A5 A\/EMUE aL'a^ivy^V -K we ■mftetfriomw amiwv? - ^rt^e \kx^~ Store Hours 8 A.M. - 8 P.M BPYAN, COLLEGE STATION, TE^fi Zii Tc Ber dent been i dents Dei Hann his pi new i ment Zin 1946 Arm} will seling nigar volvii Corp; Studc Cente Camj A i ed a A&M degr« speci Texa Zir Asso sonn< west< Pers< Texa tion. m it; . , r te?