Page 6 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, July 28, 1966 12 To Receive Certificates For Apprentice Training Twelve participants in a 20- week specialty contractors super visory training school at Texas A&M will receive certificates Friday. R. L. Patrick, coordinator for the Engineering Extension Serv ice, said graduates will be quali fied for upgrading in their jobs after 600 hours of instruction. Most of the men, Patrick ex plained, have completed appren tice training in mechanical con struction jobs. They studied mathematics, business and job management, engineering graph ics and counseling at Aggieland. In addition, they heard lectures by representatives of Texas in dustry. Another school begins Aug. 29 at A&M. It ends Jan. 27. A second school is slated Feb. 13 through June 30. Graduates, by cities, and spon soring business firms, include: SAN ANTONIO — Hugh R. Asher, 230 Cherry Ridge, pipe fitter; Wallace E. Butler, 301 Linares, sheet metal worker. DALLAS — Claude Earl Lit ton, 555 Alcorn, airconditioning engineer; Billy Ed Kurtz, 1243 Brighton, plumber; John A. Horn, 9650 Starlight Road, engi neer. AUSTIN—Edward Mack Bar rett, 3002 Leaning Oak, plumber. LUBBOCK — Phillip Ewing Stidger, 1907 48th Street, sheet metal worker. ARLINGTON — Charles R. Dickinson, 2906 Buena Vista, take-off and pricing. HOUSTON — Robert Glen Ir win, 9219 Richland, plumber; Thomas C. Leppard, 2311 Bren- ard, purchasing. MADILL, OKLA. — E. J. Tate, 604 W. Lilly, pipefitter. VON ORMY — Roger L. Ack- ermann, Route 11, plumber. THE I The high-energy particles from solar flares travel in well-de fined streams that twist around one another. CHECKING REACTOR Dr. Robert G. Cochran, standing-, Texas A&M Department of Nuclear Engineering head, and Dr. Robert S. Wick, a new faculty member formerly employed by Westinghouse Inc., check out the AGN-201 reactor in an A&M laboratory. A&M has a small accelerator, a radio isotopes lab, the Nu clear Science Center and Cyclotron Institute available to students. Nuclear Engineering A&M Adds Another Course Of Study Texas A&M will add another first to its curriculum Sept. 1. That’s the date the university will be authorized to offer un dergraduate studies in nuclear engineering. A&M will become the first school in Texas and most of the Southwest to offer a bachelor’s degree in nuclear en gineering. The University of Mississippi and Kansas State University are nearest competitors to A&M for other sophisticated research fa cility at their disposal. The nuclear engineering facul ty includes Cochran, formerly a nuclear physicist and group lead er at Oak Ridge National Lab oratory; Dr. Robert S. Wick from Westinghouse; Dr. C. G. Chezem of the Los Alamos, N. M., Scien tific Laboratory; Drs. Donald E. Emon, Daniel M. Gibson Jr., Walter H. Kohler and Richard D. Neff; and John E. Simek. HEADS UP MOUSER If it’s making friends that count, Sandy, the cat, certainly qualifies as a dandy mouser. But when it comes to laws of nature she’s certainly in violation. Sandy and her friend Gippy’ a mouse, are pets of the Lester Pratt family of Middletown, R. I. (AP Wirephoto) these are five familiar faces— your Aggieland Representatives for FIDELITY UNION LIFE INSURANCE the leader in sales to the College Man \ Larry Greenhaw '64 . Bill Altman ’65 Charles Johnson ’62 Charles Thomas ’64 Melvin Johnson '64 r 5 AND NOW WE PROUDLY ANNOUNCE THE ADDITION OF A NEW FACE h! l BUBBER COLLINS ’66 an Outstanding Aggie with an outstanding achievement record: -lettered freshman football -starting fullback past two seasons -member of the T-Association This expansion of our staff is POSSIBLE be cause of our continuing success in leadership in service to the College Man NECESSARY, because of our responsibil ity to offer the most complete coverage to every Aggie senior. attracting undergraduates for nuclear engineering studies. A&M has offered masters and doctoral studies in nuclear engi neering since 1959, and is adding the BS to meet the expanding demand for nuclear engineers. “Many bachelor’s degree win ners will go into reactor physics and management of power reac tors,” commented Dr. Robert G. Cochran, A&M Department of Nuclear Engineering head. “Eleven power reactors generat ing many megawatts of electrici ty are already in use in the Unit ed States, 20 more are under construction, and others are ap proved for construction.” “The nuclear power industry is growing rapidly,” Cochran con tinued. “It is an exciting engi neering field of the future. Op portunities will become greater as more power reactors are used to generate electric power.” Cochran spoke of nuclear pow er as a future competitor for gas power and other fossil fuels. “Nuclear power has at least me big advantage over fossil fuel,” he explained. “There is no release of by-products to pollute the air or water.” Cochran believes salaries for nuclear engineers with BS de grees will be “quite competitive with other fields.” “One of our master’s students received $12,000 annually in his first job,” he pointed out. “All of them make at least $900 a month.” Students working toward the bachelor’s in nuclear engineering will be required to complete 137 hours, slightly less than for most engineering programs. A&M’s facilities are among the best in the nation. Students have access to the AGN-201 Labora tory, the Nuclear Science Center, a small accelerator which pro duces neutrons, and a radio iso topes development laboratory. With completion of the Cyclotron Institute, students will have an- ^ A PAKDNER You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Gel Your Duds Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS Low Prices ^ 'MAGIC DIME Safeway Quality! Lettuce Crisp, green head* for cool, refreshing salad*. Fresh, firm and well trimmed. Each Russet Potatoes at SAFEWAY! RULES — On* Ff** "Msgt* Dim*" etrd p*r tfor* viiit. No purch*** r*quir*d. No n**d to pan through ch*cliit*nd. S*f*w*y •mploy**i and th*ir imm*di*t* f*mili*i *r* not *ligibl*. Only bontfid* "Magic Dima" cardi will b* honorad. 96,000,000 GOLD BOND STAMPS! Frozen Food Values! T)i« moet vwnatilw of all vegetable*, larva many, many different way*. 59* When you play Magic Dime at Safeway you can win up to 10 FREE Gold Bond Stamp Savers Books. Everyone wins every time. Lemons Fresh Plums SunVTit. Loti of (uic* >nad*—Each for lamonad* Elephant Heart. 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Can 29* Maryland Club Laundry Day Helper Giant Tide Limit 1 Limit 1‘ With $2.50 Purchase With $2.50 Purchase rgent. ft label)* Giant Box U. S. D. A. Choice Heavy Beef Sale! r~ Round Steak £CL Full Cut. U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef. • Trimmed before weighing to lave you money. u>» Rump Roast us H D 4 c i , “ d * 69* Boneless Steak Top Round. U.S.D.A. Choieo Hoovy loof—Lb. 89* Boneless Roast 04* ar^Stook. ^Bottom Round. Loin Tip or Romp IokoIom. T I —* U.S.D.A. Hoovy Roof—Lb. A Spareribs fork. I to I-Lb. Avg.—Lb. Danish Ham 49* 69* Sliced Bacon 75 Campfire. Lean, tasty strip* perfectly cured to plea*#—I -Lb. Pkg. JR 4 Margarine £*1 Coldbrook. Solid—I-Lb. Pkg. ** Jfe Fresh Eggs AC* Irookfait Comi. Mtdium Si,o—Do*. ■ M (Largo "A"—Doi. If,) ■ Cake Mixes OQ* Mr,. Wright',. Awortod flovor#—It-ox. lox Baby Food £ CQt Hafni. Strained fruit* end VegG- m m TOf 1M table*. In mo*t •torea—4 , /roi.Jer Preserves A *1 Emproi,. it Apricot M ir Rod Plum—10-ox. 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