The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 30, 1966, Image 1

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Volume 61
Cbe Battalion
Number 325
. . . cast from left are Louis Wommer, Larry Baug-h, Robert Cook, Arm Ballinger and
Bruce Reyna.
Directors Meeting
College Heads Picked;
Contracts Approved
Funding for an engineering center and
contracts for an office building, air con-
ditionmg of a dining bail and 12 dormitories
and the G. R. White Coliseum were approv
ed Tuesday by Texas A&M’s Board of
Phase I of the $2.3 million Engineer
ing Research Center received $312,000 from
higher education facilities funds and $112,-
457 from the university’s
available fund.
A $93,547 contract went to
B-W Construction Company
of Bryan to build offices for
the system architect, construc
tion engineer and the Physical
Plant department.
Plans to air condition Duncan
Dining Hall were reviewed and
$6,500 set aside to continue the
study. A $4,000 appropriation to
plan lounges and $225,000 to pur
chase cooling equipment for the
12 dorms in the area were ap
Completion of this project in
1967 will raise the number of air
conditioned dormitories to 22.
The board awarded a $423,422
contract to W. E. Kutzschbach
company of Bryan to air condi
tion the university’s coliseum.
Other awards included a $17,-
187 contract to A&M Construc
tion Company, Bryan, for altera
tions to electrical power serving
the Veterinary Medicine Hospital
and $112,109 to Metalab Equip
ment Company of Hieksville, N.Y.
for furniture for the Services
B-W Construction Company of
Bryan received a $57,970 award
to construct a veterinary medicine
malaria research lab.
James Connally Technical In
stitute in Waco received author
ity to spend $40,000 rehabilitating
and modifying buildings on the
air base.
At Tarleton State College, $14,-
000 was set aside to air condi
tion the basement of the Student
Center and $12,730 was approved
to outline specifications for a
men’s physical education building.
A $74,472 contract to air condi
tion the auditorium went to Freer
Mechanical Contractors Inc. of
Fort Worth.
Braune Plumbing and Heating
Company of Hico received $21,-
480 to install a new broiler in the
central heating plant and AB-Tex
Electric, Inc. of Abilene got $21,-
983 for alterations to the electrical
distribution system.
An $8,379 contract to repair the
home economics building on the
Stephenville campus went to Tal-
madge Willson of Belton. A $12,-
000 budget for repairs to Tarle-
ton’s president’s home was also
Contracts for Overton’s McMil
lan Research and Extension in
cluded $264,574 for general con
struction to McKinney and Park
er of Tyler and $31,842 to W. H.
Curtin and Company of Houston
for laboratory furniture.
First Bank & Trust now pays
4%% per annum on savings cer
tificates. —Adv.
A new president for Tarleton State Col
lege was named by Texas A&M System
directors Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. W. O. Trogdon, director of agronomy
for Occidental Agricultural Chemicals Corpo
ration of Plainview, will succeed E. J. Howell
as president of the Stephenville college.
Early Tuesday the board chose Dr.
Jesse M. Drew, dean of instruction at Prairie
View, to follow Dr. E. B.
Evans as head of the Hemp
stead school. Both Howell
and Evans are retiring.
Trogdon, 1949 Ph.D. grad
uate of Ohio State, is former head
of A&M’s Department of Soil and
Crop Sciences. Drew, 1949 Ph.D.
from Harvard, taught in Missouri
schools before joining the Prairie
View faculty.
“Our board searched the na
tion for men of eminence to head
these institutions,” H. C. Helden-
fels reported.
“These two educators are high
ly qualified to lead the college
to excellence,” the board president
from Corpus Christi added.
Dr. James P. Dyke of Eastern
New Mexico University, was ap
pointed director of libraries. He
comes to A&M Sept. 1 to fill the
post vacated by Robert A. Houze
who became head librarian at
Trinity University.
The 45-year-old librarian has 20
years of profesional experience
at Hardin-Simmons, University of
Oklahoma, University of Illinois
and Eastern New Mexico.
The Breckenridge, Tex. native
served as a B-24 pilot during
World War II.
★ ★ ★
8 New Degrees
Added By Board
Six new doctor of philosophy
programs and two additional
masters-level degrees were ap
proved Tuesday by Texas A&M’s
Board of Directors.
The degree offerings pend fin
al approval of the Texas College
and University Coordinating
Doctoral programs include rec-
recreation and parks, business ad
ministration, economics, English,
physiology and sociology. Mas
ter of Science degrees sought are
health and physical education and
recreation and parks.
A&M President Earl Rudder
called each of the programs “nec
essary programs to make A&M a
first-rate graduate college.”
★ ★ ★
Board Accepts
Gifts, Grants
Gifts and grants totaling $462,-
732 were accepted Tuesday by
Texas A&M’s Board of Directors.
Scholarships and fellowships
for Texas A&M numbered $33,-
845. A&M research awards
amounted to $312,949; $20,066 in
capital gifts were recorded.
Tarleton State College received
$860 in gifts. Prairie View A&M
accepted $1,775.
Grants-in-aid of research for
the Texas Agricultural Experi
ment Station aggregated $93,235.
Staff Members
To Attend Meet
Seventeen Texas A&M Uni
versity representatives will par
ticipate in a American Veteri
nary Medical Association meeting
in Louisville, Ky., July 10-14.
Farm and pet animal medicine
advances, veterinary public
health, research, poultry medicine
and animal disease control pro
grams will be featured.
A&M’s delegates include Col
lege of Veterinary Medicine Dean
A. A. Price. AAVMC secretary,
and Drs. J. H. Milliff, L. C.
Grumbles, L. H. Russell, W. C.
Banks, W. W. Ellett, H. P. Hob
son, R. S. Titus, J. C. Ramge,
R. D. Turk, H. E. Redmond, T. E.
Franklin, C. F. Hall, R. L. Clif
ford, S. E. Glass, J. W. Dollahite
and F. D. Maurer.
NBC news correspondent Chet
Huntley will speak to the 400
delegates and guests July 12.
Dr. Harry Furgeson, veteri
narian from Anaconda, Montana,
will be installed as president of
the 18,000-member AVMA.
Fallout Plays
To Kick Off
Summer Slate
3 Productions
Set For Friday
The Aggie Player’s Fallout
Theater-Workshop kicks off its
second summer season at 8 p.m.
Friday as three student-directed
plays open the schedule.
“What Men Live By,” by Leo
Tolstoy, adapted and directed by
Louis Wommer, features Anne
Ballinger, Wommer, Virginia Pat
terson, Dan Hassler, Bob Robin
son, Larry Baugh, Rob Cook,
Bruce Reyna, Jean Reyna and
Doric Pye. Cynthia Smith will
run the lights and Karen Boyken
is in charge of makeup. Miss
Patterson is the stage manager.
Kathi Wolcott gathers her
group together for her production
of “Two Wives,” by Alan Atkin
son. This play is being produced
in cooperation with the South
west Theater Conference’s SWAP
program. The cast includes Bob
Manna, Ruth Becker, Sharon
Walding, Roger Killingsworth,
Louis Wommer and Cary McMul
Third on the evening’s pro
gram is “There Are No Widows,”
written and directed by Bob Rob
inson. Appearing in it are Tom
Morgan, Herky Killingsworth,
Jody Worsham, Kathi Wolcott
and Bernest Evans. Kirk Stewart
turns in another of his fine per
formances as “the body.”
Three plays are also slated
for Wednesday night in the Fall
out Theater. They are “Hello
Out There,” by William Saroyan;
“De Lawd’s Chillun,” an adapta
tion from Green Pastures By
Marc Connally; and “The Act
ress,” by Buela Fare.
Joyce Cassens will direct “The
Actress.” Nancy Womack, Linda
Hogan, Ruth Becker, Letitia Fer
guson, Linda Mauer and Mac
Hopkin make up the cast.
“Hello Out There,” directed by
Bill Hall, features Bob Dansby,
Jody Worsham, Bob Robinson and
Joyce Cassens.
Bernest Evens’ production of
“De Lawd’s Chillun” include Er
nest Jones, Lawrence Hicks, Ray
mond Buchannan, Willie Cook,
Leon Greene, James Ford, Bob
by Butrell and Charles Walton.
Also appearing are Bernice Wil-
born, Beatrice Smith, Dorothy
Fields, Shirley Robinson and
Doris Barnes.
. . . cast from left are Tom Morgan, Jody Worsham, Kathi
Wolcott and Herky Killingsworth.
The Fallout Theater-Workshop
is located in the rear of Guion
Hall. Admission is fifty cents.
MSC Schedules
Dance Tonight
The Rip Tides of San Antonio
will play for a Texas A&M dance
tonight in the Memorial Student
Center Ballroom.
Tom Morgan, president of the
summer MSC Directorate and
Council, said the 8 to 12 p.m.
dance may attract 250 persons.
Admission is $1 per person.
A band is being sought for a
July 7 dance, Morgan noted.
. . . cast from left are Louis Wommer, Sharon Walding, Roger Killingsworth, Cary Mc
Mullen and Bob Manna.
Hanover To Replace Thames
As Head Of Highway District
On July 8, student productions
of “The Return,” written by Fred
Rich, an A&M math major, and
directed by John Trott; “The
Lottery,” by Shirley Jackson, di
rected by Virginia Patterson, will
be shown.
“Preview: Road Show ’66,”
featuring three one-act plays that
will be taken on the road during
July and August, will be present
ed in the Fallout Theater.
AUSTIN—Joseph G. Hanover,
48, will become district engineer
of the Texas Highway Depart
ment’s District 17 in Bryan Fri
day, State Highway Engineer
D. C. Grer announced.
Hanover succeeds C. B. Thames
as head of Highway Department
activities in 10 Central and East
Texas counties.
Thames, a veteran of 42 years
wtih the department, has retired.
He has accepted a highway engi
neering position in the Middle
Hanover is a native of Mc
Gregor. He attended grade school
in Wheelock and graduated from
high school in Franklin.
He joined the Texas Highway
Department in 1940 at Hearne
after receiving his degree in Civil
Engineering from Texas A&M.
During World War II, Hanover
served five years in the U. S.
Army Corps of Enginers, leaving
the service with the rank of
He rejoined the Highway De
partment after the war, serving
as junior resident engineer, resi
dent engineer, district construc
tion engineer and district admin
istrative engineer.
For the past five years, he has
been assistant district engineer at
Hanover and his wife have a
daughter, Jocille, a junior at the
University of Texas.
Thames has been district engi
neer at Bryan since 1957.
A native of Gonzales, he at
tended public schools at Smith-
ville and graduated from the Uni
versity of Texas with a degree in
Civil Enginering.
He began his career with the
Highway Department as a sum
mer employee in 1922, serving as
assistant resident engineer in
Bastrop County. He returned to
the department in 1924 as assist
ant resident engineer in Fayette
In 1926, he was appointed resi
dent engineer in Erath County
and the following year was
assigned as senior resident engi
neer in Robertson County.
He came to the Bryan district
headquarters in 1953 as district
construction engineer and was
named district engineer in 1957.
His career was interrupted by
four years’ service in the Corps
of Engineers during World War
II, where he attained the rank of
lieutenant colonel.
StageCenter Sets
Play Tonight
StageCenter, Inc., a civic thea
ter organized this year in the
Bryan-College Station commun
ity, is presenting its first full
production, a melodrama entitl
ed “Dirty Work at the Cross
roads” this weekend, Thursday
through Sunday and July 7
through July 9.
The melodrama will be produced
cabaret style in the Triangle Ball
room in Bryan with an introduc
tory hour of music starting at 7
p.m. furnished by Dick Baldauf’s
Aggieland Combo. Waitresses are
local girls costumed in the gay
nineties, and singing waiters will
add to the fun. Performance will
be at 8 p.m.
Dr. Wendell Landmann of Col
lege Station is the director with
Stuart Sutherland as assistant di
rector. Vic Wiening, artistic di
rector for StageCenter, will be a
special singer.
Members of the cast include the
heroine, Donna Files, the hero,
Harry Crenshaw, and the villain,
Jim Baldauf. Others are Ruth
McGill, Patricia Wiening, Rick
Landmann, Wanda Daisa, Danielle
Dabbs and Marion Wagamon.
Singing waiters are Jerry Hol-
bert, G. T. Hill, Randy Wilson
and H. A. Vander Cruyssen.
Tyree L. Bell and C. C. Krueger admire an oil portrait of
Dr. M. T. Harrington presented to the university for in
clusion in the “Gallery of Presidents.” Harrington was
A&M’s 12th president, serving from 1950 to 1953 when
he was named chancellor. In 1965 he was chosen coordina
tor of international programs for the university and Earl
Rudder succeeded him.