THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Pag'e 8 Thursday, June 16, 1966 Tennis Camp Enrollment To Increase The Texas Tennis Camp Sun day through June 25 at Texas A&M expects a record enrollment of 150 boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18. Clarence Mabry, coach of na tionally-ranked Trinity Univer sity’s Tigers in San Antonio, and amateur star Tut Bartzen of Fort Worth will direct the clinic. Bartzen was once ranked No. 1 amateur U. S. tennis player. The netters will be divided ac cording to age groups for begin ning, intermediate and advanced instruction. Participants will spend about eight hours a day on the 22 Aggie tennis courts, a spokesman noted. A tournament will highlight the clinic. Trophies will be awarded winners and runners-up in each age group during Parent’s Night Saturday at the Memorial Student Center. Awards also go to “most im proved” players and “ideal” campers. Local Swimmers Set For Tourney About 25 local swimmers will participate Friday and Saturday in the fifth annual Invitational Swimming Meet sponsored by the Myerland Aquatic Club. The swimmers are members of the College Station Swim Club coached by Art Adamson. They will participate in the following events: Midget girls (age 10 and un der) — 50-yard free style (Pat sy Hedges, Pat Greenhut, Jill Sanders and Suzan Powers); 50- yard butterfly (Pat Greenhut); 50-yard breast stroke (Tina Derendinger, Jill Sanders and alternate Suzan Powers). Junior girls (age 11-13) — 50- yard free style (Polly Alexander, Beth McArthur and Barbara Ger man); 50-yard back stroke (Tissa Mogford and Terri Alani); 100- yard free style (Terri Alani and Polly Alexander); medley relay (Terri Alani, Polly Alexander, Beth McArthur, Tissa Mogford and alternate Barbara German). Others competing are: 100-yard back stroke — Gerry Lowe. 100-yard breast stroke — Pale Henry. 200-yard free style — Peter Alexander. Medley relay — John. Green hut, Gerry Lowe, Steve Henry, Peter Alexander and alternates Dale Henry and Edgar Black- ledge. Free style relay — John Green hut, Gerry Lowe, Steve Henry, Peter Alexander and alternates Dale Henry and Edgard Black- ledge. School Officials Get Trophies Golf trophies were awarded to school administrators from Gana- do, Valley Mills and College Sta tion Wednesday morning during the final assembly of the School Administrators and Supervisors Conferences at Texas A&M. H. B. Benold of Ganado won medalist honors in the tourna ment played Sunday at A&M’s 6,450-yard, par 70 course. William C. Fowler of Valley Mills and T. S. Hancock of Cypress-Fairbanks tied for low net with Fowler winning the tro phy sudden death playoff by score card. Dr. Les Richardson, who joined A&M’s Department of Education and Psychology June 1 from Brazosport, won high gross in a card “playoff” with Forrest Wat son of Hamilton and Elton Edge of Riesel. The three-day June conferences concluded at A&M Wednesday. Matson, Smith Win In Track Randy Matson won the shotput with a heave of 66 feet, 11% inches Saturday night at the San Diego (Calif.) Invitational Track and Field Meet. The big fellow from Texas A&M did not threaten his own world record of 70-714, but had no trouble from his opponents — Parry O’Brien and Dave Davis. Across the country at Terre Haute, Ind., Gil Smith, another outstanding A&M trackman, won the 220 with a time of 20.8 at the U. S. Track and Field Federation. The time was Smith’s fastest of the season. SIS FLAGS me 'k k k: 'k k k k k k ONLY 3 MORE DAYS TO GET YOUR TICKETS Tickets Good June 20 thru Nov. 27. k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k IMPERIAL or DOMINO SUGAR With The Purchase Of $2.50 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) Del Monte MORTON'S TEA CATSUP ?ir te .. 5 ^ $1.001 PEAS BISCUITS Aftiiiated CORN ScTa $1.001 SAUSAGE HI-NOTE TUNA PUNCH 46 c°an39c I COFFEE GRAPE JELLY Cjr FREE STAMPS A IVV Q WITH PURCHASE iVll I J */ 4 Lb. Box Libby’s Vienna Maryland Club Kraft 6 Oz. Pkgs. Rath’s 29- Scans $U 39 5 4 c 0 l$lJ 19 io-0z. du t\ .. Jar ejU'W O 18-Oz. t' Jars y LUNCH MEATS 8-Oz. Cans No. y 2 Can >0RK & BEANS Van Camp 7 cZ 89c BACON Shurfine, Frozen — Orange JUICE 5 ‘cat 89c Kobey — Shoestring POTATOES 10c Tooth Paste — Reg. 89<* PLUS WHITE 39c 4'* c '*» Spray Deodorant BAN Reg. $1.00 69c Gillette — $1.89 Value TRAVEL KIT $1.29 G* v Rath’s Blackhawk Sliced — Lb. Rath’s FRANKS 45c 12-Oz. Pkg. G eV ^ c v ct° v Quantity Rights Reserved Baby Beef SIRLOIN or ROUND STEAK EGGS FLOUR Cackleberry Grade A Medium Gold Medal Doz. Lb. Bag ICEBERG LETTUCE 2, Heads. For 29c Fresh Fresh, Flavorful — Yellow Onions 3 Lbs. 25c | Pineapples Each 19c T-BONE STEAK _ Ib 89c V ROUND STEAK nr „, 89e M SEVEN STEAK - L ,49c \) ROAST mr cnow„ 49c ' Rib Steak u> 69< Fresh Bruce Plums From A&M U. 15 Watermelons And —COUPON— 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon And The Purchase Of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE PER PERSON) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE (Cigarettes Excluded) Void After Sat. June 18, 1966. DRINK REFRESHING COKES Bottle Ctn. LIMIT ONE CARTON @ 49? WITH $2.50 PURCHASE OR MORE Cream Pies Morton Frozen - Each JmSjgdtm’ Dims West-Pac Frozen Vegetables ^ S Oftc Choice We Give ihk Green Stamps MIX VEGETABLES I'/z Lb. CUT CORN 11/ 4 Lb. GREEN LIMAS 1 1 y 4 Lb. CARROTS 1 «4 Lb. CUT GREEN BEANS 1 % Lb. 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street A 3516 Texas Av«