The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 09, 1966, Image 1

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Record Number Enrolls At A&M For Long, Hot Summer Session
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Texas A&M officials ex
pect a record to be set today
when the last student files
through registration lines in
the Richard Coke Building.
The all-time summer high
enrollment of 4,327 — re
corded last summer — may
be exceeded by more than 600,
according to university offi
cials. Today is the last day
of registration for the first
summer session.
The high enrollment was
evidenced by the scarcity of
housing reflected in a spot
check of community realtors.
The first session ends July
15, with the second term
starting July 18 and running
through August 26.
Registration began Mon
day in the Sbisa Dining Hall.
The new enrollment record re
flects a trend toward higher
enrollment which leads offi
cials to expect a sizable in
crease for the fall term.
Che Battalion
Volume 61
Number 322
?ads i
Moyer Named
Acting Head Of
Dr. Vance E. Moyer has been
appointed acting head of the De
partment of Meteorology at Tex
as A&M, announced College of
Geosciences Dean Horace R. By
Professor in the department
since 1961, Moyer came to A&M
in 1958 as associate professor aft
er four years at the University
of Texas. He served as chairman
of meteorology instruction at
A&M since 1961.
Moyer, 51, heads a meteorology
staff of 15 professors and two
graduate assistants teaching 125
students, 38 on the graduate lev
el. Thirteen are seeking doctoral
degrees. The meteorology en
rollment includes 40 special Air
Force students in a 12-months
non-degree basic program.
The department was organized
last September with Dean Byers
acting head.
An honor graduate of Pennsyl
vania State University, the new
department head also serves as
director of radar meteorology and
alternate delegate to the Univer
sities Council on Water Re
sources. At A&M Moyer was a
Graduate Council member, vice
chairman, Water for Texas Con
ference Committee and vice chair
man, Water Resources Commit
The department operates a
fully-equipped weather station on
the third floor of Goodwin Hall.
Moyer is listed by American
Men of Science, Leaders in Amer
ican Science, Who’s Who in
American Education, South and
Southwest and the World Who’s
Who in Science. He is a member
of numerous professional so
cieties, American Meteorological
Society, American Geophysical
Union and others.
His primary research interest
is in weather radar studies and
he has numerous publications in
the area, along with upper atmos
pheric papers and articles.
The Orwigsburg, Pa., native
took his B.S. at Penn State in
1950 followed by the M.S. in 1951
and Ph.D. in 1954. He served in
the Merchant Marine, U. S. Engi
neer Department and as an Army
weather station chief. At Texas,
he taught in the Aeronautical En
gineering Department, Electrical
Engineering Research Lab and
Bureau of Engineering Research.
Barnes’ Address
Ends 4-H Roundup
Doug Forshagen shows Chandler Atkinson the new Kyle
Field which will be be built from stadium options. Chand
ler bought the first two options in the million-dollar pro
ject from Forshagen, a member of the stadium expansion
steering committee. Both are Fort Worth exes: Forshagen
in the Class of 1933 and Atkinson of ’24.
4 A&M Students
To Travel Abroad
Football Leagues
Declare Merger
The National and American
professional football leagues end
ed a week of secret meetings
Wednesday with the declaration
that the two leagues would merge
under one commissioner.
The announcement said Pete
Rozelle, NFL commissioner, will
preside over both organizations
subject to the approval of owners
in both leagues.
The statement also said plans
are being made for a preseason
interleague schedule in 1967 with
complete interleague play by
1970. The champions of the two
leagues will meet at the end of
the 1966 season.
Foreign adventure awaits a
Texas A&M delegation which will
participate in travel and work
programs this summer through
out the world.
Four Aggies will go abroad
this month via the Experiment in
International Living program.
They will live with families in
various countries for several
weeks before traveling alone in
other areas for a short time.
Steve Gummer of San Antonio,
president on the Memorial Stu
dent Center Council and Direc
torate, will live with a family in
Germany. He has a $150 MSC
Council Scholarship.
Pedro Garza of Santa Rosa, a
student leader and distinguished
student, is winner of a $950 John
F. Kennedy Scholarship.
Douglas Corey of Morton will
live with a family in Great
Britain. The sophomore aero
space engineering major plans to
be a freelance goodwill ambassa
Patrick Rehmet of Alice will
stay with a Polish family in July
before touring Russia for three
weeks. He is studying Polish at
Experiment headquarters at Put
ney, Vt.
Stephen S. Thurman of Indian
apolis, Ind., and George W. Long
of El Dorado, Ark., hope to tour
Europe on $3 a day. Long began
his trek this week in London.
Thurman launched his journey in
Berlin, where he will study one
Three Aggies and a former
A&M basketball star now attend
ing Harvard University will
work in foreign lands.
Kenneth N. Wegenhoft of
Columbus has a job in a Geneva,
Switzerland, bank through efforts
of George Commas (’36), presi
dent of Esso Mediterranean.
Wegenhoft is an agricultural
economics major.
Lee Walker of Bryan, an
Aggie forward for three years,
will do a political economic and
marketing evaluation of South
ern and Eastern Africa for
Commas. The 1965 physics grad
uate of A&M is pursuing a
graduate degree in business at
Harvard. He is enroute to Europe
on an oil tanker.
Jerry Lummus of Denison is
working for Mene Grande Oil
Company at Santome, Venezuela,
through assistance of Ernest D.
Brockett, (’34), president of Gulf
Oil Corporation. Lummus is a
government major.
Bob Wimbish of Milford, a
spring architecture graduate, is
employed as an architect for the
Greater London Council. He will
be affiliated with the Town De
velopment Division of the Depart
ment of Architecture and Civic
Design. His job was arranged by
James Fadal (’63). Wimbish will
return this fall to enter the
Navy’s Officer Candidate School.
Burke Better
After Accident
Dr. Horace R. Burke, associate
professor of entomology at Texas
A&M, is recovering from a brok
en collarbone after a bicycle ac
cident Sunday at his home.
M. D. Darrow, Burke’s father-
in-law, said the mishap happened
at 4004 Aspen, Bryan, about 6:30
Darrow said Burke was pump
ing Cheryl, his two-year old
daughter, on the handlebars of
his bicycle, when his son, Daniel,
6, swerved a smaller bike into
the path. In an effort to avoid
hitting the boy, Burke flipped
his bicycle on its side. His daugh
ter suffered a skinned arm.
Burke was taken to St. Jos
eph’s Hospital. Darrow said the
collarbone was broken in four
14 Locals
In Meet ' ‘
Speaker of the Texas House of
Representatives, Ben Barnes, con
cluded the State 4-H Roundup at
an awards banquet Wednesday
The awards banquet honored 30
different team contest winners
selected from over 1,400 contest
ants which have been participat
ing in the state’s oldest regularly
scheduled 4-H event. Several of
the state winners will be eligible
to participate in national contests
later in the year. These winners
include dairy cattle, livestock,
and poultry judging teams.
Entertainment following the
banquet included Share-the-fun
acts selected from the contest
A traditional Texas-size barbe
cue officially opened this year’s
4-H Roundup which honor over
2,800 4-H boys and girls, local
4-H adult leaders, county Exten
sion agents and interested 4-H
A highlight of the Roundup
was a Favorite Food Show with
47 Texas teen-age cooks prepar
ing food displays. The girls were
specialists in food preparation as
well as knowledgable in good nu
trition. The young cooks were
picked in county and district con
tests prior to the contest.
A luncheon was also held in the
Ballroom of the Memorial Student
Center honoring 24 adult 4-H
leaders with Extension Director
John C. Hutchison giving the ad
A 4-H Opportunity Fair was
held at G. Rollie White Coliseum
with exhibits presented by the
School of Architecture, the Col
lege of Agriculture, College of
Engineering, College of Liberal
Arts, College of Science, College
of Veterinary Medicine, Connally
Technical Institute, School of
Natural Biosciences, Texas Mari
time Academy, University, Uni
versity Admission Office and
Water Resources Institute.
Brazos County sent 14 4-Hers
to participate in the various con
tests. Derik Matejka, Gayland
Matejka, Larry Isbell, Henry Bat
ten competed as a dairy judging
contest. Teddy Davis and Carl
Mancuso, Vaughn Meiller and
Larry Lero were in poultry team
Ruby Garmer and Genell Jack-
son demonstrated techniques in
civil defense, Anthoinette Ruffino
and Gayle Lightsey competed in
safety, Laura Autry in food and
nutrition education, and Sharon
Shipmon in clothing education
competed with the other partici
pants. All are winners in county
and district contests which earned
them the right to attend the state
. . . event held as part of state Roundup.
Examination, Orientation, Registration
Class Of ’70 Receives
Red Carpet Treatment
“Red carpet” treatment given
Texas A&M incoming freshmen in
summer conferences is an all-uni
versity team effort to close the
gap between high school and col
Summer conferences beginning
today package orientation, test
ing, dean consultation and hous
ing to eliminate registration
chores and lines for the new stu
dent next fall.
New freshmen are given their
choice of 18 two-day conferences
through the summer. Parents are
invited for special sessions.
“The new student committee is
very enthusiastic over prepara
tions for this summer,” comment
ed Auston Kerley, committee
chairman. “We have more reser
vations for this summer than the
two previous.”
Student services include Col
lege Entrance Examination Board
placement test, special course
placement, course planning, dor
mitory assignment and others.
Housekeeping requirements in
clude individual uniform fitting,
laundry marks, identification pho
tographs, books purchase or lay
away and payment of fees.
“In this way, the student is not
lost in the crowd,” Kerley ex
plained. “Attendance at each con
ference is 150 and care is taken
to insure he doesn’t have to stand
in line.”
“The package job provides op
portunity for individual attention
and allows the university to rec
ognize individual problems, de
sires and questions,” A&M’s
Counseling and Testing Center
director said.
The first day of each confer
ence is taken by tests, selection
of non-compulsory ROTC train
ing and branch, dormitory and
room assignment and clothing
measurement. Uniforms are fit
ted and stored for student pickup
at specified times in September.
First night group interpreta
tion of tests, which parents may
attend, explain what tests meas
ure and what students may expect
to ascertain from them. Degree
credit by examination allows the
appropriately prepared student to
achieve credit for a course, elimi
nating it in the fall.
“We point out to him that he
may still take the course for a
better grade,” Kerley said.
Parent orientation is held at 10
a.m. in the Memorial Student
Center and a special meeting dur-
Day Students Get
New Parking Lots
Additional parking lots have
been made available to day stu
dents, according to Ed Powell,
Chief of Campus Security.
The lot behind Law Hall, next
to the West Gate entrance of the
campus, and the lot behind Milner
Hall, located between the main
plant of the college laundry and
the Faculty Exchange Post
Office, have been added to those
listed in Traffic Regulations.
Students are reminded not to
park on Military Walk and other
streets surrounding the Academic
Building and the YMCA, as those
are reserved for faculty and staff
ing the night session explains col
lege jargon, grade point ratio,
hours carried, etc.
Academic deans take over at 8
a.m. the second day for individual
student course planning. Fresh
men then pre-register. Purchase
of books to take advantage of
second-hand prices is suggested.
“If we buy his books now, he
might read some before Septem
ber,” one father pointed out.
Student body organization and
operation plus what is expected
of new students is explained to
freshman and parents.
“When parents get a ‘gripe let
ter,’ they are acquainted with new
student obligations and have a
personal picture of the situation,”
Kerley noted.
“We adopt a common sense at
titude and want to be fair,” he
went on. “Students living long
distances from the campus may
attend a special conference Sept.
Summer conference team effort
is closely coordinated through
deans, housing, military science,
registrar and counseling and test
ing departments.
“Easing freshmen across the
abyss from high school to college
is accomplished by Allen Madeley
of housing, Col. D. L. Baker, Bob
Gleason of the registrar’s office,
Wayne Stark of the MSC, Bennie
Zinn of student affairs and the
deans,” Kerley stated.
They spread a thick carpet for
A&M’s new students.
First Bank & Trust now pays
4%% per annum on savings cer
tificates. —Adv.