The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 02, 1966, Image 1

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It’s Crying Time Again — Final Week
It’s final week at Texas A&M.
This can be deduced from
glazed student expressions and
lack of activity at golf courses,
tennis courts and swimming
Another giveaway is automo
An auto backed to a dorm on
grass normally treaded only by
seniors is a clue. Cars crammed
with clothes, books, radios and
lamps is another.
Aggies clean their rooms and
get clearance in order to be able
to dash from final to auto when
the last quiz is written. Even
“good guys in white hats” could
not catch them afterward.
Sleep, meantime, is snatched
on an unmade bed or in a buddy’s
Other comparisons of exam
week and regular school weeks
reveal little difference.
“It’s just another week,” re
marked Kenny Anderson of Robs-
town, sophomore aerospace engi
neering major. Asked to describe
it in one word, he offered, “Ap
Antoinette Rundt, graduate in
English from Bellevue, Ohio,
views final week similarly.
“The only difference is we
don’t have classes,” said the high
school teacher of two years ex
“It’s more relaxed in the Corps
this week,” remarked George Per
due of San Antonio. The sopho
more civil engineering major said
cadets are tense, strained and
pressed for time during the sem
Judy Elam of Galveston dis
“It’s the end . . . my last
chance,” exclaimed the theatre
arts major.
Rolling with the punches is
senior Clyde Campbell’s philoso
“I don’t sweat ’em too much,”
the math major from Longview
stated. “I did, but discovered
getting in a strain doesn’t make
any difference.”
He believes a good night of
sleep is essential to top perform
ance with the “blue book.”
“If a student doesn’t know it
by now, it’s too late,” Campbell
Mrs. Elam plans her studying
for the week before finals. She
relaxes during free time by bowl
ing or seeing a show.
“I scan my notes the night be
fore, but try not to worry or get
upset,’ the Aggie wife explained.
Completely rewriting all her
notes is the way Mrs. Rundt
“bones up.” The Lake Eric Col
lege for Women graduate says
she spends a night or two rewrit
ing notes, then studies them a
night, spending 15 to 18 hours
in preparation for each final.
Major quizzes,, notes and a
quiet, airconditioned spot are
requisites for Perdue’s studying.
“I find most finals are taken
from major quizzes,” he noted.
“I correct wrong solutions, study
the rest, read my notes and feel
I can do 70 per cent of the final
Anderson believes in the night
owl routine, with modifications.
“If I have a tough course, I’ll
stay up all night with my study
ing. Of course, I don’t make it
a habit,” he said.
“I do most of my studying in
the library reference room. If I
study in my room and get tired,
the bed’s too close — and too easy
to crawl into.”
Cbc Battalion
Volume 61
Number 321
CArus Mm bt.
If I can make 95 on th’ final I’ll get an A in th’ course-
now let’s see how low I can make and get a C!
Second Lieutenant Neil L. Keltner of Lansing, Mich.,
commander of the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M in 1964-
65, admires the 100-pound Hughes Trophy presented to
the university during Final Review by Lt. Gen Thomas W.
Dunn, commander of the 4th U. S. Army. Keltner, named
the outstanding Army ROTC graduate in the nation, also
received a replica of the trophy. The 3-foot-high eagle
will be displayed at A&M for 12 months.
Graduates Hear
Exec, General
A food executive and a general
told 857 Texas A&M students
Saturday of the challenges after
W. B. Murphy, president of
Campbell Soup Company, predict
ed “ingenuity will outpace prob
lems of world development.”
Lt. Gen. Thomas W. Dunn,
commander of the 4th U. S.
Army, said America’s strength
“comes from guns, ships and mis
siles and above all, from well
educated men of faith and deter
The Camden, N. J. businessman
addressed graduates receiving 49
doctorates, 144 master’s degrees
and 664 bachelor’s degrees. The
Carpenter Wins
Summer Grant
Edwin H. Carpenter has been
awarded a fellowship for a sum
mer program in mathematics and
sociology at Cornell University.
Carpenter, who was graduated
last Saturday, was president of
the YMCA at A&M, chairman of
the Chapel Committee, and act
ing civilian chaplain.
A mathematics major, Carpen
ter plans to do graduate work in
sociology this fall at Aggieland.
Sponsor of the June 22 through
July 19 seminar is the Mathema
tical Social Science Board of
[Stanford University’s Center for
Advanced Study in the Behavioral
The summer program is limit
ed to 20 outstanding graduating
seniors who plan to work for an
advanced degree in sociology and
who have mathematical training.
Topics include use of compu
ters, simulation, Markov process
es and applications, sociometric
choice models, game theory, dif
ferential equations, mathematics
in kinship, and critics and pro
ponents of mathematics in social
San Antonio general spoke to 133
new officers at commissioning.
Gold bars went to 93 Army, 37
Air Force and two Marine Corps
second lieutenants and one Navy
ensign. Seven midshipmen from
the Texas Maritime Academy re
ceived ensign commissions in Gal
veston ceremonies.
“We are in a period of world
development that will make our
current standard of living seem
modest,” Murphy said. He added
that aid to growing countries
would be necessary for continuing
American development.
“There must be relief from
misery if there is to be relief
from war,” he added.
Dunn warned new officers of
dangers to U. S. freedom.
“History has shown that when
liberty becomes license, freedom
from want becomes freedom from
work, freedom of speech becomes
freedom from truth and freedom
from fear becomes freedom from
duty,” Dunn added.
The former Fort Hood com
mander praised A&M’s military
record and recalled service with
Aggies in World War II and in
“I have always had great ad
miration for A&M and the caliber
of officers that come from this
Corps of Cadets,” Dunn said.
During commencement, Presi
dent Earl Rudder announced four
recipients of A&M’s highest hon
or for graduates, the Distin
guished Alumni Award.
Receiving the awards were
Houston oilman W. T. Doherty,
Texas Highway Department En
gineer D. C. Greer of Austin, Col
lege Station Congressman Olin E.
Teague and Southwestern Bell
Telephone President R. C. Good-
son of St. Louis, Mo.
Royce C. Wisenbaker of Tyler,
president of the Association of
Former Students, presented Rud
der with a check for $575,242 rep
resenting contributions from 14,-
073 exes to A&M’s Development
Officials Open
Dorm Damage
Repair Study
Battalion Staff Writer
Student Affairs Director Bennie Zinn said Wednesday
a definite solution to the problem of paying for recent
waterfight damage has not been found.
Zinn said he has held three meetings with civilian stu
dent leaders from the area during the past two weeks in an
attempt to find an agreeable system.
“Our original plan was to bill all the people in dormi
tories 19, 20, and 21 $2 each,” he explained. “This would
just about take care of all the bills from the Buildings and
Utilities Department for repairs.”
The dormitories were damaged in a water-throwing
fracas May 9 following acts of vandalism two days earlier.
Silver Taps Held
For Auto Victim
cut off all water and electri
city in the dorms, removed
heads from toilets and
flooded the dorms. Water
over a foot deep was reported to
have damaged books, shoes,
clothes, and electronic equipment
in many students’ rooms.
The May 9 episode was consid
ered a reprisal for the earlier act.
During that episode, water was
thrown through first-floor win
dows, further damaging student
property as well as walls and
floors in the dormitories.
Similar outbursts had drawn
national publicity April 16.
“WE HAVE recommended that
the civilian students’ end of the
damages be paid for out of dor
mitory accounts rather than by
individual billing,” Zinn said.
“We wanted to save time in order
to get this done before school was
Cadet Corps units in the dormi
tories collected $2 per person.
Any cadets who did not pay the
fee before the end of the semester
was to be billed by the university.
“There are approximately 1,400
students involved here,” Zinn
pointed out. “If we could collect
$2,800 we could just about take
care of all the bills from the
Buildings and Utilities depart
ment, with a small amount left
over for personal damages.”
ZINN SAID there is no accur
ate estimate of the amount of
damage to personal property.
“About two-thirds of the students
realized they’d never be able to
get anything from the university
for the property loss they suf
fered, and they didn’t turn in re
ports of damage,” he explained.
“On the basis of the reports
filed by the other third, I’d say
the property losses might run as
high as $7,000.”
Zinn said meetings had been
held with presidents of Walton
Hall and dormitories 19, 20, and
21, with a delegation from dormi
tory 20, and with other repre
sentatives of dorms 19, 20, and
P. Hannigan and Howard S. Per
ry, student counselor in the Stu
dent Affairs Department were in
on the meetings, Zinn said. Eu
gene C. Oats, counselor for dorms
20 and 21, has been unable to at
tend meetings because of recent
“We’ve probably put in 100
hours of study on this problem,”
Zinn commented. “We were hop
ing to get it done without making
out bills for everybody.”
Silver Taps ceremonies were
held Monday night for William
N. Shadel II, a senior mechanical
engineering student killed in an
auto accident last week.
Shadel, 22, was a passenger in
a car driven by Robert C. Farrier,
a Dallas graduate student here.
The sports car failed to negotiate
a curve, ran off the roadway and
turned over near Tunis, a small
community 11 miles east of Cald
Shadel was due to graduate in
He was the son of Lt. Col. and
Mrs. William Noel Shadel of
Glendale, Ariz. Funeral services
were held Tuesday in Loma Lin
da, California.
Reveille II, Texas A&M mascot for the last manding officer of Company E-2, the outfit
14 years, meets Reveille III, an eight-week traditionally responsible for the mascot’s
old collie pup who will replace Rev. II as well-being. E-2 mascot corporal John V.
mascot. With Rev II is Andrew Salge, com- Harris holds Rev III.
New Mascot Takes Over
Rev II Ends Reign
Texas A&M has a new top dog.
She’s Reveille III, an Alaskan-
born Collie pup. A&M’s second
Rev, now 15 years old, suffers
from arthritis and a chronic kid
ney disease. She retired at Final
Former Hungarian Minister
To Teach Summer Course
The new mascot is a gift from
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Husa of
Fairbanks, Alaska. Their twin
sons, Randy and Steve Andes,
presented the puppy to Student
Senate President Barney Fudge
at Final Review.
“We offered to donate a puppy
as soon as Rev’s retirement was
announced,” said Randy, a junior
geophysics major. “We firmed
up the deal with the Senate be
fore she was born,” noted his twin
Graduates and advanced under
graduates will be accepted Mon
day for a three-week course in
European history taught by Dr.
Ferenc F. Nagy, former Prime
Minister of Hungary.
Dr. J. M. Nance, head of the
Department of History and Gov
ernment, said the course would
carry three hours of credit. Reg
istration will be completed at
Sbisa Hall from 7 a.m. until 3
p.m., he added.
“This course is a wonderful op
portunity to learn history from
one who has been a participant
in its making,” Nance pointed out.
Nagy, Prime Minister until the
Communist takeover of Hungary
in 1947, will lecture on “Develop
ments in Central and Eastern
Europe since 1930.” Dr. David
R. Woodward, assistant profes
sor of modern European history,
will assist in the course.
Born in 1903, Nagy helped
form the Independent Smallhold
ers’ Party in Hungary in 1930
and in 1939 he was elected to
Parliament. During World War
Summer Session
Registration Set
Registration for the summer
session begins Monday.
Enrollment is expected to ex
ceed last summer’s all time high
of 4,327, Registrar H. L. Heaton
The signup for classes begins
at 7 a.m. in Sbisa Hall. Last day
to enroll is June 9, Heaton noted.
The term ends July 15.
II he was active in the resistance
against Germany and for some
months in 1944 was a prisoner of
the Gestapo.
Named president of the Hun
garian National Assembly in
1945, Nagy was elected Prime
Minister of the First Republican
Government of Hungary in 1946.
Since 1947, he had been a resi
dent of the United States but has
kept in contact with European
affairs by 50 trips abroad, Nance
“Dr. Nagy has published exten
sively on European affairs and
brings to his class a first-hand
acquaintance with the leading
events and personalities who are
and have been the decision mak
ers of the modern world,” Nance
Pinkie Reports
73,569 Visitors
The second best year for visi
tors at Texas A&M—73,569 in
1965-66—brings the total to 1,-
065,582 guests for the 17 years
P. L. (Pinkie) Downs Jr. has been
compiling figures as official
Eighteen groups numbering 22,-
721 attended commencement,
short courses, reunions, confer
ences and other scheduled meet
ings during May.
Downs estimates a million plus
visitors from June 1, 1949, to
June 1, 1966, spent $22,377,222 in
the community.
Steve, a junior mechanical engi
neering student.
Fudge explained that although
Reveille II is retiring she will
still have a place of honor with
students as long as she lives. Giv
en to the school by Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Weinert of Seguin, the
“only gal in the Corps” has been
near death several times this
Randy and his “older” brother
(by 10 minutes) came to A&M in
1963. They chose the school be
cause of its reputation as an en
gineering school, they said.
The new Reveille was eight
weeks old when she was flown
to College Station. Her thick coat,
suitable for the cooler Alaskan
climate, is her only adjustment
Rev III takes her first of
ficial trip around the drill
Researchers Get
$38,900 Grant
A $38,900 grant renewal for re
search of marine organisms in
the Antarctic Sea has been made
to the Texas A&M Research
Foundation by the National
Science Foundation.
A&M President Earl Rudder
was notified of the grant for re
search work in “Lipid Composi
tion of Antarctic Marine Organ
isms and Sea Water,” under di
rection of Lela M. Jeffrey and
Dr. Nestor M. Bottino.
Miss Jeffrey, Department of
Oceanography research scientist,
will continue her third year of
study of organic compounds and
lipid chemistry of the w r aters.
Bottino is assistant professor in
the Biochemistry and Nutrition
The original Antarctic studies
grant was made in 1964 and re
newed last spring.
Bottino, who joined A&M’s fac
ulty in 1965, acquired advance de
grees in chemistry at the Univer
sity of LaPlata in Argentina.
First Bank & Trust now pays
4%% per annum on savings cer
tificates. —Adv.